Saturday 5 October 2013

Virgin Birth

Rasa Von Werder, photographer, is building a Mega-Website to house her work; an education / spiritual vehicle that will put God back into Sex & Sex back into Religion.  It is a fall-back to our Original Source:  Mother God - When She was worshiped, women were venerated & Sex was Sacred.  We will revive Goddess Religion, Shaktiism, & Tantra Sex.  We will teach men how to worship God through the woman's body & how to make love to Her in a pleasing manner.


 "The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets", by Barbara G. Walker.

Virgin Birth

"Holy Virgin" was the title of harlot-priestesses of Ishtar, Asherah or Aphrodite.  The title didn't mean physical virginity; it meant simply "unmarried,"  The function of such "holy virgins" was to dispense the Mother's grace through sexual worship; to heal; to prophesy; to perform sacred dances; to wail for the dead; and to become Brides of God.

Children born of such temple women were called by the Semites bathur, by the Greeks parthenioi, "virgin-born."  According to the Protoevangelium, the Virgin Mary was a kadesha and perhaps married to one of that class of priests known as "fathers of the god." 

Mary's impregnation was similar to Persephone's.  In her Virgin guise, Persephone sat in a holy cave and began to weave the great tapestry of the universe, when Zeus appeared as a phallic serpent, to beget the savior Dionysus on her.  Mary sat in the temple and began to spin a blood-red thread, representing Life in the tapestry of fate, when the angel Gabriel "came in unto her" (Luke 1:28), the biblical phrase for sexual intercourse.  Gabriel's name means literally "divine husband."

Hebrew Gospels designated Mary by the word almah, mistakenly translated "virgin," but really meaning "young woman."  It was derived from Persian Al-Mah, the unmated Moon-goddess.  Another cognate was Latin alma, "living soul of the world," virtually identical to Greek psyche, Sanskrit shakti.  The Holy Virgins or temple-harlots were "soul-teachers" or "soul-mothers" – the alma mater.

Christian translators insisted on rendering Mary's title as "virgin," which saddled their religion with an embarrassing article of faith.  Even today, theologians like Karl Barth declare that "It is essential to the true Christian faith to accept the doctrine of the virgin birth" – thus drastically reducing the number of people who can be called true Christians.

Early Christians demanded a virgin birth for their Savior out of simple imitativeness.  All the other Saviors had one, for they were both of the Goddess incarnated in a chosen "virgin of the temple," whose business it was to bear Saviors.  The notion that mortal women were impregnated by gods or spirits was a matter of everyday acceptance throughout the ancient world.  Even the Old Testament say archaic "giants" (ancestral heroes) were born of mortal women impregnated by spirits that came from God (Genesis 6:4).

Zoroaster, Sargon, Perseus, Jason, Miletus, Minos, Asclepius, and dozens of others were God-begotten and virgin-born.  Even Zeus, the Heavenly Father who begot many other "virgin-born" heroes, was himself called Zeus Marnas, "Virgin-born Zeus."  Plutarch noted among the Egyptians the common belief that the spirit of God was capable of sexual intercourse with mortal women.

Heracles was born of another almah, the Virgin Alcmene, whose name means Power of the Moon.  Her husband also, like the biblical Joseph, kept away from her bed during pregnancy.  The same tale was told of Plato, whose nephew affirmed that he was begotten by the god Apollo, his earthly parents having no sexual relations until after his birth.  Christians believed this, and solemnly attested that Plato was a virgin-born son of the sun-god.

Rasa Von Werder, photographer, is building a Mega-Website to house her work; an education / spiritual vehicle that will put God back into Sex & Sex back into Religion.  It is a fall-back to our Original Source:  Mother God - When She was worshiped, women were venerated & Sex was Sacred.  We will revive Goddess Religion, Shaktiism, & Tantra Sex.  We will teach men how to worship God through the woman's body & how to make love to Her in a pleasing manner.

After Christianity was established as the official religion of the Roman empire, however, church fathers tried to discredit all other virgin births by claiming that the devil had devised them, and maliciously placed them in a past time, so they would pre-date the real Savior.  Justin Martyr wrote, "when I am told that Perseus was born of a virgin I realize that here again is a case in which the serpent and deceiver has imitated our religion."

Despite the efforts of church fathers, the virgin birth of Jesus was neither the first nor the last such miracle given credence by Christians.  Priapic idols of antiquity, credited with the power to father children, actually fathered other priapic idols who become saints like Foutin, Gurtlichon, Gilles, Refnaud, and Guignole; these were credited with the same powers of fertilization and were much adored by women who desired offspring.  Women of Tuscany and Portugal thought they could become pregnant by eating apples specially consecrated by a priest.  Spaniards remembered the virgin birth of Mars, and thought any woman could conceive like Mars's mother Juno, by eating a lily.  It was believed that souls could enter a woman's body in the form of flies, worms, or serpents, to cause impregnation.  Cases were solemnly documented, like that of a Scot named Gillie Downak Chravolick, conceived when his mother raised her skirts on an old battlefield and received into her "private member" some ashes from the burned bones of dead warriors.  As impregnation by a god use to be the "acceptable explanation for pregnancy in most pagan countries where the sexual act was part of the fertility rites," so Christians thought impregnation by spirits was still credible, whether the alleged father was a dead hero, a devil, an incubus, or even –in some sects-the Holy Ghost again.

Such an untenable belief survived because it was important to men.  The impossible virgin mother was everyman's longed-for resolution of Oedipal conflicts: pure maternity, never distracted from her devotion by sexual desires.  Churchmen unwittingly showed their anxiety by denying even the evidence of their own Gospels that Jesus had brothers and sisters.  St. Ambrose insisted that Mary never conceived again, since God couldn't have chosen for his mother-bride "a woman who would defile the heavenly chamber with the seed of a man."

Theologians in effect severed the two halves of the pagan Goddess, whose realistic femininity combined abundant sexuality and maternity.  One half was labelled harlot and temptress, the other a female ascetic even in motherhood.  The Goddess's old title, Sancta Matrona-Holy Mother- was added to the canon of saints as a phony St. Matrona, whose pseudo-biography made her a "hermitess."

The primitive naïveté of the virgin-birth concept was dressed in pretentious verbiage, purporting to explain it, while actually hiding it from prying eyes.  "A shadow is formed by light falling upon a body, but the power of the most High overshadowed her, which incorporeal light of the godhead took a human body with her, and so she was able to bear God."

Churchmen often presented the doctrine of the virgin birth as "ennobling" to women, since they viewed women's natural sexuality as degrading.   Seldom were female sexuality and motherhood perceived as component parts of the same whole.  Some women were astute enough to see that the doctrine effectively degraded read womanhood by exalting a ever-attainable ideal.  At the end of the 19th century on woman wrote:

I think that the doctrine of the Virgin birth as something higher, sweeter, nobler than ordinary motherhood, is a slur on all the natural motherhood of the world…Out of this doctrine, and that which is akin to it, have sprung all the monasteries and nuns of the world, which have disgraced and distorted and demoralized manhood and womanhood for a thousand years.  I place beside this false, monkish, unnatural claim…my mother, who was a holy in her motherhood as Mary herself.

Rasa Von Werder, photographer, is building a Mega-Website to house her work; an education / spiritual vehicle that will put God back into Sex & Sex back into Religion.  It is a fall-back to our Original Source:  Mother God - When She was worshiped, women were venerated & Sex was Sacred.  We will revive Goddess Religion, Shaktiism, & Tantra Sex.  We will teach men how to worship God through the woman's body & how to make love to Her in a pleasing manner.

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