Friday 30 December 2011


Rasa Von Werder, Dec. 2011, has published her 15th book with herself & nude muscular, well hung hotties."  "Old Woman - Young Man, Why They Belong Together, Part I & Part II" hot off the press...See

Rasa Von Werder, Dec. 2011, has published her 15th book with herself & nude muscular, well hung hotties."  "Old Woman - Young Man, Why They Belong Together, Part I & Part II" hot off the press...See

2011 Completion of Human Consciousness - IAN XEL LUNGOLD ON THE MEANING OF THE MAYAN CALENDAR


Have we finally finished evolving?  That is what the Mayan calendar says, that our consciousness will be raised to the zenith in 2012


Rasa Von Werder, Dec. 2011, has published her 15th book with herself & nude muscular, well hung hotties."  "Old Woman - Young Man, Why They Belong Together, Part I & Part II" hot off the press...See

Rasa Von Werder, Dec. 2011, has published her 15th book with herself & nude muscular, well hung hotties."  "Old Woman - Young Man, Why They Belong Together, Part I & Part II" hot off the press...See

Rasa Von Werder, Dec. 2011, has published her 15th book with herself & nude muscular, well hung hotties."  "Old Woman - Young Man, Why They Belong Together, Part I & Part II" hot off the press...See

Rasa Von Werder, Dec. 2011, has published her 15th book with herself & nude muscular, well hung hotties."  "Old Woman - Young Man, Why They Belong Together, Part I & Part II" hot off the press...See

Rasa Von Werder, Dec. 2011, has published her 15th book with herself & nude muscular, well hung hotties."  "Old Woman - Young Man, Why They Belong Together, Part I & Part II" hot off the press...See

Rasa Von Werder, Dec. 2011, has published her 15th book with herself & nude muscular, well hung hotties."  "Old Woman - Young Man, Why They Belong Together, Part I & Part II" hot off the press...See

Rasa Von Werder, Dec. 2011, has published her 15th book with herself & nude muscular, well hung hotties."  "Old Woman - Young Man, Why They Belong Together, Part I & Part II" hot off the press...See

Rasa Von Werder, Dec. 2011, has published her 15th book with herself & nude muscular, well hung hotties."  "Old Woman - Young Man, Why They Belong Together, Part I & Part II" hot off the press...See

Rasa Von Werder, Dec. 2011, has published her 15th book with herself & nude muscular, well hung hotties."  "Old Woman - Young Man, Why They Belong Together, Part I & Part II" hot off the press...See

Rasa Von Werder, Dec. 2011, has published her 15th book with herself & nude muscular, well hung hotties."  "Old Woman - Young Man, Why They Belong Together, Part I & Part II" hot off the press...See

Rasa Von Werder, Dec. 2011, has published her 15th book with herself & nude muscular, well hung hotties."  "Old Woman - Young Man, Why They Belong Together, Part I & Part II" hot off the press...See

Monday 19 December 2011

“Satan Rules the World, & He Works Through Men”

working on this now for my 15th book - It's a rough draft & will be greatly improved - content & writing

“Satan Rules the World, & He Works Through Men” – Old Demons Working to Create New Ones
I have a great new insight or vision.  It has been won by a lifetime of effort, & I believe it is true.  Here it is:
The ORIGIN OF EVIL – The Christian Myth of Lucifer & His Demons – What Really Happened “in Heaven?”
By RasaVon Werder
What Really Happened is that the Human Male turned against Mother God & Women – this Myth personifies what happened “in Heaven” & Earth & I will prove my case.
We all know the Christian myth where Lucifer, looking in the mirror at his own beauty, decided he was the fairest of the fair & said to God,
“I will not serve!”
With this statement, he immediately fell from grace, & lost the beauty & light that he had, & turned into the “serpent” or “reptilian” called Satan, & was cast into Hell by St. Michael the Archangel, who said to him & anyone,
“Who is like God?”

With Satan “one third” of Heaven emptied out – all those who agreed with him followed him into Hell for all eternity, where their job now is to assault the human race - which they hate with all their might - & tempt us to sin relentlessly, never giving up the pursuit of destruction.
I have studied the nature of demons in my ministry as a Catholic & from the great Protestant exorcist, Bob Larson.  I purchased all his valuable teachings on audio/video, $1,000. worth, & have been doing successful exorcisms most of my life. 
I am going to say my words “ex Cathedra” – as the Pope of the “ Mother God Church,” & that means I am infallible! (smile)
This myth personifies the male desire to defy women & their Mother God, feeling they were as good as women or better, & therefore they should not serve women nor the image of God as them.  This portrays “the Leader or Leadership being able to convince one third of the male population to go along with them.  Interestingly, the myth appears within Patriarchal religion & can be taken as a secret message from men who STILL WORSHIPPED MOTHER GOD & WOMEN.  The men who are AGAINST Mother God & women are the ones who’ve tried to convince us YOU MUST BELIEVE THAT SATAN & DEMONS ARE LIVING CREATURES, SEPARATE FROM US, THEY ARE NOT PSYCHOLOGICAL STATES OR PARTS OF OUR EVIL SELVES, WE ABSOLUTELY MUST BELIEVE THEY ARE TANGIBLE, LIVING, SEPARATE CREATURES.  (From that point of view, indeed, evil persons are living creatures.)
The next interesting moment is where the story tells us that the instant the leader & his men made the decision to turn their back on God as Mother, they were DOOMED to Hell for all eternity & all they do 24/7 is try to get the human race to join them!  Does this not sound like Patriarchal men, all their governments & institutions?
The devils are all LIARS FROM THE FIRST, & they come to STEAL, KILL & DESTROY – is this not PATRIARCHAL MEN & women?  They are con artists, users, cheats & thieves.  They will kill you if they think they can get away with it.
Do you not see with me, ever so clearly, that men have created HELL ON EARTH, & want EVERYONE TO BE IN IT & that those who THINK LIKE THEM are also doomed & will live outside the Love of Mother God, encased in the Hell of their own hate & limitation?
Patriarchy is a death trap – “the pit of no return.”.  It lives as a sociopath, a thing unto itself, whereas Mother God’s religion, voiced by Jesus, says to love others as you love yourself, & forgive them who hurt you.
Jesus also said,
“Satan is the Prince of this World.”
The hypothesis that Lucifer/Satan demons are symbols of Patriarchy & its manifesto makes incredible sense.
If you ask
“Who is Satan?”
You get,
“He is a living perverted, evil creature, who lives outside the grace of God & wants to bring people to sin & eternal perdition.”
Edited with remarks from Rasa:
In traditional Christian understanding of the holy Hebrew scriptures, the Torah, Satan is a synonym for the Devil. For most Christians, he is believed to be an angel who rebelled against God—
(ed:  specifically, males who were once part of the Matriarchal Heaven – God the Mother was Queen - & they rebelled against her, & against Matriarchs, & against Matriarchal principles of Life.)
and also the one who spoke through the serpent and seduced Eve into disobeying God's command. His ultimate goal is to lead people away from the love of God—to lead them to fallacies which God opposes.
(ed:  All Patriarchal tenets are fallacies, all their beliefs, at the core, are evil.  Everything they do is outside of Love, it is for personal profit, for control, & damage to others, to all life.  A Patriarch is a sociopath, a perverted, twisted being who if he is the head of a family will kill every member in it, & ultimately himself.)
 Satan is also identified as the accuser of Job, the tempter in the Gospels, the secret power of lawlessness in 2 Thessalonians 2:7, and the dragon in the Book of Revelation.
(ed:  sounds like every-day politics & business as usual in our society.)
 Before his insurrection, Satan was among the highest of all angels and the "brightest in the sky". His pride is considered a reason why he would not bow to God as all other angels did, but sought to rule heaven himself.
(ed:  Heaven was Matriarchy, & he was one of its servants, but he sought to rule Heaven himself!  Pride?  They are built on it.  Why did they want to rule Heaven/Women – take Mother God off her throne & put a man there?
They wanted to dominate.
Women were taught to bow to men, to serve men, sacrifice for them, do anything men wanted.  They cooked & cleaned, they primped, they spent all they had on being beautiful, they had to charm them day & night.  Women were sluts when they wanted sluts, madonnas when they wanted housewife’s, whatever they wanted – women had to do. Institutionalized discrimination closed all doors to women except marriage, it stopped them from education, jobs, & security, slave security came from being servants of men in marriage, without a man, women faced poverty. This was ALL PLANNED BY THE DEMON MEN.)
 The popularly held beliefs that Satan was once a prideful angel who eventually rebels against God, however, are not portrayed explicitly in the Bible and are mostly based on inference (e.g., Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14:12–17). In mainstream Christianity he is called "the ruler of the demons" (Matt. 12:24), "the ruler of the world" and "the god of this world". (2 Cor. 4:4).
(ed:  God of this world, indeed.  The male leadership of this world is worshipped, it was once Goddesses, then it became the “reign of the phallus,” the steeples/dicks on top of their fake churches instead of domes/caves of Matriarchy.)
 The Book of Revelation describes how Satan will be cast out of Heaven, down to the earth, having "great anger" and waging war against "those who obey God's commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus". Ultimately, Satan is thrown into the "Lake of fire", not as ruler, but as one among many, being tormented day and night forever and ever.
(ed:  Yes, it is the ultimate frustration/rage of Satanic male that he cannot be worshipped as is Woman
Man is NOT THE SOURCE OF LIFE, Dr. Bryan Sykes describes him as a “parasite” on the body of a woman – anthropologist Ashley Montague explained this in 1952.
When a bully tries to take the place of the leader but can’t, he’s going to be angry.
Every woman knows how quickly men get hysterical when we assert our dominance.  You take a risk for acting like an independent human, speak with dignity, no kow towing to them, a full emancipated human, with her own thoughts, not centered on him, not living for him, - this makes him freak out.  This is the Satan in him which wants to believe WE MUST SERVE HIM, NOT HE US.
But thank God, according to the myth, only one third of males wants to DOMINATE.  Thank God for small mercies, two thirds of them want to obey. 
When you dwell on THE RAGE OF SATAN it’s a perfect analogy to the dickheaded, arrogant son-of-a prick that calls himself  “manly,” the kind that tortures animals, children, women & other men – another characteristic is they are either HOT or COLD – Hell goes both ways.
When they want to bed you they are hot with passion, every word a lie – typical.  Now they feel POWER – “I had her – I am in the driver’s seat NOW I CAN REJECT HER & I WILL, WHAT JOLLY FUN!”  When they have had their pleasure they are cold as ice, no words because they are not speaking to you any more.  So they either burn you or freeze you to death in their Hell.
Can’t wait to see them thrown into the Lake of Fire.
How did they become this way?  Through the agency of old men or demons from the Hell of Patriarchy.
Demons from the Hell of Patriarchy – What They Teach the Young Men – Why Subsequently Young Males Don’t Know How to “Make Love”
The way men “make love” is a sore point with many women.  The way you relate with, or your attitude with another, is determined by what you think & feel about the other.  You’re going to treat someone differently if you harbor great respect or lack respect for them.  Young men are taught not to respect women.
In broad brushstrokes Patriarchy has made sure that women would not have the slightest chance of being loved or looked up to.  For a woman to even have the imitation of respect rendered a “respectable housewife,” a “lady” or “Madonna”, she has to forfeit her human rights & liberty.  I have a motto that says,
“I used to be a lady, but it wasn’t any fun.”
Ladies don’t like sex – they are sexually repressed, they are always monogamous.  I don’t know what their version of “fun” would be, but life can only be enjoyed as compliant, dutiful members of Patriarchy, no conflicting thoughts or actions against it, no behavior disapproved by the old demons.  You dwell on that, I don’t have time.
Following that, the next question would be what sort of sex lovers would these guys be, raised by the old demons?  They would be miserable lovers, selfish, without regard for a woman’s feelings.
“Making love” expands beyond sex, before & after.  Making love begins in the mind – the perception of the lover.  Thoughts & feelings regarding the lover are the prelude to consummation, in fact, the act of “making love” & “orgasm,” if any, are only a minor bump in the road of love.
It seems to me that using a woman as a “garbage disposal for sperm,”  “a place to dump a load” is not love, but it is mainly the perception old demons want males to have.  This is how they see it,
“Son, women are for using.  Men are for admiring.  You admire other men for their manly qualities, which means, men are heroes.  Admire men, use other men as role models, do not take women seriously, do not listen to them, do not admire them.  If you listen to women, obey them, even your Mother, you are a sissy & a Mamma’s boy.  Men do not obey women, they obey men.”
In this way, the old demon sets up the young man for WAR.
For what else does obedience to other men lead up to?  Of course, you would have competition under any circumstances, Matriarchal as well as Patriarchal, but in Matriarchy, males would be competing for the favors of women, to live under the authority of this or that woman.  But in a Patriarchal society, when a man “wins,” he gains a “harem” of women who belong to him.  In the old days men had physical harems where women were kept under lock & key, their property.  This then shrunk down to men with multiple mistresses – only the most extreme Patriarchs still have physical harems.  Then after mistresses, you simply had males with a lot of women lovers, they didn’t support them, but they had liberty to bed them.
Not so for the women, their sexual opportunities were limited - today, this has changed drastically & is moving in the direction of multiple partners & harems for women.
Old demon continues:
“Son, the last thing you would ever want to do would be to love a woman, this is weakness.  Show no feelings.  She has a hole between her legs, & also, her mouth.  Fuck one of those holes or both.  If she is to be your wife, then show some consideration, if not, throw her to the curb when you’re done – you owe her no kind of allegiance or kindness just because she allowed you to fuck her.” 
The problem with women gaining control – there was never a way where one lone woman could beat the system, could get the rights & respect she deserved, when the entire society went against her.  One lone wolf doth not make a pack, there has to be group mobilization, union,, for women to get their rights & respect.  Just as the power of the demon-males was won over thousands of years, in spots, until it took hold of most of the world, that power must also be won back by women, not in thousands of years, but within hundreds.  2200 looms as a time, for me, when we will be inside Matriarchy once again.
This entire system of men against women & Mother God, entailed a completely new world, which took thousands of years of stealing from what women had created, usurping it, misappropriating the good of the women’s creation into Patriarchy, then twisting & ruining it, changing all belief systems so they would be anti-women, pro-men, erasing all the good women had done from history, pretending that history started with male wars – what an elaborate spider web of lies Satan wrought! He’s been working at it for a long time, & now, it’s unraveling!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

abuse of science to empower tyrannical governments and corrupt industries

Kellie Everts, (Rasa Von Werder)

...11 22 11
Someone thinks Rasa Von Werder is TOO HARD ON MEN, I mean PREACHING THE TRUTH about how Mother God IS IMPLEMENTING THEIR EXTINCTION? 

That real leading anthropologists/scientists say they are PARASITES on the bodies of women, that Dr. Bryan Sykes, world’s leading geneticist says that human males ARE A GENETIC MODIFICATION EXPERIMENT THAT DID NOT WORK, & NATURE IS REMOVING THEM?
This is why Mother God no longer wants human males on this planet - their instinct, when they rule the world, has brought them to this.  Only women can save the planet & they will (see my book "Can Female Power Save the Planet?), within several generations - human males, by the breakdown of the Y chromosome, will be no more, in about 100,000 years. Women will reproduce without males because the egg is a reproductive cell, the sperm is NOT (it’s DNA info.), - 23 chromosomes from one egg put into the egg of another female creates two-woman parenting & an all-female offspring.  But until then men are crumbling from within, getting more feminine from phthalates & medical wastes, their own vomit, the Y chromosome breakdown has 8% of them infertile now.  Women are rising in education & work, from the grass roots, soon enough, they will reach the top, along the way ousting men, taking over all their institutions & transforming the evil venues of men (medical science, academics, religion & government).  This is the only help & hope for humanity, Mother God has won, the mitochondrial DNA has beaten the Y chromosome – She & her offspring will continue, the demons will be ousted. My information comes from Dr. Bryan Sykes, “Adam’s Curse – A Future Without Men,” Oxford U. & Dr. Steve Jones, geneticist, London U., “Y – the Descent of Men.” As well as from anthropologist Dr. Ashley Montagu “The Natural Superiority of Women.”
(NaturalNews) What corporate-driven "science" has in mind for the future of humanity is far different from the dreamy utopian landscape that's been portrayed by the mainstream media. To hear the corporate-run media tell it, science is always "good" for humanity. Scientific achievements are always called "advances" and not "setbacks," even though many of them have proven to be disastrous for humanity (atomic bombs, for example, or GMOs).
While pure science is, indeed, a necessary component of any civilization which seeks to expand its understanding of the universe, what we see dominating the landscape today isn't pure science but corporate-driven "science" that only seeks to accelerate corporate profits, not human understanding. And with that corporate-slanted science comes a whole new era of truly terrifying technologies that we may soon see become reality in our world.
Here, I've compiled a list of ten future technologies that might be used to strip away your freedoms and enslave you to the corporate globalist masters, all under the label of "science."
#1) Organ harvesting from genetically modified, patented pigs
Need a replacement heart or lung? No worries, mate! Monsanto will grow you a new one using a genetically modified, trans-species pig (patent pending) that was raised on GMO animal feed and subjected to organ harvesting while it was still alive in order to keep the organs "fresh."
Your government-approved, Medicare-funded transplant will be handled by one of the top U.S. hospitals, which are, even today, deeply engaged in black market organ trafficking and illegal transplantations.
#2) "Behavioral vaccines" that rewire your brain to eliminate dissent
Disobedience is a disease! And the "cure" for disobedience (or Oppositional Defiance Disorder, as they call it) will be a new "vaccine" that biologically rewires your brain to make you more socially acceptable to the controllers.
It will be called a "behavioral vaccine" even though, in reality, it's just a chemical lobotomy. This technology will be a cornerstone of the global police state, which will have no tolerance for independent thinking or critical thought of any kind, especially against the state.
#3) Centralized, remote monitoring of all your health statistics and vital signs by the police state
Think your medical records are really private? Think again: Even now, the U.S. government maintains a secret centralized bank of blood taken from children at birth. In the near future, citizens will be implanted with biometric monitoring chips that relay information back to the government about your pulse, respiration, and the presence of either illegal drugs or legalized pharmaceuticals (which are often the very same chemicals as illegal drugs, just re-branded as a medication).
These chips will be used by the government to enforce people taking their medications. They will also be used to locate and arrest those who smoke a little pot or take addictive substances without a prescription.
But most importantly, these chips will be used to monitor nutritional levels and make sure no one attains a high level of vitamin D, for example, which promotes clear thinking and strong cognitive function ( Under scientific dictatorship, the sheeple must be kept in a state of chronic nutritional deficiency in order to be easily controlled. This will all be sold to the public as a way for the government to monitor their "safety" because, the government will claim, "Too much vitamin D can be dangerous!" So they will set the upper safety limits to the lower threshold of cognitive awakening, making sure that everyone remains in a mental stupor as they live out their state-run lives.
#4) The total secrecy of all food ingredients, sources and places of origin
As the food industry is increasingly invaded by junk science (GMOs, anyone?), efforts will increase to hide all the chemical ingredients in food products and rename dangerous-sounding chemicals into nice-sounding chemicals.
The Corn Refiners Association is already trying to rename "High Fructose Corn Syrup" to "corn sugar." ( Aspartame is now going to be called "AminoSweet," and MSG has been renamed things like "yeast extract" or "Torula yeast powder."
But it's going to get far worse as fraudulent science accelerates food industry deceptions. Expect to see preservatives like "sodium benzoate" renamed as things like, "Freshiness crystals." Or "artificial colors" might be described as "Fortified with pretty colors."
Above all, the food industry wants to hide where its foods come from, how they are made, and what's in them, because all three of those categories are bad news for your health.
#5) The complete criminalization of home-produced foods and medicines, forcing total reliance on factory food production
Speaking of food, corrupt "scientists" will soon insist that growing your own food is extremely dangerous because you might grow e.coli in your garden! With such absurd justifications, home gardening will be completely outlawed in many towns, and those who try to secretly grow tomatoes will be arrested and imprisoned as if they were heroin smugglers.
The idea of all this is to make the population completely dependent on centralized factory food production, in the same way the population is currently dependent on centralized electricity and centralized fossil fuels. This will all be justified with the help of "scientists" who claim that factory-produced food is safer for you because it's all pasteurized, irradiated and fumigated.
#6) The unleashing of a global bioweapon pandemic through seasonal flu shots
Whereas vaccines were once intended to prevent disease, they are now being increasingly weaponized and engineered to spread disease, which is why most of the people who get the flu each winter are the very same people who routinely take flu shots.
In the near future, as the globalists decide the world population has reached its upper tolerable limit, a live "population control" virus will be engineered right into the vaccines, followed by an aggressive vaccine push that even offers to pay people to receive flu shots. (Get a flu shot, earn $25!)
The whole scheme, of course, is nothing more than a population control measure designed to eliminate all the lower-IQ people on the planet who are stupid enough to allow themselves to be injected with biological weapons packaged and sold as vaccines. Effectively, it's really a eugenics program that the globalists believe will save the human race from the rise of stupidity (no matter what the cost in human suffering).
#7) Total government control over your reproduction and the genetic code of your "offspring"
Copulating with the person of your choice and producing your own "random" offspring will no longer be allowed under the scientific police state. Reproduction must be carefully controlled through licensing and regulation to make sure that no unexpected results occur.
Before having children, parents will need to apply to the government for permission to reproduce, at which point they will be genetically and cognitively profiled, then granted a reproduction classification status that must be strictly followed to avoid imprisonment.
People who show rebellious tendencies and speak out against the state will be denied reproduction "privileges." Only the most obedient, white-skinned, do-gooder mind slaves will be granted reproduction privileges, and they will gladly copulate and raise yet more babies to be sacrificed to the state as the next generation of mind slaves.
#8) Wireless brain implants that can be remotely activated by law enforcement to make entire crowds of people passive
The future of "science" involves all sorts of electronics implanted into the human body. One of the most convenient ones will be the "pacification chip" that will be forced upon citizens along with "money chips" that they use to pay for everything (cash will be outlawed, and using cash will be seen as a terrorist activity).
The pacification chip can be remotely activated by the government through cell tower bursts -- or through hand-held units issued to police and law enforcement commanders -- to instantly pacify large crowds of protesters or rioters. Are the students protesting about free speech again? Activate the pacification chip, and they'll all lay down on the lawn and daydream for a while.
Are revolutionaries marching on the capitol and trying to overthrow the government? Activate the pacification chip, and your tyrannical dictatorship is safe!
Such chips may also be used to "excite" the brain at times when it is also politically useful. For example, when another terrorist attack is staged on U.S. soil, the "excitation chips" can be activated across the population to get people riled up and calling for war! (And that's the whole point of false flag attacks, of course.)
#9) The genetic engineering and breeding of obedient super soldiers
In the far future, battlefield soldiers will actually be humanoid-shaped robots equipped with firearms and body armor. Think "Terminator" model T-1000. That's still a ways off, of course, given the incredible complexity of mobile power, robotic actuation technologies, vision recognition systems and artificial intelligence.
In the mean time, the most powerful nations of the world will pour R&D money into growing genetically modified super soldiers who are secretly birthed, raised and trained to be as robotic as possible. These super soldiers will be genetically engineered with peak performance attributes (high blood oxygenation, large body frames, etc.) combined with small brains that can only process enough information to follow orders but never question them.
They will also be outfitted with numerous electronic implants, making them more cyborg than human. They will have vision implants attached to their retinas, for example, GPS chips wired to their brains, comm equipment wired into their ears, and built-in pain medication dispensers that flood their bodies with stimulant chemicals so they can keep fighting even after an arm gets blown off, for example.
#10) The electromagnetic activation of metals and nano-crystals injected into you through vaccines
Here's a new one most people haven't thought about: In addition to vaccines being used to spread infectious disease, they can also be used to inject humans with nano-crystals that are sized and tuned to resonate at certain frequencies, much like a radio crystal tunes in to a specific radio band.
Such nano-crystals may lie dormant in the bodies of the general public for years or even decades, but at some point the government can take over the radio towers with an "emergency" national transmission that broadcasts an activation signal at precisely the right wavelength to excite the nano-crystals already in peoples' bodies. The results could be anything from mass insanity to massive outbreaks of violence (rioting, etc.) or just tens of millions of people instantly dropping dead. Any of those outcomes could then be exploited by the government to sell a cover story of a "terrorist attack" that requires even more government control over the population.
It could all be done in the name of "science"
Remember, this collection of 10 points is about possible future technologies that exemplify the abuse of science to empower tyrannical governments and corrupt industries. Thankfully, these ten examples have not come true yet, but several are well on their way to become reality in just the next few years.
Real science has an important role to play in any society, but I believe that science should serve the interests of the People, not the self-serving controllers who run globalist corporations and national governments. When science is used to dominate and enslave people rather than setting them free, it is a violation of one of the most fundamental truths throughout the universe: only through freedom (the freedom of ideas, freedom of questioning, freedom of discussion) can true understanding of our universe be achieved.
NaturalNews salutes the real scientists out there who pursue the betterment of human civilization without punching a clock for all the evil corporations which abuse science for their own nefarious purposes.
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Tuesday 22 November 2011

From Rasa Von Werder 11 22 11

Kellie Everts, (Rasa Von Werder)

Friends,  after I wrote this “thanks” (below) of course I recalled a dozen good people later, so forgive me if you’re one of them, it was just off the top of my head.  The thing is you have to have lists of people.  Whoever encouraged me the most recently got into the thanks.  So keep encouraging me if you want to get famous (wink)!
To the Men On the Harshness of My Message – DO NOT  Take it Personally!!!
I know that the recent list of things I preach is HARSH against men, the worst that I say, & I need you to realize why I have to do this.  It is because this is about WAR, the gender war of males against women & women against men.  It is not a personal issue against any man if he be a good man – it is against the majority that have stomped on women (&men), animals, nature & life, & continue to do so EVERY DAY.
I will channel Mother God to explain to you why I have to speak this way.
Rasa to Mother God:
Mother God, I am speaking in the harshest terms there are against men as I speak on the street & I feel I am justified.  What do you want me to do here, compromise because some of the men, albeit a minority, are good?  Or is it alright that I “offend” the good guys while speaking against the bad?  I feel that WE ARE AT WAR & now women are winning because you, Mother God, have stepped in.  Because of this, males are going extinct, they are deteriorating, they are leaving the planet, & we can breath a sigh of relief.  This sounds so amazingly harsh, but yet it IS TRUE
Mother God:
Where were & are these same people, all of whom puff up with indignation at your words, when you risked life & limb to emancipate women?  This is not a new struggle for you, it started with body building & Stripping for God.  Did any of them help you?  If they didn’t, tell them to go fly a kite.
Tell the women when they preach during the gender war, to phrase their statements any way they wish, to soften them up, placate the good guys, calm down the bad guys, put disclaimers & addendums to all that they say – you do not have time or inclination to do so, & you are not risking their lives, you are risking your life when you preach, so this is your prerogative.
To the good men, it’s like preaching “you sinners.”  They are not all sinners.  Those who do not sin know they do not, & they can rest easy.  What matter that you call men sinners, if they are exempt, the shoe doesn’t fit and they don’t wear it.  God knows, they know, they are not sinners, so why worry? They are upset for “being called bad guys” when they are good guys, but you don’t have time for all the addendums, disclaimers, ad infinitum, during the gender war.  They have to make an allowance for that.  In all the thousands of statements you make – in articles, books & words on internet & street – you strike at the bad guys, enough said.  Why don’t they good guys help you if they are so good?  They are not eager to help you, so maybe they aren’t so good, they just want to be thought of that way.  Those who truly are good, like William Bond & BardofEly, really do help you.  If the others are offended, let them just be quiet, knowing they are good, not talk to you about it, you don’t have time for it.
Thank you
To all the friends who have encouraged me in my endeavors, especially William Bond, Steve Andrews, Yasmeen Stewart, Mikraus, Nick Kushner, Rudy Strauss, Virginia, Mary Jane Murphy, Howard, Kathleen the channeler,  Judy Levy, Mercurius Trismegistus, Gilbert McCrary, Diva Taunia, Amber Meadows, Randy Roach, Mark Hopkins, Sergio Daneri, “Slave Bob,” Kestel, Marlis, & to those I have forgot, a triple hug to you!
To the students at Binghamton University who give me so much attention & love, a big warm embrace for you all.
William Bond’s new video on Youtube