Friday 22 September 2023

Latest Article Roundup By Ajax The Great (Pete Jackson)

By Ajax The Great (Pete Jackson)

(Originally posted on The Chalice and the Flame blog)


The highly astute Joanna Williams at Spiked Online has written an excellent article debunking the new sexual counterrevolutionaries, particularly the self-proclaimed "reactionary feminists" like Mary Harrington and Louise Perry.  She does not mince words about why it would be a bad idea to attempt to roll back the sexual revolution, particularly for Women, and why blaming all or most of the modern world's real or supposed social ills on The Pill (let alone doing away with it) is foolish at best. Women's freedom, sexual or otherwise, is NOT the problem.  And she notes how it really does Women no favors the way the reactionaries essentially rob them of agency and autonomy, infantilizing them.  And the real kicker is that she actually does so from a somewhat conservative perspective (keep in mind that "reactionary" is politically well to the right of "conservative", properly understood).

And one need not agree 100% with every word of her article to conclude that she is nonetheless correct overall.  Contrary to what some may believe, one cannot simply roll back Women's sexual freedom to 1950s (or earlier) levels without also (deliberately or inadvertently) rolling back Women's political and economic freedom as well.

Last year I had written an article about the follies of the sexual reactionaries, and why "reactionary feminism" will backfire on any Women who embrace it.  And a while back, I also wrote another article about how sexual freedom for Women is essentially the "kill switch" of patriarchy. 

(In case you were wondering, one should note that there has never been a society where Women had sexual freedom but men did not, not even in the most Matriarchal societies past or present.  The reverse has unfortunately been true under patriarchy, but even that has often backfired on men as well.)

In contrast, attempting to roll back the half-finished (at best) sexual revolution is to accomplish nothing but to get stuck in a quagmire of perpetual limbo at this point.  We would be wise to reject the bluster of those who seek to do so.

To quote the legendary Guru Rasa Von Werder:

My associate Ajax the Great & I agree, sexual freedom is the KILL SWITCH FOR PATRIARCHY.  When Women do whatever they want sexually, & no longer fear men, men will have nothing to fight for.  Consider a ram with his harem. The harem runs off & mates with the other guys in the woods.  No more head banging, lol.  We will end war by being sexually free."

Liberty (sexual or otherwise) is NOT a zero-sum game.  In fact, liberty like love:  the more you give, the more you get.  Let the planetary healing begin!


Right-wing reactionary patriarchal religionists have a new disguise among many, apparently.  And as Horseshoe Theory would predict, it is a sort of (cafeteria) Marxism.  But don't be fooled, this desperate rear-guard action will ultinately NOT save authoritarian patriarchy and patriarchal religion from its inevitable decline and collapse, though it WILL do a lot of harm along the way if it is allowed to do so.  

So don't fall for it!


(Originally posted on the True Spirit of America Party blog)

Excess deaths have become the proverbial "elephant in the room" around the world in the wake of the pandemic.  But what are the true causal mechanisms behind such deaths?  The virus itself, which was more humdrum than was originally believed, can really only be blamed for a fraction of these deaths, and most of those skewed sharply along an age gradient and underlying condition gradient.  The lockdowns and related countermeasures of course contributed to the excess deaths and did far more harm than good.  Ditto for iatrogenic deaths from faulty treatment protocols and denial and censorship of effective ones.

But why were 2021 and 2022 even worse years for excess deaths than 2020?  Well, enter the jabs.  Adding to the mounting evidence against them is yet another new study implicating them in excess deaths in many countries.  The study finds a "definite causal link" between jab rollouts and all-cause mortality in 17 countries, including countries that had barely any measurable Covid at the time the rollout began.  And most notably, the study finds such links for all types of jabs studied (including the inactivated whole virus ones), not just the worst mRNA ones.  And as we already know, deaths are just the tip of a very large iceberg of harm from these things.

At best, it certainly puts the lie to the specious claim of a net lifesaving effect. 

How much more evidence do we need to finally admit the dark truth about what really happened? 


The TSAP supports the United Auto Workers (UAW) strike against the Big Three automakers.  The CEOs of these companies, who were already making eight-figure salaries, saw a 46% increase in pay for themselves over the past four years, while the workers got a mere 6% increase, not nearly enough to keep up with inflation.  That, along with their ridiculous "two-tier" pay system for older versus newer employees, is basically a microcosm of all that is wrong with the economy today.  So one can see how the management in other industries is starting to get nervous about the "Hot Labor Summer" spreading to those industries as well.  The plutocracy trembles.

Ever since the PATCO (air traffic controllers union) strike debacle in 1981 under President Ronald Reagan, and all the ripple effects in its aftermath, organized labor has weakened dramatically.  Unions had become such pikers with their demands, which only led them to become even weaker in the face of an all-out assault against the working class from the plutocracy and their sycophantic lackeys in government.  But now, after a very long detour, the tide seems to be finally turning for the better.

It's LONG overdue.  What better time than now?


With inflation falling to around 3% per the latest report, which is within the normal range for a growing economy, we can safely conclude that the war on inflation has been won.  The dragon may not have been slain, but it has largely gone back to sleep for the foreseeable future.  Supply chains seem to have long since fully recovered for the most part, while most of the inflation since then has been wanton "greedflation" by mega-corporations consolidating and rigging the game (and thus interest rates are the wrong tool for the job).  And potential recession and even deflation clouds seem to be gathering on the horizon as we speak.  Even if there is no recession, keeping interest rates too high for too long can paradoxically increase inflation in the long run, or one could get the two for one special, as Canada unfortunately learned the hard way in the 1980s.  The "therapeutic window" for hiking interest rates to fight inflation is therefore closed.

Oh, and we have another housing bubble ready to burst at any time, apparently. 

So the FERAL Reserve really needs to stand down, stop raising rates, pause Quantitative  Tightening, and start cutting rates yesterday by at least 1% immediately, and eventually to below the inflation rate.  Or at least no later than their next meeting. Mr. Powell seems to be really begging for a recession (or worse) with his relentless tempting of fate!

This is the LAST chance we have to avoid a major financial crisis and severe deflationary recession (or worse), and that's if it's not already baked into the cake at this point.  Because once that happens, monetary policy (at least by conventional means) will be as utterly futile as pushing on a string.


From Rasa Von Werder

    Very well said on all counts Ajax.  I will only comment on the first article today.  These women, mostly academics, are not hitting the nail on the head.  Today I made a decision that my Sisterhood must reach out to THOSE IN THE ADULT TRADE.  All other women are bound to not understand or not include us in their sisterhood.  Let me start with these women, who NEED my {or someone's} help & forget about the academics, the professional class, the wealthy, the ones longing for status, etc.  Who did the saints go to?  The rich & successful?  Who are they famous for helping?  The poor, downtrodden, homeless, slaves, forgotten even prostitutes {considering them fallen sinners as that's what they were brainwashed to believe}- Of course, I do not go to these women out of PITY believing them sinners.  I go to them because the patriarchy has deemed them & relegated them to the class of UNTOUCHABLES.  These women have LESS RIGHTS than others, in fact, at one time a man could RAPE a prostitute & get off free as she did not have the right to be protected from rape!  And again, the judicial justice system, when dragging up a woman's dating life or sex activity, can get her condemned for any crime - as sexual activity paints her as some kind of criminal, & even when a man has murdered a woman, to bring up her sex past if she had one - makes it seem like she deserved death & the man's sentence is therefore lightened.  So let me work on a Sisterhood toward these women, starting soon.  Thanks Ajax.

AJAX SAYS:  You're very welcome, Rasa.  And thank you very much.  Very well-said. 

Monday 18 September 2023

Purgatory & Satan's Gospel


9-18-23    Visit to Purgatory last night & the Gospel of Satan


Trying times during the night – visit to Purgatory.  Now I know for sure when I dream of empty, restricted places that are like prisons; fenced in, limited, constrained, it’s Purgatory.  And by me going there & fighting to get out I am working to release the Poor Souls there.  This will be abridged as I have other work to do.

I’m in a city & everything seems alright until I go down this lonely street, empty, & appear on a street where every building is exactly the same, with fire escapes & a totally empty street & it is night, but I can see.  There is something ominous about this – the sameness of the buildings, the emptiness, & a sense that it’s closed in although I am outside.  I feel afraid & hurry back to the street I came from.

But when I come to the end of this street, thinking I’ll be free, back in the city, instead I’m in a YARD that is enclosed by strong wire fencing, high up, maybe 10’, & I see no way out except to climb.  But at the side I wish to climb on I see they have put a wire fence on top of it that has no openings, it’s so tightly knit you cannot put your fingers into anything.

In spite of this, I leap up, & then I see on top is a circular scheme of barbed wire, about a foot tall, with those huge kind of barbs you see on prison walls.  IN SPITE of that, I leap up & I’m past the fence.

However I meet a couple people I met earlier, a male & a female.  The male wants to RISE UP & I permit him to latch onto me, but he is SO HEAVY he pulls me down.  I tell him to let go, I  need to rise up, & I do rise up to tall buildings.  Then the female does the same & I must tell her also to let go as I rise up. 

          {These people are Souls in Purgatory who are TOO HEAVY in spirit to rise up to a higher level – I cannot take them to a higher place or Heaven yet, they must let go & let my soul rise up, which they do.  Remember the analogy in the Egyptian ‘Book of the Dead’ where your soul must be as light as the lightest feather or you cannot enter heaven:


“Maat’s feather is one of the most common Egyptian symbols used in hieroglyphics. The goddess Maat represented justice in Egyptian culture and the Ma’at feather can be seen in the context of “ensuring justice” in ancient inscriptions. This is because the ancient Egyptians believed that one’s heart would be weighed against the Maat Feather in the Hall of Two Truths when one’s soul entered Duat. If his heart was found equal or lighter than this it would mean that he was a virtuous person and he would go to Aaru (paradise ruled by Osiris). If not, then his heart would be eaten by Ammit, the goddess who ate the soul and he would be cursed to remain in the Underworld forever.}”


There was more – about my needing a place to stay & having trouble finding my nice, cheap but good motel.  I’ve been there many times in dreams – now I realize these were all about Purgatory.  It’s a hotel where my room is plain, simple, only WHAT I NEED & nothing else!  It’s a good location, good building, & the mgt. know me – they give me the room for $8!  I love going there, it’s a resort – I hate expensive places & I have my sights on finding this place again, although having a bit of trouble.

The trouble is I’ve lost my vehicle.  A taxi can get me there if I recall the name of the place, but alas, I am confused.  Is it this or that?  I keep repeating & am not sure. 

{Meaning:  This is my struggle to assist Souls in Purgatory. Why do I need a room for myself?  It’s probably where I will take the Souls to minister to them; I certainly don’t need to personally stay in Purgatory.  When I have a PLACE probably means I give them hospitality & Grace, but am having some trouble delivering.}


also  ‘The Gospel of Satan’ – Prosperity Preachers


          Rasa’s comments on this video of Costi Hinn {nephew of Benny Hinn who protests against Prosperity Preachers} “More than a Healer” 


          The Gospel of Satan:

That is the gospel of Benny & his prosperity preachers. "I will give you all the Kingdoms of the world & their glory, if you will bow down & worship me" - It was the last temptation to Jesus after several others {turn stones into bread, jump off the pinnacle of the Temple, lol - foolish tests}........These men & women are riveted on the world & its glory, which is the Broad Highway to Hell. Do they think life on earth is eternal? What will they say after the moment of death when they face God as a JUDGE instead of a FRIEND? They will be TERRIFIED, MORTIFIED, FRIGHTENED by the GOODNESS, THE MAJESTY, the BRILLIANCE of God, they will want to ESCAPE the VISION OF GOD & run into Hell & hide where they cannot see what they forfeited, lost, & trivialized. Indeed, God was IMPORTANT to them but only as a VEHICLE to USE for their enrichment. God was not someone to humble oneself, accept his/her Will, bow down, become empty, 'Put first the Kingdom of God & everything shall be added unto you.' For them it was 'Put first the love of money & use God to get it. Do whatever it takes to lure the masses into giving. Use the gimmick of the 'slain in the spirit,' but not God's spirit, HYPNOSIS, & lure them in. Snake oil for sale, chop the head off the rattlesnake & say IT'S IN THE ELIXIR WE ARE SELLING, except IT AIN'T THERE!


Jesus did NOT say, 'Get into our Rolls Royce & follow me,' lol, He said 'Take up your Cross & follow me!' What is the Cross? Hardship, pain & suffering, disappointment, broken Heart, Tragedy, dishonor, unfair treatment, sorrow, illness, loss & our daily struggles. Every day here on earth is little crosses, then once in a while, a Big Cross appears. How we handle the crosses & Big Cross God will see the quality & quantity of our LOVE. If we react with anger & bitterness, moaning & groaning, 'Why me, why me - God isn't fair!' then that isn't love. I know a lady I tried to help but she blocks God. She told me when being a child her alcoholic Dad abused her & no one cared. Where was God? And she still hates God & won't let God into her heart. That means she has forfeited ALL THE GOOD that God brings to her, & she has children! She cannot bring good to them as she blocks God! I warned her she will not enter Heaven this way & am still waiting for her to open the way for Grace to enter.


I love the lady that stood up {finally a woman!--yes there was a little girl too} & said she was unsettled & uncomfortable when recently she was very ill, & the church people prayed for her healing. Should not the prayers be directed toward God's Will? Isn't Heaven our home? She is asking why are we forever asking for healing, healing, should we not ask for God's Will? What if God doesn't want us healed, what if God wants to take us to Heaven? Should we not help the sick person prepare for that?


OK so we are so concerned about people. But remember - We are one of the species of animals. We are 'the Naked Ape.' How about caring about animals, praying for them, caring about wild animals? I do my charity by feeding wild animals. I have many species from the woods , coming to me, day & night, to my back yard – from bees to bears, coyotes, porcupines, possums, fox, deer, raccoons galore, skunks, coyote, etc. I buy food & cook for them each day – dog food, noodles & rice in chicken broth, cookies, brown sugar, etc.  Other animals also have needs, stop being so selfish & care only about this species. Humans are SO SELFISH.  First is me, me me, then my family {my blood} then if at all, they might mention others.  Care about others & God will take care of you. Buddhist daily pray for ALL SENTIENT BEINGS. 

I am no longer a 'Catholic' literally, I am ecumenical. However, they have GOOD TEACHINGS ON SUFFERING. I bought a set of tapes from Ven. Fulton J. Sheen on the Utility of Suffering, & I sent it to Joni Erickson Tada. She sent me a thank you letter. This was like 45 years ago. I'd seen her on the Billy Graham show. And she has endured.

 Also from Ven Bishop Fulton J Sheen: "God whispers to us in our pleasures, & shouts to us in our pain - Pain is the megaphone of God." When do people turn to God, when they are 'having fun?" No, when they are suffering, when tragedy strikes, when a loved one dies or gets very sick, when an accident happens. People just take life for granted when all is well & they turn to God when all is not. And so, God would be ignored if we were always happy, right? And so, pain seems to be necessary for us to remember THERE IS A GOOD & I NEED HER! May I remind people to PRAY DAILY, not just when hardship strikes!

 Healing for the soul is the main healing. The people I have met as I ministered {mostly} WANT HEALING - PHYSICAL THINGS. I had to tell them "Remember you can pray for spiritual things, such as VIRTUE, getting closer to God, loving God more. I had to TELL THEM before they asked for spiritual things. They don't THINK about spiritual things enough, their minds are on the world & flesh. Broad Highway to Hell. 

Costi mentions how Jesus did not always want to heal, heal, heal, & that for everyone. One time out of a huge crowd He only healed one man. Another time He'd done many healings in a place & they clamored for more, but he told his disciples to push off in the water to another town where He wanted to PREACH. People greedy to get their physical healings & miracles, but not greedy to be taught, to learn morality, theology. Always on the lower level - Get with it, people, it's not all about the flesh. Anne Catherine Emmerich {one of the world's greatest mystics, visionaries} explained how she saw two men run up to Jesus while He was traveling & pled for healing. But Jesus knew they only wanted to get healed so they could continue sinning, & He refused. By no means did Jesus heal everyone. And God does not heal all of us all the time. A lot of times sickness & sorrow, tragedy & pain, bring us closer to God. If you would pray every day, for everyone, all beings, animals included, you would fill up your spiritual bank account with much credit, & then in time of trouble it's more likely your prayers will be heard. 

"Touch not the Lord's Anointed" lol. Those prosperity preachers ARE NOT ANOINTED. God cannot, will not, give her Gifts, Anointings to those who are full of themselves, egomaniacs, lovers of luxury & status. There is NO ROOM in their Hearts & Minds! Where will God put her Gifts? No room, lol. They are BLOCKING God by their actions. Touch them all you want, they are Satan’s.

 Very good teaching on YOU CANNOT BUY HEALING - Anyone tells you to give a big donation, more likely you will be healed - No such thing. God decides who & when will be healed. And the quote of Kenneth Copeland saying he will get his treasure on earth? What an idiot! Your treasure will TURN TO DUST & you will have NOTHING. "What profit a man to gain the whole world but forfeits his soul? For what will he exchange for his soul?"

 My opinion re Paradise where lived 'Adam & Eve' was Matriarchy, where women ruled the world with LOVE. Mother is the caregiver, man is not in particular. He was 'designed' to obey the woman, to protect her & the children - but a segment of men WENT AWRY. They became rogue humans, & out of that came Patriarchy, the culture of DEATH - Necrophilia. Matriarchy is the Culture of LIFE - Biophilia. See the discoveries of Anthropologist Marija Gimbutas - who found that in the days of Matriarchy there were no weapons of violence, not even swords. When we worshiped God as Mother, there was Peace, NO WARS, NO VIOLENCE.

 Costi talks about going to the bible & set everything right if it's biblical. Now myself, yes, I believe in the NEW TESTAMENT but the Old Testament is a history of wicked warlords - Patriarchs - that were murderers & thieves. They invented God in their own image & likeness. But the New Testament I'm all for. Jesus & I are One, whatever He says, I do. Or He says don't do - I don't. Always trying to live up to him.

 Pattern of his Uncle - Moments when he 'repents' are THEATRICS. What a Charlatan. Hope he repents before death but to me, I doubt it. There will be no U Haul behind his hearse, lol.

 About sickness coming out of sin, let's get back to the ancient days when even Christians believed in reincarnation & karma. Sickness & suffering may be caused by PAST LIFETIMES, karma of them. What sin has an infant committed? Impossible. It might be past lifetimes. What else could it be? Could be a test for the parents & family. Indeed, all of our life is a TEST OF LOVE. There has to be suffering to be tested! St. Teresa of Avila had a bad carriage accident. She asked God why - I am your friend. And God answered, "I treat all my friends that way" & she said "No wonder you have so few." Lol -- We must pray for all the world daily & also Souls in Purgatory. Many Protestants do believe in Purgatory but they don't always tell you. John Alexander Dowie believed - I prayed & he took me there {I've been there many times, he took me again.} Saint Martin Luther King Jr. on his Feast Day 2 years ago used my office {portal} to get a huge group of his clients out of Purgatory into Heaven. {Saints in Heaven do not directly minister to Purgatory, but we on earth do. They work with us as partners to lift them up. God also allows us humans to help Souls Ascend.}

 The 'health & wealth' gospel is SICK - completely against Jesus - who represented Poverty & Emptiness for the sake of God. "Take up your Cross & follow me." "Sell all you have, give to the poor & follow me." Born in a cave, running for his life from Herod & all the Pharisees - facing all the fakes, phony hypocrites who kill by the letter of the law. I just gave away a household of goods to a family whose house burned down. Had so much stuff no longer needed as I gave up my 2nd residence {apt}, all that stuff cluttering up my house. I gave them the BEST I had, not the left overs, & GLAD of it. Felt so good. And still going through all my stuff to give to the thrift place. Get empty, get clean, then get happy with God. God is ALL.

 One last thing & I might be done, lol. What about the Gnostic Gospels? There are many: Mary Magdalene, Peter, Thomas - others. Why limit yourself to the books chosen by a group of men, excluding all the others? God has no limitation, only humans do. In fact, why not read 'Book of the Dead' from Egypt? You could learn something. Why not Protestants study Catholics & vice versa? I believe in tenets from both, & reject other dogmas from each. I choose what I believe, men don't choose for me. God is Infinite. Each religion is an ATTEMPT to reach that which we cannot, will not ever understand. Open your mind, stretch out, see what you can find out there.

Monday 11 September 2023

Fakes & Phonies Out There


Are any Decent Souls out There?

from Rasa Von Werder, William Bond & Pete Jackson 

I'm getting so let down & discouraged by people & this society.  Everyone wants money. I'm signed up with my financial consulting firm - there's a preliminary discussion which I think is free, then an hour discussion which I have to pay but not sure yet how much.  Not too upset about that, just saying. 

    Then there's the guy who wants people to get the non profit charter he recommends - which sounds good.  It's $2,500.  But he won't answer my important questions & says if I want more answers {he answered a few for free} I have to pay $175. for the hour.  This does annoy me a bit. 

    Then there's Xxxx.  I wrote her trying to be friends, work together, sent her the link to her article, but she ignores me.  However, almost daily I get newsletters from her asking me to sign up for various blessings, webinars, or courses.  And they are not cheap.  Supposedly if I SIGN UP for a ritual I will get Shirdi Sai Baba's Blessing.  How can she guarantee this, is she authorized to sell his blessings or conjure them up?  To SIGN UP or REGISTER for the Blessing I have to pay $25.  This seems spiritually immoral to me - Selling the things of God.  Of course they say 'it's a donation.'  But unless you give the donation, no Blessing, so it isn't voluntary - it's compulsory. 

        I want to know, is there anyone out there who cares about other humans or animals without charging for services connected to helping them?  And so far of 5 people on You tube, except for Paul Wallis who wrote 'thank you' when I sent him the link & ignored my next letter - nobody answers.  I answer everyone unless they are obnoxious, crazed, or off the wall.      

    Is there anyone out there WHO CARES?  Do they all want to USE OTHER PEOPLE?  What are you guys results when you reach out?


From Pete Jackson:

Excellent work, Rasa! Very interesting information here. Of course the patriarchy would suppress and obfuscate such important information about surviving Matriarchal societies, thanks for shedding light on it. {Re the Garo post}

It is quite unfortunate that most people seem to either want money or to use other people or otherwise wonder "what's in it for me?"  As I like to say, they have "more strings attached than a spider's web", lol, and often those strings are hidden.  That is my experience as well when reaching out to others, which I generally don't do very often for exactly that reason.  It is very depressing indeed.  But there are still a significant number of good and decent people out there as well who genuinely want to help others for it's own sake, no strings attached, though there's just not nearly as many such people as there should be, and it takes quite a bit of effort to find them, alas.


Hopefully your luck in finding such people will improve soon in that regard. 

As for Xxxx, hopefully what you were able to glean from channeling her is at least somewhat good and reassuring.  She seems great overall, albeit with some signs that suggest a predisposition to materialism.  But perhaps I am wrong. 

From William Bond:

Well they say, “money is the root of all evil”. It is the reason why democracy doesn’t work. This is what Oliver Cromwell had to say about this. -

 “It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

 Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter’d your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

 Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil’d this sacred place, and turn’d the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress’d, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. 

In the name of God, go!” 

Oliver Cromwell – April 20, 1653

 Oliver Cromwell got rid of Parliament and ruled as a dictator but he was no better ruler than the parliament or the King he beheaded.  

As Donald Trump said, “Politicians are cheap.” and to a Billionaire they probably are. It is too easy for wealthy people to bribe politicians to do what they want.  

So it’s just another reason why we need women to rule the world and perhaps they might find a better system.  

From Pete:

That is unfortunately true, William. The love of money is the root of all evil. Democracy, or what passes for it, all too often does devolve to oligarchy, plutocracy, and kleptocracy for that reason. Too many people, especially politicians, can indeed be bought for a price.  And once in power, the oligarchs and their sycophantic lackeys rig the game for their benefit.  Though I will still say that I think Sir Winston Churchill was right when he said, "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all of the others".  I would argue that the problem is not too much democracy, but far too little.  Historically, too many people have been excluded from its benefits.  

It is indeed one more reason why we need Women to rule our world, no doubt about that. And hopefully they will design a better system in the future. 

From Rasa:

Wow!  This thread needs an article.  Very valuable.  Thanks guys. 

Re Xxxx, Pete.  She gave me some surprising answers which are pretty funny.  Overall, she & those like her are afraid of me because they believe I'm evolved - they're not, but they pretend to be.  Like a small child who looks up to their Mom, puts on the Mom's clothing & thinks they are her - they {she & associates} have hung around Great Souls who are Self Realized.  They were scared to death of these guys but they basked in their sunshine, receiving all they could.  I saw a video of Sri Kaleshwar with these people surrounding him on the floor while he on a throne {deservedly} & he even called on this person to answer a question & NOT A PEEP - she was too scared! 

    Most of them, when they speak to the Swami it's in hushed tones, most of the time they are silent like scared toddlers.  But now they have gleaned the info from the Great Souls & they come back to the States where most people are dumber than they are - & now they put on the 'Mom's' clothes, or like having visited Superman & Captain Marvel, they put on the capes & PRETEND they have the Powers, or some of them, or the knowledge of these Enlightened ones.  And since the American public, as I said, is dumber than they are, they can prance around in saris, put together 'webinars' or 'courses,' repeating what Swamis told them & did, 'explaining' things they can't fully understand & certainly not do - like HEALINGS - & they say there are TECHNIQUES that they were given, all techniques - but why aren't they DOING these techniques instead of sitting there in their lovely premises, with abundant patios with fire pits, big altars with dozens of statues & pictures of the Real Deals?  Why aren't they actually DOING the things these Great Souls could do but simply SELLING BLESSINGS & RITUALS? 

Below:  the Famous Virginia Bell - the days before implants she had a body!  The50's & 60's

   Yesterday I started laughing when I saw some of these associates have now taken on the NAMES of these Self Realized Saints - like Nityananda {the Apostle of Bliss, one of my 7 spiritual husbands!} - Yogananda - Ramakrishna {for Heaven's sake, he's an Avatar!} & now they present themselves as if they ARE these Ascended Masters & they are going to give you the benefit of their knowledge & presence FOR A PRICE!  But they are NOT these Masters! 

    It's like transvestites putting on the clothing of the era of their Mom's, dress, hat, heels & all, & believing they are as convincing as Mom, a lady, & they think everyone believes they look beautiful - but they don't. 

    When I first commented on Xxxx's videos & site, she answered warmly.  But by the time I wrote her & when I sent her 2 letters she ignored me.  I was afraid she'd found out I was the 'infamous' Kellie Everts, an adult trade person, & she feared my notoriety, being associated.  But yet, she is pro sex so this didn't make sense.  She told me another story, which does make sense & because of which I wrote the previous. 

    She said,  

    "I'm afraid of you.  Because when I looked you up, it wasn't the notoriety at all, it was the fact you are Self Realized.  That means you're on the level of the Saints we associated with & studied, & that means you'll see right through me & us - you'll know we're not!  And you'll see our entire enterprise is a FRAUD & a FAKE!  This is what I fear, not your sex persona.  If you are the things you say you are - & I believe you are speaking the truth - then you're onto our game! 

    We're all living a LIE, a DELUSION.  We're as you said, sitting wearing Sari's, showing us meditating in the most Sacred places, but not much comes out of our meditation! 

    Why are we not Saints as we want people to believe we are? 

    Because we FEAR SUFFERING, the PRICE to be paid!  We'd rather just be mediocre, as we are, & sit here, repeating Truth Great Saints realized because of their sacrifices, pains & sufferings.  But we don't want that path, we want to stay where we are, & let the public BELIEVE we are great when we are not, & let them PAY for what we have, come what may.  No harm will come out of it but the loss of a few bucks!

     And we are doing some good even though we are not great, we are promoting the Greats, like Sri Kaleshwar, Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, all the various forms & Gods of the Hindus, worship of the Mother Divine, & all that.  So we aren't hurting anyone. 

    But you - I cannot be friends with you because you will see like  glass through my sari & know who I am because those who are of God - One with her - eventually find out those who are not.  And I don't want t be discovered.  So I must ignore you."