Wednesday 4 January 2023

Latest Articles By Ajax The Great (Pete Jackson)

By Ajax the Great (Pete Jackson)

Happy New Year, everyone!


(Originally posted and re-posted on The Chalice and the Flame blog)

Just a reminder to everyone that despite current events, or rather a fortiori because of current events, we need Female Empowerment more than ever before.  While a full-blown Matriarchy is still a while away and we seem to be heading into a new dark age of totalitarian technocracy (i.e. the so-called "Great Reset"), Women must never give up and let their hard-won progress thus far be eroded any further.  After all, all oligarchies, plutocracies, kleptocracies, and technocracies (or all of the above) are patriarchal at their core.  As a man, I obviously don't have nearly all of the answers, nor do I claim to truly know the details of how to do it, but what I do know in my heart of hearts is that only Women collectively can truly halt and reverse for good the utterly dark and dystopian future to which we are otherwise headed, Goddess willing.

Granted, perhaps it is better to think in terms of "protopia" rather than utopia, but otherwise the point still stands.

Now is NOT the time to sit on one's laurels, give up hope, or make the perfect the enemy of the good in any way.   Nor is it the time to take advice from fools, charlatans, mouthpieces of the oligarchy/technocracy/ patriarchy, or an even worse category:  the vile and demonic Phyllis Schlafly types who masquerade as feminists (or even as self-proclaimed Radical Feminists) but are really patriarchal to the core or otherwise throw other Women under the bus for their own worldly gains, often disguised as concern-trolling.  A good litmus test for that latter category is how they react to the works of the author Mark Regnerus, as anyone who agrees with his poisonous words are not really feminists and do not support genuine Female Empowerment.  Which by the way, is both individual AND collective empowerment, NOT an either/or. 

Bottom line, Women need to get into as many positions of power as possible, in as many places at as many levels as possible, as quickly as possible.  Time is running out.

So go forth and make old Buckminster Fuller proud!

(See also a previous article here as well for a more detailed discussion on the ultimate kill switch to smash the patriarchy.)


(Originally posted on the True Spirit of America Party blog)

It's 2023 now, and the ever-insightful Michael P. Senger wrote an excellent article about how this should be the year of reckoning.  Reckoning for what, you ask?  Well, here is a partial list:

  • Lockdowns
  • Forced antisocial distancing 
  • Forced school closures
  • Forced business closures 
  • Mask mandates 
  • Jab mandates and passports 
  • Jab injuries and deaths 
  • "Run death is near" and other harmful snake oil
  • Midazolam
  • Denial of actual effective treatments and prophylaxis 
  • Blatant censorship and blacklisting
  • Lies, lies, and more lies
  • Tyranny
  • Reverse Robin Hood Economics
  • Worst inflation in 40 years
  • And finally, having the GALL to gaslight everyone about it
In a nutshell, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. And no, that is NOT an exaggeration at all, with the body count alone being proof positive.  The powers that be, and their sycophantic lackeys, absolutely must be held accountable, yesterday, with NO AMNESTY.

Otherwise, this will only happen again and again in the future.  Precedents have a way of sticking around.