![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs
Rasa’s 15th book has MORE
NUDITY & SEX APPEAL than any before!
(See END for William Bond
& Rasa on Pornography)
The book also contains more
of Rasa nudity & more erotic shots of the two of them, and the latest images
of Rasa taken Nov. 2011.
Part II begins with the
day-by-day account of Marcel & Rasa, describing euphemistically for Face
book their activities & love making. It culminates past day 14 when
Marcel stole Rasa’s ATM
card, jogged 7 miles a day 3 days in a row to remove $2,200. from her
bank, when
fortunately, Rasa was sitting by her pc / phone when the FRAUD DEPT.
called. Doors were locked, police
were called, he was arrested with cash & info. on all 3 Rasa credit
It did the boy no
good. He did some time in jail,
Rasa retrieved all her money from his suitcase & got back what was in his
pockets, case closed, love is grand, so is larceny. You can take the boy
out of the
but you can’t take the ghetto out of the boy.
Marcel could have gone two
ways. One, he could have continued
benefiting from Rasa, who gave him gifts every time she saw him, or, he could
BETRAY & rob Rasa, forfeiting the relationship, losing all. He made a bad
decision. Marcel was attracted only to older,
European women; one of these is a millionaire. But none of them ever gave
– made him pay for the dates, HIS OWN BIRTHDAY HE HAD TO PAY WITH THE
graffiti artist who convinced some yo yo in Germanyto give her a fortune
for her
scribblings, with
bullshit written all over them. Got
another friend to NOMINATE HER FOR THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, because she writes
“peace” all over her graffiti! I
groaned when on Face book, after Marcel had stood me up, before he robbed me,
there he was on a date with her, WEARING THE CLOTHES I BOUGHT HIM!).
Rasa, the only
one who paid all his
expenses, all the dinners, gave him money for birthday & photography, is the
one he hurts. But whom did he hurt
the most? Himself, of
We move on. Marcel is only one chapter in a book
that is finished, I have the gorgeous pics to use of him now forever. But
onward &
upward to other dicks,
big ones. Onward & upward to
meaningful articles, beyond the tantalizing pictures, there are always those
great, inspired articles.
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs
This book contains tons of
images of Rasa & her nude young lovers (mostly black), in their passion
& positions! It has MORE NUDITY than any of Rasa’s books so far, more than
in Part I.
In the days of Matriarchy,
sex was fertility & love, & pleasure was happiness. God wants LOVE on
earth as it is in Heaven, certainly not this Hell men have created where
sex is
DIRTY while death (as in war) is declared HOLY! How could all this have
Rasa declares in her vision
that when Lucifer turned against God, & one third of the angels went with
him, became Satan & his demons, is an analogy to MEN turning AGAINST MOTHER
GOD & WOMEN & creating the totally evil world we have today, where SATAN
(Patriarchy!) is THE PRINCE OF THIS WORLD, with everything collapsing
economies & ecological systems. The OLD WOMEN must rally now to SAVE THE
YOUNG, the planet & the future of us all. OLD WOMEN with YOUNG MEN is a
concept that is STILL TABOO, but Rasa Von Werder is working to CHANGE
Rasa’s 15th book
has MORE NUDITY & SEX APPEAL than any before!
14th book published! This one’s a LULU, at Lulu! More sexiness & nudity
than any
book before – with a powerful message
as well:
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs
Jan. 4 2012
I have read this William
& it is perfect for my next book, all about SEX....I will include my
Men & women are at
CROSS PURPOSES it seems within the Patriarchal
I believe in Matriarchy,
they were NOT at cross purposes.
It’s when men dominate that
nothing makes sense any more; it’s all about them, nothing much for women
being slaves.
In Matriarchy males – the
way I imagine it – could have sex with just about anyone, without any
problem or
repercussion, it
was a free-for-all, although I suspect they were not allowed to molest the
underage. Thereby, the erotic needs of males were fulfilled, - without all
bans, taboos, repression, they could satisfy themselves & did not have to
become rich to get women.
The reason for this is that
all the privileges & resources came from the Mother, not the Father, the
Father DID NOT MATTER so who put his seed in you DID NOT MATTER The
father was a
sperm donor, & we
are getting back to that within the welfare system – women paid by the state
(subsistence wages) as they bear children. The men are but a sideline.
Marriage is getting rarer
these days as women CAN WORK. Marriage
HAVE STATUS. That has changed so
drastically, the women in future will be the success objects, the males
the sex
objects, a whole different perspective.
There will be no more
pornography of men face fucking & ass fucking women. They will have
trouble finding
women to
play these roles as opportunities for women
Pornography, Love and
William Bond
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs
Pornography is extremely
popular on the internet, and this has revealed just many men like it. At
the same time, most women don’t seem to like it at all, and many are very
hostile to it. So why is there this big difference between the sexes on
this subject?
because as you will explain
momentarily, William, it is MALE DOMINATION PORNOGRAPHY, which is produced by
the most vile, lowlife males – I knew some of them, they are the vermin who
crawl the bottom of the earth, they are demons set out to degrade women.
What is
there in this type of scenario
for women to like?
Pornography is about sex
and men and women have different attitudes about sex. For men, sex seems
to be
about depositing semen inside women, but most men do not think much about,
happens afterwards. But women cannot have this attitude, because if the
semen makes her pregnant, then she then has a child growing inside her and
it is born, she has to devote her life into looking after that child. So
for this reason, what sex means to men, is very different to what it means
The men who produce these
videos are mafia. In their spare
time they also do illegal gambling, extortion, drugs & murder – pornography
is but a part of their criminal empire. These men have no souls, no
virtue, no
sensitivity, they are DEMONS. So it is WORSE than what you are saying,
William, they are out to DESTROY WOMEN, destroy their image, destroy the
for them, destroy all that has to do with love, compassion, & the precepts
of Mother God. This is not INNOCENT
BOYS trying to deposit their sperm where they may, it is purposeful
of women, purposeful brainwashing of males to hate
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs
How little men think about
fertilization is shown in porn videos, because most of it doesn’t show man’s
semen going inside a woman’s vagina but more inside a woman’s mouth or
anus, or
even just on her face or breasts. This is generally the climax of the
film. (no pun intended). All this is far too mechanical and limiting for most
women, because women are more interested in
RASA: Face fucking & anal fucking, like
this, for the pubic, is DEGRADATION.
William: Most women prefer romance rather than
RASA: Little by little, as I take images of
males, it will become sexier or more “pornographic.” The women ALREADY
PHOTOS because
they are sex-positive, love positive, male/female relationship
What we know as
“pornography” is ONEVERSION OF SEX, the kind called
They do us the way they do
animals or the occupied citizens in a time of war. They separate their
from their
actions, they depersonalize us – we are not human, we are
When another person or
creature becomes a THING you have license or permission to do whatever to
including skin them alive, mutilate, rape, abuse, molest & murder. That
is what
this pornography is about –
men who
produce this, as I said,
have no souls. They hire actors who
can act like they have no souls. They teach & encourage the males who
watch this
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs
this is because romantic stories are
about the relationship between men and women. There is a very good reason
for this. Once a woman becomes pregnant, then she is going to be better
off looking after her child, if she can receive the help and support of the
child’s father. So a romantic story of a man who falls in love with a
woman, and loves her so much, that when she has children, he devotes his
life to
looking after her and her children is what most women want. This then, is
why romantic stories are far more appealing to a woman, than
RASA: It could also happen another way. Give us back our Matriarchal
(we are getting them back anyway, without your help or consent, Mother God is
empowering us), let us women take care of the children & the economics.
You deposit
your sperm in us & work
for us, then go away before you start beating us up or molesting the
children. Or if you want to hang
around you have to behave like a human being, not a monster.
So if romantic stories are
very appealing to women, why aren’t they also appealing to men as well?
Why is it that so many men will prefer a pornography story, than a romantic
story? The reason could be about how men and women think about
For most women, love is not
a choice; it is very difficult for a woman not to love. The reason for
this is that women have a powerful maternal instinct. For most species of
animal to survive, it is important that the female want to have young and
nurture them, until they reach breeding age. This instinct is even more
important for human beings because the human baby is the most helpless
in the animal kingdom, as well as taking nearly 20 years to become an
adult. So, for the human species to survive, it means that the human
female has to have a very powerful maternal instinct in caring for and
protecting her children. This means, women have very little choice in
wanting to love. This maternal instinct is so strong that women not only
love children, they also love men and animals as well. The caring
professions, like nursing, old people care givers and social workers are also
dominated by women.
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs
RASA: I cannot believe that
all men are as vile as these “porno” movies depict. I have seen males sick &
at porno theaters, walk out ready to vomit – when I was a dancer & they had
these movies between shows. We
can’t give up on all the males & believe they are all like the ones who rule
the world & worship Moloch.
It’s true that male’s
maternal instinct is not as strong as females, it is
However, men have a strong
desire to worship women & serve them, if this is encouraged. I proved
this in my
articles about
“Worship of Beautiful Women is Hunger for Mother
I believe that a huge
number of males will venerate, worship women & serve them once women are
empowered & the demonic males are disempowered. Right now they are being
BRAINWASHED by the evil, alpha old males, to think & act as they do. We
are moving
toward a
On the other hand, men do
have a choice about whether he wishes to love others. In evolutionary
terms, men can fertilize many different women and therefore father lots of
children and not be involved in caring for any of them, if he doesn’t wish
to do
so. This is one of the reasons why human societies have marriage, laws and
customs. Is to try and force men to stay and help to look after the
children they have fathered. This attitude of mind is reflected in
RASA: Marriage for women has been a mixed
blessing, sometimes for the good, other times a trap, a prison. Women you
who are working, are
not getting married as much. Then
what was the purpose of marriage? It became the only employment opportunity
available to women! When women are employed otherwise, they
can take care of children without the male! This is DIFFICULT, but women,
who are
great beings, can manage!
![]() |
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs
One of the reasons why many
women do not like pornography is that it is devoid of love. Women like
romantic stories about love, but men are not so sure about this. The
reason for this, is that, if you fall in love, then you are ‘hooked’. In
other words if you deeply love another person, then you many find yourself
devoting your life to caring about other people. For this reason, many men
are wary about getting married, and forming relationships as they want
from this. This is also why men like pornography, because it is mostly
about sex without love. Men do like to have fantasies about having sex
with women, without having all the problems of loving relationships or
having to
care for children. Women on the other hand have no choice in this, it is
far harder for women to divorce sex from love and the nurturing
RASA: Women like to have fantasies about sex,
also, with lots of men, even though they don’t admit it. But women,
again, are
pragmatic. They take responsibility for what comes
out of their body, but the male can run away. In an ideal society women
can take
of the children, because they are not lacking resources (Matriarchy) & can
also have sex with all the men they want, any time they want. We are also
toward polyandry, I
might say, which means women will have multiple steady
Another thing that many
women don’t like about pornography is that some of it goes further than just
being unloving. Some of it, is about men degrading and hurting
women. So why is this? The reason probably is, is that if men do
fear loving a woman, then the defense against this, is hatred. By hating
women, allows men to have sex with them, without getting emotionally
involved in
It can be even get more
problematic that this. Men do want and need women to love them, but when
this happens, it is hard not to love women in return. So hate becomes the
antidote to love, as men find themselves in a position of hating the women
loves them. This is shown in extreme porn videos, where women are shown
being loving towards men and only receiving abuse in return. These men do
not even like to acknowledge these women are being loving, and accuse these
abused women of being, kinky, perverted or masochistic. Psychologists
claim that women who love abusive men are masochistic because they lack
self-esteem. They do not comment on the powerful maternal instinct of
women, that allows them to love these types of men. So it is not about her
being kinky, perverted or masochistic or any of the other labels people
place on
these women, but just about the expression of her powerful maternal
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs
RASA: Interesting point. We see men as CHILDREN & as
inferior, dysfunctional, needy persons. We see their STUPIDITY, their
their lying to themselves about
how strong they are. We see how
WEAK they are, how lacking in character & virtue, when they have to beat on
us, abuse us & helpless children. What is wrong with them? Something is
– we know
that. We feel sorry for them until we are so fed up, can’t take it any
more –
then we leave.
The same cannot be said
about men who abuse loving women. It is true they are simply resisting
feelings of love, they have for others. Therefore, it is perfectly
reasonable for a man, not to want to love, so he is free to do what he
likes. But it is not so understandable if he abuses women who love him.
Or fathers children and runs away, the moment his girlfriend is pregnant
or gives birth.
Another problem women have
with pornography is that the type of sex that is written about or shown, is
unlikely to give a woman pleasure. Certainly a woman is not going to
receive an orgasm through having a penis in her mouth or anus, but this
can also
be true, if a woman has a penis in her vagina. A very large number of
women cannot orgasm through vagina stimulated. The reason for this, is
that orgasm can only happen, if the clitoris is stimulated. If a woman has
her clitoris close to the opening of her vagina, then the penis might rub
against it while the penis is pumping inside her and so she may be able to
an orgasm. But if there is no contact between the penis and clitoris through
penetrative sex, then it is very difficult for this to happen. This is
still true, even if the man has a gigantic penis.
RASA: What you are saying is true. Most women lie about orgasms, men want
to believe they give us orgasms instantly, but it is tedious to make a woman
orgasm, but easy for men It’s easy for men because biology has made it
that way
so he squirts his sperm as fast as possible – if the women climaxed easily
might terminate the act & the sperm would not be
The problem is, that if a
woman tries to explain this to some men, he can see it as a criticism of his
sexual performance. As a result, she can be accused of being frigid, and
encouraged to see a doctor or a psychologist. Because of this, many women
end up faking an orgasm, to spare herself this aggravation. This faking
also happens in pornographic stories and videos. For this reason, seeing a
porn actress faking an orgasm from penetrative sex, is not going to excite a
woman, who knows she cannot orgasm like this.
You can’t explain anything
to men, most of them are daft. You
have to start teaching them in puberty, so many things they never learn;
no one
teaches them in a Patriarchal setting. By the time they grow up most of
them are
impossible to talk to – they
have a host of stupid opinions, all centering on themselves & their own
needs, & their own delusions about superiority. Who wants to argue all
It seems most women can
only orgasm through direct clitoris stimulation, which means that the man
has to
either use his finger or tongue. Pornography is full of stories and videos
of women giving men oral sex but there is not a lot about men giving oral
sex to
women. And even when that is shown, very few of it shows a man licking a
woman’s clitoris until she orgasms. So for this reason, as far as women
are concerned, pornography is only about men’s pleasure and not about what
RASA: There is so much more to what is called
“sex” that the physical touch of genitals. There is looking, talking,
saying kind
things, there is soft touching
when no sex is intended. Every kind
& loving act that stimulates & RELAXES a person is part of the SENSUAL
experience. The genital act is but
one percent of all the nuances & the foreplay of love. True love is with
all beings
– you have
to have love, you have to have kindness. For a male & female to share
love, it is
way, way beyond the
genitals. And if a person only wants their genitals stimulated, they are
& Cretans, they are subhuman.
So the differences between
the sexes, in their attitude to pornography and romance are all to do about
their different feelings about love. Women are looking for love and
relationships in their sex lives, whereas many men prefer to separate sex
RASA: I have to stop you there in the middle
of the paragraph. How many males
prefer to separate sex from love? We should do some study on this, as
males DIE
routine love
women give them – Mothers, girlfriends, wives. When they lose all their
women, are
rejected, no one wants them, you have SUICIDE. You also have HOMICIDE.
Guys like
TED BUNDY, serial killers, are
LONERS, rejects, men that someone rejected or that NO ONEWANTS. They are
they become KILLERS. Women do not become killers (usually)
through lack of love, but men do. So how is it that THEY DON’T WANT LOVE?
Is this
In this, there doesn’t seem
to be a lot of compromise. Many men have learnt to have loving
relationships with women when they live with them and have a family. But
it is very difficult for women to have sexual relationships without love.
It is true women working in the sex industry are expected to do this, but
don’t find it easy. The stereotype of the prostitute with the heart of
gold is true, because women find it too difficult to suppress their maternal
instincts completely.
So the pornographic
industry will continue while many men fantasize about sex without love, and
women are willing to serve the needs of these men.
RASA: Women WILL NOT continue to serve the
needs of these selfish, deluded men. We will un-delude them, we will
them, & they will become
human again. It’s all about the
programming, the old men VS. the old women programming the young what life
means, what sex means, what relationships mean.
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Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs