![]() |
Rasa Von Werder, Guru, educator, photographer, takes images of beautiful
male models for her work, to draw attention to the valuable messages.
These images are paid for & edited by Rasa, they are © Rasa Von Werder
2012, with all rights reserved, & should not be used by anyone without
prior permission. Please do not put these images on any internet venues,
especially NOT gay blogs, as her models are straight males posing for a
mainstream & female audience. Some of her amazing models are Reef Mulkey,
Fitzgerald Scott, Brian Tillman & Brandon Adams. Pictured here is 21 year
– The way they control other males starting with when the are CHILDREN -
One in the polished technological way with technology & scientific
weapons, lies & propoganda, the other through straight cocksucking,
superstition & primitive tools of violence & murder
11 4 12 How Patriarchy Works, at Base
"Teaching Kids To Kill"
“In the end you embrace violence and discipline and accept it as a normal
and essential survival skill in your brutal new world.”
The Methods in this Madness: Brutalization
The training methods the military uses are brutalization, classical
conditioning, operant conditioning, and role modeling. Let us explain
these and then observe how the media does the same thing to our children,
but without the safeguards.
Brutalization, or “values inculcation,” is what happens at boot camp. Your
head is shaved, you are herded together naked, and dressed alike, losing
all vestiges of individuality. You are trained relentlessly in a total
immersion environment. In the end you embrace violence and discipline and
accept it as a normal and essential survival skill in your brutal new
Something very similar is happening to our children through violence in
the media. It begins at the age of 18 months, when a child can begin to
understand and mimic what is on television. But up until they're six or
years old they are developmentally, psychologically, have reached the
point where we need to treat those who try to deny it, like we would treat
Holocaust deniers.”
The JAMA concluded that, “the introduction of television in
"Teaching Kids To Kill"
![]() |
Rasa Von Werder, Guru, educator, photographer, takes images of beautiful
male models for her work, to draw attention to the valuable messages.
These images are paid for & edited by Rasa, they are © Rasa Von Werder
2012, with all rights reserved, & should not be used by anyone without
prior permission. Please do not put these images on any internet venues,
especially NOT gay blogs, as her models are straight males posing for a
mainstream & female audience. Some of her amazing models are Reef Mulkey,
Fitzgerald Scott, Brian Tillman & Brandon Adams. Pictured here is 21 year
Classical Conditioning physically seven unable to discern the difference
between fantasy and reality. Thus, when a young child sees somebody on TV
being shot, stabbed, raped, brutalized, degraded, or murdered, to them it
is real, and some of them embrace violence and accept it as a normal and
essential survival skill in a brutal new world. (Grossman & DeGaetano,
On June 10th, 1992, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
published a definitive study on the impact of TV violence. In nations,
regions, or cities where television appears there is an immediate
explosion of violence on the playground, and within 15 years there is a
doubling of the murder rate. Why 15 years? That's how long it takes for a
brutalized toddler to reach the “prime crime” years. That's how long it
takes before you begin to reap what you sow when you traumatize and
desensitize children. (Centerwall, 1992). United states, 70,000 fewer
rapes, and 700,0
sequent doubling of the homicide rate, i.e., long-term childhood exposure
to television is a causal factor behind approximately one half of the
homicides committed in the United States, or approximately 10,000
homicides annually.” The study went on to state that “...if,
hypothetically, television technology had never been developed, there
would today be 10,000 fewer homicides each year in the 00 fewer injurious
assaults” (Centerwall, 1992).
Today the data linking violence in the media to violence in society is
superior to that linking cancer and tobacco. The American Psychological
Association (APA), the American Medical Association (AMA), the American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the Surgeon General, and the Attorney General
have all made definitive statements about this. When I presented a paper
to the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) annual convention in May,
2000 (Grossman, 2000), the statement was made that: “The data is
irrefutable. We
Classical conditioning is like Pavlov's dog in Psych 101. Remember the
ringing bell, the food, and the dog could not hear the bell without
In World War II, the Japanese would make some of their young, unblooded
soldiers bayonet innocent prisoners to death. Their friends would cheer
them on. Afterwards, all these soldiers were treated to the best meal
they've had in months, sake, and to so-called "comfort girls." The result?
They learned to associate violence with pleasure.
This technique is so morally reprehensible that there are very few
examples of it in modern U.S. military training, but the media is doing it
to our children. Kids watch vivid images of human death and suffering and
they learn to associate it with: laughter, cheers, popcorn, soda, and
their girlfriend's perfume (Grossman & DeGaetano, 1999).
After the Jonesboro shootings, one of the high school teachers told me
about her students' reaction when she told them that someone had shot a
bunch of their little brothers, sisters, and cousins in the middle school.
"They laughed," she told me with dismay, "they laughed." We have raised a
generation of barbarians who have learned to associate human death and
suffering with pleasure (Grossman & DeGaetano, 1999).
![]() |
Rasa Von Werder, Guru, educator, photographer, takes images of beautiful
male models for her work, to draw attention to the valuable messages.
These images are paid for & edited by Rasa, they are © Rasa Von Werder
2012, with all rights reserved, & should not be used by anyone without
prior permission. Please do not put these images on any internet venues,
especially NOT gay blogs, as her models are straight males posing for a
mainstream & female audience. Some of her amazing models are Reef Mulkey,
Fitzgerald Scott, Brian Tillman & Brandon Adams. Pictured here is 21 year
"Trained to Kill"
Operant Conditioning
The third method the military uses is operant conditioning, a very
powerful procedure of stimulus-response, stimulus-response. A benign
example is the use of flight simulators to train pilots. An airline pilot
in training sits in front of a flight simulator for endless hours; when a
particular warning light goes on, he is taught to react in a certain way.
When another warning light goes on, a different reaction is required.
Stimulus-response, stimulus-response, stimulus-response. One day the pilot
is actually flying a jumbo jet; the plane is going down, and 300 people
are screaming behind him. He is wetting his seat cushion, and he is scared
out of his wits; but he does the right thing. Why? Because he has been
conditioned to respond reflexively to this particular crisis.
When people are frightened or angry, they will do what they have been
conditioned to do. In fire drills, children learn to file out of the
school in orderly fashion. One day there is a real fire, and they are
frightened out of their wits; but they do exactly what they have been
conditioned to do, and it saves their lives.
The military and law enforcement community have made killing a conditioned
response. This has substantially raised the firing rate on the modern
battlefield. Whereas infantry training in World War II used bull's-eye
targets, now soldiers learn to fire at realistic, man-shaped silhouettes
that pop into their field of view. That is the stimulus. The trainees have
only a split second to engage the target. The conditioned response is to
shoot the target, and then it drops. Stimulus-response, stimulus-response,
stimulus-response: soldiers or police officers experience hundreds of
repetitions. Later, when soldiers are on the battlefield or a police
officer is walking a beat and somebody pops up with a gun, they will shoot
reflexively and shoot to kill. We know that 75 to 80 percent of the
shooting on the modern battlefield is the result of this kind of
stimulus-response training.
Now, if you're a little troubled by that, how much more should we be
troubled by the fact that every time a child plays an interactive
point-and-shoot video game, he is learning the exact same conditioned
reflex and motor skills.
I was an expert witness in a murder case in South Carolina offering
mitigation for a kid who was facing the death penalty. I tried to explain
to the jury that interactive video games had conditioned him to shoot a
gun to kill. He had spent hundreds of dollars on video games learning to
point and shoot, point and shoot. One day he and his buddy decided it
would be fun to rob the local convenience store. They walked in, and he
pointed a snub-nosed .38 pistol at the clerk's head. The clerk turned to
look at him, and the defendant shot reflexively from about six feet. The
bullet hit the clerk right between the eyes--which is a pretty remarkable
shot with that weapon at that range--and killed this father of two.
Afterward, we asked the boy what happened and why he did it. It clearly
was not part of the plan to kill the guy--it was being videotaped from six
different directions. He said, "I don't know. It was a mistake. It wasn't
supposed to happen."
In the military and law enforcement worlds, the right option is often not
to shoot. But you never, never put your quarter in that video machine with
the intention of not shooting. There is always some stimulus that sets you
off. And when he was excited, and his heart rate went up, and
vasoconstriction closed his forebrain down, this young man did exactly
what he was conditioned to do: he reflexively pulled the trigger, shooting
accurately just like all those times he played video games.
This process is extraordinarily powerful and frightening. The result is
ever more homemade pseudo-sociopaths who kill reflexively and show no
remorse. Our children are learning to kill and learning to like it; and
then we have the audacity to say, "Oh my goodness, what's wrong?"
One of the boys allegedly involved in the Jonesboro shootings (and they
are just boys) had a fair amount of experience shooting real guns. The
other one was a nonshooter and, to the best of our knowledge, had almost
no experience shooting. Between them, those two boys fired 27 shots from a
range of over 100 yards, and they hit 15 people. That's pretty remarkable
shooting. We run into these situations often--kids who have never picked
up a gun in their lives pick up a real gun and are incredibly accurate.
"Trained to Kill"
Role Models
In the military, you are immediately confronted with a role model: your
drill sergeant. He personifies violence and aggression. Along with
military heroes, these violent role models have always been used to
influence young, impressionable minds.
Today the media are providing our children with role models. This can be
seen not just in the lawless sociopaths in movies and TV shows but in the
media-inspired, copycat aspects of the Jonesboro murders. This is the part
of these juvenile crimes that the TV networks would much rather not talk
Research in the 1970s demonstrated the existence of "cluster suicides" in
which the local TV reporting of teen suicides directly caused numerous
copycat suicides of impressionable teenagers. Somewhere in every
population there are potentially suicidal kids who will say to themselves,
"Well, I'll show all those people who have been mean to me. I know how to
get my picture on TV, too." Because of this research, television stations
today generally do not cover suicides. But when the pictures of teenage
killers appear on TV, the effect is the same: Somewhere there is a
potentially violent little boy who says to himself, "Well, I'll show all
those people who have been mean to me. I know how to get my picture on TV
Thus we get copycat, cluster murders that work their way across America
like a virus spread by the six o'clock news. No matter what someone has
done, if you put his picture on TV, you have made him a celebrity, and
someone, somewhere, will emulate him.
The lineage of the Jonesboro shootings began at Pearl, Mississippi, fewer
than six months before. In Pearl, a 16-year-old boy was accused of killing
his mother and then going to his school and shooting nine students, two of
whom died, including his ex-girlfriend. Two months later, this virus
spread to Paducah, Kentucky, where a 14-year-old boy was arrested for
killing three students and wounding five others.
A very important step in the spread of this copycat crime virus occurred
in Stamps, Arkansas, 15 days after Pearl and just a little over 90 days
before Jonesboro. In Stamps, a 14-year-old boy, who was angry at his
schoolmates, hid in the woods and fired at children as they came out of
school. Sound familiar? Only two children were injured in this crime, so
most of the world didn't hear about it; but it got great regional coverage
on TV, and two little boys in Jonesboro, Arkansas, probably did hear about
And then there was Springfield, Oregon, and so many others. Is this a
reasonable price to pay for the TV networks' "right" to turn juvenile
defendants into celebrities and role models by playing up their pictures
on TV?
Our society needs to be informed about these crimes, but when the images
of the young killers are broadcast on television, they become role models.
The average preschooler in America watches 27 hours of television a week.
The average child gets more one-on-one communication from TV than from all
her parents and teachers combined. The ultimate achievement for our
children is to get their picture on TV. The solution is simple, and it
comes straight out of the suicidology literature: The media have every
right and responsibility to tell the story, but they have no right to
glorify the killers by presenting their images on TV.
Reality Check: Sixty percent of men on TV are involved in violence; 11
percent are killers. Unlike actual rates, in the media the majority of
homicide victims are women (Gerbner 1994). In a Canadian town in which TV
was first introduced in 1973, a 160 percent increase in aggression,
hitting, shoving, and biting was documented in first and second-grade
students after exposure, with no change in behavior in children in two
control communities (Centerwall 1992). Fifteen years after the
introduction of TV, homicides, rapes, and assaults doubled in the United
States (American Medical Association). Twenty percent of suburban high
schoolers endorse shooting someone "who has stolen something from you"
(Toch and Silver 1993). In the United States, approximately two million
teenagers carry knives, guns, clubs, or razors. As many as 135,000 take
them to school (America by the Numbers). Americans spend over $100 million
on toy guns every year (What Counts: The Complete Harper's Index © 1991).
"Trained to Kill"
![]() |
Rasa Von Werder, Guru, educator, photographer, takes images of beautiful
male models for her work, to draw attention to the valuable messages.
These images are paid for & edited by Rasa, they are © Rasa Von Werder
2012, with all rights reserved, & should not be used by anyone without
prior permission. Please do not put these images on any internet venues,
especially NOT gay blogs, as her models are straight males posing for a
mainstream & female audience. Some of her amazing models are Reef Mulkey,
Fitzgerald Scott, Brian Tillman & Brandon Adams. Pictured here is 21 year
Unlearning Violence
What is the road home from the dark and lonely place to which we have
traveled? One route infringes on civil liberties. The city of New York has
made remarkable progress in recent years in bringing down crime rates, but
they may have done so at the expense of some civil liberties. People who
are fearful say that is a price they are willing to pay.
Another route would be to "just turn it off;" if you don't like what is on
television, use the "off" button. Yet, if all the parents of the 15
shooting victims in Jonesboro had protected their children from TV
violence, it wouldn't have done a bit of good. Because somewhere there
were two little boys whose parents didn't "just turn it off."
On the night of the Jonesboro shootings, clergy and counselors were
working in small groups in the hospital waiting room, comforting the
groups of relatives and friends of the victims. Then they noticed one
woman sitting alone silently.
A counselor went over to the woman and discovered that she was the mother
of one of the girls who had been killed. She had no friends, no husband,
no family with her as she sat in the hospital, stunned by her loss. "I
just came to find out how to get my little girl's body back," she said.
But the body had been taken to Little Rock, 100 miles away, for an
autopsy. Her very next concern was, "I just don't know how I'm going to
pay for the funeral. I don't know how I can afford it." That little girl
was truly all she had in all the world. Come to Jonesboro, friend, and
tell this mother she should "just turn it off."
![]() |
Rasa Von Werder, Guru, educator, photographer, takes images of beautiful
male models for her work, to draw attention to the valuable messages.
These images are paid for & edited by Rasa, they are © Rasa Von Werder
2012, with all rights reserved, & should not be used by anyone without
prior permission. Please do not put these images on any internet venues,
especially NOT gay blogs, as her models are straight males posing for a
mainstream & female audience. Some of her amazing models are Reef Mulkey,
Fitzgerald Scott, Brian Tillman & Brandon Adams. Pictured here is 21 year
"Trained to Kill"
Ten Nonviolent Video Games
The following list of nonviolent video games has been developed by The
Games Project (in 1999). These games are ranked high for their social and
play value and technical merit:
Bust a Move
Theme Park
Absolute Pinball
The Incredible Machine
Front Page Sports: Golf
Earthworm Jim
Fighting Back
We need to make progress in the fight against child abuse, racism, and
poverty, and in rebuilding our families. No one is denying that the
breakdown of the family is a factor. But nations without our divorce rates
are also having increases in violence. Besides, research demonstrates that
one major source of harm associated with single-parent families occurs
when the TV becomes both the nanny and the second parent. Work is needed
in all these areas, but there is a new front--taking on the producers and
purveyors of media violence. Simply put, we ought to work toward
legislation that outlaws violent video games for children. There is no
constitutional right for a child to play an interactive video game that
teaches him weapons-handling skills or that simulates destruction of God's
The day may also be coming when we are able to seat juries in America who
are willing to sock it to the networks in the only place they really
understand--their wallets. After the Jonesboro shootings, Time magazine
said: "As for media violence, the debate there is fast approaching the
same point that discussions about the health impact of tobacco reached
some time ago--it's over. Few researchers bother any longer to dispute
that bloodshed on TV and in the movies has an effect on kids who witness
it" (April 6, 1998).
Most of all, the American people need to learn the lesson of Jonesboro:
Violence is not a game; it's not fun, it's not something that we do for
entertainment. Violence kills.
Every parent in America desperately needs to be warned of the impact of TV
and other violent media on children, just as we would warn them of some
widespread carcinogen. The problem is that the TV networks, which use the
public airwaves we have licensed to them, are our key means of public
education in America. And they are stonewalling.
In the days after the Jonesboro shootings, I was interviewed on Canadian
national TV, the British Broadcasting Company, and many U.S. and
international radio shows and newspapers. But the American television
networks simply would not touch this aspect of the story. Never in my
experience as a historian and a psychologist have I seen any institution
in America so clearly responsible for so very many deaths, and so clearly
abusing their publicly licensed authority and power to cover up their
Time after time, idealistic young network producers contacted me from one
of the networks, fascinated by the irony that an expert in the field of
violence and aggression was living in Jonesboro and was at the school
almost from the beginning. But unlike all the other media, these network
news stories always died a sudden, silent death when the network's
powers-that-be said, "Yeah, we need this story like we need a hole in the
Many times since the shooting I have been asked, "Why weren't you on TV
talking about the stuff in your book?" And every time my answer had to be,
"The TV networks are burying this story. They know they are guilty, and
they want to delay the retribution as long as they can."
As an author and expert on killing, I believe I have spoken on the subject
at every Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions Club in a 50-mile radius of Jonesboro.
So when the plague of satellite dishes descended upon us like huge
locusts, many people here were aware of the scientific data linking TV
violence and violent crime.
The networks will stick their lenses anywhere and courageously expose
anything. Like flies on open wounds, they find nothing too private or
shameful for their probing lenses--except themselves and their share of
guilt in the terrible, tragic crime that happened here.
A CBS executive told me his plan. He knows all about the link between
media and violence. His own in-house people have advised him to protect
his child from the poison his industry is bringing to America's children.
He is not going to expose his child to TV until she's old enough to learn
how to read. And then he will select very carefully what she sees. He and
his wife plan to send her to a daycare center that has no television, and
he plans to show her only age-appropriate videos.
That should be the bare minimum with children: Show them only
age-appropriate videos, and think hard about what is age-appropriate. The
most benign product you are going to get from the networks are 22-minute
sitcoms or cartoons providing instant solutions for all of life's
problems, interlaced with commercials telling you what a slug you are if
you don't ingest the right sugary substances and don't wear the right
The worst product your child is going to get from the networks is
represented by one TV commentator who told me, "Well, we only have one
really violent show on our network, and that is NYPD Blue. I'll admit that
that is bad, but it is only one night a week."
I wondered at the time how she would feel if someone said, "Well, I only
beat my wife in front of the kids one night a week." The effect is the
"You're not supposed to know who I am!" said NYPD Blue star Kim Delaney,
in response to young children who recognized her from her role on that
show. According to USA Weekend, she was shocked that underage viewers
watch her show, which is rated TV-14 for gruesome crimes, raw language,
and explicit sex scenes. But they do watch, don't they?
Education about media and violence does make a difference. I was on a
radio call-in show in San Antonio, Texas. A woman called and said, "I
would never have had the courage to do this two years ago. But let me tell
you what happened. You tell me if I was right.
"My 13-year-old boy spent the night with a neighbor boy. After that night,
he started having nightmares. I got him to admit what the nightmares were
about. While he was at the neighbor's house, they watched splatter movies
all night: people cutting people up with chainsaws and stuff like that.
"I called the neighbors and told them, 'Listen: you are sick people. I
wouldn't feel any different about you if you had given my son pornography
or alcohol. And I'm not going to have anything further to do with you or
your son--and neither is anybody else in this neighborhood, if I have
anything to do with it--until you stop what you're doing.' "
That's powerful. That's censure, not censorship. We ought to have the
moral courage to censure people who think that violence is legitimate
One of the most effective ways for Christians to be salt and light is by
simply confronting the culture of violence as entertainment. A friend of
mine, a retired army officer who teaches at a nearby middle school, uses
the movie Gettysburg to teach his students about the Civil War. A scene in
that movie very dramatically depicts the tragedy of Pickett's Charge. As
the Confederate troops charge into the Union lines, the cannons fire into
their masses at point-blank range, and there is nothing but a red mist
that comes up from the smoke and flames. He told me that when he first
showed this heart-wrenching, tragic scene to his students, they laughed.
He began to confront this behavior ahead of time by saying: "In the past,
students have laughed at this scene, and I want to tell you that this is
completely unacceptable behavior. This movie depicts a tragedy in American
history, a tragedy that happened to our ancestors, and I will not tolerate
any laughing." From then on, when he played that scene to his students,
over the years, he says there was no laughter. Instead, many of them wept.
What the media teach is unnatural, and if confronted in love and
assurance, the house they have built on the sand will crumble. But our
house is built on the rock. If we don't actively present our values, then
the media will most assuredly inflict theirs on our children, and the
children, like those in that class watching Gettysburg, simply won't know
any better.
There are many other things that the Christian community can do to help
change our culture. Youth activities can provide alternatives to
television, and churches can lead the way in providing alternative
locations for latchkey children. Fellowship groups can provide guidance
and support to young parents as they strive to raise their children
without the destructive influences of the media. Mentoring programs can
pair mature, educated adults with young parents, helping them through
their child's preschool years without using the TV as a baby-sitter. And
most of all, the churches can provide the clarion call of decency and love
and peace as an alternative to death and destruction--not just for the
sake of the church, but for the transformation of our culture.
![]() |
Rasa Von Werder, Guru, educator, photographer, takes images of beautiful
male models for her work, to draw attention to the valuable messages.
These images are paid for & edited by Rasa, they are © Rasa Von Werder
2012, with all rights reserved, & should not be used by anyone without
prior permission. Please do not put these images on any internet venues,
especially NOT gay blogs, as her models are straight males posing for a
mainstream & female audience. Some of her amazing models are Reef Mulkey,
Fitzgerald Scott, Brian Tillman & Brandon Adams. Pictured here is 21 year
Rituals of Manhood: Male Initiation in Papua New Guinea
Thanks disciple Kevin for this
![]() |
Rasa Von Werder, Guru, educator, photographer, takes images of beautiful
male models for her work, to draw attention to the valuable messages.
These images are paid for & edited by Rasa, they are © Rasa Von Werder
2012, with all rights reserved, & should not be used by anyone without
prior permission. Please do not put these images on any internet venues,
especially NOT gay blogs, as her models are straight males posing for a
mainstream & female audience. Some of her amazing models are Reef Mulkey,
Fitzgerald Scott, Brian Tillman & Brandon Adams. Pictured here is 21 year
The primary focus of the initiation ritual is to transform “boys”
who are considered feminine persons of women houses into fierce,
strong, male warriors. This process of initiation from boy to man
is also known as masculinization. In actuality men are “reborn”
from men and are taught many important things such as that woman
are dangerous and emasculating. Strangely enough the women are
placed in a situation where they are isolated by their husbands,
who are much older than them. The youths are now the targeted ones
who the women want to use to fulfill their sexual desires. The men
however, are not concerned about falling for these women. They
have been taught well about how women can be dangerous to men,
especially the younger adolescent men who can even die from
heterosexual intercourse.
The isolationism they encounter not only prevent the youth from
having any sexual activities with women, but also from seducing,
or being seduced by married women - which would later create
chaos by enemies. This certainly teaches the boys that they can
indeed live without their mothers and certainly without any
females around them. What the boys need is semen in order to
mature. In some cultures such as this one in Papa New Guinea a
homosexuality ritual takes place. Ironically the homosexual
practice is not a feminizing ritual, but rather the beginning of
a fierce and brutal warrior. The Sambia initiatory cycle starts
when the boy is between the ages of 6 and 10, and proceeds to 6
stages until he becomes the father of one child, some 10 to 15
years later. The following six initiations take place over time
where the boys are isolated from women. They are killed as boys
and reborn as men.
First-Stage Initiation
The first stage is when the boys are removed from their mothers
and are then inducted into the men’s cult. This ceremony last for
seven days, 18 rituals, or ordeals, to which these young boys are
subjected. They are being harden, tested, and united into a group
of leaders as well as being started on their way to becoming
fierce warriors soon after they reach puberty. On the first day
they are taken from their mothers, they are then walked for
several hours to the dance grounds of the last friendly hamlet,
also known as a "small village." These boys are about to go
through arduous and painful rituals.
"A crowd of men hem the boys in beside a pool in the brook. A war
leader picks out a sharp stick of cane and sticks it deep inside
the boys nostrils until he bleeds profusely into the stream of a
pool, an act greeted by loud war cries." (Herdt, p. 85) The men
repeat the war chant for each boy. Here if the initiate tries to
escape he will be treated worst then the others - this brutality
is certainly overwhelming and astonishing. Older men now tell the
boys that the bachelors are going to copulate with them orally in
order to make them grow. The whole purpose of this is because
several elders testify that boys are unable to mature into men
unless they ingest semen and that all men have, “eaten the
penis”. After formal ceremonies end, the bachelors make erotic
advances to the boys and homosexual activity takes place outside
on the darkened dance ground. "Not all initiates will participate
in this ceremonial homosexual activity, but in about five days
later several will have perform fellatio several times." (Herdt,
pp. 87-91) It is quite astonishing to see the men who are known
to be so prudish to participate in homosexual activity so openly
and welcoming. Boys would even seek out their favorite bachelors
by openly stimulating their genitalia. There is no doubt that the
first and second stage initiates have developed an erotic
attraction toward their inseminators.
![]() |
Rasa Von Werder, Guru, educator, photographer, takes images of beautiful
male models for her work, to draw attention to the valuable messages.
These images are paid for & edited by Rasa, they are © Rasa Von Werder
2012, with all rights reserved, & should not be used by anyone without
prior permission. Please do not put these images on any internet venues,
especially NOT gay blogs, as her models are straight males posing for a
mainstream & female audience. Some of her amazing models are Reef Mulkey,
Fitzgerald Scott, Brian Tillman & Brandon Adams. Pictured here is 21 year
Second Stage Initiation
The second stage does not change the boy’s status at all. It is
in a way a continuation of the first stage. The boys continue to
take in as much semen as possible which will later make them
strong, fierce warriors and leaders. All of the foods that the
initiates were now supposed to eat are not severed in a wonderful
feast, which the boys gather around and eat. This is a time to
reward the boys of their efforts to of becoming men while still
not being able to be around women because they are considered
emasculating in several ways. The second stage has no great
significant difference from the first initiation other than the
reward that is given to the boys from the food taboo. "They are
certainly beginning to get the hang of what is going to happen to
them in the future and hopefully they will be able to continue
the process and hold on for this crazy ride from boy to man."
(Herdt, p. 96)
Third Stage Initiation
The third stage, in contrast, brings about a very important
change in the youth’s status and activities. It is a puberty rite
that marks adolescences. The boys become bachelors and shift from
being inseminated to becoming inseminators. The adolescents are
severely beaten and nose bled. They are taken to certain trees
where they are whipped and purified from any female contamination
that could have possible taken place between the times that they
left. "After the boys are thrashed with quill bones and are
violently and unexpectedly subjected to another nose bleed,
another step in this initiation is to capture a women foe in the
hamlet and kill an enemy warrior. After the warrior must ingest
his semen, the semen in essence of the masculine spirit, would
transfer to the enemy and slower and strengthen the dying enemy."
(Herdt, pp. 97-98)
Fourth Stage of Initiation
The forth stage occurs when he is married, usually to a bride
obtained by his father or older brothers. A youth will not start
living with this bride until short before or after her menarche,
the first menstrual period, occurring during puberty. However, he
is now told how to protect himself from women’s genital odor.
While having intercourse he must not penetrate too deeply because
if it enters her urethra it might make him ill. "A ceremony now
links the youth’s growth, strength, as that of a specific tree.
This is where the youth is now exposed to the women after he has
been forewarned about every dangerous thing that a women can
posses against a man." (Herdt, p. 98)
The Fifth Stage of Initiation
The fifth stage of initiation now takes about at the time of his
wife’s menarche. His nose is now bled once more by himself and he
learns in great detail how to protect himself from his wife’s
pollution in greater detail. In certain cases he must place mint
leaves in his nostrils and chew a certain branch while having
intercourse will this wife so he will not smell his wife’s
genital odor. After this, he must bathe in a bath of mud and
bleed his nose each time his wife menstruates. He begins to be
hostile with his wife because he is upset that he has to nose
bleed each time she menstruates because she pollutes him and
endangers his life. "The initiate is now a man who has been
isolated from women for a 12 years; he has practiced homosexual
fellatio, and has even had the dangers of vaginal intercourse
readily. His young wife has been taught to practice fellatio
before they even attempt to vaginal intercourse. She must ingest
the semen given to her by her husband to later be able to provide
from her child while producing breast milk and strong bones. It
is believe that breast milk is transformed semen and therefore it
is the men who indirectly nourish the baby." (Herdt, pp. 98-99)
The Sixth Stage of Initiation
The sixth stage of initiation bestows the full rights of manhood
and takes place after the man has proven that he has achieved
masculinity by having a child, and preferable two. "The man is
instructed to refrain from any intercourse with the new mother
and keep away from the child until it is weaned, a matter of
several years. He does not need to bleed his nose anymore unless
he has another wife to attend to." (Herdt, p. 100) He must keep
all his secrets of the male cult and be sure never to tell anyone
about it, not even his wife because if that was to happen he will
be castrated and killed.
This is certainly a very tough and long initiation process that
takes place in Papa New Guinea. Unfortunately many boys have gone
through this and have not been able to survive this tedious
initiation. Those who have, are considered great warrior and are
then the initiators of the next generation of initiates. The
Sambia tribe is a very strict tribe when it comes to male
masculinization. Most of the time the male’s life is spent in his
ritual of initiation where he dies as a boy and is reborn as a man
in a society where feminization is a degradable characteristic.
Herdt, Gilbert H., ed (1982) Rituals of Manhood: Male Initiation in Papua
New Guinea; Berkeley: University of California Press.
Powhatan Indian Website
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Rasa Von Werder, Guru, educator, photographer, takes images of beautiful
male models for her work, to draw attention to the valuable messages.
These images are paid for & edited by Rasa, they are © Rasa Von Werder
2012, with all rights reserved, & should not be used by anyone without
prior permission. Please do not put these images on any internet venues,
especially NOT gay blogs, as her models are straight males posing for a
mainstream & female audience. Some of her amazing models are Reef Mulkey,
Fitzgerald Scott, Brian Tillman & Brandon Adams. Pictured here is 21 year
This is the kind of work Rasa, Jesus & Buddha do -
Rasa Von Werder newsletter
11 15 12
Rasa Von Werder 11 10 12
To some disciples who want domination:
People seem so innocent, all these dominatrixes seem so good to
you.....but as you get closer to them you have no idea how they will
DESTROY your SPIRITUALITY. I know your SEX DESIRE, you appeared to me
last night & said, that you need some kind of heavy-duty domination for Ur
sex drive. GOD IS THE BIGGEST DOMINATOR. Discipline is the biggest
dominator, becoming a great human being is the biggest domination, the
hardest thing to do. Getting off, having an orgasm with a dominatrix
doing role playing is the lower self, it is not real domination, it is
play, it is pleasure. Real domination is TO OBEY GOD. No one wants to
SUBMIT TO & OBEY GOD, that is the greatest submission.
You think Saints did not submit,, that I didn’t? You have to learn to
SUBMIT – which means being HUMBLE, open yourself up to the Leader, which
is God or your Guru. You open yourself up to a woman who wants to toy
with you for her ego or for money, where does that lead to? It’s of the
lower self. And you will get stuck there, get addicted to that sort of
play. People are addicted to drugs, certain kinds of food, pornography,
certain patterns. Sex can be an addiction also; you can be trained to
respond sexually this way or that. But when you’re addicted you get stuck
on a certain level & can’t go higher.
In the school of Rasa, the training of Rasa, it is the Highest learning on
earth. It is the path of the Highest order. You cannot reach the Rasa
state, Rasa is an Avatar, you will be lucky to sit at her feet. There has
to be discipline. I gave you permission to masturbate to the image of
Mother God, but that isn’t enough. You need a low minded, shallow, ego /
money driven dominatrix to help you? Then you would lose God, because
that is where you would stay, you would not move into the higher reaches.
You cannot play games with dominatrixes & let them “train” & control you
while obeying Mother God, your devotion will become lukewarm, then cool,
then it will disappear as you give in to your lower drives day by day.
The difference between “worship” or “submission” to a dominatrix or to
Mother God is WHERE YOUR MIND IS. Where your mind is, there your heart
I am not going to play domination games with you, that is not my role. I
am an educator & a transmitter of Holy Shakti Kundalini, the Holy Spirit.
That is enough.
As life goes on, Mother God as Kali will punish you. Isn’t that enough?
The punishment of life is the worst bondage & discipline – see it for what
it is. Life teaches, life turns you into a saint. Obey God in your
humility, become a saint, rise above these petty, childish adult games,
become a man, a woman, life is the punishment. You don’t need BDSM & the
only Femdom you need is Mother God & Guru, giving you work. Obey, you
will be blessed, your penis will be blessed, your orgasm will be blessed.
Do not give your orgasms to Satan.
Definitions: Rasa’s followers, Rasa, her Church
John Alia asks:
who i am now ? a follower or devotee or a Chela of Guru ? a disciple? your
pet ? who i am ?
Rasa answers
You are learning, through work & obedience, to be a disciple of Guru Rasa.
You can be called an aspirant, a novice, an apprentice, a beginner, a
follower in the Religion of Mother God.
You will work, learn & obey for a year, until Nov. 2013, & if you fulfill
the obligations requested, you will become a First Grade Disciple.
This is a religious, spiritual Movement to bring back worship of Mother
God & veneration of women.
You are also learning to be a Warrior because this is an Army of Mother
God in that through spiritual warfare, activism & education, we aim to
defeat the Army of Satan, as it manifests through Patriarchy. When Satan
& his people are defeated, we will have the peace & freedom to return the
world to Mother God & fulfill Her prerogatives of Love. She is Love,
Patriarchy is Satan on earth.
Who is Rasa?
Rasa is sent by God & is an embodiment of God, the same as Jesus or
Buddha, specifically sent to Empower women to take over the world. She is
the Head of our Religion & the Commander-in-Chief of the Army of Mother
What is my reward, result or payment for what I do?
You, John, like all disciples, are rewarded by the Vision of God, by
learning you are God & BECOMING GOD – for we are all Gods, men & women, we
come from God, we return to God if we obey, our body & soul is the
substance of God, it is our TRUE NATURE.
By work & obedience to Guru Rasa, you will be lifted through your chakras
into the Sahasrara, the final destination, where God resides, in the
middle of your brain. Your brain center will light up, you will be
Empowered, you will have Vision as the saints see God in Heaven.
While on earth you will receive all the Gifts, Powers & Blessings of God,
you will be protected from harm, you will be guided to your greatest good
on earth & in Heaven.
Will it be easy?
No, of course not. You will face many enemies within yourself & those
around you. You will sense fear, doubt & confusion. Those who think
differently will oppose you, you will face those who hate you & your work,
you will struggle against the envious, you will fight against your own
lower nature & old thoughts & habits of the flesh, but through the grace
of Rasa, you will defeat all & be victorious.
When that which is Perfect has come, that which is in part shall be done
away with.
You will be a new man when you are finished, Perfect in God.
Rasa Von Werder 11 10 12