![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Keeping U informed of the evils of this life created mostly by men & what
to do about it etc. Also the RISE OF WOMEN & the hope in this, for we R
moving into WORSHIP OF MOTHER GOD & Veneration of Women once again, where
ALL THINGS WIL LBE MADE RIGHT. Mother God & women are the ONLY HOPE for
saving our planet.
Rapists look 4 EASY TARGETS – LONG HAIR – parking lots – WOMEN WHO DO NOT
FIGHT BACK – Women who have on clothes that can be ripped off easily
life.) Click Share Button To share it on your Wall.
It seems that alot of attackers use some tactic to get away with violence.
Not many
people know how to take care of themselves when faced with such a
situation. Everyone should read this especially each n every girl in this
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
FYI - Through a rapist's eyes! A group of rapists and date rapists in
prison were interviewed on what they look for in a potential victim
and here are some interesting facts:
1] The first thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle.
They are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun! , braid
or other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed. They are also likely to
go after a woman with long hair. Women with short hair are not common
2] The second thing men look for is clothing. They will look for women
who's clothing is easy to remove quickly. Many of them carry scissors
around to cut clothing.
3] They also look for women using their cell phone, searching through
their purse or doing other activities while walking because they are
off guard and can be easily overpowered.
4] The number one place women are abducted from / attacked at is
grocery store parking lots.
5] Number two is office parking lots/garages.
6] Number three is public restrooms.
7] The thing about these men is that they are looking to grab a woman
and quickly move her to a second location where they don't have to
worry about getting caught.
8] If you put up any kind of a fight at all, they get discouraged
because it only takes a minute or two for them to realize that going
after you isn't worth it because it will be time-consuming.
9] These men said they would not pick on women who have umbrellas,or
other similar objects that can be used from a distance, in their
10] Keys are not a deterrent because you have to get really close to
the attacker to use them as a weapon. So, the idea is to convince
these guys you're not worth it.
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
1] If someone is following behind you on a street or in a garage or
with you in an elevator or stairwell, look them in the face and ask
them a question, like what time is it, or make general small talk:
can't believe it is so cold out here, we're in for a bad winter. Now
that you've seen their faces and could identify them in a line- up,
you lose appeal as a target.
2] If someone is coming toward you, hold out your hands in front of
you and yell Stop or Stay back! Most of the rapists this man talked to
said they'd leave a woman alone if she yelled or showed that she would
not be afraid to fight back. Again, they are looking for an EASY
3] If you carry pepper spray (this instructor was a huge advocate of
it and carries it with him wherever he goes,) yelling I HAVE PEPPER
SPRAY and holding it out will be a deterrent.
4] If someone grabs you, you can't beat them with strength but you can
do it by outsmarting them. If you are grabbed around the waist from
behind, pinch the attacker either under the arm between the elbow and
armpit or in the upper inner thigh - HARD. One woman in a class this
guy taught told him she used the underarm pinch on a guy who was
trying to date rape her and was so upset she broke through the skin
and tore out muscle strands the guy needed stitches. Try pinching
yourself in those places as hard as you can stand it; it really hurts.
5] After the initial hit, always go for the groin. I know from a
particularly unfortunate experience that if you slap a guy's parts it
is extremely painful. You might think that you'll anger the guy and
make him want to hurt you more, but the thing these rapists told our
instructor is that they want a woman who will not cause him a lot of
trouble. Start causing trouble, and he's out of there.
6] When the guy puts his hands up to you, grab his first two fingers
and bend them back as far as possible with as much pressure pushing
down on them as possible. The instructor did it to me without using
much pressure, and I ended up on my knees and both knuckles cracked
7] Of course the things we always hear still apply. Always be aware of
your surroundings, take someone with you if you can and if you see any
odd behavior, don't dismiss it, go with your instincts. You may feel
little silly at the time, but you'd feel much worse if the guy really
was trouble.
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
I know you are smart enough to know these pointers but there will be
some, where you will go "hmm I must remember that" After reading,
forward it to someone you care about, never hurts to be careful in
this crazy world we live in.
1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do: The elbow is the strongest point on your
body. If you are close enough to use it, do it.
2. Learned this from a tourist guide to New Orleans : if a robber asks
for your wallet and/or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from
you.... chances are that he is more interested in your wallet and/or
purse than you and he will go for the wallet/purse. RUN LIKE MAD IN
3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car: Kick out the back
tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like
crazy. The driver won't see you but everybody else will. This has
saved lives.
4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping,eating,
working, etc., and just sit
(doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc. DON'T DO THIS! The
predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for
him to get in on the passenger side,put a gun to your head, and tell
you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU CLOSE the DOORS , LEAVE.
5. A few notes about getting into your car in a parking lot, or
parking garage:
a. Be aware: look around your car as someone may be
hiding at the passenger side , peek into your car, inside the
passenger side floor, and in the back seat. ( DO THIS TOO BEFORE
b. If you! u are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the
passenger door. Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling
them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their
c. Look at the car parked on the driver's side of your vehicle, and
the passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest
your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a
guard/policeman to walk you back out. IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE
THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)
6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. (Stairwells are
horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot).
7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS
RUN! The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times;
And even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN!
8. As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP IT! It may
get you raped, or killed. Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a
good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies
of unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often
asked "for help" into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when
he abducted his next victim.
I'd like you to forward this to all the women you know. It may save a
life. A candle is not dimmed by lighting another candle. I was going
to send this to the ladies only, but guys, if you love your mothers,
wives, sisters, daughters, etc., you may want to pass it onto them, as
Send this to any woman you know that may need to be reminded that the
world we live in has a lot of crazies in it and it's better safe than
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Lesson One in Taking Control of Men
Understand that you are SUPERIOR to men. You are genetically, mentally,
emotionally & constitutionally superior to men, as a woman. (Obviously
this varies by individuals, we are speaking generally.) You have two X
chromosomes, which makes you basically superior. They have one X
chromosome & a puny Y. The Y is crumbling, men are on their way out, they
are going EXTINCT. ( Isn’t that natures way of saying something is wrong?)
You do not have to listen to, obey, or in any way be influenced by males.
They have no authority over you, they cannot control you, move you,
influence you, enhance or teach you. You are the dominant, you are the
authority. Act that way.
Do not let a male browbeat, intimidate, cheat or fool you in any
circumstance, under any conditions, public or private. Do not allow them
to get over on you in the work place or in your personal life.
Do not kow tow to or in any way defer to a male, unless you absolutely
have to, say, he is your boss. Otherwise, do not allow a male to ever
interrupt you when you are alone or with others, or when you have better
things to do.
Always remember, that in all ways, you are superior to men. Just by your
very nature you are superior. If you are Spiritually developed, then you
are even more superior. Bear in mind at all times that you are superior
to them & you need not fear them. Practice this every day & in all ways.
Do not FEAR LOSING THEM. Remember, they are redundant, they can be
replaced, they need women & they are more dependent on us than we are on
them. We are autonomous, we are reproductive, they are not.
Do not FEEL SORRY FOR THEM. When they cannot control you through
intimidation, fear or lies, or any other way, they will then play on your
sympathy or compassion. This is a ploy, do not give in to it. Spend your
empathy money & time on animals & the people & life they have hurt. The
entire planet is crying out to be saved from men, save the planet, do not
waste your time building men up. If you build them up they have more
strength to use & destroy.
Be very careful what you give to men. Be sure they give back, that you
have not wasted your precious time, energy, money or love. These men in
general are not loyal, loving, caring, empathetic or generous. It is true
you can get men to help you, be nice to them, but don’t allow them to
drain you – put your foot down if they do. If they drain you you can get
the work done better yourself. Stop being self sacrificing with men,
sacrifice your resources for all those they have hurt. Sacrifice your
resources for building up Matriarchy.
Do not believe the lies of men. Men who say they want to help usually
just want to use us. Test the men. Make them work before you give them
Ends lesson of today from Guru Rasa 11 5 12
“Taking Control of Men”
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Lesson Two in Taking Control of Men
Rasa says: this course is for men as well as women. Take note we want to
free the prisoner men from other men. If you want to be free from the
domination of men, ponder this & follow it. Men are slaves of the demonic
alpha men as women are, get free. We are teaching you how.
By William Bond
Matriarchy from a man's point of view
Although we live in a patriarchal world and men are suppose to be the
dominant sex, the foundation of patriarchy is man's obedience to
authority. Many Feminist writers have written about how hierarchal
patriarchal societies are. This is to do with how men work together in a
group. Studies show that if you get a group of men together to perform a
task, they will argue among themselves and not achieve anything, unless a
leader is appointed. Then when this happens, the rest of the men tend to
obey the leader without question. So we have a paradox, where it is men's
submissive blind obedience to authority that makes patriarchy possible.
So it seems that in our world, power comes through becoming the alpha
leader of men. This is because men look for leaders to tell them what to
do. If no-one takes on the leadership role, then we have what is called,
"a power vacuum". When this happens, then we have chaos, as men end up
fighting and arguing with each other.
So if we want a matriarchal world, then women have to find ways of
becoming alpha leaders of men. But women have to act and behave like
leaders, before men are willing to obey them. This is hard, because though
thousands of years of patriarchy women have not been encouraged to do
Men do not have a concept of equality in their minds. Men have tried to
create equal societies through the French revolution and later Communism
and Socialism and completely failed to do this. This is why men have no
interest in Feminism, simply because it is about sexual equality. Men far
prefer concepts like Femdom or Matriarchy because it has a hierarchal
What I have found, is that men seem to be far more comfortable with the
idea of, women ruling the world, than women. It makes no difference to the
majority of men who rules the world, whether it is alpha males or women,
they still end up having to do as they are told.
The psychology of men is that they respect and worship winners or those in
authority over them, and have contempt for losers or those whom they see
as lower then themselves in the pecking order. This is how they also see
women. In societies where women are at the bottom of the pecking order,
men will use and abuse them. So it is no point in women trying to appease
men, it only makes them worse. Men show far more respect to women who show
authority. Men worship women who are dominant and bossy, they certainly
don't worship women who are submissive. And they tend to compete against
women, for power, who want to be equal to them.
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
The problem with patriarchal leadership is that is tends to be selfish,
cruel and abusive, whereas most women are not like this. This is what put
off many women in wanting to be the boss, as they are told by patriarchy
that to do this, they have to be horrible and cruel to others. While the
behaviour of women like Margaret Thatcher seem to support this idea, as
are the many femdom fantasies that men have. That is not true, it is
possible to have caring and loving female leadership. Yes, men find it
hard to do this, but it is far more possible for women.
So when dealing with men, women have to see that men think in terms of
hierarchy and pecking orders while equality is a alien concept to them. So
women have to deal with men with this in mind. Women have three choices;
they can be men's abused slaves. Try to be equal to men and compete very
day with them for power. Or dominate and rule men and make them women's
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
(H) Like and or share if you want to stop this horrific practice. Animals
deserve more respect than this...
Video: http://banoosh.com/2013/01/02/cannulated-cow-video/
The ruminal cannual - permanent access to a cow's stomach to analyse the
feed process to maximise meat and milk production. Beyond repulsive and
A cannulated cow can be referred to a cow that has been surgically fitted
with a cannula. A cannula acts as a porthole-like device that allows for
access to the rumen of a cow. This addition of a cannula to a cow allows
for extensive research and analysis of the digestive system of a cow that
otherwise could not have taken place. The activity of surgically fitting a
cow with a cannula can be traced back to as early as the 1920s.
The use of a cannula in a cannulated cow has acted as a so-called
scientific breakthrough by allowing access to one of the four stomachs of
the cow, the rumen. This access to the rumen can allow for a forage
quality analysis. This analysis can help producers to identify the
nutritional needs of a cow, identify the optimal and most cost-effective
Total Mix Ration (TMR), research the effects of chosen food on the cow's
health and provide the farmer with knowledge about his cattle.
The access to the rumen also allows extraction of healthy rumen fluid,
which can be used for treating illness of sick cows in the same herd.
The rumen
A cow has four stomachs, the reticulum, rumen, omasum and abomasum. The
reason for a producer wanting to access the rumen with a cannula is due to
the activity that takes place with this stomach. This stomach is located
on the left side of a cow and serves as the primary site for microbial
fermentation of ingested feed. This stomach is chosen for access with the
cannula due to the fact that the forage analysis can be done in this
Forage analysis
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
A forage analysis can take place due to the access of the rumen through a
cannula. This analysis shows producers which forages are optimal for the
use of their individual operation. A forage analysis is collected through
the cannula. Once the cannula is surgically placed in the cow, a cow its
then allowed to graze for a certain period of time. Once the allotted time
is up the material that is located in the cannula is collected and tested.
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
(1) I am an Infinite Light from God, with Great Power.
I am not the body, although I am temporarily house in it, that is not Who
I am – I am God on Earth.
(2) I am not a mere symbol or link to God I am She – God Herself, in a
Human Form or Temple. Show me the God far away – You can’t. I will show
you God here & now. Honor me, you honor God. Deny me, you deny God.
(3) Being God means I have God Power. This God Power is transmitted to
those who obey the laws or rules of receiving God Power. They must be
HUMBLE, with Faith. It is not slaves I am looking for but people who want
to be Empowered, made Powerful, as I am Powerful..
(4) God is in everyone. Indeed, God is in all people, all creation. But
why then do so many go to Hell? Only humans go to Hell, as only they sin.
There are no animals in Hell. To those who claim they are God on earth
as I am, let us see your miracles & testimonies to those you have
empowered. I have shown mine. If you do not have these proofs, then you
might be a symbol or a God-in-name only. To say “I am God” you must prove
you are God by God Power. God Power WORKS. It heals, transforms, gives
visions & dreams, it energizes people – motivates & inspires them. If you
cannot do this, then you are not God on Earth or God Realized, I am. I
did not become this way by bragging or claiming things that are not true,
by living in my ego or connection to the earth. I became this way by
losing all, giving up all, sacrificing all. It is martyrdom. If you did
not do this, then you are not God on Earth – stop bragging from your ego,
stop lying. No one believes you anyway.
(5) I am not talking to men any more. I was so drained by John A & his
service I have decided not to talk to men any more unless they are proven
friends like William Bond, Steve Andrews & Michael Krause. I realize the
rest of them are whore mongers, sex crazed, seeing me as a dominatrix, not
as God, (whatever they pretend) & they drain me with their sexual issues
every dam day.
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
So males, do not send me chats any more, I will disable you. I have not
spoken to one male since I got rid of John. So don’t bother. I know what
you’re after – me as a sex object. I have no time for that.
Face Book is not where I “play” – it’s where I work. My “play” is with
those whom I choose, it is another playing field, another world, & you are
not in it. So don’t even bother.
As Mother God on earth, I am enjoying life & sex with certain chosen
males. Do not try to be one of them – I choose the males. You will be
ignored. I am especially disgusted with the femdoms males. Throughout
the years I have seen them raise their mental & physical heads again &
again, the big & little heads. They do not serve anyone, unless they pay,
they are looking for free sexual services. They do not worship women,
they drain them. Having normal males around me who help is far more
beneficial & less draining than having femdom men. Femdom men are truly
the biggest charlatans they are. Disguised as men who worship us, they
are men who take more out of us than anyone – unless they literally pay
COLD HARD CASH we should not mess with them. I have learned this from
hard experience. They are Johns looking for free prostitution or therapy
That’s all I have to say on that right now – any questions?
Guru Rasa 1 6 13
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Lecture by Dr James Gilligan
Dr. James Gilligan is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and for most of his
career has worked in prisons studying violent criminals. He had a great
interest in trying to find out why these violent criminals behaved the way
they did, and interview as many as he could. When he asked them why they
had committed their crimes he always got the same answer; that they felt
they were being "disrespected". It seems that the only way these criminal
could gain self respect was to use violence. As some criminals told Dr
Gilligan, "I never got so much respect in my life, as when I pointed a gun
in a dude's face".
It seems that all these criminals had horrendous childhoods where they
were subjected to child abuse or were bullied and humiliated either by
their parents or at school, until they felt, "dead inside" and no longer
had any feelings. The criminals would even call themselves zombies or
robots. Self harm was a commonplace with these criminals, as they would
cut or hurt themselves to try and connect to their feelings. In not being
able to feel, these criminals would have little feelings for others and no
feelings of guilt or remorse for the people, they have hurt or killed.
Another aspect of most of these criminals is they had little education and
were unable to find work. He makes a point, that by far the best program
in prisons that prevent criminals from reoffending, after that got out of
prison, was education. Prisoners that were given an education in prison
were far less likely to go back to prison. This was because with an
education, they were far more likely to get a job and people with
education get fare more respect in our society. Also an educated person is
far more able to gain self respect for themselves than a uneducated one.
Though he also makes the point, that schools were also the places where
children were most likely to be bullied and humiliated, so schools can
also create violent criminals.
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
He gives one horrendous account of one schoolboy spree killer who was
continuously being bullied and humiliated by being called names like
"pussy", "gay", "faggot", "geek" and "nerd". He was actually told that he
wasn't a real man because he wasn't mean enough. So he decided the only
way to make this stop, was to bring guns to school. He then went on a
killing spree and when he was later put into juvenile detention he said he
was now a lot happier in prison that at school. This was because in
detention he was now known as a convicted killer and because of this, had
gained the respect of his fellow prisoners as he was now seen as a "real
Dr Gilligan makes the point that punishment doesn't help these criminals
at all, it only makes them worse. He also makes the same point about
capital punishment, that being killed is no deterrent to violence
criminals, as many feel so bad about their lives that they don't care, if
they live or die. He points out that this is also the psychology of
suicide bombers, whom likewise, have lived lives of being humiliate, so
they no longer cared if they live anymore.
He started a prison program called, "man alive" where he attempted to
deconstruct the male role in our society. He would have discussions with
groups of prisoners about how they saw the world and how these ideas
brought about their criminal behaviour. In these long discussions these
criminals began to realise how they had been brainwashed by the
patriarchal society they lived in, to act out the role of a macho man.
They then slowly began to realise just how stupid this role was, and how
it was the cause of all the unhappiness of their lives. Half of the
prisoners he talked to were in jail for domestic violence and had said
they had assaulted their girlfriends or wives because they felt she had
"disrespected" them. They then realised how crazy this was, and in
following this macho ethos, they had driven away the person they loved.
(We see the same attitude in Islamic countries, where women are assaulted
or murdered if they "dishonour" a man.)
This program had a powerful effect on the prisons where it was carried
out, as these prisoners would talk about what they discovered to other
prisoners, the result was the amount of violence in the prisons greatly
decreased. These prisoners also educated the new prisoners coming into the
prison and the prison guards, to this new way of thinking, of the
stupidity of machismo.
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Dr Gilligan makes a few other interesting points, like, that the USA has
by far the highest violent crime rate in all developed countries. (5-7
times more than any other developed country). He puts this down to the
very macho culture of the USA and the large gap between rich and poor. He
then points out that violence is even greater in third world countries
because of the macho culture is even stronger and the gap between rich and
poor, is even greater.
Another point he makes, is that violent crime in USA in the 20 and 21st
centuries has decreased under Democrat presidents and increased under
Republicans. The reason is that Republicans tend to follow economic
policies of high unemployment, which increases the gap between rich and
poor, while Democrats attempt to try and decrease unemployment. So it
seems that another big cause of crime is high unemployment. Also,
Republican politicians are more likely to cancel programs like education
for prisoners, than Democrat politicians, as well as introducing programs
to punish prisoners, which only make them more violent. He makes the point
that the USA states where the death penalty was re-introduced and carried
out, the murder rate increased. This is because men who are driven to
murder, have little interest in whether they live or die.
To sum it up. It puts the blame for violent on the strong machismo
culture. This is made worse if there is a large gap between rich and poor.
If we look around the world where women treated like slaves, we also see a
great increase in poverty and violence. Where women have more power and
respect, the rate of poverty and violence also decreases. So the more
power women have, the more equal, and peaceful society becomes. This is
another reason, why we need women ruling our world.
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Jim Hi - I was wondering if you could help me understand this a little
MALES HURT & CONTROL OTHER MALES." You're not condemning the LGBT
life-style, correct? Please help me make sure I understand what you are
saying. Thank you, Guru Rasa!
VoiceofmotherGod RasavonWerder I KNEW THIS WOULD RAISE A CAN OF
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
How Circumcision Hurts Women & Men
Muslim MEN allowed by their leaders, to have SODOMY with babies, to
sexually abuse them, & it is not illegal !
allowed to take a baby boy or girl, place their penis between their thighs
& have sex with them, they are allowed all kinds of touching - If they
PERMANENTLY DAMAGE THE CHILD it is not illegal, only an INFRACTION & they
have to provide for the child the rest of their life, but cannot have the
child as one of their PRINCIPLE FOUR WIVES. This woman is outraged & is
fighting for the children. THIS IS PATRIARCHY, THEY ARE MONSTERS
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Middle aged men committing suicide in record numbers
The rise of the needy man, “Tell Me How I Should Be”
The End of Men & the Rise of Women by Hanna Rosin
The End of Men & the Rise of Women by Hanna Rosin
![]() |
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
Pictured here is Rasa’s newest discovery, Daniel Lyons, a prodigy of
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
![]() |
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
![]() |
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
![]() |
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
![]() |
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
![]() |
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
![]() |
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
![]() |
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
![]() |
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
![]() |
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
![]() |
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
![]() |
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.
![]() |
muscle & beauty. Please do not reprint these images anywhere without my
prior permission, especially NOT on gay blogs! I create these photos for
a mainstream audience, for the pleasure of women, & to bring attention to
my educational work. I encourage other women to walk in my footsteps, to
date & hire young males, to get them out of the jaws of Satan, the boy
molesters, the men who once ruled the world & have a system of
controlling young males through abuse, brainwashing, & violence training.
The old women, (over 50) must take charge of the young, as I have, to
guide, direct, encourage, nurture them in the Culture of Life (Biophilia)
& get them AWAY from the Culture of Death (Necrophilia) taught by the old
men. In bygone days women ruled the world & all young men were tutored
by old women – men took that right away from women, as they stole their
other rights in all fields – to TWIST boys into homosexuality &
admiration & respect FOR MEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN. Woman Power, Matriarchy,
is on the rise, & women will soon take over the world again, & a pivotal
point is getting the boys away from the Patriarchs.