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These are images of Rasa Von Werder today, formerly known as Kellie
Everts, the Stripper for God. They are © Rasa Von Werder, 2013
The Rasa Report goes to 300,000 people on the internet
The Connection Between Domestic Violence and Animal Cruelty
(see numerous articles on violence toward women & other animals)
What happens to the male models on the internet is that IF THEY R
“SUCCESSFUL” or work a lot – get seen a lot – They R taken over by the
“gay mafia” – an alliance of men who R pursuing the boys, many of whom
know one another in cliques. Some of them R very good photographers, in
the technical sense. They are previous or present fashion or commercial
photographers, who get paid all kinds of money, they have elaborate
disclaimers of who they R on their ports – all of which, translated, mean
the opposite of what they R saying.
For example:
“I also don't use this site as a dating service”
Etc, etc, etc, he is not interested in anything but beautiful male bodies
– He is here just for fun, if U want to do test shots, talk to his agent!
What Happens when Joe Gay Photographer gets his hands on beautiful male
straight hottie – How does he even get beautiful male straight hottie in
the first place?
They have elaborate schemes, which took them years to build up & develop,
such as, fake (hopeless) modeling agencies or real (licensed, authentic)
male modeling agencies – Neither of which turn out to be cash money or
career windfalls for the models. They R basically ways to gather up
harems, sign them up so to cripple them from working for others, manage
them, control them, to get the owners & their friends to get more dikk.
The models fall for it because they get pictures & PROMISES (I will make U
a star—U will get rich & famous—Lots of paid work, over the rainbow) –
some hopelessly garish, 2nd rate cheap porno, some incredibly good – the
photographers get these pictures FOR FREE including PICTURES FOR
Photographers set up “Magazines”
Oh, this is a GOOD ONE! I’m going to set up online magazines myself.
They look so AUTHENTIC & have such a MARK OF REALITY, but overall, they R
nothing but blogs. Some of them advertise REAL SHIT – like the garbage U
DON’T NEED as R “authentic” paper magazines – (fashion, music, gadgets)
All this is a setup to look authentic, B authentic, to GET MORE SEX from
the models.
Some of the “agents-promoters-managers-photographers” don’t have the
wherewithall to feature products, so they have other garbage like ARTICLES
about all the meaningless stuff of our society. Some of these guys
INCLUDE WOMEN – haha – either they R bisexual or use the women as tokens
Names of some of these magazines go like so (similar but different ones I
conjured up):
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These are images of Rasa Von Werder today, formerly known as Kellie
Everts, the Stripper for God. They are © Rasa Von Werder, 2013
Now, once a photographer has a lot of FREE CLOTHING @ his disposal from
the companies he is promoting in his online “magazine—catalogs” then he
can doll of the guys up in princely fashion – a great plus where the
models don’t have to buy their own—I myself buy clothes 4 the models, & it
ain’t cheap.
All the models – BTW – want to look like “straight, legitimate, actors,
models, fashion, print, commercial models, not NUDE, GAY, SEXY, EROTIC
models – None of them wants the taint or infamy of anything NUDE OR
anti-love, anti-God, anti-life society, all that is FAKE is good, things U
PAY 4 R good, (the more U pay, the more valuable it is!) where the
birthday suit God gave U is questionable, but the rags Kevin Kloset made
or Ralph Lowlife created – these R valuable, Ur skin is not.
Sadly, the models R victims of this society, the savvy, seasoned conmen
photographers of the internet.
Am I being harsh?
Not really. This is what the models expect, followed by what they get:
They expect: To be rich (or richer) & famous 4 affiliating themselves
with the “gay brotherhood.” After all, aren’t they in some cases GREAT
photographers, don’t they KNOW PEOPLE? Aren’t they going to PROMOTE the
Richer – no. They usually con U into doing it all 4 free because THEY
WILL MAKE U FAMOUS & THEN U WILL GET RICH. (Yes, sometimes they pay, but
when they do, there is, in most cases, sex involved, gay-for-pay or else
The FAME they give U: If U STAY WITH THEM, & not do the RIGHT THING which
is take the pictures & run (they might have signed U to a contract so U
can’t run away fast) U will become a GAY ICON, or fodder for men to get
off on, until a certain age, like 35, when U will B finished, over the
hill, & they will GET NEW BOYS.
Coming Next:
Part II: (Coming soon)
How the gay men trick & trap the straight boys into GAY PORN
Part III: (Coming soon)
What is missing from their pictures? As good as these men R (some of
them, some stink) there is SOMETHING MISSING from all their work. What is
![]() |
These are images of Rasa Von Werder today, formerly known as Kellie
Everts, the Stripper for God. They are © Rasa Von Werder, 2013
Dumpster Diving to Raise Awareness About Food Waste
Think dumpster diving is for hipsters and homeless people? Think again.
While people have been rummaging through discards for centuries to find
edible food to support themselves and their families, dumpster diving is
going increasingly mainstream, and in Germany, it’s just gone high tech. A
network of Germans who want to reduce food waste, highlight the huge food
waste problem in the West, and, let’s face it, feed themselves, have
worked out an innovative foodsharing network that shows how dumpsters
don’t have to be the end point of unwanted food.
Food waste has been in the news a lot recently, with more and more people
growing aware of the sheer volume of food thrown out in Western nations
every year. In the U.S. alone, food accounts for an eye-goggling 21% of
municipal solid waste. Worldwide, over one trillion dollars worth of food
is thrown out every year, making up a third of the food produced. That’s a
whole lot of food going nowhere, which is bad for the environment and bad
for people. Advocates against food waste want to see production cut, food
diverted to the people who need it and alternatives to landfilling or
incineration (like composting) pursued with more vigor.
Meanwhile, in the Global South, food waste is much lower; in fact, the
total amount of food wasted in the West amounts to almost the entire food
production of Sub-Saharan Africa. Huge discrepancies exist worldwide in
terms of who can access a steady supply of fresh, healthy food, and food
waste is a significant contributor, as it diverts resources, farmland and
food itself to the production of food for some while others starve.
Achieving a state of balance and equal distribution of food resources
requires rethinking individual relationships with food and waste, but also
changing the entire model of the food system.
Which brings us to Germany, where dumpster divers and allies can sign up
for a foodsharing network that distributes information about the latest
hot dumpster finds, including bread, chocolate, fresh fruit, cheese,
packaged foods, and more. Like other Western nations, Germany routinely
discards food that isn’t “perfect,” even if it’s totally edible; bananas
that look funny, tomatoes that aren’t quite as rosy-red as they should be.
Food may also be discarded before sell-by dates if it’s no longer on trend
or if a store needs to clear space. All this food is fine to eat, and can
in fact be quite delicious, but historically, access to it was limited to
those willing to rummage around in dumpsters to find it.
All that’s changing with the foodsharing network, which includes anonymous
pickup and dropoff points in key locations, along with a website with
constantly updated information on where people can pick up food. This
distribution network diverts edible food to hungry or otherwise interested
mouths, and keeps it out of the landfill. More than that, in the long
term, an effective foodsharing network can relieve pressures on the Global
South, which could in turn help combat hunger in this region of the world,
especially when paired with other food saving initiatives.
Could the foodsharing network spread? Let’s hope so, because in addition
to being innovative, it’s easily replicable and could make a big
difference in communities across the world. While the movement is very
young, it has real potential to become something amazing. Even for those
not interested in taking advantage of it, it’s a great starting point for
a conversation about wasted food.
Related posts:
We Waste 23 Pounds of Food a Month But We Don’t Have To
Why Aren’t We Addressing the Food Waste Problem?
Does Your Annual Food Waste Exceed Your Body Weight?
Read more:
![]() |
These are images of Rasa Von Werder today, formerly known as Kellie
Everts, the Stripper for God. They are © Rasa Von Werder, 2013
Watch Liberated Research Chimps See the Sky for the First Time
Read more:
As noted above, more than 100 government-owned chimpanzees at the New
Iberia Research Center, a laboratory in Louisiana, will be retired to the
federal chimpanzee sanctuary Chimp Haven, providing sufficient funds are
in place to construct the necessary facilities. It is estimated that this
will cost upwards of $2.3 million, funds the government will not be able
to provide in their entirety due to its spending cap having been reached.
Many of the chimps, some of them now over 50 years of age, will have
endured a life-time being subjected to oftentimes invasive medical tests.
The process toward liberating chimpanzees from biomedical research
facilities has been a long one.
In 2011, the Institute of Medicine issued a report in which it concluded
the majority of research conducted on chimpanzees is unnecessary. After a
period of consultation, it was recommended that all but 50 chimpanzees be
fully retired.
As previously cited here at Care2, it emerged last year that a number of
chimps from the New Iberia Research Center were in fact due to be sent to
other medical facilities where, while they would no longer be subject to
invasive medical tests, they may have still been used in research.
In December, however, and after a public outcry, the NIH announced it
would move all the chimps to a sanctuary.
It is estimated that there are nearly 2,000 chimpanzees in the United
States today. Of those, figures suggest 962 are still housed in research
Of the remaining number, approximately 446 live in accredited sanctuaries;
259 are registered by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums; and 287 are
either in non-accredited sanctuaries or zoos, or are being sold or housed
as pets by members of the public — often in wildly restrictive and
unsuitable environments.
Over the next 12 to 15 months, more lab chimps from across the country
will be liberated from their lives as medical research animals.
As noted above, even though the government has now moved to retire the
vast majority of the remaining chimps, a failure to provide funds for such
rehousing efforts means that many so-called retirement sanctuaries, like
Chimp Haven, have had to resort to asking for public funding. Experts in
the field have called on the government to allocate more funds in order to
ensure that the order to retire is more than just empty words.
The Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act of 2011, which requires the
phasing-out of federally supported invasive research on Great Apes and for
retiring government-owned animals to be sent to sanctuaries, continues to
languish in Congress. Privately-funded invasive research on chimps is
still ongoing, and with little remedy yet in sight. Certainly, there is
still a great deal of work to be done on this issue, but the above video
shows in clear terms why the work must continue.
A website has been set-up to track what have been dubbed “The Last 1,000.”
You can access that website here.
![]() |
These are images of Rasa Von Werder today, formerly known as Kellie
Everts, the Stripper for God. They are © Rasa Von Werder, 2013
“We Thought It was Normal That You Had to Have Sex to Keep Your Job”
by s.e. smith
March 12, 2013
What price are you willing to pay for cheap produce? How about a culture
of sexual assault and rape so widespread that one female farmworker
starkly said that “We thought it was normal in the U.S. that you had to
have sex to keep your job.”
For the more than 400,000 immigrant women working on farms and in
meat-packing plants and other agricultural processing facilities across
the U.S., sexual assault is a daily part of the job, as are poor working
conditions like limited access to toilets, shade, fresh water and food.
Most of these workers are making less than minimum wage, which is still
more than they can earn at home, and they live in a constant fear of
deportation, a fear exploited by the men who assault them.
In 2010, the Southern Poverty Law Center published a detailed study
looking at the conditions endured by immigrant women on U.S. farms. What
they found was shocking and revolting. Many survey respondents reported an
atmosphere of repeat rape and sexual assault, citing some farms as so bad
that they’d acquired biting nicknames like “field of panties” or “the
Green Motel” (a reference to being raped between row crops). For all the
cheap produce these farms churned out for eager U.S. consumers, workers
routinely suffered in a work environment where it was difficult to seek
legal redress, and not much has changed since 2010.
The problem for workers is that reporting crimes comes with the embedded
threat of deportation. This is used as a tool for intimidation by
supervisors and others who sexually harass, molest and rape workers,
suggesting that if they tell anyone, they’ll be sent out of the country.
Now that crossing the border is much more difficult and the job situation
in Central and South America is even more dire, deportation is a
particularly serious threat — and many women are not aware that they may
be entitled to consideration under a visa program for victims of violence
and sexual assault.
If workers do manage to find an advocacy group or similar organization,
communication can be a barrier. Many immigrant farmworkers are
Spanish-speaking and don’t speak any English at all, which limits their
options, and some speak only indigenous languages, offering even fewer
choices for finding support. If they choose to come forward with reports
of sexual assault, immigration services often become involved as
translators, even if local law enforcement have no intent of trying to
deport them, and they can become trapped in a request for identification
that turns a sexual assault report into a detention and deportation case.
Some law enforcement agencies are trying different approaches to the
situation, focusing on getting help for victims and taking their claims
seriously. For farmworkers in regions covered by such compassionate law
enforcement, rape doesn’t have to end in silence or deportation, but it
can be difficult to know what kind of treatment will be offered ahead of
time unless advocates can reach potential victims and interact with them,
something made difficult by tactics like forcing workers to stay in
company housing or threatening workers with deportation if they’re seen
talking with people from advocacy groups.
The epidemic of sexual assault staining the agriculture industry of the
U.S. is something that all residents should be ashamed of, and it’s
something that requires urgent action. These cases need to be pursued
seriously and without the threat of deportation, and the U.S. needs
immediate comprehensive immigration reform so that immigrant women won’t
be viewed as such easy targets.
Read more:
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These are images of Rasa Von Werder today, formerly known as Kellie
Everts, the Stripper for God. They are © Rasa Von Werder, 2013
Orphaned Tiger Given Goat to Eat, Befriends it Instead
Written by Stephen Messenger
In 2009, a Bengal tiger cub was rescued from India’s Dhaba forest range,
left helpless after the disappearance of its mother. Over the next few
years, keepers at the Bor Wildlife Sanctuary raised the orphan, named
Bhangaram, to adulthood in hopes of one day releasing him back into the
But, as it turns out, not only was the tiger out of the jungle, the jungle
seemed to be out of it.
Staff at the wildlife sanctuary recently released a live goat into the now
full-grown male tiger’s enclosure as a way of triggering its predatory
instincts. However, as opposed attacking the helpless animal, the
unusually docile tiger did quite the opposite.
From the Times of India:
[Keepers had] hoped the beast would make a quick kill. To their
astonishment and horror, the tiger instead decided to make friends with
its intended meal. For two days, the tiger did not kill the goat despite
being hungry. Instead it played with it; at one point even playfully
dumping it in an artificial waterhole. Finally, the goat was shifted out
and the tiger was given beef to eat.
Although the thought of a normally ferocious tiger ‘befriending’ its
intended meal might seem like an adorable turn for the predator,
conservationists say there is nothing cute about the big cat’s
unwillingness to kill. In fact, Bhangaram’s temperate behavior may mean he
will never be reintroduced to the wild where tiger numbers are in decline.
“I fear the male tiger is not fit for release,” says veteran
conservationist MS Chouhan.
Since the early 1970s, the Indian government has established wildlife
sanctuaries and rehabilitation centers in hopes preserving Bengal tigers,
driven to near extinction from poaching and other conflicts with humans.
But, as conservationists have learned, when young cubs are rescued after
the loss of their mother, they often lack the hunting skills only she can
teach them.
Sadly, even once rescued tigers are returned to the wild, they are more
prone to the same violent run-ins with humans that may have befallen their
parent. Tiger experts say that animals which have lived in captivity are
more likely to prey on cattle, which in turn puts them at risk of being
killed by farmers. In other words, the loss of even a single tiger can
have ramifications lasting for generations.
Despite these challenges, conservationists have reported that the number
of tigers in India has increased by over 15 percent in recent years. All
told, however, tiger populations throughout the world have dropped 96.8
percent over the last two decades from poaching and habitat loss.
![]() |
These are images of Rasa Von Werder today, formerly known as Kellie
Everts, the Stripper for God. They are © Rasa Von Werder, 2013
Chinese Animal Activists Rescue 800 Dogs From Slaughterhouse
Nearly 800 dogs were rescued by a Chinese animal protection group last
Saturday night in the city of Zigong, in southwest Sichuan province.
The Qiming Center, an animal-rights protection group in Sichuan, was the
hero of the day. Last Friday, an Internet user known as “Mosquito”
initiated the rescue via the Twitter-like microblogging site Weibo after
learning the dogs would be transported out of the city of Zigong in
Sichuan province and taken to slaughterhouses in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous
Region to be processed for meat.
200 Animal Lovers Responded To The “Tweet”
On Saturday about 200 Chinese animal lovers responded to Mosquito’s call
and blocked the three trucks packed with hundreds of whimpering dogs.
From CNN:
After a standoff and negotiation, the group agreed to pay the dog trader
83,000 yuan ($13,000) to secure the caged dogs’ freedom, said Qiming
president Qiao Wei.
“It’s a compromise we took in an effort to let the dogs free—they are
visibly suffering for being packed in small cages with very limited space.
We spent hours negotiating with the trader,” Qiao told CNN in a phone
interview. “Finally with the help of local government he was willing to
hand over the dogs in exchange for 83,000 yuan—60,000 for personal
compensation, another 20,000 for cages that we lack.”
Qiming volunteers are now helping settle down the dogs, according to
state-run media.
The two groups, Sichuan Qiming Animal Adoption Center and Chengdu Home of
Love, will take care of the dogs.
Animal Rights Activists: “No Trading, No Killing”
Through this rescue the Qiming Center hopes to send the general public one
message: “No trading, no killing.” Meanwhile, dog trading remains rife in
certain regions in China due to lack of a national law on animal welfare
and protection. Indeed, while the trader, Tang Daguo, promised that he
would no longer engage in the transport of dogs, local authorities said he
had all the proper permits and did not break any laws. It is perfectly
legal to consume dog meat in China.
A positive sign is that Tang, who has been in the business for seven
years, said he had never come across such a blockade before, which raises
the hope that China’s attitudes on pets, and especially dogs, are
580 Dogs Rescued In April
And this isn’t the first such rescue. As Care2′s Sharon Seltzer
wrote here, in April nearly 200 heroic animal lovers in China saved the
lives of 580 dogs that were being trucked to a Beijing slaughterhouse for
their meat. Then too, the plea was put out on Weibo, and nearly 200 people
responded, blocking the truck full of dogs for 15 hours.
Dog meat has long been a popular dish in certain regions of China. But
over time this cultural and culinary tradition is getting more and more
unpopular, as international and Chinese animal protection organizations
increase pressure against the dog meat trade. And these rescue missions
speak volumes about changes in Chinese culture. Thank you, brave Chinese
animal lovers.
Read more:
![]() |
These are images of Rasa Von Werder today, formerly known as Kellie
Everts, the Stripper for God. They are © Rasa Von Werder, 2013
Some people actually think this is fun: tie a bear to a stake so she can
barely move, then let loose a bunch of dogs who want to tear her limb from
limb. As dogs get tired or injured, fresh dogs are brought in. Sometimes
the bear’s canine teeth are pulled out and claws are filed down or removed
so that she has no way to fight her attackers.
Warning: the following video includes images of bears being attacked by
dogs in bear baiting contests.
Video courtesy of World Society for the Protection of Animals
Bears who survive a three-minute bout can look forward to several more
attacks that day, in front of as many as 2,000 spectators. The attacks
will resume another day. Owners try not to let their animals die in this
blood sport because they want to use them again in future match-ups.
You don’t want to be a bear in Pakistan, especially one of the 70 forced
into these maulings. You don’t want to be a dog there either.
Pakistan outlawed bear baiting way the hell back in 1890, but it reemerged
around 2004 as a popular activity for local warlords. Authorities and
animal welfare groups are trying to enforce the legal ban and to educate
the public about the evils of bear baiting. The World Society for the
Protection of Animals has built a sanctuary in Pakistan for rescued bears
called Balkasar Bear Sanctuary:
The warlords who organize this torture are violating not only the 1890
prohibition, but also laws in several Pakistani provinces protecting
Asiatic black bears (also known as Himalayan black bears) and banning the
capture of wild cubs because they are listed on the World Conservation
Union’s Red List of Threatened Animals as “vulnerable.” (Asiatic black
bears are the same ones who are farmed for their bile.) Brown bears with
the same Vulnerable listing are also used for baiting. They are usually
captured from the wild.
Many argue that Islamic law also forbids baiting animals.
The World Society for the Protection of Animals is taking action to end
bear baiting in Pakistan. If you’d like to help you can visit its website.
Read more:
![]() |
These are images of Rasa Von Werder today, formerly known as Kellie
Everts, the Stripper for God. They are © Rasa Von Werder, 2013
The Irish government has admitted that, for more than seven decades, it
was in collusion with laundries operated by religious congregations which
kept generations of women and girls (as young as 12) in virtual
enslavement. While some of the women were unwed mothers, the majority were
placed there due to mental illness or physical disability, homelessness or
petty offenses.
The Magdalene laundries took their name from Mary Magdalene, the biblical
figure who (at the time the workhouses were founded in the mid-1800s) was
thought to have been a prostitute. They were run by religious
congregations and the Irish government has long claimed that the laundries
were privately owned and controlled by nuns. But according to a
just-released 1,000-page government report, the Irish state was
responsible for sending over a quarter of at least 10,000 young women to
the laundries.
In addition, the state gave the laundries lucrative contracts which were
out of compliance with its own Fair Wage Clause. Those who escaped from
the laundries were pursued and returned by the Gardai, the police.
Irish Government Fails To Issue an Apology to Survivors
While the Irish government has admitted its complicity in sending women to
the Magdalene laundries, Prime Minister Enda Kenny failed to issue a
formal apology. While saying that he was “sorry that this release of
pressure and understanding for so many of those women was not done before
this, because they were branded as fallen women,” he said that the state
could not respond until a full parliamentary debate has been held.
Survivors of the workhouses and their supporters from groups including
Justice for Magdalenes have immediately called foul on the Irish
government which had actually received the report two weeks ago. Steven
O’Riordan of the lobbying group Magdalenes Survivors Together said that
Kenny’s response was “halfhearted at best” and that he was “annoyed
because it sounded like a throwaway gesture.”
Just hearing about the Magdalene laundries, which operated from 1922 until
as late as 1996, suggests that Kenny and the Irish government have yet to
grasp the suffering of so many innocent women and of their families. Once
taken to the workhouses — 60-year-old survivor Maureen Sullivan recalls
that she was taken to one directly from school in a laundry van — all the
women were given different names by the nuns, on the pretext that such
would protect their privacy.
In reality, “Maggies” (as the girls and women in the laundries were
called) were shorn of all rights. They were forced to work day in and day
out doing laundry (including that of major hotel groups and the Irish
armed forces) and denied any contact with the outside world and certainly
with their families.
As Sullivan tells the Guardian, she was physically and verbally abused for
“infractions” of nothing more than not walking fast enough around the
“There was physical abuse where they would dig you in the side with a
thick cross off the rosary beads, where you got a thump on the side of the
head and where there would be constant putting you down, shouting, verbal
abuse. You got the cross in the side of the ribs if you slowed down on
your way around the laundry.
“[The nuns] ate very well while we were on dripping, tea, bread. I
remember another torture – one when we were all hungry – we could smell
the likes of roast beef and cooked chicken wafting from where the nuns
were eating. That was like another insult.”
Sullivan received no education while imprisoned in a Magdalene laundry
and, after leaving, was homeless for a period. In the 1970s, she sought
counseling about what had happened to her and, as she says, “then it all
came back, all the abuse and exploitation I had suffered in those places.”
Elderly survivors of the Magdalene laundries are threatening to go on a
hunger strike if the Irish government does not offer financial redress. I
shiver at the thought of women who have already suffered enough for
several lifetimes having to subject themselves to such. Kenny and the
Irish government need to apologize and compensate these women in full for
a cruel and inhumane punishment that not a single one of them deserved.
Related Care2 Coverage
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These are images of Rasa Von Werder today, formerly known as Kellie
Everts, the Stripper for God. They are © Rasa Von Werder, 2013
These Powerful Sex Trafficking Photos Will Haunt You
Can you imagine a life where your own mother willingly sends you to the
streets to be a sex worker, where your virginity is sold to the highest
bidder and where you are forced to sleep with 10 men each night? Sadly,
this nightmare is reality for many girls in the sex trade of Southeast
Asia. Human trafficking is a serious and widespread problem, and victims
are offered few escape routes from the brutal life.
These photos offer a small glimpse at the lives of sex workers in Phnom
Penh, Cambodia, where the sex trade is a growing industry.
A slum building in downtown Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where drugs and
prostitution are rampant. Human trafficking survivor Srey Neth was sold
here, by her mother, at age 14 to a pimp who later sold Neth’s virginity
for $300. (Tim Matsui)
Srey Neth and Lia move into the STAR House, a secondary transition home
designed to help victims of sex trafficking to learn the skills to
reintegrate into society without falling back to sex work. The teenagers
are residents of Transitions Global and have experienced horrific physical
and mental abuse largely at the hands of their fellow Cambodians. (Tim
A young woman in a Phnom Penh slum. Investigators later found her mother
was pimping the drug-addicted girl nightly to upwards of 10 Cambodian men.
(Tim Matsui)
Read more:
![]() |
These are images of Rasa Von Werder today, formerly known as Kellie
Everts, the Stripper for God. They are © Rasa Von Werder, 2013
NOTE: This is a guest post from Cheryl Hotchkiss, Senior Manager of
Advocacy and Public Engagement at World Vision Canada. World Vision is a
Christian relief, development and advocacy organization dedicated to
working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and
injustice. World Vision’s Help Wanted: End Child Slavery campaign is
focused on reducing the number of children who are pushed, forced or
trafficked into 3D jobs – dirty, dangerous and degrading.
Throughout my life, I have been consistently encouraged to “take the road
less travelled.” I have been lucky enough to have opportunities that
provided me with safe choices for where to further my education, where to
live and where to work. Even when I’ve hit roadblocks, I never felt that
the paths in front of me might threaten my life. Like many other
Canadians, I have not experienced the kind of poverty that would force me
to find a job that threatens my physical and mental health or life.
Would you risk your life in a job to help pay for food, shelter, or
More than 115 million children are experiencing this kind of poverty. They
have no option but to take jobs that can result in injury or death.
Poverty enslaves children, and in some cases, sends children with
traffickers seeking to take advantage of their vulnerability. Children
living in extreme poverty are harvesting cocoa or tobacco; making clothes
or bricks, fishing, cleaning houses or are subjected to sexual
A journey in and out of misery
In Myanmar, Ma Ni* and her three children took a risk. The result: they
became victims of traffickers who forced them into 3D jobs (dirty,
dangerous, and degrading). After losing her husband to malaria, Ma Ni
explained that she “didn’t even have a penny in [her] hands.” As the
impact of poverty set in, Ma Ni met a broker who offered to reconnect her
with family in Thailand and provide jobs for her eldest daughter and her
in a book shop. Not knowing where they were going, Ma Ni and her three
girls were instead smuggled into Malaysia and sold to another broker.
For eight months, the eldest daughter, along with her mother, were forced
to sell books at a Malaysian bus terminal without payment. Her daughter
explains that she was terrorized if she didn’t sell enough books, “every
day I had to sell 150 books a day at least. I was beaten daily for missing
targeted amounts.” As a final insult, all three children were forced to
beg on the street if not enough books were sold. But even work in
degrading conditions could not break the spirit of this family.
Guided by their mother, the children took a chance one day to flee to the
Myanmar Embassy. Myanmar’s anti-trafficking task force helped the family
return home where they were connected with World Vision. The children are
now in school and a small home has been built for the family.
A road well-travelled
After hearing the story of Ma Ni’s children, I really can appreciate how
lucky I have been to consider what “road” I travel and to know that there
are resources there to help me — family, friends, social programs. As we
can see with Ma Ni’s family, extreme poverty often forces children and
families into very risky decisions or leaves them with no choices at all.
With an estimated 1.2 million children trafficked globally each year, the
roads into dirty, dangerous and degrading work are well-travelled.
Read more:
![]() |
These are images of Rasa Von Werder today, formerly known as Kellie
Everts, the Stripper for God. They are © Rasa Von Werder, 2013
Somali Woman Who Reported Rape Handed Prison Sentence
A Somali woman who dared to allege she was raped by security forces at a
camp for the homeless has been handed a prison sentence. Similarly, the
journalist who interviewed the woman has also been jailed even though he
never actually reported on the story.
The 27-year-old woman, who has not been named, was sentenced on Tuesday by
Judge Ahmed Aden Farah.
“We sentence her for offending state institutions by claiming she was
raped,” AFP quotes the judge as saying. “She will spend one year in prison
after finishing the breastfeeding of her baby.”
The woman reported the alleged rape last year at a police station in
Hodan, a district in Mogadishu that houses in camps a number of displaced
people. On January 10, just days after talking to reporter Abdinur Ibrahim
and about the alleged rape, she was arrested and then interrogated over a
two day period without legal representation. She was released only after
disavowing her rape claim, though she later refused to say she had lied
when meeting with the attorney general.
Journalist Abdinur Ibrahim, who was also arrested on January 10, is still
being held with Somali police claiming he was involved in an al-Jazeera
report on rape in Mogadishu camps. Human Rights Watch reports there is
evidence that prior to the trial, “police held Abdiaziz Abdinur for 19
days without charge and denied him access to a lawyer, a doctor, and to
medicine he requested on several occasions.”
Human Rights Watch goes on to allege that the administration had decided
the pair’s guilt before the trial had even taken place:
[On] January 18, the interior minister told the media that the “government
would not tolerate reporting that incites the public or creates a
situation where the national security of the country could be undermined.”
He also specifically alleged that Abdiaziz Abdinur had paid bribes to the
The rights group goes on to note that the judge refused to allow defense
lawyers to present witnesses or allow medical testimony that went against
the prosecution’s assertions that there was no medical evidence the woman
was raped.
The exact grounds for the convictions, that is to say their legal basis,
remain unclear. However, the court appears to have cited newly added
charges under Sharia law as well as more standard provisions contained in
Somalia’s penal code. The charges against the woman include fabricating a
rape case and insulting state authority. The charges against the reporter
are more wide-ranging and include a one year sentence for fabricating a
false claim — despite the fact he never reported the story — as well as
entering the home of another man without permission, and falsely accusing
a government body.
Human rights groups have accused Somali authorities of a systematic cover-up.
“These guilty verdicts mean that any Somali who is raped or otherwise
abused by Somali security forces will think twice about reporting it to
the police, and journalists will be cautious of even interviewing victims
of human rights violations,” said Netsanet Belay, Africa program director
at Amnesty International. “The government should quash the case and order
the immediate release of the journalist from prison.”
The case is doubly worrying in that it had been hoped that with the
election last year of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, there would be a
dedicated effort to improve women’s rights in the country and, in
particular, how Somali has historically treated rape claims. Instead,
critics argue, this is evidence of simply more of the same kind of ill
The U.S. and Britain have enthusiastically backed Somali’s new
administration as a chance at building stability. With news of this story,
they have voiced their disquiet over a seeming failure to address these
issues and, perhaps just as worryingly, a propensity to quash dissenting
Last Sunday, Somalia’s prime minister Abdi Farah Shirdon Saaid attempted
to calm fears, saying that a review and a possible reform would be carried
out after the trial, reportedly adding, “We recognize the concerns of our
international partners and we are only too aware of the enormous
challenges our nation faces.”
Read more:
![]() |
These are images of Rasa Von Werder today, formerly known as Kellie
Everts, the Stripper for God. They are © Rasa Von Werder, 2013
In a story that is horrifying both because of its content and the media
coverage that has followed in its aftermath, 18 young men and teenage
boys, some as young as middle-schoolers, were arrested in the town of
Cleveland, Texas, for gang-raping an 11-year-old girl last November. The
police learned about the assault last November, when one of the girl’s
elementary-school classmates told her teacher that she had seen a
cellphone video of the attack.
According to an affidavit, which cited photos and videos as proof, the
girl was offered a ride by a 19-year-old man, who took her to his house,
forced her to disrobe, and along with several other men, sexually
assaulted her. She was then taken to an abandoned mobile home, where the
rest of the assaults occurred. Several of the attackers documented the
event on their phones.
All of this is now just hitting the news. New York Times reporter James
McKinley Jr.’s approach, which focuses on the way that the East Texas
community has reacted to the assaults, is problematic, insensitive, and
victim-blaming. It paints the attackers as well-meaning “boys” who were
“drawn into” the horrible violence, and describes the victim as dressing
“older than her age, wearing makeup and fashions more appropriate to a
woman in her 20s.” Although the alleged attackers are only now being
arrested, and a trial has yet to commence, the coverage seems to indict
the victim as if not more severely than the men who repeatedly raped an
11-year-old girl, while taking videos on their cellphones.
As Shakespeare’s Sister points out, by the fourth paragraph of the NYT
article we know a significant number of details about the attackers; the
victim has yet to figure in the story aside from her gender and age.
McKinley quotes a woman who is dismayed at the idea that “these boys have
to live with this the rest of their lives.” Of course, the trauma of
being raped by almost twenty men is made to seem negligable by comparison.
To make matters worse, the description of the victim plainly implies that
she was a deviant figure. She had been “visiting friends” in the
neighborhood near the abandoned trailer in the months before her assault,
and sometimes hung out with teenage boys near a playground. According to
the woman quoted above, this means that the assault was the girl’s
mother’s fault.
“Where was her mother? What was her mother thinking?” she said. “How can
you have an 11-year-old child missing down in the Quarters?”
McKinley then launches into a description of the town’s economic
depression, and describes the trailer’s bleak interior. Instead of the
story of a violent crime perpetrated by adults and minors against another
minor, this angle encourages us to feel sorry for the small town that has
been “shaken to its core.” The attackers are equally victims, and the
victim is for the most part absent. The word “rape” is only used a few
times in the article, the fact that the girl could not have consented is
mentioned nowhere, and the tragedy is not that an 11-year-old girl was
subjected to unspeakable violence, but that the “town” (represented
through the one person quoted) doesn’t know how to react.
The Houston Chronicle‘s coverage is equally bad. Describing the victim’s
Facebook postings, Cindy Horswell writes,
“Sometimes she comes across like a little girl, such as when she talks of
her special talent for making “weird sound effects” and “running in
circles” to overcome nervousness.
But she also makes flamboyant statements about drinking, smoking and sex.
Yet her vulnerability pokes through the tough veneer as she tells of
“being hurt many times,” where she “settled for less” and “let people take
advantage” and “walk all over” her. She vows to learn from her mistakes.”
As Margaret Hartmann writes on Jezebel, “Publishing information like that
would be wrong if the victim was an adult, and it’s totally reprehensible
in the case of a victim who “comes across like a little girl,” because
that’s exactly what she is.” The idea that this girl needs to “learn from
her mistakes” is absurdly offensive. It baldly implies that because of
her actions, she was raped.
There’s one acceptable response to all of this coverage, and it’s outrage.
As Liz Henry passionately writes, “The media is reporting on how she
dresses, what the town thinks of how she dresses, where she hangs out,
whether she cusses on her Facebook page… ALL COMPLETELY NOT RELEVANT to
her being kidnapped and brutally gang raped.”
This is a story about a child who was kidnapped by an adult and forced to
have sexual intercourse with a large number of men. The act was recorded
and somehow made its way back to her elementary-school classmates. These
are the events that McKinley, Horswell and other reporters should be
writing about – not about the town’s economic decline, and certainly not
what the neighbors think about the victim or her mother.
Read more: gang rape, media coverage, media sexism, rape, sexual abuse,
sexual assault, sexual violence, texas, victim-blaming, violence, womens
Read more:
![]() |
These are images of Rasa Von Werder today, formerly known as Kellie
Everts, the Stripper for God. They are © Rasa Von Werder, 2013
Save Hungry, Abused Cart Horses & Donkeys
Emaciated and ill horses and donkeys pulling overloaded carts down city
streets are a common sight in Israel, but that is about to change. The
government is set to ban “any vehicle drawn by an animal from urban
roads,” effective within six months. The ban still needs a signature by a
parliamentary committee, but Nina Natelson of CHAI – Concern for Helping
Animals in Israel calls that “a formality.” The ban will be the first of
its kind in the world.
Cart horses and donkeys in Israel “haul heavy carts filled with furniture,
rocks from construction sites, watermelons and other produce for the
market.” Horses and donkeys are so cheap — a donkey can be had for $5 —
that it isn’t economical for carters to feed or shelter them adequately,
much less pay for veterinary care. Instead they abandon them at the end of
the summer. The animals often collapse in the street, alone, with infected
lesions on their faces from too-small harnesses and ribs clearly visible
under their skin.
One rescued horse, Shabbat (so named because he was rescued on the
Sabbath, the first day of his new life), was 250 pounds underweight. His
knees were gouged and blood ran down his legs because the heavy load
combined with his starvation made him fall often. Nails were driven into
the soft part of his feet to attach pieces of wood so he wouldn’t slip.
When a vet removed the wood, he found that Shabbat’s feet were a bloody
CHAI was a primary mover behind this reform. The organization lobbied
officials, exposed abuse and neglect, sponsored a rally featuring popular
entertainers and enlisted the public to help report and document abuse.
The next hurdle will be enforcing the ban on animals pulling vehicles.
CHAI has plans in place, which include distributing letters to Israel’s
mayors and local police chiefs about “the new law and their
responsibilities to enforce it,” Natelson says. The group will continue
calling on Israelis to photograph cart horses with their phones and send
the pictures to CHAI, which will report violations to the authorities.
CHAI is also planning on an educational initiative for children.
The donkey above was forced to haul scrap metal. See the following pages
for more pictures of Israel’s cart horses and donkeys.
Read more:
The Connection Between Domestic Violence and Animal Cruelty
How is Animal Abuse Related to Domestic Violence?
In recent years, a strong connection has been documented linking animal
abuse and domestic violence. A New Jersey study found that in 88 percent
of families where there had been physical abuse of children, there were
also records of animal abuse. In Wisconsin, battered women revealed that
in four out of five cases, abusive partners had also been violent toward
pets or livestock. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
conducted its own study in which 85.4 percent of women and 63.0 percent of
children reported incidents of pet abuse after arriving at domestic
violence shelters. The Chicago Police Department's Domestic Violence
Program took a look at the criminal histories of animal fighting/animal
abuse arrestees for 2000-2001 and found that approximately 30 percent had
domestic violence charges on their records. There is legitimate evidence
that the individuals involved in violent acts against animals present a
danger to the public that must be addressed. Intentional animal abuse is
often seen in association with other serious crimes including drug
offenses, gang activity, weapons violations, sexual assault and domestic
violence—and can be one of the most visible parts of an entire history of
aggressive or antisocial behavior.
Why do Abusers Batter Animals?
What Can Law Enforcement Do?
What Can Victim Advocates and Domestic Violence Shelters Do?
What Can Animal Shelters and Humane Organizations Do?
Legal Protections for Animal Victims of Domestic Violence
Conclusion and Additional Resources
Why do Abusers Batter Animals?
To demonstrate power and control over the family
To isolate the victim and children
To enforce submission
To perpetuate an environment of fear
To prevent the victim from leaving or coerce her to return
To punish for leaving or showing independence
What Can Law Enforcement Do?
It is imperative that first responders understand the connection between
animal abuse and family violence. When responding to domestic calls it is
imperative to be alert for signs that children and/or pets might be
victimized. Children may be more willing to discuss what has happened to a
pet than their own victimization.
Victims and their children should be asked:
Do you have any pets?
Has the batterer or any else threatened to harm your pet?
Will you need assistance in finding a safe place for the pet if you
Be sure to document any signs of animal abuse and report it to the
appropriate agency empowered to investigate animal cruelty. Many victims
will not go forward with the prosecution of their abuser. However,
prosecution on animal cruelty charges can result in incarceration or
treatment equivalent to what might result from a domestic violence
What Can Victim Advocates and Domestic Violence Shelters Do?
Work with victims to be sure they include pets in their safety planning
Include questions about any threats or injuries to pets on your intake
Work with legislators to insure that pets can be included in orders of
protection and educate judges about the necessity to do so
Work with your local humane organizations or animal control to
establish programs for the emergency housing of pets coming from homes
experiencing violence
What Can Animal Shelters and Humane Organizations Do?
Reach out to local domestic violence shelters and establish programs
for emergency housing of pets from homes with domestic violence
If no space is available, work with animal foster care agencies to
establish a network of homes that might provide emergency care for
these pets
Incorporate information on these connections in school programs,
particularly those that might reach children at risk of family
Legal Protections for Animal Victims of Domestic Violence
Sadly, victims of domestic violence often remain in dangerous or
dysfunctional relationships to protect their pets. A study of women
seeking temporary "safe haven" shelter showed that 71 percent of those
having companion animals reported that their partners had threatened,
hurt, or killed their animals. It is likewise well-documented that many
more abuse victims never even go to a shelter because they fear for the
safety of the pets they must leave behind.
In recognition of this phenomenon, several states have passed laws that 1)
empower judges to include pets in court-issued orders of protection;
and/or 2) include the harm or threat of harm to animals in the state's
legal definition of "domestic violence."
See which states allow pets to be included in orders of protection and
read the individual laws.
Conclusion and Additional Resources
Animal cruelty is increasingly viewed as a serious issue by professionals
in law enforcement and mental health—as well as by the general public. The
effective prosecution of animal abuse has many benefits. It can provide an
early and timely response to those who are, or who are risk of becoming, a
threat to the safety of others. It can provide an added tool for the
protection of those who are victims of family violence. Finally, it can
bring personal satisfaction in developing new skills and new
understanding, and helping build a truly compassionate society.
ASPCA Legislative Services Department
Email contact: lobby@aspca.org
National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence
National Network to End Domestic Violence
Office on Violence Against Women
Email contact: info@pet-abuse.com