Tuesday 8 October 2024

Richard Burton Ascends after 40 years!


 Richard Burton ascends! with 3 other unknown souls

Later my best lady friend ascends!

Richard Burton-James Brown experiences


         Richard I saw yesterday {9-28-24} & am thinking it’s his ASCENSION. If so that means he’s been attached to my Portal for a time, receiving its Anointing to ascend. It goes like this:

         I see Richard Burton standing by a long window that might be a kitchen because the curtain is not all the way up, halfway {café curtain}, - it’s WHITE COTTON. Richard is to the side & seems to be MOVING THE CURTAIN.

         Died: August 5, 1984 (age 58 years), Céligny, Switzerland

         If this is his Ascension he was in Purgatory 40 years, 22 days.  It’s a long stretch.

 My first husband Stanley Everts, holds the record of anyone I helped @ 55 years. He was truly evil in his heart as he tried to strangle me twice & held a grudge of hate against me at least 30 years in Purgatory, when I asked God not to show hime to me any more. When I finally relented & said you can show me him now, that very day he did Ascend.

It’s hard to imagine Richard Burton in Purgatory that long, after seeing him in “The Robe”. But he was a great actor & this was not reality, so he could be far from God inside. 

If it is his Ascension then it goes like this:

*{Richard is MOVING THE VEIL to announce his ascension. It’s the kitchen because thi sis the old farmhouse, & the table we used for eating all our daily meals was right there in the corner, with windows on both sides of the corner. And so, this would indicate Richard had been receiving benefit from my DAILY MASSES.

This might also explain why I was having nightmarish/struggling dreams all night for 2 nights – the 26th & 27th, penance I shared to transmit Grace – that’s a maybe. 


Richard Burton is communicating with me from Heaven, moving the curtain. CURTAIN is the SYMBOL of the closure between us & the other side – mystical side which we usually don’t see or relate to. Could be Purgatory or Heaven, or even Hell.

If so, what would his message be? I don’t see a message & so it seems more likely the first interpretation is correct.}*

PS Today is the 29th & I now recall a scene from one of the long, nightmarish dreams I had for 2 days before Richard ascended. It goes like this:

I’ve been struggling to take 4 people somewhere, a place like ‘home’ or where we belong, but it’s been rough going. Right now we’re facing a river that seems OK, it’s narrow at this spot & seems to have ice over it, we can cross, & our goal is somewhere on the other side. But then I notice the ‘ice’ is covered with mushy snow & I discern that the ice underneath is not solid, & if we try to cross here we’ll all drown.

I have another idea. I just recalled I can FLY.

‘But I can only take ONE of you for that,’

I tell them as I hold the chosen one close to my shoulder & heart. The other 3, sadly, will be left behind.

But then I see, to my delight, to the right of the place we were planning to cross, a bridge made of huge solid rocks, maybe 4 rocks here, which are about 10’ square, & that deep also.  Cold water is splashing over them but this is solid, & I tell us friends to let’s cross & we go.   {End}

*{These 4 people are souls in Purgatory that I’ve been struggling to get ‘across’ to God. The one I’m holding dear, that I choose to favor, could be Richard Burton. The part about FLYING is my Anointing, sailing to Heaven, taking Richard there, on my spiritual Power. But I could only take him, not the other 3 that way. But then I see that rock bridge.

Notable that the rock bridge seems to have FOUR huge rocks as described which make up the bridge. That means that EACH SOUL GOT A MASS equivalent to a huge rock {Christ’s Body & Blood} that gets them across to God – it’s stronger than anything.

What is the original place we thought was ice we could walk over? But upon second consideration I see the danger.

That would be getting over on one’s own strength – impossible. We need the SUPERNATURAL Grace of God.

Rocks hearken to ‘the Rock of Christ’ & that’s in the Eucharist. With the Eucharist, saying the Holy Mass each day, I can get all 4 of these souls across into Heaven - & I DID – I see me walking them over the bridge to THE OTHER SIDE which is the SPIRITUAL REALM OF GOD.

But except for Richard, I don’t know who these souls are.}*


         Channeling Richard Burton


I asked him today what kind of sins kept him in Purgatory so long?

He said the sins of pride – egomania. He only thought about himself, life revolved around him.  God was third or fourth he only remembered or called on God for good luck with his performances.

He took his great talent for granted – it was a gift he did not acknowledge God for, he felt it was his & his alone, from God.

His whole world was me, myself & I.

I asked why was he saved then, & what about the multi-million dollar ring he gave Elizabeth?

He said he was saved because he did render God some respect deep in his heart but he did little about it. He got in Purgatory what he gave to God – God returned to him what She was given – very little love for a long time.

And Elizabeth, he said he USED her. His fame increased a hundred fold when they began their affair, he made that much more money & he’d contact her wherever he was when he needed her to up the gate. The money was a ‘kickback’ of sorts, & he says it cost much less than what Liz sold it for, she made it famous, & he knew it would bring ever more publicity & therefore more jobs & more bread in his pocket.

He did most of his activities for a return – they weren’t charity – he didn’t have much of that.  {will channel him more later after I study him a bit & will know some questions. I know almost nothing about him, except in relation to Elizabeth & his movies. I think most of us know him through Liz, besides his films, Liz gave him the greatest publicity of his career.

Was his love for her true? He loved her beauty & sex appeal but God’s love? – Not much.} {End}


Communicate with James Brown in Heaven


I’m with James Brown, & I embrace him from the back. His hair is Afro - very full & soft, & I rest my head on it, the right cheek.

And I say to him,

“I would like to see you. Would you like to see me?”

Then great interference occurs where I cannot hear him at all, it goes on for two units of time, like 2 hours or 2 days. I thought the DELAY might make him ‘hang up’ as if we were on the phone – but it didn’t.

  It finally stops before I can hear his answer, & he says,


*{So he does have good feelings for me – after all these years.  Since he’s in Heaven – he ascended Dec. 21, 2023 – 17 years in Purgatory.

I might add that he transmitted to me some feelings of sorrow for his treatment of me after I heard by audio tape:  “Fifty years a Slave” – the life of Charles Ball.  I was astonished, impressed & sympathetic to the max over this account – even moreso than several other slave stories I had listened to. This touched James when he realized how much I cared.

HAIR represents THOUGHTS as it comes OUT OF THE HEAD. So here it would be full, rich, soft thoughts toward me & my resting my head on his hair is resting or being comforted by his thoughts.

What is the DELAY as to meaning? It took him a LONG TIME to understand there was true love coming from me & to repent of his treatment of me. Finally, after so many years, e does. After all, I met him when I was 19 & the affair dragged on unmercifully for years of TORTURE.  The last time he stood me up I was dancing at the Melody Burlesque Theater in NYC maybe 1978.}*


Best Lady Friend Ascends 10-8-24


         I did NOT expect this!  Been working for the late Queen Elizabeth II & her consort Prince Philip, doing Masses for them every day. Then I thought of two people I know still in Purgatory – Mary Jane Mulligan & Franco Columbu. I thought here I am helping people I never even knew while two people I know are still there – let me kick it up & help them as well.

         I couldn’t say more than 2 Masses

a day, but I began to pray each day for the 2 souls & promising them I would start Masses for them after I finished the Gregorians {30 in a row} for Elizabeth & Philip. The friends were on my mind each day for about a week. Then I had this dream:

         Many scenes. In one I am getting dressed up my best & going to some clubs or bars & doing good dancing, but no one pays attention to me!

         Then I go back to where I’m staying – there’s 2 dwellings next to each other.  In one of them a lady friend is standing there & says to me,

         “You are invited to the SHINDIG!  I didn’t know abut this shindig & told her so, & I ask her if our friend, this guy is also going, & she says no.  I surmised he wasn’t ready.

         I see him below us with a kind of darkish skin {spiritual, not race.}

         My friend looks beautiful, thin, wearing a white sleek, form  fitting dress. Soft Jersey type material, which has a 6 or 8” fringe hanging from the neckline, the neckline is a large V.  I tell her I have a dress just like that but without the fringe. So yes, I can be suitably attired for the party.

         There were other scenes but I’ll skip them now.


         *{Mary Jane has ascended after 2 years, 11 months & 13 days!  And the man I ask about is Franco – who is still in spiritual dark ness, cannot ascend yet.

          Her dress is the Bridal Gown {brides of Christ, married to God} & the SHINDIG is the celebration of her Ascension!

          The WHITE in this case is like the innocent lamb. The FRINGE I just have an instinct stands for FEATHERS which would be FLIGHT.  I say I have a suitable dress/spiritual garment but without the fringe because I’m not going to FLY into Heaven with her!

          I asked Mary Jane which prayers served her the best, & they were the St. Gertrude prayers which invoke all the Masses throughout the entire world, & get what can be gleaned from them for my clients. To that I add the sufferings on earth – that all the grace thereof would be transmitted to my clients, which can be spared for them, & the same with all the charity on earth. I say these prayers daily now as they are effective more than anything else I know.

          Mary Jane & I have been talking all day & one of the things she said was,

          “If it was not for what you did I would have been there 2-3 more years.”

          I am absolutely over the moon by her release & entrance into Happiness.  Will explain many things she said concerning what she had to pay for – at another time.  {End}

Monday 23 September 2024

More on Royals

9-23-24 Addendum to 9-20-24 Dream regarding the ascension of Diana & Margaret & another dream that might be about Philip

         *{Imp symbol, scene, deep meaning: When I am worried about “my turn but I have to go to the rest room” speaking to Margaret facing her, who IGNORES me, hurting my feelings & changes the subject, saying,

        “We have to pay for this?”

        It means SHE DIDN’T CARE re my concern about my death – when is it MY TURN? And reference to rest room is RIP, lol. She IGNORES this – hurting my feelings – means she DOESN’T CARE about other people & then the next question about PAYING FOR THIS explains PRECISELY why she’s in Purgatory a LONG TIME – NOT CARING ABOUT OTHERS.

Then there are the TWO DRESSES that might give some clues. Margaret’s is traditional as seen in the white roses – like my Mom’s, & the puffy white dress, not floor length, might be saying ‘girl – not mature’. This meaning is not CERTAIN but possible.

As for Diana’s dress, I’m sure I have the meaning right. She is like a ‘flapper’ of the 20’s – the Charleston days – when they discarded the repressive Victorian & Edwardian eras, chucking the corsets, the hourglass figures, buttoned up, discarding all that for shapeless chemises, short, no underwear, & dancing & having fun like crazy. This was REBELLION against old traditions & customs.

Here Diana is wearing that sort of dress with {she told me} Charles in front of her – she is rebelling against him & his demands – while not loving her but wanting her to tow the line. The circle around her neck of blue - I wondered, why didn’t Margot {what fam called Margaret} have any blue on her? This explains it: around the neckline is a COLLAR you put on a dog or pet, it is a place where you put the leash & control the animal. This is what she rebelled against, & it is BLUE to depict SADNESS or DEPRESSION. And here we must recognize that she made advances in FEMALE EMPOWERMENT in the way of women being SEXUALLY FREE, {which is the main key to our emancipation, when women are sexually free, there will be no more Patriarchy.}. Margaret did that also – being a cougar on Mustique – her lover 25 to her 43 - but Diana was far more INFLUENTIAL as she chose lovers outside convention.




        I just did a bit of investigation on the memorials for Diana, seeing they have a ‘fountain’ of sorts for her in Hyde Park, apparently the Monarchy did that. {The fountain is vague, you have to cross one of several bridges to find the plaque that it’s for her so IMO they gave her a memorial, but they didn’t. Who paid:

The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain in London's Hyde Park was funded primarily by private donations, but the Royal Parks and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport also provided additional funding. The fountain cost £3.6 million to build.

OK, & they have her remains at the family 500 year old estate at Althorp, on a tiny island in the middle of an artificial lake called the “Round Oval” – totally inaccessible to the public, & even being at the estate at Althorp is ony open two months a year. Your only chance of seeing the tiny island from a distance is two months out of the year – you can NEVER see her actual grave!

I asked Diana what she thought of this & she said,


DIANA:  I don’t care what they did with my remains. All that matters is that you tell them the story of my being in Purgatory & getting out, & how they can avoid Purgatory.  That is all that matters.

Another Dream—Might be about Philip


This dream was nightmarish. I was at the old farmhouse in my bed, which was in a different position. It was facing my brother’s room next door. For some reason, my brother left his room & came to sleep in my bed to my right.

Then I see him yelling harshly to a woman from our second floor window. She seems to be our Mom.

But to his horror, she comes upstairs, & takes her hand, maybe a fist, & beats the living daylights out of him as he reclines or now sits there.

She doesn’t disturb me at all but I was spooked out that Mom might think he got into bed with me for sex – which he didn’t.

He was really scared when she came up to retaliate as he didn’t expect it.

And now something eerie happens. My hand is turned toward bro to my right, & what seems like a tiny hand  clasps the end of my fingertip. I want to know where it comes from & there seems to be a cord from my bro’s body, made of black flesh. I kind of move it away fro me & take the hand & place it on the pillow next to bro. It’s his, not mine, it freaks me out.


        *{This has to do with a child & this child belongs to my ‘bro’ but there’s a bad conflict regarding it.

I suspect this brother might actually be Philip, as I’m ministering to him, & the ‘Mom’ is the Mother of a child they are having a conflict about.

Somehow Philip is responsible concerning this child. Is it his, an illegitimate child fathered by him while he was married to Elizabeth? And he wants no responsibility, & uses harsh words against the Mother – maybe saying how does he know it’s his?  And he won’t acknowledge it or support it.

I thought about if this was true, why did he not support the child in secret. Then I recalled that ‘he didn’t have a bean’ someone said, when he married Elizabeth, & so, it seems he’d be on the payroll from her.  And if that’s true, he’d have to account for his money & it might be tricky to explain supporting another woman & a newborn child, {even in modestly}.

        From the Internet: Where did Prince Philip get his money?

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, received a parliamentary annuity of £359,000 per year from the Treasury. In the past some other members of the British royal family also received funding in the form of parliamentary annuities.”

OK, then he had his own money, from this at least, & did not have to answer to Elizabeth or someone else how he spent it, I presume. Then he could have easiy forked out 30k pounds for the support of a Mother & child, if such existed.

The second interpretatin – if this is about Philip – could be he had a poor relation who had a child desperatey in need of support & he refused it. Or a family member whose husband left her penniless – something like that.

Why is this person seen as my Mom? Because my Mom had 7 abortions & so, in the end, could this be about an abortion? That he forced a woman to have one as he would not help?

Somehow this woman retaliated – how was that? Could it be karma, that he was paying for it in Purgatory? That might expain why he’s in bed with me – no sex – because the Holy Virgin united myself with him & 3 other Royals as explained previousy – {so I could help them.}* {End}