From & About Rasa Von Werder:
Above is Part 5 of Rasa' autobiography "I Strip for God" available on & are 5 Parts of her life on the internet, more coming soon. Her spotlight page on Lulu:
Rasa Von Werder, Kellie Everts, has been awarded 'Progenitor' of Female Body Building, has won several national beauty contests including Miss Nude Universe, she preached in front of the White House on June 16, 1978, the message of Our Lady of Fatima, which ENDED THE COLD WAR & COMMUNISM. Many other accolades are given, please get her life story.
I first came into contact with Rasa Von Werder on the internet back in 2005, as we both had a mutual interest in Matriarchy and spirituality. So I thought I would reproduce an early Email message she sent me. I had previously sent her a Email and she made comments on what I had written, when she replied.
March 28, 2005
Hi Rasa Von Werder
My book is available from -
or go to my e-group
which has a link to
I have only one copy myself or i would of sent you one.
I have tried to write a popular book about my ideas and kept out all the spiritual stuff out of it. because i know for many people the spiritual is a big turn-off as patriarchal religions have given religion a bad name.
Rasa Von Werder:
William, if your religion is not fun, God isn't in it. We have to CHANGE religion and make it exciting! It has to be real and alive with love, the way Jesus and Matriarchy teach! The repressive, unloving religion of Patriarchy is all about control. Although they espouse love, the religions certainly don't practice it! It is repression, guilt, judgement about others. All these extremely rigid doctrines frighten people. The million rules that no one can keep. We are revamping religion completely. I have noticed that everything that is entered by women is changed by them. In a field I influenced, bodybuilding, men were peculiar and did non-productive things with diets and supplements. I was there at the beginning. Men were strange beasts, eating dessicated liver, going to butcher stores to buy blood to drink, and eating raw eggs (which is harmful because they block biotin or something.) They believed in eating all meat - one of the worst diets you could ever follow. Through the work we did, women entered the fray and completely revolutionized the diet. It became sane and logical. I have seen other areas like that.
I have also been told my writing is too heavy so have tried to make it light and humorous. this is the blurb I use. -should women rule the world? I have written a book about this subject, called "Make love not war". My book questions assumptions that men have always been the dominant sex. as i explain that male bias in scientific and academic studies, ignores the contribution of the female.
Rasa Von Werder
You can write heavy stuff once you convert them. First we hook them in. What you are saying is true. Evil men have passed over women completely. We don't know history because it hasn't been written. The oppressors put down their version of it, glorifying themselves, praising themselves, making it seem like all of history was men, with women in the shadows. It cannot have been like that. They did try to push women into the margins, but nevertheless, there were numerous contributions. I have seen in bodybuilding, which I am the progenitor of, how they completely ignored what I did and wrote their own history. In order to establish female bodybuilding I had to go over the heads of the establishment - controlled by men obviously, - and go to the national/international media to promote the idea in an entertaining way. By the grace of God, it worked. We got it into Esquire, Mike Douglas, To Tell The Truth, the Washington media, local New York shows, and finally, Playboy, which clinched it. What happened next? As it took off, the women who stepped into my shoes forgot to honor their guru.,They acted as if I never existed. The males, still running the show, promoted their own models and said THESE MODELS WERE THE FIRST BODYBUILDERS. Before I finished with this arena, I published the first book on bodybuilding BY A FEMALE, called "The Ultimate Woman." Then I retired from the field, watching the men increasingly exploiting and enslaving the female bodybuilders, it getting worse than better. I was never mentioned by the bodybuilding world, like I never existed. The women, and the men, none of them acknowledged my contribution or that I was the first.....It was heartbreaking. From this template I understand the picture of history.....even when women do break through by miracles of God, they are pushed aside and into the shadows. I did write my own history and put it on my biography site and many people said to me, "we knew you were the first." When George Bush, Sr. was President, he had some academic studies instituted with the purpose of teaching true history to children in schools. This was done. Example: there was a real woman who preceded Paul Revere in his ride to warn the settlers, "The British are Coming." Nobody knew this, as the woman was pushed into the shadows. Now they start teaching this to kids and what happens? Some putzy women come forward and protest. In this weird world, the slaves are their own worst enemies. There needs to be a total revamp of history and what we can find, must be brought out. One of the greatest liberating revelations to me was how the males ousted the females in Christianity. I never knew the true story. THE AGE OF TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION IS GOING TO HELP FREE WOMEN AND MEN.
I discuss the archaeological findings of the Neolithic age, which shows that the first civilisations lived for thousands of years in peace and were probably ruled by women.
Rasa Von Werder
Women are about peace, men are about war. They lived where the rich, and poor were not far apart. Male dominance, for some reason, causes exploitation. Isn't it obvious? Look at women's brains and bodies. Women are made to take care of people, to bring them about. They cause them to be born and nurture them. In a short time, Patriarchy takes away their power to influence people and women are made impotent. They are only allowed to influence babies, or do the hard dirty work of raising the helpless. This is the hardest part of nurturing. When they grow up, it isn't difficult to deal with them. Then men take over. And women over 50, when they are supposed to be the leaders and teachers? They are put out to pasture. Religion and culture tell women they are only good for breeding, and when that is over, they might as well retire from the human race. If you notice, as I have, people become most intelligent, well informed and influential after 50. This is our age for teaching.
I write about the field studies of the matriarchal bonobo ape and other primates who live in female dominated societies.
Rasa Von Werder
We are 98% ape. We can learn about ourselves by studying them.
I also write about the scientific Gaia hypothesis that shows the whole of life on this earth is one organism.
Rasa Von Werder
I have a movie called "Mind Walk" which illuminates this theme. Wonderful stuff!
Which is a very feminine idea as opposed to the "survival of the fittest" and the "selfish gene" theories, invented by competitive-minded male scientists.
Rasa Von Werder
I like what you are saying here and did not know we could question these theories - thought they were set in stone....Is there another point of view? I want to know more about this.
It seems that sexual bias can even shape how we view evolution theory. As in the case of the "Aquatic Ape Theory”, which is strongly opposed by male scientists because it gives prominence to the female in our human evolution.
Rasa Von Werder
We need to hear more about this.
I also question the assumption that it is impossible for human beings to live in a compassionate and caring world. As i explain that this is true only while alpha men continue to rule our world.
Rasa Von Werder
Good, hopeful thought. It is the female that must be the leader, with men at her side. The leader cannot be a competitive, brutal, "might makes right" sort of person. The leader MUST CONTROL THE BULLIES and whack them on the head or rip their nuts out, or whatever it takes. It is the bullies that must be controlled, not the population. The leader must make peace and must enforce it. Yes, there has to be power in the hands of the leader. Emotional sanctions are the greatest rule. (This works in certain situations we can get into another time.) Next, economic. But this punishment must be only for the wicked, not whole populations of innocent citizens! The trouble with war is that the casualties are mostly not soldiers, but innocent civilians. Now if we had Hitler and Stalin for a shootout (hoping they'd both kill each other) that would have been a perfect solution to World War II......not the slaughter of millions upon millions of innocent people (and animals!)
The differences between men and women is to do with our primitive instincts. Male animals have a powerful instinct to compete. We can see this every spring when animals like deer, bulls and rams go in for "head banging" to see who is the strongest. Human males have a similar instinct and when men rule the world this competitive instinct goes to the extreme, and causes war, genocide, fear, hatred and poverty.
Rasa Von Werder
This is straight, logical thought.
Men do a really terrible job in ruling our world. They like to boast how brainy they are. Yet they show this intelligence by inventing and producing more effective weapons in which to kill people,
Rasa Von Werder
Male rule brings people to despair. I have often sorrowed at the greatest minds, like Einstein, causing the invention of nuclear weapons. I do not think Einstein wanted this, but the alpha males will take anything and everything there is to cause war......war is the greatest sin. What is God going to do? The Bl. Virgin has been appearing to end wars. The Femminine Divine is appearing on the planet, as the time table is dangerously short. We are in mortal danger of doing grave injury to the planet and everything on it, through nuclear war. God will stop it as Mother. Expect Her miracles - and soon!
While putting in very little intellectual or capital investment in solving basic problems like crime, violence warfare and poverty
Rasa Von Werder
Men are serial killers - not all men - but some of those in charge are serial killers WHO KILL FOR THE SAKE OF KEEPING THEIR MATERIAL RESOURCES AND PRIVILEDGES.
They then make the excuse that these problems are unsolvable. Yet if we are clever enough to put men on the moon, why are we not using our intellect and problem solving skills to solve the causes of human suffering? The reason is that men insist in using macho solutions to try and solve these problems.
Rasa Von Werder
William Bond, you see the problem as a visionary. You understand. We must make people understand, and Truth will set them free. We must let them know THESE PROBLEMS ARE SOLVABLE! Let us understand what Jesus said,
"If you love me, feed my sheep!"
Most people are sheep. Those who know and have the capacity to help, must help others! Let us do our part valiantly and God will empower us!
So the solution to warfare is to spend more money on arms and soldiers so others won't attack your country. The problem is that all countries do the same thing, which creates a climate of fear and distrust. This was taken to the extreme during the cold war when both the USSR and the USA had enough nuclear weapons the destroy the world many times over.
Rasa Von Werder:
Indeed, Our Lady of Fatima stopped this. I gave the sermon in front of the White house June 16, 1978. Her message was promulgated internationally. People prayed. Her power manifested, and she put three men into power who were instrumental in ending this Cold War: Pope John Paul II, President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev. Read the history on my biography site.
Women on the other hand have a powerful maternal instinct. This makes women from a early age want to care and look after babies, children and animals. If women were allowed to rule the world, then the maternal instinct would drive women to create a caring and loving world. Because women would not have a interest in competing against other countries through warfare or allow children to die of starvation, like millions do every year. They wouldn't want to see children brought up in ignorance and poverty which again is commonplace in our world. This is why women would do a far better job in ruling our world, as their maternal instincts would drive them to find solutions to basic problems, like conflict, violence and poverty.
Rasa Von Werder
Please read (to the people) Ashley Montagu's "Natural Superiority of Woman." I saw him on David Susskind when I was fourteen, and later read his book. I have never seen a better book on proof of female superiority. No one but woman can rule. Look at their body, their larger and superior brain, the corpus collosum connections. Their emotional capacity is totally different than male's. Male is dependent on female, and instead of obeying her, he has enslaved her! Then does nothing but war against other guys, killing untold numbers of innocents! Woman is a solver, male is a dependent who should keep his place at the side of a woman, but not telling woman what to do.
Human beings do have the intellectual skills to solve the problems of human suffering. We just need to stop using macho solutions to these problems and allow women to rule the world and use feminine solutions to the human dilemma.
Rasa Von Werder
I am glad i was of help to you. I have to say i am a bit wary about what i say because some of my insights do upset people. So i am really glad they have a positive effect on you.
Rasa Von Werder
Are you kidding? I have learned something - when you say what is TRUE it causes the greatest reaction, when that truth has been suppressed. You are touching THE POINT OF THE PAIN. If it HURTS you need to say it more and more! It is Satan who has been suppressing the truth. Make no mistake about this - Satan rules the world and he has worked through men. Now his rule is in deep trouble. Indeed, we are doing exorcism by speaking this truth. Let them rant and rave and scream. Keep speaking the Truth and throw Holy Water. I do exorcism daily. When in public, and I speak the Truth about these matters, there is a violent reaction. I hit hard, and I do it in the first five minutes of the tv show. Hit hard, first, and in the first five minutes determines the battle. I learned this from a Green Beret who was my bosom buddy for a while. He and I used to cry together as we spoke, as we had both been through Hell and back. When you fight, fight to KILL. I do not mean physical bodies. I mean negative ideas and DEMONS. Send LIES/NEGATIVITY/SATAN to the Pit and order him never to return!
I suppose it is like what Jesus said. "forgive them for they know not what they do". Ignorance and denial seem to be the best weapons of patriarchy. Patriarchy can only survive while we all deny the total insanity of the way patriarchy rules our world.
Rasa Von Werder
A lie can only live when everyone agrees to accept it. The Emperor has no clothes! When even the smallest child says the truth, it is exposed! So many lies have been perpetrated. The nuclear family is a hotbed of lies. Men have been abusing little children, average starting age, EIGHTEEN MONTHS! Fifty percent of girls, twenty five percent of boys! This is the brutality men have perpetrated on their own families and children! The lie was that it didn't happen - that men were great fathers, etc. Then the priests. Oh, those lovely gay priests....who could they harm? Who else will take the job? But then, they have been abusing little boys and even girls for a long time! Now it's out! Now it has brought the Catholic Church to its knees and it is shrinking down drastically. The Truth destroys evil and it seets free the captives. IT WAS MY PRAYERS THAT CAUSED THE CRISIS. I prayed in a loud voice for twenty one hours one month, and shortly after, God manifested. I did not pray about the Catholic Church, but about child abusers. I asked God to break them! If only people would pray! But they don't (except for things) and so it is the duty of Holy Souls to make up for the weak and lukewarm. God gives to Holy Souls all the power that the world needs. Let us use it!
Another big weapon they have, is that people are totally unaware of the alternative to patriarchy.
I don't know if you have heard of Caral. This is the oldest city found America in Peru. What was unusual about it was that the archaeologists could find no evidence of warfare and violence. Now at first the Peruvian government was very proud of the fact that they had the oldest city in their country. But then the knowledge about the peaceful civilization came out and people began to ask; "if they lived in peace and harmony then, why can't we do the same today". This frightened the Peruvian government so much that they cut off the funding of this excavation.
Rasa Von Werder
How like men! Men are filled with fear. They live in fear. How heavy lies the head that wears the crown, especially if that crown is there by force and should not be there!
The point is, that people put up with patriarchy because we are totally unaware of the alternative, which is matriarchy. Likewise people put up with the corruption of patriarchal religions because we are unaware that the true nature of god is feminine.
So patriarchy keeps its power though the control of the media. All film companies, TV stations, newspapers, mainstream magazines, and book publishers are owned by patriarchal minded males. If it wasn't for the internet we wouldn't be able to express ourselves to others.
Rasa Von Werder
There is hope! Oh God, thank you for what you have done! Thank you for computers (which were invented by a female I am told by "Gold.") Thank you for the internet! Patriarchy is like a balloon. Hear me. It has been blown up bigger and bigger, and now it will explode and cease to exist. NO LIE CAN LIVE FOREVER. This day, this time, is the end of Patriarchy. Let us rejoice. Thank you God for ending this insanity!
This is why people like Kellie Everts [Rasa Von Werder showbiz name] Are so important because she seems to know how to attract the media.
Rasa Von Werder
Some people are sent into the world by God. They are Avatars. They are empowered, anointed, to do what they are doing. Half the time they don't know what they are doing, but God knows. Souls of God obey God, and God drives the vehicle. Kellie Everts and Rasa Von Werder obey God. Miracles are going to happen. God has the power. It is God against Satan. If we pray, more power is manifested. Let us pray daily and meditate on these Truths and share them with the world! There is a special anoining with the media here, and you will see amazing things coming up soon!
My dream is to get these matriarchal ideas out into the mainstream of society, but i don't really know how to do this.
Rasa Von Werder
God knows how, and I know in part.
I am really glad to hear you know about the Gnostic Gospels. There have been a number of books about this in the last few years. So this knowledge is seeping out to the general public this way.
Talking about the way matriarchy is returning, i have two lines of thought on this: the first one i expressed in my book, "Gospel of the Goddess" (I co-authored this with Pamela Suffield) which is about the cycle of patriarchal and matriarchal ages. Where both the patriarchal and matriarchal are part of our spiritual journey to wholeness. So patriarchy is a necessary evil where we learn about individuality and separation, while the matriarchal age is where we take what we learnt about being individuals, back to the one who is the great mother. So the return of matriarchy is a natural event in the cycle of human spirituality.
The second line of thought; is that the patriarchal religions never totally destroyed the ancient religion of the great mother, it simply went underground. Where it has worked away in secret societies like Freemasonry to destroy patriarchal religions and governments from within. It seems that the American and French revolutions were organized by Freemasons. They also may have worked behind the scenes to give women vote and equal rights in the 20th century. But i am not a Freemason so i don't really know that for sure, but my research points in that direction. Also Freemasonry doesn't seem to be completely united in their aims, so it is a bit complex and confusing.
Rasa Von Werder
No wonder Freemasonry has gotten such a bad rap. I've heard nothing but evil against them from religions, mostly Catholics. I should have known! I actually thought they were evil, but now that I know they were working underground to help the Femminine Divine, that is totally different. Why didn't I think of that? Your research is helping me!
These secret societies seem to have done well during the first half of the 20th century but since the 1970s there seem to have been a backlash. Where many western governments have been trying to undo all the gains made by women and take us back to the 19th century. I also notice a strong attack on Freemasonry by fundamentalist conspiracy theorists. So there does seem to be a secret war going on behind the scenes within the ruling elite. So these secret societies might be limited with what they can do, after all the ruling elite doesn't want to give up its power. So we might not be able to rely on them, to continue female emancipation.
Rasa Von Werder
It is time for the next step. In life, God sends help in various ways. Perhaps it will now seguay into other forms. Look all around. Women are now everywhere. They must work from all the places they are now in. In the job, in religion, in cultural organizations, feminism, in the media, etc. Miracles will happen. You will see them. We are going to be a big part in this.
As for women who strongly support the patriarchy. This shows the power of patriarchal propaganda when the alternative is never allowed expression. (even the films and tv shows we watch are full of patriarchal propaganda). If everything you know, hear and read is patriarchal propaganda then you have little choice but to believe it.
Rasa Von Werder
It makes the good feel hopeless. We must bouy up their hopes by speaking the Truth. God is within all of us. Males need help, too.
I have learnt to question it because of a "little voice" within me that was contradicting everything i was told and fortunately i came across books that told me about matriarchy. It seems most people don't listen to the little voice, perhaps because what it says is so disturbing.
Rasa Von Werder
The day of Truth is coming. If people would pray, their little voice would manifest. Religion has been the last stronghold of Patriarchy, but now it is crumbling (in its present polluted form.) I had a dream:
Dream: I am a hairdresser. A woman comes in and sits in my chair. I am behind her. I am startled and put off by the fact that on her head is a round veil, with five or six large nails hammered into her skull, holding the veil down. I stare at this and know I must remove it, but can I?
There's a bunch of young men across us, scorning me. "You can't do it," they say.
Then, I take the nails one by one and remove them, and remove the veil! I see that in the past, I removed only the tip of the veil, a little edge.
Now that the veil is gone, a bunch of older men to the right get active,
"We didn't do it! She did it to herself," they exclaim. (End of dream)
Meditating on this, I realize that the nails hammering down the veil of darkness on the head of the woman are basic principles of thought, or lies, in the woman's head. Unless these lies are REMOVED FROM HER HEAD she cannot see the Truth, and she cannot be free! As a woman sent by God, apparantly, this is one of my assignments, to do this. I did not know I could do it. I had doubt. But you see, it is the power of God that works. One must have faith, hope and trust. (Please understand that I am not the only person who knows these things. You know them, and other great souls know them.....But it is my job, as you said, to get this into the media and the mainstream public....this is where the power will manifest....your encouragement and moral/intellectual/spiritual support are helping me greatly...inspiring me, getting me ready to strike!)
I believe these lies are very basic principles, as in religion. The role and identity of woman; who she is. She is told that God is a man, and so is the Son of God, who also is God, is a man. Women cannot minister. Women are here only to breed for men, and obey them. Patriarchal leaders have been enforcing that for thousands of years, and they must be exhausted!
What are we to do? Obey God. Listen. God will tell us what to do. God will inform and empower us at the right moment. If we knew all ahead of time, it might scare us into paralysis. Many things I did, I did not know what would happen, but I took the plunge. For instance, Divine Stigmata. That cost me spiritual martyrdom for eighteen years. If I had know, would I have prayed for it? Ihold on to God. My life is eternal. This little bit of time here in the flesh, it is to be used to learn and help others, nothing more. I must live it fully in service. My service is to get these Truths out into the mainstream! Make them believable, and give courage to women and men! If you think about the backlash, the threats of violence and so forth, these things stop you from action. I think of Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King, Jr. They are templates. Furthermore, God told me I will not be assassinated – as God can prevent this, having all power. I will work actively into my late 80's, then I will retire and live into my 90's. We gain ground with courage. The sheep cannot do this - the rams must do it. The rams have horns. My horns are the Gifts and Graces of God - you have them too. I am going to anoint you more fully (God's power, not mine) and you will work like Ashley Montagu did. You will have more books and do tours where you will appear on all the TVshows, big and small (some with me) in Europe and the United States. What fun we'll have! What challenges we will live up to and drink champagne in our spiritual center, congratulating God! Glory to God who enables us to do all things! How great God is, how powerful! And God has
chosen us,.....Glory, glory to God!
Now God will return to earth as the Feminine Divine! What larks!
Rasa Von Werder
March 28, 2005
Hi Rasa Von Werder
My book is available from -
or go to my e-group
which has a link to
I have only one copy myself or i would of sent you one.
I have tried to write a popular book about my ideas and kept out all the spiritual stuff out of it. because i know for many people the spiritual is a big turn-off as patriarchal religions have given religion a bad name.
Rasa Von Werder:
William, if your religion is not fun, God isn't in it. We have to CHANGE religion and make it exciting! It has to be real and alive with love, the way Jesus and Matriarchy teach! The repressive, unloving religion of Patriarchy is all about control. Although they espouse love, the religions certainly don't practice it! It is repression, guilt, judgement about others. All these extremely rigid doctrines frighten people. The million rules that no one can keep. We are revamping religion completely. I have noticed that everything that is entered by women is changed by them. In a field I influenced, bodybuilding, men were peculiar and did non-productive things with diets and supplements. I was there at the beginning. Men were strange beasts, eating dessicated liver, going to butcher stores to buy blood to drink, and eating raw eggs (which is harmful because they block biotin or something.) They believed in eating all meat - one of the worst diets you could ever follow. Through the work we did, women entered the fray and completely revolutionized the diet. It became sane and logical. I have seen other areas like that.
I have also been told my writing is too heavy so have tried to make it light and humorous. this is the blurb I use. -should women rule the world? I have written a book about this subject, called "Make love not war". My book questions assumptions that men have always been the dominant sex. as i explain that male bias in scientific and academic studies, ignores the contribution of the female.
Rasa Von Werder
You can write heavy stuff once you convert them. First we hook them in. What you are saying is true. Evil men have passed over women completely. We don't know history because it hasn't been written. The oppressors put down their version of it, glorifying themselves, praising themselves, making it seem like all of history was men, with women in the shadows. It cannot have been like that. They did try to push women into the margins, but nevertheless, there were numerous contributions. I have seen in bodybuilding, which I am the progenitor of, how they completely ignored what I did and wrote their own history. In order to establish female bodybuilding I had to go over the heads of the establishment - controlled by men obviously, - and go to the national/international media to promote the idea in an entertaining way. By the grace of God, it worked. We got it into Esquire, Mike Douglas, To Tell The Truth, the Washington media, local New York shows, and finally, Playboy, which clinched it. What happened next? As it took off, the women who stepped into my shoes forgot to honor their guru.,They acted as if I never existed. The males, still running the show, promoted their own models and said THESE MODELS WERE THE FIRST BODYBUILDERS. Before I finished with this arena, I published the first book on bodybuilding BY A FEMALE, called "The Ultimate Woman." Then I retired from the field, watching the men increasingly exploiting and enslaving the female bodybuilders, it getting worse than better. I was never mentioned by the bodybuilding world, like I never existed. The women, and the men, none of them acknowledged my contribution or that I was the first.....It was heartbreaking. From this template I understand the picture of history.....even when women do break through by miracles of God, they are pushed aside and into the shadows. I did write my own history and put it on my biography site and many people said to me, "we knew you were the first." When George Bush, Sr. was President, he had some academic studies instituted with the purpose of teaching true history to children in schools. This was done. Example: there was a real woman who preceded Paul Revere in his ride to warn the settlers, "The British are Coming." Nobody knew this, as the woman was pushed into the shadows. Now they start teaching this to kids and what happens? Some putzy women come forward and protest. In this weird world, the slaves are their own worst enemies. There needs to be a total revamp of history and what we can find, must be brought out. One of the greatest liberating revelations to me was how the males ousted the females in Christianity. I never knew the true story. THE AGE OF TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION IS GOING TO HELP FREE WOMEN AND MEN.
I discuss the archaeological findings of the Neolithic age, which shows that the first civilisations lived for thousands of years in peace and were probably ruled by women.
Rasa Von Werder
Women are about peace, men are about war. They lived where the rich, and poor were not far apart. Male dominance, for some reason, causes exploitation. Isn't it obvious? Look at women's brains and bodies. Women are made to take care of people, to bring them about. They cause them to be born and nurture them. In a short time, Patriarchy takes away their power to influence people and women are made impotent. They are only allowed to influence babies, or do the hard dirty work of raising the helpless. This is the hardest part of nurturing. When they grow up, it isn't difficult to deal with them. Then men take over. And women over 50, when they are supposed to be the leaders and teachers? They are put out to pasture. Religion and culture tell women they are only good for breeding, and when that is over, they might as well retire from the human race. If you notice, as I have, people become most intelligent, well informed and influential after 50. This is our age for teaching.
I write about the field studies of the matriarchal bonobo ape and other primates who live in female dominated societies.
Rasa Von Werder
We are 98% ape. We can learn about ourselves by studying them.
I also write about the scientific Gaia hypothesis that shows the whole of life on this earth is one organism.
Rasa Von Werder
I have a movie called "Mind Walk" which illuminates this theme. Wonderful stuff!
Which is a very feminine idea as opposed to the "survival of the fittest" and the "selfish gene" theories, invented by competitive-minded male scientists.
Rasa Von Werder
I like what you are saying here and did not know we could question these theories - thought they were set in stone....Is there another point of view? I want to know more about this.
It seems that sexual bias can even shape how we view evolution theory. As in the case of the "Aquatic Ape Theory”, which is strongly opposed by male scientists because it gives prominence to the female in our human evolution.
Rasa Von Werder
We need to hear more about this.
I also question the assumption that it is impossible for human beings to live in a compassionate and caring world. As i explain that this is true only while alpha men continue to rule our world.
Rasa Von Werder
Good, hopeful thought. It is the female that must be the leader, with men at her side. The leader cannot be a competitive, brutal, "might makes right" sort of person. The leader MUST CONTROL THE BULLIES and whack them on the head or rip their nuts out, or whatever it takes. It is the bullies that must be controlled, not the population. The leader must make peace and must enforce it. Yes, there has to be power in the hands of the leader. Emotional sanctions are the greatest rule. (This works in certain situations we can get into another time.) Next, economic. But this punishment must be only for the wicked, not whole populations of innocent citizens! The trouble with war is that the casualties are mostly not soldiers, but innocent civilians. Now if we had Hitler and Stalin for a shootout (hoping they'd both kill each other) that would have been a perfect solution to World War II......not the slaughter of millions upon millions of innocent people (and animals!)
The differences between men and women is to do with our primitive instincts. Male animals have a powerful instinct to compete. We can see this every spring when animals like deer, bulls and rams go in for "head banging" to see who is the strongest. Human males have a similar instinct and when men rule the world this competitive instinct goes to the extreme, and causes war, genocide, fear, hatred and poverty.
Rasa Von Werder
This is straight, logical thought.
Men do a really terrible job in ruling our world. They like to boast how brainy they are. Yet they show this intelligence by inventing and producing more effective weapons in which to kill people,
Rasa Von Werder
Male rule brings people to despair. I have often sorrowed at the greatest minds, like Einstein, causing the invention of nuclear weapons. I do not think Einstein wanted this, but the alpha males will take anything and everything there is to cause war......war is the greatest sin. What is God going to do? The Bl. Virgin has been appearing to end wars. The Femminine Divine is appearing on the planet, as the time table is dangerously short. We are in mortal danger of doing grave injury to the planet and everything on it, through nuclear war. God will stop it as Mother. Expect Her miracles - and soon!
While putting in very little intellectual or capital investment in solving basic problems like crime, violence warfare and poverty
Rasa Von Werder
Men are serial killers - not all men - but some of those in charge are serial killers WHO KILL FOR THE SAKE OF KEEPING THEIR MATERIAL RESOURCES AND PRIVILEDGES.
They then make the excuse that these problems are unsolvable. Yet if we are clever enough to put men on the moon, why are we not using our intellect and problem solving skills to solve the causes of human suffering? The reason is that men insist in using macho solutions to try and solve these problems.
Rasa Von Werder
William Bond, you see the problem as a visionary. You understand. We must make people understand, and Truth will set them free. We must let them know THESE PROBLEMS ARE SOLVABLE! Let us understand what Jesus said,
"If you love me, feed my sheep!"
Most people are sheep. Those who know and have the capacity to help, must help others! Let us do our part valiantly and God will empower us!
So the solution to warfare is to spend more money on arms and soldiers so others won't attack your country. The problem is that all countries do the same thing, which creates a climate of fear and distrust. This was taken to the extreme during the cold war when both the USSR and the USA had enough nuclear weapons the destroy the world many times over.
Rasa Von Werder:
Indeed, Our Lady of Fatima stopped this. I gave the sermon in front of the White house June 16, 1978. Her message was promulgated internationally. People prayed. Her power manifested, and she put three men into power who were instrumental in ending this Cold War: Pope John Paul II, President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev. Read the history on my biography site.
Women on the other hand have a powerful maternal instinct. This makes women from a early age want to care and look after babies, children and animals. If women were allowed to rule the world, then the maternal instinct would drive women to create a caring and loving world. Because women would not have a interest in competing against other countries through warfare or allow children to die of starvation, like millions do every year. They wouldn't want to see children brought up in ignorance and poverty which again is commonplace in our world. This is why women would do a far better job in ruling our world, as their maternal instincts would drive them to find solutions to basic problems, like conflict, violence and poverty.
Rasa Von Werder
Please read (to the people) Ashley Montagu's "Natural Superiority of Woman." I saw him on David Susskind when I was fourteen, and later read his book. I have never seen a better book on proof of female superiority. No one but woman can rule. Look at their body, their larger and superior brain, the corpus collosum connections. Their emotional capacity is totally different than male's. Male is dependent on female, and instead of obeying her, he has enslaved her! Then does nothing but war against other guys, killing untold numbers of innocents! Woman is a solver, male is a dependent who should keep his place at the side of a woman, but not telling woman what to do.
Human beings do have the intellectual skills to solve the problems of human suffering. We just need to stop using macho solutions to these problems and allow women to rule the world and use feminine solutions to the human dilemma.
Rasa Von Werder
I am glad i was of help to you. I have to say i am a bit wary about what i say because some of my insights do upset people. So i am really glad they have a positive effect on you.
Rasa Von Werder
Are you kidding? I have learned something - when you say what is TRUE it causes the greatest reaction, when that truth has been suppressed. You are touching THE POINT OF THE PAIN. If it HURTS you need to say it more and more! It is Satan who has been suppressing the truth. Make no mistake about this - Satan rules the world and he has worked through men. Now his rule is in deep trouble. Indeed, we are doing exorcism by speaking this truth. Let them rant and rave and scream. Keep speaking the Truth and throw Holy Water. I do exorcism daily. When in public, and I speak the Truth about these matters, there is a violent reaction. I hit hard, and I do it in the first five minutes of the tv show. Hit hard, first, and in the first five minutes determines the battle. I learned this from a Green Beret who was my bosom buddy for a while. He and I used to cry together as we spoke, as we had both been through Hell and back. When you fight, fight to KILL. I do not mean physical bodies. I mean negative ideas and DEMONS. Send LIES/NEGATIVITY/SATAN to the Pit and order him never to return!
I suppose it is like what Jesus said. "forgive them for they know not what they do". Ignorance and denial seem to be the best weapons of patriarchy. Patriarchy can only survive while we all deny the total insanity of the way patriarchy rules our world.
Rasa Von Werder
A lie can only live when everyone agrees to accept it. The Emperor has no clothes! When even the smallest child says the truth, it is exposed! So many lies have been perpetrated. The nuclear family is a hotbed of lies. Men have been abusing little children, average starting age, EIGHTEEN MONTHS! Fifty percent of girls, twenty five percent of boys! This is the brutality men have perpetrated on their own families and children! The lie was that it didn't happen - that men were great fathers, etc. Then the priests. Oh, those lovely gay priests....who could they harm? Who else will take the job? But then, they have been abusing little boys and even girls for a long time! Now it's out! Now it has brought the Catholic Church to its knees and it is shrinking down drastically. The Truth destroys evil and it seets free the captives. IT WAS MY PRAYERS THAT CAUSED THE CRISIS. I prayed in a loud voice for twenty one hours one month, and shortly after, God manifested. I did not pray about the Catholic Church, but about child abusers. I asked God to break them! If only people would pray! But they don't (except for things) and so it is the duty of Holy Souls to make up for the weak and lukewarm. God gives to Holy Souls all the power that the world needs. Let us use it!
Another big weapon they have, is that people are totally unaware of the alternative to patriarchy.
I don't know if you have heard of Caral. This is the oldest city found America in Peru. What was unusual about it was that the archaeologists could find no evidence of warfare and violence. Now at first the Peruvian government was very proud of the fact that they had the oldest city in their country. But then the knowledge about the peaceful civilization came out and people began to ask; "if they lived in peace and harmony then, why can't we do the same today". This frightened the Peruvian government so much that they cut off the funding of this excavation.
Rasa Von Werder
How like men! Men are filled with fear. They live in fear. How heavy lies the head that wears the crown, especially if that crown is there by force and should not be there!
The point is, that people put up with patriarchy because we are totally unaware of the alternative, which is matriarchy. Likewise people put up with the corruption of patriarchal religions because we are unaware that the true nature of god is feminine.
So patriarchy keeps its power though the control of the media. All film companies, TV stations, newspapers, mainstream magazines, and book publishers are owned by patriarchal minded males. If it wasn't for the internet we wouldn't be able to express ourselves to others.
Rasa Von Werder
There is hope! Oh God, thank you for what you have done! Thank you for computers (which were invented by a female I am told by "Gold.") Thank you for the internet! Patriarchy is like a balloon. Hear me. It has been blown up bigger and bigger, and now it will explode and cease to exist. NO LIE CAN LIVE FOREVER. This day, this time, is the end of Patriarchy. Let us rejoice. Thank you God for ending this insanity!
This is why people like Kellie Everts [Rasa Von Werder showbiz name] Are so important because she seems to know how to attract the media.
Rasa Von Werder
Some people are sent into the world by God. They are Avatars. They are empowered, anointed, to do what they are doing. Half the time they don't know what they are doing, but God knows. Souls of God obey God, and God drives the vehicle. Kellie Everts and Rasa Von Werder obey God. Miracles are going to happen. God has the power. It is God against Satan. If we pray, more power is manifested. Let us pray daily and meditate on these Truths and share them with the world! There is a special anoining with the media here, and you will see amazing things coming up soon!
My dream is to get these matriarchal ideas out into the mainstream of society, but i don't really know how to do this.
Rasa Von Werder
God knows how, and I know in part.
I am really glad to hear you know about the Gnostic Gospels. There have been a number of books about this in the last few years. So this knowledge is seeping out to the general public this way.
Talking about the way matriarchy is returning, i have two lines of thought on this: the first one i expressed in my book, "Gospel of the Goddess" (I co-authored this with Pamela Suffield) which is about the cycle of patriarchal and matriarchal ages. Where both the patriarchal and matriarchal are part of our spiritual journey to wholeness. So patriarchy is a necessary evil where we learn about individuality and separation, while the matriarchal age is where we take what we learnt about being individuals, back to the one who is the great mother. So the return of matriarchy is a natural event in the cycle of human spirituality.
The second line of thought; is that the patriarchal religions never totally destroyed the ancient religion of the great mother, it simply went underground. Where it has worked away in secret societies like Freemasonry to destroy patriarchal religions and governments from within. It seems that the American and French revolutions were organized by Freemasons. They also may have worked behind the scenes to give women vote and equal rights in the 20th century. But i am not a Freemason so i don't really know that for sure, but my research points in that direction. Also Freemasonry doesn't seem to be completely united in their aims, so it is a bit complex and confusing.
Rasa Von Werder
No wonder Freemasonry has gotten such a bad rap. I've heard nothing but evil against them from religions, mostly Catholics. I should have known! I actually thought they were evil, but now that I know they were working underground to help the Femminine Divine, that is totally different. Why didn't I think of that? Your research is helping me!
These secret societies seem to have done well during the first half of the 20th century but since the 1970s there seem to have been a backlash. Where many western governments have been trying to undo all the gains made by women and take us back to the 19th century. I also notice a strong attack on Freemasonry by fundamentalist conspiracy theorists. So there does seem to be a secret war going on behind the scenes within the ruling elite. So these secret societies might be limited with what they can do, after all the ruling elite doesn't want to give up its power. So we might not be able to rely on them, to continue female emancipation.
Rasa Von Werder
It is time for the next step. In life, God sends help in various ways. Perhaps it will now seguay into other forms. Look all around. Women are now everywhere. They must work from all the places they are now in. In the job, in religion, in cultural organizations, feminism, in the media, etc. Miracles will happen. You will see them. We are going to be a big part in this.
As for women who strongly support the patriarchy. This shows the power of patriarchal propaganda when the alternative is never allowed expression. (even the films and tv shows we watch are full of patriarchal propaganda). If everything you know, hear and read is patriarchal propaganda then you have little choice but to believe it.
Rasa Von Werder
It makes the good feel hopeless. We must bouy up their hopes by speaking the Truth. God is within all of us. Males need help, too.
I have learnt to question it because of a "little voice" within me that was contradicting everything i was told and fortunately i came across books that told me about matriarchy. It seems most people don't listen to the little voice, perhaps because what it says is so disturbing.
Rasa Von Werder
The day of Truth is coming. If people would pray, their little voice would manifest. Religion has been the last stronghold of Patriarchy, but now it is crumbling (in its present polluted form.) I had a dream:
Dream: I am a hairdresser. A woman comes in and sits in my chair. I am behind her. I am startled and put off by the fact that on her head is a round veil, with five or six large nails hammered into her skull, holding the veil down. I stare at this and know I must remove it, but can I?
There's a bunch of young men across us, scorning me. "You can't do it," they say.
Then, I take the nails one by one and remove them, and remove the veil! I see that in the past, I removed only the tip of the veil, a little edge.
Now that the veil is gone, a bunch of older men to the right get active,
"We didn't do it! She did it to herself," they exclaim. (End of dream)
Meditating on this, I realize that the nails hammering down the veil of darkness on the head of the woman are basic principles of thought, or lies, in the woman's head. Unless these lies are REMOVED FROM HER HEAD she cannot see the Truth, and she cannot be free! As a woman sent by God, apparantly, this is one of my assignments, to do this. I did not know I could do it. I had doubt. But you see, it is the power of God that works. One must have faith, hope and trust. (Please understand that I am not the only person who knows these things. You know them, and other great souls know them.....But it is my job, as you said, to get this into the media and the mainstream public....this is where the power will manifest....your encouragement and moral/intellectual/spiritual support are helping me greatly...inspiring me, getting me ready to strike!)
I believe these lies are very basic principles, as in religion. The role and identity of woman; who she is. She is told that God is a man, and so is the Son of God, who also is God, is a man. Women cannot minister. Women are here only to breed for men, and obey them. Patriarchal leaders have been enforcing that for thousands of years, and they must be exhausted!
What are we to do? Obey God. Listen. God will tell us what to do. God will inform and empower us at the right moment. If we knew all ahead of time, it might scare us into paralysis. Many things I did, I did not know what would happen, but I took the plunge. For instance, Divine Stigmata. That cost me spiritual martyrdom for eighteen years. If I had know, would I have prayed for it? Ihold on to God. My life is eternal. This little bit of time here in the flesh, it is to be used to learn and help others, nothing more. I must live it fully in service. My service is to get these Truths out into the mainstream! Make them believable, and give courage to women and men! If you think about the backlash, the threats of violence and so forth, these things stop you from action. I think of Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King, Jr. They are templates. Furthermore, God told me I will not be assassinated – as God can prevent this, having all power. I will work actively into my late 80's, then I will retire and live into my 90's. We gain ground with courage. The sheep cannot do this - the rams must do it. The rams have horns. My horns are the Gifts and Graces of God - you have them too. I am going to anoint you more fully (God's power, not mine) and you will work like Ashley Montagu did. You will have more books and do tours where you will appear on all the TVshows, big and small (some with me) in Europe and the United States. What fun we'll have! What challenges we will live up to and drink champagne in our spiritual center, congratulating God! Glory to God who enables us to do all things! How great God is, how powerful! And God has
chosen us,.....Glory, glory to God!
Now God will return to earth as the Feminine Divine! What larks!
Rasa Von Werder
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Early Photo of Kellie Everts, (Showbiz name of Rasa Von Werder) She commented. "This is when I was 30 with dark hair, squeaky except for shoes, wig & shoulder length gloves." |
William, loved reading the exchange between Rasa and you, and I am totally with you on Matriarchy. To me it is actually the most obvious thing in the world, that we need MOTHER RULE.
ReplyDeleteI do disagree that Freemasons are working underground to support Matriarchy. Many of the most evil male leaders are Masons. Women are not allowed (per se) to be Masons. People who research Masonry find the ugliest events, brought about by secretive male "boyzclubs".
I believe long ago, these secret men groups found esoteric wisdoms, saw the potential, hoarded it, and poisoned to masses minds to it by demonizing it and equating it with satanism.
Then they fed a ludicrous crock of bull about male-birthing gods to the masses. They kept esoterics such as Sacred Geometry, Astrology, for themselves in order to pursue their evil deeds, while the masses foolishly followed male birthing gods that made no Natural sense whatsoever.
Within masonic symbolism you will see Goddess symbols. this is because they themselves do use esoterics, including Goddess worship, fertility rituals, etc...because they know Goddess gives Life, and they need life given to their evil deeds and plans to control the whole world. Demonic organizations like Monsanto are masonic.
This is what I know of the connection between Goddess Worship and Free Masons.
ReplyDeleteI agree with most of what you say on this, but i don't think Freemasonry or any of these other secret societies are united i their aims. Yes, like you say many do use the secret knowledge for their own personal power and feed the masses bullshit. But there are many who do not agree with this, and have attempted to empower the masses. After all the French and American revolutions were created by the Freemasons, but as with most of these revolutionary movements they soon get hi-jacked by those only interested in personal power.
Everything that comes into our world seems to get hijacked by Patriarchs, who corrupt it to the core. That includes feminism.