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Rasa’s latest educational efforts are on www.EmbodimentofGod.com |
Rasa Taking Over NOW As President.
Article by Mark Hopkins
His terrific article speaks about: "Sexuality as an expression of female power" versus "Sexuality as a means of imposition on the female”.
Mark writes:
I offered my perspective on the matter when you and a group of followers try to take the help of NOW in a struggle against a more prudish mindset. The struggle was essentially "Sexuality as an expression of female power" versus "Sexuality as a means of imposition on the female".
Before the 1950's women were actually to the right of men politically. The book Rising Tide talked about the gradual shift. The oldest who came into NOW, however, still had a large part of that older mindset, hence the rather schizophrenic take on sexuality that can't make up its mind whether to be 19th century Victorian or modern, 21st century freely sexual.
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Rasa’s latest educational efforts are on www.EmbodimentofGod.com |
This was what could be called the "Prude Crowd" versus the "Stripper Crowd" power struggle. The result of the Prude Crowd winning over was to leave out a critical part of the feminist movement ...
putting to the lie the meaning of the name "NOW".
The time may be ripe for another power play. That older mindset is largely alien to most of us Millennials and GenXers and -- unlike then -- there is now a large cadre of followers waiting to join ranks to take the whole place over and completely strip out the Victorian-laced element from the organization (puns intended).
The latest kick by NOW is to inject yet another scarlet letter into their propaganda push, the latest case being to identify flirtation, whistling and catcalling as "Street Harassment".
A whistle and catcall is a compliment that I have both received often and returned. Needless to say, it greatly offends me when some outside group injects itself into our culture, our ways, our interactions and purports to speak on behalf of me *or her* like some kind of overlord or patron.
I've had women yell out "free booty call here!" while running past them, or a butt pinch or two in a club, or an entire troup of cheerleaders yelling out the UWM dorms during summer cheerleader camp "hey you! Yeah you (describing clothing). Yum, yum, yum! Work it baby!" like construction workers. And it's gone the other way, I've walked up to women to tell them that I think their presence graces the ground they walk on like angels in our midst and have gotten nothing but big smiles and sometimes even squeals of delight in reply.
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Rasa’s latest educational efforts are on www.EmbodimentofGod.com |
I've already lived in a Communist state once before. I don't need to do so again or to suffer through the same left-wing borderline Leninist mindset that would presume to socially engineer sets of norms on us.
I notice, in particular, that the networks where this got the most airplay on TV are the ones that had the oldest most Eastern and Protestant mindset (CBS), while at the very same time on a network, such as Telemundo, the women were prancing all around (along with the men BTW), both taking it and giving it.
Those of us who are of the younger generations are growing more and more weary of this older "Liberal, but still rooted in the 19th century because I can't make up my mind" schizophrenic mindset and we're coming to the point where we just have to say to the oldest "You've had your day, you've had your say, Now get the *hell* out of our way! It's our century now."
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Rasa’s latest educational efforts are on www.EmbodimentofGod.com |
What a sweet irony it would be to have that new followership led by someone who comes from that world but was ahead of her time and more in line with us of this world.
Rasa says: Mark, I infiltrated NOW with 40 women from my group called “Prostitutes and Feminists.” There was an election going on, and all these women being members were going to vote for me to be a member of the board. The election was called off. Their politics is as old as high-button shoes. I started my own movement called “Female Empowerment – Matriarchy” which is now the thing, their thing is antiquated.
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Rasa’s latest educational efforts are on www.EmbodimentofGod.com |
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Rasa’s latest educational efforts are on www.EmbodimentofGod.com |
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Rasa’s latest educational efforts are on www.EmbodimentofGod.com |
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Rasa’s latest educational efforts are on www.EmbodimentofGod.com |
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Rasa’s latest educational efforts are on www.EmbodimentofGod.com |
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Rasa’s latest educational efforts are on www.EmbodimentofGod.com |
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