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Merry Christmas everyone! My Christmas gift to you all is the Anointing, if you want it, and also, the beautiful men I photograph onwww.EmbodimentofGod.com The models pictured here show all their beauty on the website! Worship God through their bodies, and through all life! God is All!
Christmas 2014 letter to all my disciples, followers, associates and friends:
I guess it’s a good time to restate my Presence on Earth during this Christmas Season 2014, to announce to people that I am here to help and to bring the Power, Anointing, Healing, Transformation, Bliss, Blessings, Protection from God Almighty.
I, Rasa Von Werder, am a Person sent by God to help humanity.
My special role has been the Empowerment of Women. I have done this through world-scale projects such as female body building, female domination of men and Stripping for God.
But I am not here only for women, I bring men close to God and Truth as well; the majority of my disciples have been men - my main associates, assistants and friends have been men. (Women do not humble themselves to other women easily - the slave mentality - too many Chiefs, not enough Indians.)
What I have to give to others is called "the Anointing." The is Empowerment from the Holy Spirit or Energy of God. Certain people have Powers of God to transmit to others; these Powers come at a price, the action of surrendering oneself to God willingly, gladly, gratefully, holding nothing back, and the soul that does this receives in kind. Some receive one or two graces, others receive numerous ones - I have numerous. (The reason for that is giving all of myself to God, even my human life, in the grace of the Divine Stigmata.)
When I offer my Power to people, most of them are frightened or querulous as to the meaning of this. They fear what they must give up. For one thing, their honor, then, their autonomy. They fear losing complete control and responsibility of their lives to surrender to someone else.
And yet, I observe that people give all their substance - their time, money, energy, attention, focus, research and honor to the things of the world and its people. They do not give even equal time to God, much less putting God first.
When a great Guru appears to you, you are a fortunate human being. It means God calls you to the "Kingdom of God" - to all great things. It means you have potential, you are not run-of-the-mill, you are spiritually special and capable of great things. The average person is not called - they are hopeless and will have to work out their salvation the long, hard way, through hundreds or thousands more lifetimes, if they escape Hell. But they who are called stand as spiritual geniuses who can potentially help others and build theKingdom of God.
When I come into your life and you have a feeling about it, it means I / God am calling you. What is required? You should not count the cost, which means effort. It is courage you need, not fear, so says St. Teresa of Avila. The beginning steps take courage, with faith and devotion, you will take the journey, but the beginning is the most frightening. Yes, people fear surrender, although many surrender to the devil's world and don't fear that - as everyone does it. (This is called the Broad Highway to Hell, the road common to most.)
What is special about myself - Jesus - any Guru - is you form a link with me. You open your heart - imgine it empty, then you invite me to fill that space.
I have done this with my Gurus - I've had dozens throughout my lifetime - and it always worked. I have received the Blessings, Power and Gifts of Jesus and Mary, many saints of the Christian religion and subsequently, the Yoga saints empowered me. After giving me Gifts, many of these saints and avatars married me, which meant giving me themselves.
To all my disciples this is given freely and without cost or renumeration of any sort. Getting something from you is not what I am after - it is expanding the Kingdom of God, touching your soul where I know I will see you in Heaven. Some of the disciples do serve me from time to time and once in a while they give donations. I am grateful for that, but I rarely ask for help. (One of the reasons I ask for little is that the disciples are so sloth in helping I can do the work more quickly by myself or my associate William Bond, or through my employees who do the work. It all gets done without special help from disciples.)
Here is what I can do for you, and after the list I will explain what attitude of yours brings forth my Anointing:
1 Healing of diseases, no matter how terrible, including cancer.
2 Solution to serious problems, such as prison, lawsuits, threats.
3 Resolution to terrible relationships, freedom from them.
4 Protection from accidents, injuries, theft, bad mistakes, etc.
5 Coming closer to God, whatever it takes. Sometimes this requires suffering, but you are given the strength to bear it.
6 Resolution from problems relating to poverty and losses.
7 Freedom from depression, anxiety, loneliness, mistakes that have brought on an unhappy life.
8 Energy to solve your life including finding new relationship which are blessed.
9 Finding a new lifestyle which is meaningful and joyful. Finding new hobbies, friends or success in what you already have.
10 Finding answer to life. Being TRANSFORMED by the Power of God rising within you, through the Chakras, finding the great God within you, understanding this.
This list is a SAMPLE of what happens when you come to me. Here is the attitude you must have:
1 You must believe that Rasa is from God and of God, and has the Power of God. If you do not believe this, you cannot receive the Power.
2 You do not control Rasa or put any requirements on her, such as you want to serve her in person, live with her, be physically present. Too many men do this with intimacy in mind - this will have the opposite effect, it will push Rasa away from you, not to you. You must worship the Power that is in Rasa, not try to obtain her body or physical closeness.
3 You have to humble yourself. You have to admit who Rasa is, that She is of God, not an ordinary person. Do not ask Rasa to PRAY TO GOD as you ask all your friends, Rasa is not like one of your friends, She is special, She is GOD ON EARTH. It's the same as asking Jesus for help. Every great Guru is exactly like Jesus - praying to them is praying to God. You must admit this special Power, if you do not, it's not likely you will get it - your karma will probably push it away.
4 Rasa's Power has gone to many people who are not disciples - they were healed and did not even know they were healed by her - but they drew the Power to them because they gave special love or service to Rasa, or else they had done great deeds of love for Rasa or someone else. The easiest, most effective way to receive Rasa Power is to link as a disciple. It is your will joined with her Anointing.
5 Disciples built altars to Rasa where they can focus their love, time and attention. These altars have her image, flowers, incense and a candle. The altar can be any way you want it.
6 Having read this, you do not annoy Rasa with endless questions. Her teachings are on the websites and blogs. Especially check www.WomanThouArtGod.com to see how the Guru / disciple system works, and see the testimonies of disciples there. These testimonies are a fraction of the hundreds received - this website was archived in 2006.
Good luck and Merry Christmas! May all your positive dreams come true!
Guru Rasa Von Werder, 12 19 14
letter from John Alia:
Dear Respected Guru Rasa,
I am so grateful to receive your permission to renew my devotion to you as My Guru. I am humbled by your Mercy to me and i will obey, serve, worship and please you and by doing this i will stay blessed and will receive your anointing as i had received in past . As desired, i will promote your valuable and informative articles on FB . I will offer prayers and meditation before your holy and respectable picture so I will receive your anointing power. I beg you to give me spiritual powers and protect me from all evils. I will post a clear status on my FB to announce that i am on my spiritual journey under my Guru's ownership and guidance so no one should interfere or disturb me. If someone disturbs me i will not hesitate to delete them. I will not tell you of any interference by anyone; I will handle them on my own and will not bother you for that. I always think about you as a " Great Saint " and a real Guru on Earth. I am feeling so proud under your spiritual powerful wings. I have started your anointing power. Thank you so much. Worship is exclusively for my Guru Rasa .who is god sent to me in human form. I respect other women as gender and specially respect holy women although they are not many and they are symbol of Mother god. I will never make the mistake to worship any women now. I will be fully attach with you my Guru and prove myself as a obedient, loyal and trustworthy disciple, follower and slave. You are my only Guru. No one else is here who can be my Guru. I am very grateful to you my Guru. Deep love and full devotion. belong only to you Guru Rasa
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