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Rasa Von Werder presents new teachings on sex based on ancient Matriarchal traditions, when Mother God was worshiped, women were venerated and sex was sacred. Her articles are illustrated with sexy images of the most beautiful males in America. Please seeHome - Embodiment of God - the new Cathedral within her "University of Mother God Church" |
WHAT WOMEN WANT IN SEX – Guru Rasa Von Werder
Women want something men are slow to give: Touch, caress, gentle kissing, oral and manual stimulation, massage, overall tenderness and caring touches before, during and after sex that might be called "romantic."
"Romance" by my definition is caring mixed with sex, or love and sex together. The reason women are not getting this is because the old men are teaching the young how to "make love" which is not love at all.
They begin with the premise is that women are not to be loved, they are to be used. Hear them in the scriptures and the pulpits of old. Obviously, today priests are not telling the audience that men should beat women, but once this was routine. All bible belters know how St. Paul towed the Orthodox line and women were not to preach but commanded to obey their husbands. What kind of sex would this portend, where the male dominates? - Selfish sex, based solely on his orgasm.
Then again, in most recent time, the Sainted Pope John Paul II said some twisted things regarding sex, to wit, that husbands must not lust for their wives, that sex is for procreation only. I love the man dearly and he went straight to Heaven, no Purgatory, but he was wrong on this issue, wronged because he was brainwashed as we all were.
Slowly we are coming out of the fog, the delusion, regarding the dirtiness and danger of sex. We are waking back up to the reality that sex is sacred, blessed, as holy as any act we can infuse with the energy of love.
After beating us up in the pulpit and destroying the love of men for women, they continue to assault as in pornography. Here women are then degraded, made to be less than animals, by one or more men beating off on their faces, penetrating them not even in the sacred yoni, but now, the anus predominates. Men are teaching boys/men that women are no better than homosexuals, if their anus is good enough for screwing, so are the anuses of men.
What happened here? What is the political ramification?
It so happens that Patriarchs subdued the earth - first women, then all of mankind and animals - through terror, the terror of physical violence and murder. After that it became psychological death.
You kill a person by stripping away their identity and self worth - this was done at great labor to women, (and later to any men that stood in the way of Patriarchs). Obviously, they couldn't do it completely, they could not turn women into zombies, but they succeeded in confusing the issues; lots of deluded, dazed females walking about the earth, obeying men either from brainwashing or fear of retribution, even death.
As I say in "How to Make Love to a Woman" lesson One, that you cannot make love to a woman unless you love them. Patriarchs turned love making into fucking, using and exploiting.
They tell men what women are for. They explain who women are. Men are first, women second. Women obey men. Men obey men (men in office, men in government, men in military.) The subjugation of men to men begins at home, as 25% of all boys, by military statistics, are molested by their own Dads. Factor in grandfathers, uncles, priests, Boy Scout leaders, choir directors, employers and others, and what then is the percentile?
The result of abusing boys from the cradle is stealing them from the embraces of Mother, confusing them as to who is their care giver and security. Obviously, Mother's touch is gentle and non-sexual. Men envied that - it gives Mother Influence over the young. They then indoctrinated their own touch, which is often painful. Penises are like knives going into the anuses and vaginas of little children. This is Patriarchy - this is an important part of their plan to dominate the earth by corrupting, damaging the young from the time they cannot defend themselves.
What is the result of this molestation? Confused males who don't know what they are. Are they gay or straight? Bisexual? Are women to be loved or hated? Their instinct tells them to worship women, adore women old enough to be their mother and beyond; Patriarchy tells them to hold women in contempt fuck young women and get them pregnant so we can have more cannon fodder.
The teachings of the old women are the exact opposite of the old men. Women teach males compassion, empathy, kindness and love. This is the greatest danger to Patriarchy, based on brutality, domination, selfishness and greed. Buddhism and Christianity, true religion, are the enemies of Patriarchy. These scriptures have ancient Mother God origins, as did all religions on earth.
As I said, the teachings of the old women are like so:
1 Respect, love, venerate women and worship God as a benevolent, maternal God, not a warlike one.
2 Care about the feelings of a woman. That means courtesy, respect, - do not use them and walk away. The "fuck'm n duck'm" might be an instinct encouraged by other males. Granted, males do have instincts different than women's, (such as to impregnate many) but these instincts have to be guided toward good.
3 When you have sex with a female, don't act like she's a stranger next day. This is a complaint I get from college girls, and my own Beloved has done this to me. I shall never forget that after a Friday night of blissful love, I sat in the club next day, waiting for him to appear. There he was, at the end of the bar, getting his drink. He turned, saw me, gave me a blank look and walked away. He then chatted with another female in the patio for twenty minutes, not having given me even one. At the end of the night he asked me out - I was so hurt I walked away.
The college girls say to me,
"You have sex with a guy and the next day in class he acts like he doesn't know you."
4 After you have sex, do not exit as fast as possible. This is particularly hurtful to a woman. My Beloved once left the premises while I was in the bathroom cleaning up - without saying goodbye. I come out of the bathroom, he is gone. All that he said and did then had no relevance? It seemed so. God told me different, that in his heart was true love. But his ratchet behavior was a lack of culture and programming by women. He was schooled in the demon world of Patriarchs.
Another time he promised to spend hours with me. We spoke lovingly for a half hour, then we had sex. I went to the kitchen for a moment. Coming back to the bedroom, he was already on the phone seeking a ride out. This is love? Yes, I know love is in his heart, but on the outside, his ways are all wrong. Why? - Lack of schooling.
Males today, unless they are of the wealthy class, do not know how to help a woman with her coat, or hold the door for her, or speak to her pleasantly without being rude, crude or offensive: Patriarchy. They learn crudeness from peers and the mainstream media which features lack of caring and violence.
What the old women need to teach young males is how to love women. That is the beginning, that is Matriarchy.
I told my Lover that he would reach Enlightenment by loving me. This is Shaktiism. The man receives from the God-women her Anointing, her Divine Power, as he applies his tenderness to her. It's not about his physical spurt, - no spurt until the woman is satisfied. He has to attend to her in any way she wants until she is well pleased. This may take fifteen minutes or an our or two or three. Dr. Stanley Bass, who writes about his method called "Karezza Sex" does his thing to his female four hours at a time, three times a week. The man is almost 100 years old and his sex methods and raw-food diet have kept him healthy, happy, horny and lucid all this time. He wrote his last book age 97, when most men are dead or demented. Twelve hours a week in the bed with his woman anoints him to be powerful.
I told my lover he would reach Enlightenment by being with me; he would see God face to face eventually, which would take a number of years. He agreed, but that very night, schooled by Patriarchy, was the night he called someone for a ride as soon as I left the room. Because of this I have not spoken to him for six weeks and will not do so until he returns on bended knee. When males are tutored wrong, it's a lot of trouble to erase their bad habits and teach them new ones.
And they must begin learning from childhood on, earliest years, like with religion. I have heard people say,
"I am not going to teach my child religion until he grows up and can make his own decision regarding which one he will follow."
My friend, this will be too late.
If the child is taught nothing until he "grows up" he will have no concept of a God in him; the wiles of the world, the flesh and the devil will have ground in his heart. He will have no interest in God or religion, this will seem irrelevant, he will not be able to focus on a thing that has never been presented - the world around him will be all the reality there is.
And this is the predicament we women are in, trying to teach a male how to make love to us. When we get him into bed it's too late. Every wrong thing has been fed him, every right thing is absent. He doesn't know who we are, who he is to us and what to do about it. All he knows is he has a hard on, wants us to suck on it, put it in and come. He has not the slightest inkling of the religion of Mother God, where men looked up to females and served them, pleased them, and gained Divine Guidance / Energy from them. He has attended theschool of Patriarchy all around him, which is hurting her, using and abusing her; get what you want and get out. Now you are faced with this creature with a hardon in your bed, and you are supposed to teach him how to make love? It's like teaching an atheist about God. School begins not in the bedroom but in the cradle - he has to love and respect a woman in order to please her, and he has to want to please her. He has to know he is not the dominant sex, she is. She is the one who leads.
So many guys claim they are pleasers and they know what to do with a woman when they get her into bed - all the while talking crudely, grabbing and groping. And if you are desperate enough to take him home you find out all he said was a lie. And women are desperate indeed as they go from one man to another, they travel from rocks to hard places - they are all the same save one out of a hundred. They have all attended the same school.
Guru Rasa Von Werder...Jan. 4, 2015
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