Sunday 5 June 2022



Dreams re my Love Life - It's Good News

5-31-22           A Great Lady Hosts me-She & her Husband Have an Airplane to Use & is Showing my Sis & Me


Deep dream.

          I am visiting a large house – big as a mansion but nothing ‘elaborate’ or pretentious.  I was invited by a GREAT LADY & someone comes to join me after a while – my sister, & asks me what she is like & I tell her,

          “She is a LADY.”

          {The implication being she is CLASS.}


          *** {the LADY could be Our Holy Lady, the Virgin Mary, who is my Mother.  It could also be my God Self.  Either way, She is the symbol of the MATERNAL GOD – the comforter, the one who cares.  She also manages family & home & apparently, nuptials.  My conclusion is this is MAINLY regarding my marriage with Bob – who I’ve been asking about lately, just off the cuff.} ***


          The reason they brought me here it seems, was to be with their SON, who I’m embracing & he is so short his head comes up to my chest.  He has straight honey-blond hair, combed back, & he looks somehow like my model Reef, who is dark brown, but this male is white.


          *** {SON of this lady & her husband:  This indicates Bob is OF GOD or ‘Son of God.’  He is ‘white’ is like baptized or pure & clean spiritually, clean of heart, ‘The pure in heart shall see God.’

          The fact I’m embracing him & his head comes level with my chest shows his head or mind is on my heart – He’s in love with me, I with him.  Heart to heart.

It could also say he’s like my son or Jr., he’s young, inexperienced, not as mature as I am.} ***


          His parents wanted to sponsor me so I could be with him – they want us together – but I made no overtures or aggressive moves on him while I was here.  He’s not a child, btw, he’s of legal age, just short & I sense immature.  And I was wondering if I should have done something like kiss him or seduce him, but I did not, & my visit is now coming to a close.  It was a few day visit.


          *** {PARENTS WANT ME WITH HIM:  This says God wants me with Bob.  And this short visit is simply VISION – I am visiting the mind of God or her Will, whether She wants us together.  This says yes.  And also it affirms that I am not being aggressive with Bob in any way, not chasing him, not doing sex.} ***


          My sister comes by at the end of this.  She’s different than me, active & talkative, while I’m introverted, totally quiet like falling asleep at times, not trying to draw attention, no makeup, no fancy clothes, just sort of ‘receding’ into the background.


  But sis is the opposite & she seems to be ‘scoring’ or gaining approval from this great Lady.

          At one point while there’s a few of us in the room I’m looking in the mirror, which is on top of a bureau – the room is dim.  I tell them,

          “Right now I’m not trying.  If I put on my makeup, I’m still beautiful…..I know it’s a MASK.”

          And I recall how even when I was young & perfect, when I didn’t put on my makeup & had my hair fixed, no one paid attention to me.  To be what the world calls ‘beautiful’ one has to be fixed up.  I am also wearing plain clothes.

          But then I want to show the lady & whoever is here what I can do.  I fix up somehow & the music is playing.  I begin to dance, I dance well.  Then I fall on my back & it’s a struggle to get up, but I do.  And I tell them how hard it was, but I got up – it used to be easy.  I continue dancing & the great Lady just ‘sweeps me away’ because she’s seen enough – no need to keep proving myself.  It’s like she takes her hand & ‘sweeps’ me ‘away’ somehow – my entire body – don’t know how she does it but she does. 

          *** {SIS ACTIVE, MYSELF PASSIVE right now:  This could be saying Mother God approved my actions when I was chasing Bob – even though I’m ashamed of it somewhat.  Probably nothing would have happened had I not so she is rewarding me.

          She is telling me that what I did in the past is sufficient.  When I fixed myself up, makeup, danced, it was great.  I succeeded in getting Bob.  Now, she ‘sweeps me away’ – saying not necessary for me to do anything more.

          And where I fell down & it was hard to get up is when I had the heart attacks & it’s been hard to recover.} ***


          Now my sister, she puts this grey silver robe over her, it ties at the neck, sis is sitting so her right side is in front of me, she’s about 10’ from me.  The robe is soft & completely covers her.  At first I thought it was ordinary, but as I gaze at it I see the robe has a deep texture, as if it was like an inch thick of something of high quality – which I can’t identify or explain, but it looks valuable, deep.  It’s like I can see tiny silver NUGGETS within the cloth.  The Lady has FAVORED my sis.  And so I’m glad sis came here, toward the end of my stay, to get ‘our family’ rewarded.


          *** {the THICK, VALUABLE SILVER NUGGET ROBE:  This represents the forever relationship,– permanent.  Mother God has awarded it to me.  The sister is the active part of myself.} ***


          Do recall in the room where I was staying sis picks up a cloth, & there under it, are two of the costliest purses you can imagine – I know INSTANTLY they are expensive - & I realize this great Lady TRUSTS me to have such valuable things in my room, not under lock & key.  The purse closer to me is large, lying sort of on its side, like could hold 5 gallons of things – it’s a green embossed leather, & the one slightly farther, next to it, not sure what color but maybe blue, not as big but similar.  These are the kind of purses that cost thousands of dollars, hand made designer ones.  This Lady is SUPER RICH.


          *** {VALUABLE PURSES, LADY SUPER RICH:  There are 2 purses or valuable Gifts from God – extremely valuable.  The green might represent financial wealth, which has been promised/predicted for years.  The blue could be my sorrows or troubles that usually go with Gifts – like Paul said to Timothy,

          “The greater your Anointing, the greater the persecution.”

          This says that God TRUSTS ME with her Gifts!} ***


          The boy I am here to be with, like I said, he is the SON of this Lady & her husband.  Now I see they have an AIRPLANE & my sister got to see it – I did not.  When she comes back I ask her how was it inside?  And she makes some kind of sound like it’s awesome, but says nothing.  I want to see it too – I have a sense that it will be used for something to benefit me/us.


          *** {AIRPLANE WILL BE USED FOR MY BENEFIT—I HAVE SEEN IT IN THE BODY OF MY ACTIVE SELF:  An airplane is a high-flying & speedy vehicle.  Nothing moves faster to transport us somewhere; nothing flies higher as getting some place.  This might predict that the marriage will soon take place, as my God Self has planned.  So this airplane means BEING WITH HIM IN THE FLESH, living together, having access to each other.  This is a ‘high flying plane’ or the mood he would put me into when I was with him - was a blissful trancelike state.  When I first met him, after we made love, thinking about him put me into such a trance that it got me through my cataract procedures & surgery.

This is important:  3 days later HE CALLED.  I’ve not spoken to him or seen him since mid 2019!} ***


          Now the boy.  There’s something he must do BEFORE we enter or use the plane, something technical or preparation – something similar to a ‘repair’ before boarding.  I see him getting ready to go with my UNCLE, who is the husband of the lady – off ahead of me.  The boy is smoking, I think he puts out the cigarette into an ashtray on a little bureau to his left & then must follow Uncle to the place of ‘fixing’. 

          *** {HE SMOKING, MUST GO WITH UNCLE TO FIX OR REPAIR BEFORE THE PLANE RIDE:  Before this marriage can take place Bob has to have some ‘fixing’ or ‘repair’ & this will be a hardship.  UNCLE represents punishment or hardship.  So he must willingly go for some sort of change before we can be together, & the dream shows him going willingly, following my Uncle.

SMOKING is his failure, he must stop this failure.  It could represent DRUGS, as cigarettes are a substance.  This might represent going into REHAB.} ***


          There were many other details, mostly how great this house his, how wonderful this Lady is – There is something about her, she’s SUPER RICH while I am poor, but she’s sponsoring me, she’s my benefactor.  She is extremely interested in helping me & has plans for me with her son – this I strongly sense.  In other words – he & I are to be married.} ***



Dream after he calls:  6-4-22


DECISIONS-DECISIONS:  Which woman to choose?


          I was with Bob in a place where we were in public & I was enjoying his presence.  He was talking with people.  We had a good chat & I walked away.  I see him at the bottom of a small stage with some people on the stage, it’s against the wall – it’s only about 5’X5’ & has a pipelike rim around it.  He is sort of ‘clinging’ to the stage but it covers his body up to his chest, as if he’s sitting on a low stool.

          After I walk away I think, should I go back to enjoy his company more?  But somehow, he doesn’t appreciate that, it’s the wrong thing to do.  I can tell as I approach, so I go away again & climb this roof that has 2-3 feet of hard snow on it.  I’m looking for the path I came on, to make it easier to walk away.  I see this path that looks good, it looks clear, but when I get on it like the walls close in on me, I come to a dead end & the snow-ice wall is about 5’ tall & I might not be able to climb it.  Behind me there’s a snow mist blocking the path back.  But somehow the mist dispels & I do get out of there – that was a CLOSE CALL, a near-death experience.


          *** {This is the OLD DAYS when I was around Bob downtown & we are ‘talking’ or communicating & being together, but then I leave him & am thinking of returning, but he DOESN’T WANT TO.  That would be the time he absented himself from me because of his pictures, what I put on the internet & I refused to take them down.  About a year after that I had my anxiety attacks, then 5 HEART ATTACKS where I almost died.  This reviews the past.

The small stage with a pipe around it, people circling it, him on a low stool?

A small stage is a small theater, or ‘not the big time,’ the provinces, the losers, & he is there with them, they influence him against me.  On a low stool could be low-minded thoughts - both he & those around him are not high minded, not enlightened, educated or experienced.  They think small, act small, not ready for success.  Those pics were to be used for his promotion – but his friends ridiculed the pics & my abilities.  And because of this thinking, because they are razzing him, he doesn’t want to see me any more, I go away & almost die.

The pipeline is most probably gossip – a pipeline is a conduit that carries gas or water, could also carry gossip around this small stage of life.} *** 

          Suddenly I’m in a room with Bob again.  He’s lying back on a chaise lounge & both Ruthie & I are on him.  I am by his knees, feet, while she’s reclining on his chest more to the right side.

          She’s been quite upset with me seeing Bob & is saying things, not sure what.  First I see her close to another female, & she’s wearing a double breasted mink jacket with rhinestone buttons.

          She being on his chest then is not that he loves her, he loves what she gives him – this is confirmed for the hundredth time. 


          *** {MINK JACKET, RHINESTONE BUTTONS:  I knew a guy in NYC who wrote a Broadway show & he was looking for financers or ‘angels.’  This female came by with another lady wearing this jacket.  He fell all over her, she was overwhelmed as her looks were average.  It took me a while to figure out it was the mink jacket – he thought she was rich & wanted money.  But I knew her jacket was not in good taste – no stylish woman would wear a mink jacket with rhinestone buttons, even if it was expensive.

          Therefore the message here is Bob is looking to her for FINANCING & I always knew it was about drugs.  She helps him in some way with his drugs.

          What is the difference between her being on his chest, first on one side, then the other, while I’m at his feet up to his knees?

          It is a sign of humility & great love to be at the feet of someone.  I’m not given the position she has on his social media – he has her as his common-law wife.  But I am ‘lower’ than her & my love is greater.  I argue my case explaining my love is greater, this exemplifies it.  Her loving him is easy when you are given privilege.  I love him even though I was treated as the ‘back door woman’ – I did not turn against him.} ***


          After Ruthie speaks, I tell her this, that I love Bob more than she does – my love is greater because I am OLDER & during my years, my love has grown.  I also tell her I never meant her any evil or harm, if I did, then I’m sorry.  But I didn’t.  As I say this, her position has changed from the side she’s on to Bob’s opposite side.  I am calm & gentle as I speak; no anger, no hate.


          *** {ON HIS CHEST, GOES FROM ONE SIDE TO THE OTHER:  Seems to say she is in love with him.  But that jacket says he does not love her.  In a moment we will see what he does.} ***


          But while she & I converse Bob is overwhelmed & he rises up out of this lounge chair as if he was flying, just swoops himself out, because he can’t stand to make a decision which one of us he wants, he wants to AVOID making the decision.  And he lands in the room somewhere to the right, not sure if he’s sitting or what.  Like stooping maybe, no chair, his shirt has a pattern or design, not sure what.


          *** {RISES UP OUT OF BEING UNDER BOTH OF US – DOES NOT WANT TO FACE A DECISION WHICH ONE:  This is a big improvement, it shows that he is not deciding to stay with her – neither has he decided to be with me.  He can’t face the challenge of which one.  He is in love with me but he’s somehow using her for drugs.  I want him to go into rehab in order to be with me.  And he has a huge challenge here – quitting drugs – which I encouraged from the beginning, years ago.  But she keeps him on drugs, he is addicted, so this is a dilemma for him.

          I might add that he’s had sex with many females while being with her because he is not devoted. He wrote a song about a month ago where he admits he fukked lots of females & he apologizes to Ruthie.  But I think that song was created because he broke up with a female he was using for sex – she no doubt gave him an ultimatum he would not keep – as it isn’t love - & they broke up, so then he writes this song for Ruthie, acting like a good guy, lol.



1 comment:

  1. This article came out great as usual, Rasa. Very well-said, with greartwork and plenty of fuzzies of course. It bodes very well for the future. I will be sure to share it.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work,
