Thursday 22 February 2024

New Order Housing & Sex


2-22-24 Housing the New Order & Sex Rears its Head Again!


         Praying about the New Order,

where do I begin?  I ask my new guru, 25 year old living man, Erik {channeling}.

         He says,

         “Start small.  One house.”

         I think about it & imagine myself buying another house.  A lot of money.  Risky.  How about this house?  It could hold a few women.

         Then I think of all the

objections.  Funny everything sounds nice until you think of all the bad.  First, NO PRIVACY.  We all need privacy, never did I see it so clearly as imagine, say 2 other women living here, one might have kids.

         I think of the MUSIC.  I play whatever I wish, at night I do ‘chair dancing’ to music, fairly loud, they might not like it.  But what if they want to play their own?  I probably will hate it, as I’m very fussy re music.  And other stuff – they would want TV – I got it disconnected.  Won’t allow anyone watching TV downstairs where I am!  It distracts from my work.

         Yes, distractions.  Questions, talking, chatting, wanting to know this or that, wanting to vent, tell me their stories, telling me what they need at the store.  Can we go to the store?  I’m trying to work.

         Besides that, at your house, you walk around like a bum.  Wake up late – they might be early birds & make noise, disturbing my much-needed rest.  I can smell them frying bacon!  How dare they eat pork in my house!  I don’t want to be assaulted before I’ve drank my coffee, wear an old bathrobe, hair not combed, teeth not brushed.  Don’t want them judging me or telling the world,

“At home she looks like a bum & is cranky as hell.”

Then there’s security.  Your bank accounts, all the financial paperwork that’s private.  Now they can access it especially if I’m not home, rummage through my things. That would be AWFUL. I was robbed that way before, by a male model – chance of females doing that are less likely, but you don’t know.  These are strangers I’m trying to understand – you never really know another person until you know them a long time, even then, they change.  All kinds of secrets hidden in the psyche, including thievery, revenge – with men – strange, very strange fetish & sexual desires.  Been there, done that.

Then there’s schedules - They want to do this, do that.  One might want to go here, another go there, another wants to do this or that – everyone in different directions.  And this is just a house, not a place set up for privacy; everyone would be on each others toes.

My conclusion:  IMPOSSIBLE.  Cannot start in my house.  And buying another house?  They would face all the same dilemmas I just stated – I can’t put them through what I described.

He says ‘start small.’  But I don’t even have followers yet – women who BELIEVE in my religion!

Ideally I would have a dozen women totally committed to Matriarchy, Female Supremacy & what I believe.  Don’t even have ONE.  How can I buy another residence, for say 3 women, when I don’t even have ONE? No, it has to start another way.  Unless I had several million dollars & could afford a risk, can’t buy a separate house. Besides, it won’t be ideal.  Maybe if 2 women besides me were best friends or a married couple – totally committed – not troubled living together, could contribute to the cost – that would be workable.

As I imagine the privacy/security situation, I envision a row of apartments going in a circle.  There’s a Mother House where we have a dorm & cafeteria.  The Temple could start in the Mother House, later, a separate building. The Mother House has temporary shelter for newcomers who might become permanent, but aren’t yet sure both ways – if they want us, if we want them.  This is not sufficiently private but it’s only a beginning – temporary.  Here we have a cafeteria – very large table could also be used for meetings & religious ceremonies like the Holy Mass. 

In future I would like these apartments & buildings circumvent a large courtyard - many old fashioned monasteries did that - so we have a walled-in yard – more safety this way from the world & men, good for the kids.  No one comes in except by the iron gate, a private gate on the other side.  This should be large enough for a recreation center.

My thoughts continue.  I recall seeing an interesting motel not far from here – a large house with office, the motel rooms, can’t recall if they were one story or two.  A large parking lot in front, could house about 20 cars.  Behind it, trees, a forest.  Wonder how much land they have.

Come to think of it, a motel-style situation would be exactly what I want privacy & security wise.  Everyone wants that, even if they have little, the little they have they want secure, & who doesn’t want privacy - your own nook, do what you want to do even if it’s nothing – just sit & think? Who wants to be under watchful eyes constantly?  Or look at your own stuff on the computer without others judging you, like hey, what are you watching?   Like you have to explain yourself every day.

Now of course, motel rooms are only one room & bath. But that’s enough for a single woman – it’s a studio.  We have a cafeteria for the big meals, even breakfast, where I plan to have a ‘Chef of the month’ doing the cooking.  But they can have a hot plate & toaster oven in the room.  And I must add, this also is temporary.

 My ultimate goal is to have small but EXQUISITE houses for each female & family.  Singles can have tiny houses – living, kitchen, bath & loft for bedroom.  Houses shared by 2 women or a female with kids would have 2-3 bedrooms – they might be small, but understand there will be outdoor area – lots of it – to be explained later.  I plan in the beginning to have no men.  But later, as more & more women enter & we also have good men the women love & want to be together – there should be a community that includes men, but not all the communities should include men – some women will want no men accessing their private arena.

That’s one of our great features - safe space for women away from men.  A man can present danger; I don’t care how wonderful you think he is. The nature of a male is different from a female.  They are predatory; they are many things we must be on our guard about. People change, they might be perfect for three years, then buy a gun, load it & put it to your head.  There is a true story of a woman – an editor of 17 magazine, who hooked up with such a guy.  I heard her story on the radio & on ‘Ted Talks.’  They were in mad love, 3 years later the unbelievable occurred.  He was waiting for the right moment to show his demons.

As I said, we’ll be conservative about letting men in, but there’s also the factor of sex, love, affection – emotional nourishment.  Now we’re back to sex, the ultimate & trickiest question.

And I ‘m back at the beginning.  Want to feed the birds but my cat wants to nab them!  I set up the feeding station, she ambushed them from under a table & got 2 chickadees – one I grabbed her & her little jaw, he thank God flew away unhurt.

The little birds {females} must be NOURISHED.  If we can’t see that, we can’t see anything.  Everyone needs love, & on the human level, love is or can be SOMATIC.  That means physical touch.  We love our infant & kids, they get lots of touch - But when you grow up it’s all over. 

I went to live with my Dad when I was 16.  He wasn’t the Father I once knew; loving, affectionate & warm.  Now he was cold, distant, he was a police officer set to control me, make sure there was no chance of sexual activity – he scolded me for an ITALIAN walking me home – ‘stay with our own kind,’ he said.  My kind? 

The year I spent with him was culture shock, going from a country dwelling to the heart of slumlord B’kln, most of the school was black & Puerto Rican.  I tried to adjust, things happened.  He

 didn’t ask my troubles—{no one ever did}. Was GRIM, silent, miserly {no allowance again} like this was the Dad who once loved me & taught me the meaning of it?  He even SLAPPED me for the first time in my life for a boy leaving a condom in our cookie jar – I had done nothing except reject the boy, so he did that.  He asked me ‘Do you want to be a prostitute?’ in Lithuanian.  I didn’t know what the word meant, I said yes, & he slapped me.

They get that way when we come of age – my Mom was crazy too, should have minded her own sordid business.

So they do not now what to do when we reach sexual maturity.  The boys they let loose with little concern – they don’t  get pregnant.  The girls they spook out about diseases, moral, social status & pregnancies, like the world comes to an end if you have sex.

What is the right road on this?

Gathering ideas.  The Mosuos:


“Traditionally the Mosuo have “walking marriages” where men and women would only get together at night and stay in with their own households during the day. The mother and her extended family raise the children. Sometimes there may be multiple walking marriages, although serial monogamy is more common.”


Within the matriarchal society there is a unique practice of 'walking marriages'. This is where a woman invites a man to bed with her. The man comes to the woman's house at night and leaves in the morning. If a child is conceived the male has no obligation to the child.


Rasa says:  “Walking marriages” would work in the motel atmosphere.  Instead of strict family the Order is the family – we protect, educate & raise the children with the Mom.  But what age do these marriages start?


"When a Mosuo woman or man expresses interest in a potential partner, it is the woman who may give the man permission to visit her. These visits are usually kept secret, with the man visiting the woman's house after dark, spending the night, and returning to his own home in the morning.” After the birth of the child, the man has no moral, cultural, or legal obligation to take care of the child. However, the child will be raised with adequate care and attention. The overwhelming support from the woman's extended family allows both the man and woman to engage in sexual relations with whomever they please.

The father usually has little responsibility for his offspring." However, this does not mean that men can wipe their hands free of responsibilities and spend every night participating in shenanigans. After work, they are obligated to go home and help raise their nieces and nephews. The children rely on the collective effort of the extended family rather than that of the biological father.

"A father may indicate an interest in the upbringing of his children by bringing gifts to the mother's family. This gives him status within the mother's family, while not actually making him part of the family."


coming of age, Mosuo females can get their own private bedroom, called a "flowering room"; and, once past puberty, can begin to invite partners for "walking marriages".


Rasa:  There it is, as I suspected, past puberty, the sex begins!  But what happens to the American who reaches puberty & sex for them – at least with a person above the age of consent – is illegal?  {Sex between both being underage is considered ‘Romeo & Juliet’ & usually not prosecuted.}

Now we have a ‘no man’s land between puberty & legal age.  How does the person, in our case, the girl – receive the emotional nourishment & somatic consolation?  The need is there –– but what I hear is REPRESSION & hypocritical morality speeches.  “Oh, I was so good, I never did this or that, I was Little Lord Fauntleroy.  Kids these days are wild & crazy, etc.”  It’s a patriarchal taboo to see the teen suffers!  Repress, scold, lecture & police them is the word.  Tell them how bad they are because they want sex!


Here is how some of the Amish sects deal with the situation.  See this starting about 29:00 – it goes on for a few minutes describing how boys visit the girl for MAKING OUT SESSIONS, hugging, kissing, NO INTERCOURSE, & this is in the house of the parents.  A few boys come over, the one who desires her is the one they support – they ask the girl if she wants a DATE.  Then  they leave them alone IN THE BED if she says yes. {Doesn’t say if they are dressed or naked, or how dressed.}  This is with the parents consent.  What age?  The man here says it starts around age 16 ½.  This man being interviewed is GRIEVING because of this bed practice & the ‘rocking chair’ practice, where the girl sits in the boy’s lap & they rock – he disapproves of it & doesn’t want his now teen children to somehow have an IMPURE HEART by doing this.  He left that Amish sect because of this type activity.  His attitude to me sounds like that some ‘ole, same ‘ole repression.  I think the Fathers are over zealous about their daughters – maybe can’t stand the thought of another man having them.

This is Peter Santenello - the great journalist - & the name of the video is:   Living with the Amish us


OK so we’re left with this gap, what do we do between puberty & the legal age of sex – 17?  Do we let them hug & cuddle in bed like the Amish?

I think what we might do is encourage affection between the young after the age of puberty {here we are speaking of both being teens – not those over 17-18 with them, but they of like age}but not berate them about sex – just say they are allowed to show affection & love on the premises – we endorse nothing else;  Hold hands, arms around each other, sit together, dance including slow dancing at our gatherings, play sports. Share fondness, affection & love.  That we endorse, we put no other opinion repression wise or permission wise.  {sure we give the usual sign posts:  diseases, pregnancy, NOT morals because it isn’t immoral to our religion} –

BTW my lady friend had a foster daughter for a while.  She said she had to BY LAW go to the Planned Parenthood offices & get her free condoms, all kinds, even scented ones & those that had flavors.  This girl kept a diary of all her sex experiences & the foster Mom, when seeing it, was so uncomfortable she never had a female foster again.  I don’t recall her age.}


Then when they turn legal age the female can choose her ‘walking husband’ to visit in the motel {she might not have her own place, Moms or sisters can surrender their place that night, or else we’ll have special rooms designated that are there for the dates.

This follows the Mosuo tradition.  It should be secret, nobody’s business but theirs & the leaders who give permission, as they are ‘family’ & they do have the job of protecting the girl.

There’s lots more to be said here, to be continued.  {end}



  1. This one came out excellent overall, Rasa, with great insights, great artwork, and plenty of cute fuzzies of course. I would say I am neutral to positive about essentially everything written here in this article thus far, and I don't really have anything to add at this time.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work,


  2. Touched no arteries this time? Lol. Rasa

    1. Nope, no veins, arteries, or nerves have been touched this time, lol. Basically, in regards to the Order, unless something is really exceptionally glaring to me, I have decided that going forward that I will remain neutral at worst. I realize now that me ascribing my own vision (of the outside world or otherwise), or shoehorning any part of it, into your vision of the Order has been a major category error on my part.

  3. Earlier today, I was thinking of an idea. You mentioned the Amish. Have you ever heard of the Rumspringa tradition? Do you think that perhaps some flavor of that would make sense for your Order?

    1. It is a sort of rite of passage tradition:

    2. I will have to take a look at this. Not sure how much more I can do tonight, - tired. Rasa

    3. Indeed, I see the Amish as kind of a "mixed bag" overall. I am not exactly their biggest fan, to put it nicely, but that said a stopped clock can still be right twice a day.

    4. I mean, they were certainly 100% spot on in how they handled the plandemic.

    5. how did they do that?

    6. They basically ignored the plandemic, in a nutshell. At least from May 2020 onwards. That is, they "let it rip", adopted the "flu strategy", and allowed "herd immunity" to take place. And while they ultimately experienced some level of excess deaths, especially in Fall 2020, it was no worse than the rest of the USA.

  4. About the motels idea, I was thinking a good nickname for that would be the "Love Shack", like the 1980s song of the same name by The B-52s (which is now stuck in my head, lol).

  5. Also, I recall several days ago I actually had a brief dream about you and your Order for some reason. The dream, most of which I don't remember well, seemed to take place in the relatively near future when you actually began to accumulate a few vanguard Members. I recall there was a brief discussion in the dream about whether or not the Order should literally purchase an existing bowling alley for some reason, and somehow I thought it was a good idea too. Then I woke up. Not sure what that means, or what a bowling alley symbolizes in that context.

  6. The motel would be convenient for dates, that is for sure. Privacy. There's so much needs to be worked out & communities would differ. Rasa

  7. Yes I know about this. We will figure out what to do later, I'm thinking. Rasa
