Wednesday 24 July 2024

Must show myself in podcasts 4 success


7-23-24 Arnold-He usually means SUCCESS-Is this about my podcasts?

A few days ago I prayed thus: ‘God, give me the ability to present myself in person for the podcasts’…my Inner Voice said, ‘before this time next week, you will do it.’ This was Sunday the 21st so this Sunday the 28 is the deadline.  What’s relevant is I accidentally popped into the ‘analytics’ of my podcasts & was dismayed to see the average view was 3.5 minutes. I then knew I should cut it way down, like an hour an a half is what I’m doing & if I stop it after each SUBJECT, chop it into segments of 10-20 mins each, the 3.5 mins would be more relevant…Also so many more videos on You tube, more chances of people SEEING the presentation…In addition God is showing me through these dreams, they want to see me & if I present myself, the show will be ‘packed.’ My friends have warned me, told me, to do it this way but I didn’t listen until my own inner sense showed me the way.  I had a bone to pick with myself, lol. 

         I was somewhere in a public place with a hundred or so people sitting in a group facing away from me.  One person stood out – Arnold.  He was sitting from the left corner about 2 spaces from the left & 2 spaces away from me.

        *{Arnold represents SUCCESS. Success is here but will leave.  It is the people checking in but then leaving - not watching my podcasts, not returning, in fact, my analytics show them unsubscribing – 23 in one month.}*

         But in the exact corner, closest to me, is a smaller person who looks mixed race – part Asian- biracial & also sexual orientation might be bisexual, {but this is vague.}  He seems kind of sad & is not the Arnold I want to be with.

         *{What is NICK doing here?  Lol, he represents FAILURE.  He could not CHANGE or improve & died of a drug overdose.}*

         Arnold is good looking – young, full bodied, calm & serene, & wearing a medium light blue soft top.

         Then all the people disappear except the one in the corner - & I se Arnold walking off but toward me, to the left, like walking very close but going behind me – still with that super calm demeanor.

         This is not what I hoped for.

         In a cheerful way I declare something that slightly embarrasses me – I wished all the people in that group of 100 would disappear & only that ONE {I don’t speak his name} person would remain, & I with him.  I did NOT want Arnold to hear this as I didn’t want him to know I loved him, wanted this kept mum.

         *{I’m embarrassed to admit I want success, as the religion of Jesus teaches poverty & I have renounced recognition.  But my inner voice reminds me that Jesus himself SOUGHT SUCCESS in the Salvation of mankind!}*

         But the ‘little guy’ left with me knows & maybe that’s why he’s SAD.

         *{Nick is sad re his failure & so am I re mine.}*

         Another scene.  Arnold is doing something innovative, like he’s an inventor & we’re going back in time & space when he invented a unique system, like say, the wi-fi system – something technical.

         I want to be there with him, his friend, associate, back in time, not sure why.  He takes a 50’ long pipe, covers it all the way around with cloth, & his eyes wide open in anticipation, does something with it, hooking it up to something unique.

         *{ME:  Mother God help.  What is this?

         MG:  TUBE – you heard of the ‘boob tube?’ lol. It’s a DOUBLE MEANING. One, the internet is like TV, so you appeared, & 2, you appeared showing your BOOBS a lot & it was VERY POPULAR & this is saying it’s a winning ticket to show your well-developed body. Arnold here is seen in his prime—you are seen that way- the body well developed.  So it’s 3 meanings.}*

         Next scene something to do with movies, but what?

         There were several other scenes but forgotten.

         *{Last scene says you will succeed again when you appear – you‘re planning to wear the glamorous clothes, should be good.}*

         Last scene after several more things with Arnold – the streets are JAM PACKED with people shopping, hundreds & more hundreds of people looking to buy stuff, as it was not convenient before, now it is – maybe there was torrential rain – now the streets are packed.  {end}


7-24-24 Re PODCAST-Chesty Show Big Success


         There is a Broadway Show that I visit with a male friend.  The friend has something to do with the production of the show, but he is at odds with the regular staff of producers – 3or 4 of them – maybe wants to make changes.  He’s youngish, has curly black hair, thin - I see him walking up to the other guys confronting them.

         I take a look at the show.  It stars CHESTY BIG. The show is successful – not an empty seat in the house!  All kinds people, men & women.

         It’s her LOOKS that make her a star.  She SINGS, I hear her.  Her singing is acceptable, but they are here to SEE her. 

         I look at the other females who dance in the show by comparison.  They suddenly appear before my eyes to the left, behind the stage - One more to the front, one behind her.  They are both THIN but stringy, not shapely, small breasts – like A or B cup at most.  And both are wearing black waist cinchers – not sure why as they’re thin.  Both have medium short dark hair & are looking straight toward me.  But they are NOTHING TO LOOK AT.  They are supporting players, not stars.

         The staff is arguing about Chesty, but she’s calm.  I see her standing between shows talking or being interviewed, from the back.  She’s wearing a conservative suit – light beige, with long sleeves, loose not tight, attractive.  And her hair is longish & bouffant, not flat.  I never see her clearly to her face.  What is most relevant is her calm demeanor.  {end}      

                         The most important message here is her show is a SUCCESS.  {end}



                 *{This says the same thing as the other dream – if you appear in person you will succeed.  You are a celebrity – your body, looks, are the main thing they want to see.  Yes, you will speak, but it’s you they want to SEE most of all.

         ME:  Jeesh, is it that important?  I guess so.  I’m also reminded of how Aimee Semple McPherson looked so beautiful in nice dresses, & she presented very striking shows to her religious audience – like a broadway Show. Kathryn Kuhlman wore striking dresses.  Then there’s Liberace.  Without his getup, his TV show got canceled.  Then Elton John, Boy George, all the rock stars with fancy getup.  It’s show biz, isn’t it.  And myself, when I look at presentations, I do take note of how people look, what they wear & if they’re not presentable, I feel disappointed - Or analyze how they could improve.

         So according to Mother God, I will make an in person podcast – several I trust – before this Sunday.  Maybe Saturday as I’ll be busy prior to that.

What is the thing about her in the beige suit, wig, covered up, calm? – Being interviewed.  And the conflict between 2 parts of staff.

MG:  It’s the conflict between you covered up, unseen – don’t see the face - & you seen.  Look at the views on the greatest book ever written besides the gospel – Mystical City of God.  So few hits! This bothers you, but there are VERY FEW people who are on the level you are really focused on TRUTH, truth, & nothing but the truth.  Yes, you come down now & then but you jump back up there after a while, most other people don’t.  They stay at the physical level.}* {end}



  1. Very good and very informative dreams indeed. With the help of Mother God, it looks like you have it all figured out now. Break a leg! (Figuratively speaking, of course)


  2. And lots of great artwork and cute fuzzies as well 😊

  3. thanks for helping Ajax! Rasa
