Tuesday, 25 March 2025
Monday, 24 March 2025
Good/Bad Guys Rasa Responds
Do Good Guys Really Benefit From Bad
NOTE: This article is primarily
addressed to men
One question that comes up over and over again is, do men really benefit from patriarchy? The nuanced answer is, "yes, in a relative sense, but NO in an absolute sense in the long run". It ultimately hurts everyone across the board, backfiring on men as well sooner or later, per the law of karma. I would hope anyone reading this would realize that patriarchy is inherently a negative-sum game (lose-lose) in the long run. And everyone regardless of gender would ultimately be better off without it, except of course the tiny few at the very top of the whole pyramid scheme (because that's what it really is).
Rasa says: It’s kind of like this: There was a Southern slave
owner who starved his slaves of meat all year long. But on the 4th
of July he pulled out all the stops & gave them a royal feast: pork, beef
& chicken – with all the trimmings – all they could eat. Did they benefit?
Only on the 4th. Most slave owners did not even provide shoes for
the children not even in winter until they reached a certain age – so if one
slave owner provides the poor kids winter shoes – do they benefit? We’re
talking crumbs from the Master’s table….. Now I’m watching a British TV series
called Pennmmaric. The last couple episodes the wife of the Penmmaric heir is
being assaulted by him. He calls her a whore & reminds her that when he met
her he gave her 5 sovereigns to go to bed with him – that makes her a whore,
& he dredges up her past, how she went from man to men for financial
benefits – basically for support. But that makes her a whore. We women were put
into a position – by evil means – to depend on men for money. Whether it’s
coins or bucks in hand or weekly support, or a house, or whatever, we ‘ve
leaned on them because they arranged it so - & in the end they denounce us
for it! Men STOLE from us & are still doing it by paying us less for the
same work, giving us worse jobs, & depriving us of opportunities. But do we
BENEFIT from this patriarchy? Yes & no. As
AJAX (PETE) SAYS: That's a great way to put it, Rasa. Makes a lot of sense how you say it. The sooner patriarchy ends and gives way to Matriarchy, the better off we will all be.
But what about the related question, do good guys really benefit
from the existence of bad guys? After all, bad guys are found in
literally all walks of life and all socioeconomic classes, not just at the top
(though they seem to be overrepresented there, not coincidentally).
Again, the answer is nuanced. While it is true that the existence of bad
guys (broadly defined here, ranging from crappy to absolutely horrible
monsters) does set the bar for men in general at a pitifully
low level, which makes it easier for the good guys to clear, this comparative
advantage collapses when one considers the other effect that
bad guys have. Namely, the existence of bad guys makes it obviously
harder for Women to trust men in general, so the good guys get lumped in with
the bad guys and thus have a that much harder time getting
Women to trust them enough to be with them in whatever way. To put it in
quasi-economic terms, this "safety tax" that bad guys impose on Women
in general ultimately gets passed on to men in general in the form of a
"risk tariff", thus making the dating market that much harder and
costlier for the good guys as well. Thus, we see here that any relative comparative
advantage that good guys gain from the existence of bad guys is NOT worth it on
balance, and the good guys would be better off without the existence
of the bad guys, period.
Rasa says: I wish you would define exactly what is a good guy & a bad guy & give some examples of behavior. As I find it difficult to respond without those details. It isn’t good for me to ASSUME I know what you mean because I could be off……for example –
are criminal men, say a poacher, who shoots a deer on the wealthy landlord’s
property. In a British TV series I saw, “A Horseman Riding By” this man get
FIVE YEARS for the crime {he also broke the jaw of the game warden, so that was
part of the sentence, lol}.
Now at my local supermarket, routinely, this
happens: You see something on
example – they keep changing the law so the rich get richer. In old days the
rich simply took over the land of the poor – the King gave it to them, & it
rendered these people who’d lived off the land {& owned cottages} for
generations, destitute. But it was against the law to beg & when they
begged they were given a brand on their forehead &/or jailed.
in the last few years they found gas & oil under the land here where I live
– including my own – from what they cal the ‘Marcellus Shale.’ People were to
get big money for this. So what did the local govt. do? They passed a law
called the WINDFALL TAX where they get 40% of the initial payoff, which in my
case would have been 40% of abut $250k {except I didn’t sign & our state
passed fracking laws, so it never happened.} What was the windfall tax? Just
another evil law to steal from the poor. So these examples are the bad guys.
The good guys don’t do crimes like this, mugging people or business crimes.
btw the local owner of my supermarket is the nicest, sweetest guy you ever met,
& his manager is the most helpful. I
get along great with both of them, but this is a mask for the conspiracy to
pilfer money out of the customers – they are both in on it as I have seen it
played out.}Don’t assume that all the ‘bad guys’ appear evil!
remember, bandits WEAR MASKS when they rob the bank!
It's a deadweight loss to everyone, in other words. That is, the marginal costs the bad guys impose outweigh any marginal benefits.
Rasa says: Explain the costs
& the marginal benefits
WILLIAM SAYS: I can give a personal story of how a bad guy effects my relationship with my wife. When I met my wife she was divorced, but her first husband was verbally abusive. So when she got involved with me she appreciates the fact I am a nice guy. This is also true of her children whom don't like their father and have said they wish I had been their dad. So they all contrast me with my wife's first husband and it makes me look good.
AJAX (PETE) SAYS: That is true, William. And of course at the same time, unfortunately, the fact that Women have a hard time trusting men in general as a result of the bad guys has a chilling effect, to say nothing of all the trauma they inflict on Women. How many relationships would have otherwise occurred but don't as a result of what the bad guys do? So the net effect of bad guys is still harmful overall, even if there are some bright spots.
So fellas, if you really are genuinely good
guys, stop validating and making excuses for the bad guys and stop mindlessly
going with the flow. You're not really helping anyone even remotely
worthy of help by doing so, as neutrality only benefits the oppressors and never the victims, and you
are ultimately hindering yourselves in the long run.
Rasa says: There are very few men who ever care about or
fight for women’s rights – they see it as hurting themselves & their
privileges, & being traitors to their gender. Some of the men are
brainwashed to believe, this is as it has to be – men should be controlling
women. They WANT to believe this so they do. And sadly, some men wan to be
dominated but instead of working for the Cause, they prefer to be dominated in
a paid sexual setting, where they tell the dominatrix what they want – she does
it & gets paid – this is called ‘topping from the bottom.’
might say what about the men who have joined NOW? And work as volunteers in
their offices. As usual, men want to hang around & take part wherever there
are women so they could get to know the women, be friends or on the odd chance,
get laid, lol. I’ve seen this as I belonged to NOW. They aren’t there for
authentic reasons; they’re there to get something out of it.
That’s why I suggest when we start this new Order, men are NOT to be allowed entrance as volunteers or ‘friends’, it has to be all women as the men who would join have ulterior motives. Even men who offer big donations – you have to be leery of because they want that pound of flesh. When we do accept men as members they must be totally under the control of the Order & obedient to its rules – they have no authority whatever & have little rights. This is not ordinary life – in life they can go out & do whatever, but in our Order it is the way we say it is – matriarchal.
I might add that we
should eventually have some communities where we have generations of matriarchy
– grandmother, daughter, granddaughter - & the men who are part of the
family within the household. For privacy we could have cottages surrounding the
main house, but the cottages are not where the man takes advantage beats up the
wife & abuses the kids. The cottages are close enough so we can see what is
going on if there is something out of line – especially with the children. All
children should be housed in the main house up to a certain age {we need to
discuss this-how it would work out because there is the issue of privacy vs
safety…too much privacy to the man, he takes advantage - perhaps the husband
& wife could have their cottage at certain times, not every day—this all
needs to be worked out by the Elders}, then they can live in the Mom & Dad
cottage if they wish. But remember, the nuclear family is designed to give
freedom to the man & take it away from the wife & children.
AJAX (PETE) SAYS: That is unfortunately true as well, Rasa. Indeed, when it comes to the Order, you really do NOT want any such "foxes in the hen house", so it makes sense NOT to allow any men to join whatsoever at first. And in the distant future if and when men are allowed to join in some capacity, it would probably be best for them to be associated as loosely and peripherally as possible. (Note to the reader: my own words in this article are speaking generally and are intended primarily about the outside world, not Rasa's Order.)
AJAX (PETE) SAYS: That's all for now. Very well said overall, Rasa. Keep up the great work!
Sunday, 23 March 2025
Vegan African Peanut Sauce » This is Our Family's FAVORITE RECIPE!
Do Good Guys Really Benefit From Bad Guys?
By Ajax the Great (Pete Jackson)
(Originally posted on the Vive La Difference! blog)
One question that comes up over and over again is, do men really benefit from patriarchy? The nuanced answer is, "yes, in a relative sense, but NO in an absolute sense in the long run". It ultimately hurts everyone across the board, backfiring on men as well sooner or later, per the law of karma. I would hope anyone reading this would realize that patriarchy is inherently a negative-sum game (lose-lose) in the long run. And everyone regardless of gender would ultimately be better off without it, except of course the tiny few at the very top of the whole pyramid scheme (because that's what it really is).
Help Purgatory Souls
I must pay more attention to my dreams now as
God said in the last one it wasn’t yet time for recognition & applause, it
was time for souls in Purgatory. So be it – this put me at rest. Before I was
frustrated & felt like I was failing, now I’m at peace.
Several scenes. One I am in a small side field
away from my house & is it my property or someone else? As a neighbor has
also moved like one of his trucks here. And I also have a sort of truck, &
underneath it later I find a long shelf that contains chickens! It’ comfortable,
not a prison or anything, they can leave. But here is a question, who owns this
yard, me or them? Or do they own their piece & I mine?
Then I look to the left at a larger field {pink
color here or rose} where there are many people enjoying what has become – at
last - warm weather. It’s a happy feeling, & I see many men, sitting
mostly, with these loose white shirts, all looking to the middle of the field,
where folks are playing sports is it? It’s like at last the cold is over.
Then there’s this PARTY. It’s sort of indoors,
or a semi-enclosed outdoor area. We are clustered around one spot. A girl in
front of me to my right suddenly makes a gesture of gypsy flamenco, curling her
hand as if she will now begin to dance. I comment on it & see it as a call
for me to also dance. So I move into the open a bit & begin to bounce &
I am covered with some sort of garment ike a BALLOON! It’s huge, & I get
out of it & strip down to essentials, & I do one of my good steps where
I go upside down, like stand on my head. But someone tells me to not go too far
with this dancing, it isn’t time yet - this is vague.
The most essential scene in this dream is the
field – Pink & rose are indicative of happiness like ‘in the pink’ &
pink is a feminine color, a color for girls, something soft & pretty. It’s
JOY. The weather has turned from COLD to WARM. This is the habitat of SOULS.
Here they are dressed in their baptismal robes or robes of cleanliness &
innocence! These are souls that have just ASCENDED into Heaven! They are at
peace watching people doing sports or PLAYING. We play when we’re happy, not
when we’re sad, depressed or anxious.
Other Dream
In another dream there is a male guide to my
right. He takes me to a very large room where there are a couple dozen men
sitting at tables, who want to interview me & hear me speak. These tables
are at least 20’ from me, in a sort of circular fashion – I see half the room.
And when I begin to speak its normal & mundane, & ordinary subjects are
broached or expected.
But then it changes somehow & quickly I
begin to talk about God, & as I do so the men get closer & closer to me
until they are a few feet away – I see them clearly - & I become
SUPERNATURAL or filled wiht the Holy Spirit & my last words are YOU ARE GOD
Looks like I reached some souls – don’t know if
this is earth or Purgatory but I reach them with God’s message – that we are
ONE with God – part & parcel of the body & Spirit of God. I have a male
guide who is probably one of the Guardian Angels but could also be a saint.
This goes with one of my wishes being granted at my Betrothal to Jesus in Jan
1978 – when He granted me 3 wishes & one of them was ‘I would like to have
spiritual relationships with men.’ And so, most of my clients in Purgatory are
men. {end}