5 2 11 from Rasa Von Werder
I want to put across the idea of religion intermingling with sex. If you have a religion with women running it, all priestesses, & they wear glamorous clothes (which the male priests imitated, with the brocade & satin flowing robes) then you will have men going to church.
I want to put across the idea of religion intermingling with sex. If you have a religion with women running it, all priestesses, & they wear glamorous clothes (which the male priests imitated, with the brocade & satin flowing robes) then you will have men going to church.
Patriarchal churches are frequented by females more so than by males because they don't want to see men. They want to see women. When women appear as both spiritual & sexual, males will bend the knee. This is one of the greatest conspiracies the old men committed against women - they split them into either sexy or respectable, one or the other.
In my own body & life I have defied that image of women - it has to extend to the entire culture.
Men now worship me fully & completely, as both a spiritual & sexual woman. They adore my body as well as my Guru power, & many have no trouble with this.
----- Original Message -----
From: William Bond
To: rasa@womanthouartgod.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 3:33 AM
Thinking about it we could turn Jesus into a submissive Matriarchal man. To quote-
“You have heard it that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ But now I tell you: do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap your left cheek too. And if someone takes you court to sue you for your shirt, let him have your coat as well. And if one of the occupation troops forces you to carry his pack one kilometer, carry it two kilometers. When someone asks you to something, give it to him; when someone wants to borrow something, lend it to him.
(Matthew 5, 38, Good News Translation)
“But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who ill-treat you. If anyone hits you on one cheek, let him hit the other one too; if someone take your coat, let him have your shirt as well. Give to everyone who asks you for something, and when someone take what is yours, do not ask for it back. Do for others just what you want them to do for you.”
(Luke 6, 27 Good News Translation)
The concept of, “the meek inheriting the Earth” or “the Lamb of God” is very different from the macho Christianity you read in more fundamentalist sects. Jesus also put what he preached into practice, when he allowed one of his disciples to betray him to his enemies and allowed himself to be condemned, whipped, ridiculed and finally crucified without protest.
Now if we look around the world we find that the majority of suffering is brought about through men’s arrogance, aggression, competitiveness and brutality. So if all men were to follow Jesus’ teachings then nearly all acts of war, violence and crime would disappear overnight, as would injustice and poverty if men learnt to share and give to others.
If we change God the father to that of MotherGod, then it makes sense for Jesus to sacrifice himself to the MotherGod, and likewise for all men to worship and sacrifice to women.
Love william
From Rasa:
William, you never cease to surprise me with more & more wisdom.
You have brought it out rightly, that men must be taught the way of Jesus. Women already practice it, more or less, some rare men too.
The old women must wrest control of the young males from the old men, then teach them the way of compassion, tenderness & work for the good of the community.
Patriarchy is poison, it is evil, & the old men poison the young.
Nothing will ever change until the old women regain control of the family & the world.
Again, as you point out, women have a maternal instinct, males do not. They take care of people by instinct, males kill by instinct because they are guard dogs. They are supposed to be, to some degree, “foolhardy” or take risks in order to protect the family.
But guard dogs are not the leaders of the family, they serve a purpose under the Mistress, & they work in obedience. When the guards take over, they become, as you say, tyrants. They simply don’t have the psychological makeup to lead the family & world.
Some males are extremely intelligent – geniuses. Even these cannot rule because psychologically they are like other men, & their brains can be used for destruction
Males have a dormant or vestigial aptitude for nurturing. This must be encouraged by old women, instead of discouraged by old men.
Males themselves are miserable when only their ferocious instincts are cultivated. We all have feelings. Males have a child inside of them, this child is vulnerable, sensitive, & needs love. They are told to deny their feelings. But in the arms of a maternal woman, their child needs are taken care of. In order to get this kind of love, they have to be loveable.
Ferocious, cold hearted, selfish, uncaring males will find it hard to experience true love, & true love is what makes us happy.
From: william Bond
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: William, you never cease to surprise me with more & more wisdom.
From: william Bond
To: rasa@womanthouartgod.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: William, you never cease to surprise me with more & more wisdom.
From my own personal experience i can say, men are not happy when taught how to be tough and macho. The very fact that men have to hide and suppress their feelings when they become macho men, shows us that this behavior is not natural. Yes, men are competitive, but if they are not controlled by women this level of competition gets completely out of hand.
I am sure Jesus tried to bring back Goddess teaching & love to men. But when Christianity got into the hands of the Roman Emperors, they banned Priestesses and the religion couldn't follow Jesus’ teachings, as male priests were unable to teach love to other men.
I hope to talk about this in a later video with Pamela. She is a Christian and goes to Church every Sunday, but prefers female vicars to male vicars. (She is Church of England). So I think a video on these lines would appeal to her.

Rasa Von Werder takes nude photos of beautiful males, which illustrate her books. She is seeking handsome models - contact her @ Rasa@WomanThouArtGod.com
----- Original Message -----
From: James Johnson
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 10:45 PM
Subject: Re: God Is female
I was doing a Google search for religions that believe God to be female, and I came upon yours. My name is James Johnson, and on December 6th, 2010, I prayed to God, asking whether God is male, female, or of no gender. Low and behold, God spoke directly to me in a deep voice stating "I AM female". I was shocked, and since that day I have been on a personal mission to share with the world that God is actually female. Needless to say, not many believe Me, but IT IS TRUE. Thanks for allowing Me to share this with you. If you desire to learn more, please feel free to email Me.
Have a nice day,
James D. Johnson
From Rasa:
Send me any work you have done toward this effort.
You have reached the leader of the army of Mother God, who was sent to restore worship to her. I am her embodiment.
So yes, I am interested in anything you have done for God the Mother.
```` For My Secret Disciple, “Thundernuts”
“How to Meditate”
1 31 11 by Rasa Von Werder
part 1
Thundernuts, I’m writing this for you as the bottom line of spirituality, you must save yourself, no one can take you to God if you’re not willing, & in God, you will find yourself & the true meaning & purpose of life.
How do you find God? Where is God, who is God? How do we begin?
Jesus said, if someone tells you go here or there to find God, do not go,
“For the Kingdom of God is within you.”
He also said,
“Seek first the Kingdom of God, & all shall be added unto you.”
And then my favorite,
“What profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul? For what will he exchange for his soul?”
Your soul – you – is the “pearl of great price” for which you sell all that you have to afford that pearl.
Now a few details.
As to WHERE God is: God is a point of energy or link, which is in the middle of your brain as a “blue pearl” of Living Light. This pearl is within all humans, but not all access it, identify with it or receive its power.
The God Power is like a credit card that you receive, which stays inactive UNTIL YOU MAKE THAT PHONE CALL TO GET IT STARTED.
Most humans never make that phone call, & the majority live only by “the flesh” or physical & have no spiritual light activated, & they cannot enter the Kingdom of God because they are zombies on the Broad Highway to Hell. The ones who make that phone call are “born again” & the Living Light is activated, & they are spiritually alive.
I told you before that I got you activated by baptizing you in proxy (without your presence) & you received the grace & so you are activated & spiritually alive.
However, that is the beginning, but I also want you to be happy & fulfill your potential with God, become a great human being that the eternal God wants you to be, for you were born to
“know, love & serve God, & be happy with her in all eternity.
So WHERE is God is INSIDE YOU, & WHO is God is THE REAL YOU.
In other words, let’s put it this way. Who are you? Who is Thundernuts? Is Thundernuts his body? Temporarily, Thundernuts has a body, but that is an abode, a temple, housing the Real Person, which is the Eternal Spirit of God.
Thundernuts, like all other humans, you are a Light from God who appeared on earth housed in a human body. If you identify only with the body, live only for the body, think only in the body, you will never find the Real You, which is called Self Realization or Enlightenment. (The ultimate form of this is called “nonduality” where you know that you are God, there is no difference between God & you, & you are aware of this all the time. This will take many years, if it ever happens, let’s take this one step at a time.)
Now we have ascertained that God is within you, & God is you so let us get into more details of what God is not.
God is not your job, your profession, nor your behavior. As a man or woman, you do certain things each day, good or bad. The karma of these good or bad actions comes upon you & meets you around the corner, & you suffer or rejoice over what gets to you. Every thought, every word, every deed comes back to you, but that is not who you are. That is what you do, within the body, or through the body.
What you are is a Living Light of God who observes, watches, sometime intercedes (not often) in matters of life or death, or great importance. Usually the God within you merely sits as a witness to your life & actions, without saying a word. God is very “polite” or even “passive” in your salvation, although God employs what are called “guardian angels” to watch over you at all times. These are Powers, Programs, Impulses, Energies or Beings of God who tap you on the shoulder when you are about to fall over a cliff or commit a bad mistake. Of course, sometimes God lets us go ahead & fall over the cliff or make that mistake, as it’s the only way we will learn.
Thundernuts, I have watched you now for quite a while, digging pits, those pits filling up with water, falling head first into them. I look around to see if anyone will help & no one near you is capable, & each time, I pull you out of the pit. Once I saw you almost dead, floating face down in a pool, from which you could not climb out of, until I got a ladder & pulled you out.
You are learning by your mistakes, so in order to learn, you make mistakes. But your mistakes are so serious I fear you losing your life or spending the rest of it in & out of jail.
Being bored at home, before you go out & get drunk for the night, or being in jail during your free time, could be the right time for meditation.
Rasa Von Werder takes nude photos of beautiful males, which illustrate her books. She is seeking handsome models - contact her @ Rasa@WomanThouArtGod.com
The Beatific Vision – Seeing God Face to Face
How to Meditate, Part 2
For my Secret Disciple, Thundernuts
By Rasa Von Werder 2 2 11
Here are some issues regarding meditation which I will broach briefly now, get into deeper later on.
Q What is the Purpose of Meditation?
A To find Union with God, communicate with God, hear what God has to say, find a relationship with God where I will feel her presence as often as possible.
Q How Do I Meditate?
A When I am alone, sitting in a comfortable place, with no distractions, centering my mind within me. It all happens within. The type of meditation Rasa is teaching here is not thinking so much as what is called “contemplation” or RECEIVING from God.
Q What are obstacles to meditation or things that prevent success in meditation?
A *Distractions of any type that take me outside my body/soul/mind. This could be anything, including painful or pleasurable activities, anything that stimulates me to bring my attention outside of myself. This will be television, the computer, music, people talking to me in person or by phone, my own mind wandering to outside things & daydreams or fantasies.
· Any unhealthy practices such as substances including alcohol & cigarettes, processed foods (filled with chemicals), prescription drugs, soda or drinks filled with sugar & chemicals, big fattening meals, fast foods, fat/sugar desserts, water with fluoride & chemicals, vaccines. All these type substances ingested slow down the body, poison it, & make it difficult for the brain to function in meditation.· You need ENERGY to go to your brain, & unhealthy practices prevent a lot of energy from reaching it.
· People: You get up in the morning & you are bored, so you call a “friend” to take you for a ride, doing nothing constructive & maybe eating some fast foods. You might discuss negative things, you might even plan or do a crime, such as robbing someone. This is not a friend, this is a demon, & you are a demon to him. Later on, you call a “friend” or “friends” again, to go out drinking, getting drunk together, & possibly doing some violence. These are not “friends” but demons - & you are a demon to them. When wasting time, talking negative & doing negative things then it’s like demons getting together & plotting destruction. This is a great detriment to meditation, as you need a clean mind & heart for meditation – you are trying to reach God & a negative lifestyle makes it almost impossible.
On the other hand, there are also “nice” people that are a detriment to meditation because they do nothing constructive with you & their hearts & minds are not on God but on the world & physical things, & the best thing can be said here is they are a waste of time, & time is precious.
Even your own family can be a detriment, indeed, Jesus said that he who could not leave his own brother, sister, father, mother, for the Kingdom of God was not worthy to be his disciple. If your family is not on the path of God they cannot guide or help you, but can only be a hindrance to meditation, & no one is saying that you should be mean to your family, but you should ignore them if they disapprove of your new lifestyle.
Q What Sort of Things Assist Me in Meditation?
A Some of the things you hate the most are conducive to meditation – To wit, loneliness, boredom & isolation, anything that makes you go within, & leave the outside world behind.
The stimulation of anything such as music will take you outside. I did not listen to music for many years – not even classical music – as it would interfere with my communication with God, when I had not yet reached the pinnacle of success.
Some people lead lives where they are distracted all day, & then they try to meditate for half an hour. It doesn’t work –they get poor results. God is a jealous God means that God requires a great deal of attention. If you put your mind & heart on sixteen people, television, the computer, fantasies & daydreams, chats, & finally get down to God – God will not be there. You did not
“put your whole mind, heart & soul to God”
but you put God last & God is not easy to get, but difficult, the most difficult thing you might ever do, & God is to be taken as seriously as your own eternal life.
Why do you think Saints became hermits, in total isolation, like St. Benedict & St. Antony of the desert & thousands of others – why did they shut themselves up on monasteries & convents, & even practiced silence for many years?
I shut myself up in my apt. in Brooklyn & saw no one & spoke to no one for about a year before I saw God face to face. Prior to that, when I traveled as a dancer, most of the time, I just worked & prayed. I went to daily Mass & prayed an hour after Church. People would never believe that an exotic dancer focused all her heart, soul & mind on God, & dancing was just a job to survive, but that is how it was. Any person of any walk of life or profession can find Union with God, as long as they are not sinning – as sin is the only detriment to this.
So, as I said, one of the most frightening things to most people is being alone, with no friends, no telephone, no pc or television – but this is what happens on retreats, where you are supposed to find your soul. A friend of mine told me how terrified he was. But once he buckled down, he had the greatest spiritual experience of his life.
Loneliness, boredom & isolation are your greatest friends when you want to meditate. The Catholic books call this “emptiness” or “spiritual poverty,” when you beak all those addictive attachments to people & things.
Sex & Meditation
Sex can be either a hindrance to the meditative life or an asset. Many saints gave up sex in order to find God but this is not necessary, & I don’t think it would be good for you to give up sex, so I will say a word about how sex will affect your meditation.
If you think of sex as only a physical act, which is called lust, & you think of women only as objects then this will not help your meditation, because this view is negative, not spiritual – but you can make sex spiritual.
You might look upon women as Goddesses, the embodiment of Mother God, & worship Mother God through their bodies, & when you masturbate, think of a great & beautiful Mother God who loves you & wants you to be happy, & dedicate your pleasure & orgasm to her. That makes sex sacred.
When I make love to a man I think he is the embodiment of God also & his body is a gift & blessing. I am hoping to exchange spiritual energy, certainly I give a spiritual energy rather than just lust. I think of how wonderful God is to have given me a male who wants to touch me & be close, & I always thank God when I get some good sex. This makes sex sacred.
How to Meditate, Part 2
For my Secret Disciple, Thundernuts
By Rasa Von Werder 2 2 11
Here are some issues regarding meditation which I will broach briefly now, get into deeper later on.
Q What is the Purpose of Meditation?
A To find Union with God, communicate with God, hear what God has to say, find a relationship with God where I will feel her presence as often as possible.
Q How Do I Meditate?
A When I am alone, sitting in a comfortable place, with no distractions, centering my mind within me. It all happens within. The type of meditation Rasa is teaching here is not thinking so much as what is called “contemplation” or RECEIVING from God.
Q What are obstacles to meditation or things that prevent success in meditation?
A Distractions of any type that take me outside my body/soul/mind. This could be anything, including painful or pleasurable activities, anything that stimulates me to bring my attention outside of myself. This will be television, the computer, music, people talking to me in person or by phone, my own mind wandering to outside things & daydreams or fantasies.
· Any unhealthy practices such as substances including alcohol & cigarettes, processed foods (filled with chemicals), prescription drugs, soda or drinks filled with sugar & chemicals, big fattening meals, fast foods, fat/sugar desserts, water with fluoride & chemicals, vaccines. All these type substances ingested slow down the body, poison it, & make it difficult for the brain to function in meditation.
· You need ENERGY to go to your brain, & unhealthy practices prevent a lot of energy from reaching it.
· People: You get up in the morning & you are bored, so you call a “friend” to take you for a ride, doing nothing constructive & maybe eating some fast foods. You might discuss negative things; you might even plan or do a crime, such as robbing someone. This is not a friend, this is a demon, & you are a demon to him. Later on, you call a “friend” or “friends” again, to go out drinking, getting drunk together, & possibly doing some violence. These are not “friends” but demons - & you are a demon to them. When wasting time, talking negative & doing negative things then it’s like demons getting together & plotting destruction. This is a great detriment to meditation, as you need a clean mind & heart for meditation – you are trying to reach God & a negative lifestyle makes it almost impossible.
On the other hand, there are also “nice” people that are a detriment to meditation because they do nothing constructive with you & their hearts & minds are not on God but on the world & physical things, & the best thing can be said here is they are a waste of time, & time is precious.
Even your own family can be a detriment, indeed, Jesus said that he who could not leave his own brother, sister, father, mother, for the Kingdom of God was not worthy to be his disciple. If your family is not on the path of God they cannot guide or help you, but can only be a hindrance to meditation, & no one is saying that you should be mean to your family, but you should ignore them if they disapprove of your new life.
Once you are on the path to God the only people you should be close to are those who are on the same path – all others will deter you from what is holy, they will drag you down.
Q What Sort of Things Assist Me in Meditation?
A Some of the things you hate the most are conducive to meditation – To wit, loneliness, boredom & isolation, anything that makes you go within, & leave the outside world behind.
The stimulation of anything such as music will take you outside. I did not listen to music for many years –I started enjoying it again after I reached God totally & perfectly.
Some people lead lives where they are distracted all day, & then they try to meditate for half an hour. It doesn’t work –they get poor results. God is a jealous God means that God requires a great deal of attention. If you put your mind & heart on sixteen people, television, the computer, fantasies & daydreams, chats, & finally get down to God – God will not be there. You did not
“put your whole mind, heart & soul on God”
but you put God last & God is not easy to get, but difficult, the hardest thing you might ever do, & God is to be taken as seriously as your eternal life.
Why do you think Saints became hermits, in total isolation, like St. Benedict & St. Antony of the desert & thousands of others – why did they shut themselves up in monasteries & convents, & even practiced silence for many years?
I shut myself up in my apt. in Brooklyn & saw no one & spoke to no one for about a year before I saw God face to face. Prior to that, when I traveled as a dancer, most of the time, I just worked & prayed. I went to daily Mass & prayed an hour after Church. People would never believe that an exotic dancer focused all her heart, soul & mind on God, & dancing was a job & a mission – I did not get thrills from it, but that is how it was. Any person of any walk of life or profession can find Union with God, as long as they are not sinning – as sin is the only detriment to this. (Patriarchy declared me a sinner as I showed my naked body, & that’s why it was such a sensation when I stripped & preached. I was saying “I am not a sinner but I am saving souls.”)
So, as I said, one of the most frightening things to most people is being alone, with no friends, no telephone, no pc or television – but this is what happens on retreats, where you are supposed to find your soul. A friend of mine told me how terrified he was. But once he buckled down, he had the greatest spiritual experience of his life.
Loneliness, boredom & isolation are your greatest friends when you want to meditate. The Catholic books call this “emptiness” or “spiritual poverty,” when you break all those addictive attachments to people & things.
Sex & Meditation
Sex can be either a hindrance to the meditative life or an asset. Many saints gave up sex in order to find God but this is not necessary, & I don’t think it would be good for you, so I will say a word about how sex will affect your meditation.
If you think of sex as only a physical act, & women only as objects then this will hinder your meditation, because this view is negative, not spiritual – but you can make sex spiritual.
You might look upon women as Goddesses, the embodiment of Mother God, & worship Mother God through their bodies, & when you masturbate, think of a great & beautiful Mother God who loves you & wants you to be happy, & dedicate your pleasure & orgasm to her. That makes sex sacred.
When I make love to a man I think he is the embodiment of God also & his body is a gift & blessing. I am hoping to receive his spiritual energy as I give mine. I think of how wonderful God is to have given me a male who wants to be loving me, & I always thank God for the time even if we never see each other again. This makes sex sacred.
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