Saturday 7 September 2019

9-7-19-Installment X-Ten-Woman Thou Art God – The New Religion for Women Only

Embodiment of God

        The Need to Get Away From People

    Woman, Thou Art God!  What do God people do?  What do Avatars, Saints, Prophets & suchlike do periodically, what do they have in common that makes them different?  How does their behavior hint at Power?

    Did you ever wonder why Jesus went up to the mountain for forty days & nights, to be alone in prayer?  (He supposedly did not take food & water, but I think that’s a mistake.  He might have FASTED but in my opinion he had some vittles & certainly water.)

    Then again, remember Moses going to Mount Sinai, where he saw the Burning Bush?  He was there so long the Hebrews thought he was dead.

    Because they despaired of his return, they went back in their minds to the ‘fleshpots of Egypt,’ melted all their jewelry & created a Golden Calf, symbol of wealth & power, & worshiped it. 

    Another thing in my study of many saints, the mystics certainly, sequestered themselves for a time away from the world, & soon thereafter, had their peak experiences of God.

    I take note of St. Catherine of Sienna.  They tried to marry her off – but she wouldn’t have it.  She shut herself up in her room, in the family villa (no mountain), had her meals there, did not hobnob with anyone for TWO YEARS.  At that time she had GREAT VISIONS OF GOD.  When she came out of that room, she was a new woman & soon recognized as a Spiritual Tower.

    I had the same urge to remove myself from all company.  It started in 1980 & got so strong in early “81 that I told my friends & relatives not to contact me by phone or mail.  I had to stay alone, as if by instinct – sadly, none of them understood, all took it PERSONALLY.  A male friend said he wanted to commit suicide.  A lady friend thought I was demanding money – (her thoughts would go South due to mental illness.)

    During this time I had Peak spiritual experiences, especially at the end of “81, beginning of “82 – was Mystically married to God, Holy Mary appeared to me & gave me “the graces no one prays for,” then I saw God face to face TWICE!

    There are many stories of saintly hermits, spiritual recluses & saints who STAYED ALONE (Padre Pio had a tiny shack on his parents property where he spent hours in prayer.  His whole life was private; praying, meditating, saying Holy Mass & hearing endless confessions.)

        WHY DID THEY STAY ALONE?  IF YOU STAY ALONE FOR GOD WILL YOU BECOME A HOLY SAINT, CAPABLE OF MIRACLES?      And how can you do this if you are married with children?  Or if you are single but have a boyfriend or live with one?

    First, a disclaimer:  No state, walk or lifestyle has to be FOREVER.  Overlooking my entire life, I see where I was here, or there, & thought that state was permanent, but it wasn’t.

    At one time, I thought I would be forever Catholic – nothing but that, not even leaning toward Protestantism.

    But that ended sometime, was it 1991?--when Jesus & Mary appeared to me in a dream, told me I was now being stifled by the Catholic Church, leave & open your horizons wider.    For my future they showed me a painting of nature, with wide open fields, woods & streams, this symbolized to venture out into the wide world.  I then began a closer walk with Yoga & its Gurus. I also studied the Protestant Faith Healers.

    In 1978 after several years of wishing for it, I became a celibate & thought it was for the rest of my life.  But ten years later God appeared & asked me if I wanted to quit, it would be OK, but I said no.  Ten years more God again asked me the same but I nixed it.  Then another ten years, this time God asked, but when I balked said,

    “If you don’t go out & have fun now, you will be outside the Will of God.”

    Of course I obeyed, then followed eleven years of “fun” which was not fun at all but a Purgatory, where I descended into my flesh, had terrible worldly/flesh experiences culminating in a deeply troubling love affair I just got saved from – Eleven years, the last five of which I lost contact with God, mind was ‘below,’ despaired for not being intimate with God as before, but then SUDDENLY IT ALL ENDED, the state of being ‘lower down’ passed, I saw & felt the Presence of God again, & am now writing this religion – something that would be impossible without being ONE WITH GOD.

    What I’m suggesting is that if I say ‘be alone’ I don’t mean for the next 10-20-30 years, if I say ‘be celibate’ it might not be all your life, some part of it, if I say ‘get away from people’ am I saying for always or part of the time?  All these states, don’t expect any one of them to be forever, get what you can out of them & move on.  States, mind sets, are meant to come & go.  Your consciousness might be in the world one time, all on God the next years, back to the flesh, suffer, go back to God – it all changes, & always FOR YOUR GOOD as sometimes you have PEACE OF MIND with God, other times TURMOIL TEACHES LESSONS, sometimes serenity, other times CHAOS, all lessons from the School of the Spirit, all new ways of making you grow & evolve.

    Jesus spent those forty days & nights, but then he came off the mountain & conducted, on its strength, a three-year ministry, most of the time with people.

    John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus, spent many years alone, but then, people came.  He urged them to reform, he spent much time with converts & disciples; lots of the time alone, plenty time with people.

    Moses was on the mountain, but then he returned & led his people to the Promised Land.

    As I said, there were umpteen cases of Spiritual Greats who spent TIME ALONE & since I am asking you – Woman – to do likewise, what is the GOOD of doing such a thing?  Wouldn’t it be better to keep working until you collapse, sleep, get up & do it again?  That is what most of us do most of the time.

    OK, let me speak with my Mother God inside me, as She has better answers than I do.

    Me:  “Mother God, what is the good of being alone as in the cases I cited?”

    She:  “When Great Souls, or anyone who wants to be like them, go off alone, they do so to commune with the Eternal, Infinite God within you.  You need to GET AWAY from people, things, the here & now, time & space, daily routines, bill paying, clamoring family, clinging persons, worldly ambitions (even when the ambitions are good), - you need to absent yourself & abstract yourself from everything except God.

    You need to hear the Voice of God resonating within you, & all that I mentioned will cloud it out, knock out it’s sound, drown it, stifle & muffle it, disturb your mind & distract it, draw you away from Infinity & so on.

    When you make contact with God Inside you will recharge your batteries, like plugging your phone into the socket.  Not only do you get energy but you get Guidance or Vision, you get Understanding.

    Your God will tell you where you are – like a navigator on the wide blue ocean – & from here, where to proceed, what to plan for, what your future should be.

    If you listen only to the world you will be LOST as most people are – they are on the ‘Broad Highway to Hell.’  They listen to each other, walk the same road, think the same way, get guided by the here & now, time & space paradigm, all lost together, all fall into Hell together.

    The Infinite God as you know, is within you.  But this REALM, this mentality is NOT OF THIS WORLD, Jesus said,

    “My Kingdom is not of this world”

    When Pilate asked him,

    “Are you a King?”

    Therefore, if you’re guided by the world, you are OUTSIDE THE KINGDOM OF GOD, you will be led astray.  You need to connect with the Realm of Eternity, those forever ideas, not these frail & fragile ‘house of cards’ concepts that come & go, disappear, never to make a mark – are fake, false chimera, a flash in the pan, fool’s gold, things with no foundation, no real truth, nothing to hold onto.

    When you go to your God, She will reveal to you what you came to earth for, what your mission is if any, what you should do or not do, how you should do it.

    And this Truth She tells you She can’t reveal to you all at once.  One time She guides you here, but a few years later, you’ve done it, so she tells you the next step.  Your instructions are not for all time, you wouldn’t be able to handle that much – one step at a time, one year or years, fulfill that, then go to Her again to get the next schedule.

    I hope I’m making myself clear.  Daughter, if you do as I say each time, I take you where you have to go if you obey – when you have fulfilled each project, it ends, then you await further instructions.

    The key between you & your God is OBEDIENCE.  You ask now what is meant by you are God, then?  Who am I when YOU are God?

    You operate on more than one level, within you also is more than one persona.  The most Powerful & Realistic part of you is the GOD YOU.  Your flesh is on a lower plane – that flesh is who contacts God, who bends the knee, just as did Jesus, who asks for redemption, seeks forgiveness, pleads for Souls, who covets Grace & Guidance.  (If this flesh, however, rebels, then the Grace  & Guidance are unfulfilled, & the individual will have to start all over again, try & do it right.)

    Me:  “A word, please, Mother God, to the women who are not single, who are involved & entangled with husband, family, boyfriends, live ins & such.  How do they work this deal & this aloneness?”

    She:  “Of course, it won’t be easy.  She has to have privacy; she must find a way for this.

    Privacy is not just for Avatars, Saints & Great Souls, even animals need privacy.

    The animals in zoos, often on display, need a den, a house, a hut, a cave, to retire to & get away.

    Every creature has God within & must fulfill its God-given potential, each has a destiny, a future, a roadmap inside it from God – No creature wants to live for others alone, it has to live FOR ITSELF.

    To live FOR YOURSELF, whoever you are, you must periodically GET AWAY FROM OTHERS, their influence, agenda, desires, their thoughts & feelings.  You must abstract yourself from all but yourself, be FREE, un-entangled, unfettered, no pressure, no demands, no nothing from the OUTSIDE.

    Me:  “It seems to me getting away from others, for anyone, is important.”

    She:  “Even symbolically, God created the Heavens & Earth, but She rested on the 7th day.  God had to get away!  God STOPPED. 

    Me:  “Words to the wise.  I keep thinking of all my sisters in the world who are fettered, pressured, used, living in various states, some in poverty, others rich, but so many owned, fettered, controlled, told what to do, rights taken away, looked down upon.  How can they find themselves?”

    She:  “This religion will be a beginning for many.  It will help some make a decision not to marry, not to have children.  Others will decide to have men in their lives, but it will be nothing so serious they have to answer to them.  Let the women work it out whatever way they can – you cannot anticipate all their ways, not should you have to.  Let them do it.  Just tell them what you know, encourage them; give them moral support to find the God Within.

    Let them know the benefits of spending that time with their own God, meditating, contemplating & praying, believing, hoping, with faith, trust & confidence looking to their God to save them & work miracles.  Point them to this & let them do it – they are capable.”

    Me again:  Woman, Thou Art God.  It is all there.  You are She.  I do encourage you & believe in you. It’s a BIG WORLD inside you, go get it!

    To be continued – Rasa Von Werder  9-7-19


  1. I just read Part X last night, and I am still digesting it. So far, so good overall. You are in the home stretch now. If I have any questions or comments later, I will be sure to post them here when I think of them.

    Keep up the great work,
