Tuesday 23 June 2020

Three Dreams




          Interpreted for friends

          This is extremely unusual.  I am looking from afar & hearing that Elvis wants to kill himself.  He has a gun, he’s going to do himself in by putting it in his mouth, pointed toward his brain, & pull the trigger.

          Everyone hears about this & it’s treated like a crime to be committed.  As I said I am afar, like in the air looking down at the streets of the area where he is.

           *(I AM LOOKING FROM THE AIR:  My God Self is perceiving what is going on.

          ELVIS:  Is lover Henry.  MomGod, explain why he would be Elvis.
          She:  You once adored him as you did Elvis, put him on a pedestal, made him into a star {in your mind.}

          ELVIS WANT TO KILL HIMSELF:  The state of lover Henry’s mind—despair.}* 

          I see police gather to prevent this crime – many, like a hundred, & they are spread out on the street & in & near his dwelling, some wearing helmets (is one yellow?), rather different uniforms.

          *(POLICE, DIFFERENT UNIFORMS, one has a yellow helmet:  Police are usually ANGELS.  This says a large number of them have appeared to help Henry not fall into the abyss.  They are of different types against various negative thoughts & feelings – the one with yellow helmet might be against Henry’s COWARDICE, fear, losing hope.)*

           The police are there also to keep people away.  They are gathering, as many have heard about this & is it curiosity?

          *(PEOPLE ‘HAVE HEARD ABOUT THIS—CURIOSITY—police keep them away:  Mother God, I am stumped.  What does this say?

           She:  Most if not all of his friends are negative, & all or most of them are against his relationship with you.  The angels want to keep him away from all negative people so they don’t drive him lower or advise him badly in his despair, saying things like,

          “Oh, you’ll get over it….The woman you think you love is all wrong for you….don’t contact her….the one you have is right, she’s your age….don’t lose what you have….don’t take a chance contacting this woman you think you love – it isn’t love, it’s insanity, etc.”)*

          But I see the street or alley behind his building is empty – completely empty – no cars, no people, no nothing.  I wanted to get closer to Elvis – not sure why.  This street or alley seems to have a black pavement – has a look or texture of tar – but when I go there I don’t feel any effect of tar, just a normal road, & I am the only person there & the police don’t bother me.

          *(EMPTY STREET LIKE TAR {but I don’t feel the tar}:  This explains why Elvis wants to kill himself.  It’s a theme we’ve seen again & again.  They alley behind your apt where Lover would call for you.  It’s now empty, nothingness, {you’re never there} & paved in

          TAR:  Tar is HELL.  Elvis/Henry is in the HELL OF DESPAIR from NOT SEEING YOU.  HE FEELS SUICIDAL this dream says – so bad that 100 angels – no doubt sent by you – are attending to him.)* 

 I descend from my place ‘in the sky’ to go to this street & in the next moment I’m in the room with Elvis facing him.

Suddenly he’s not a far away star, more like an intimate friend, & I’m speaking to him not to kill himself.  I say,

“Your fans would be terribly hurt, including myself, & this lady over here” –

There was a female sitting in a chair behind him, with pretty curly hair, smiling, & she agreed with what I said.  It’s like she’s sitting in an audience while El would be on stage, me close to him.

I saw an image of him earlier like this:  He was an image like a poster, there are green vertical stripes on him, like a 50’s style jacket & his penis is portrayed like a small green funnel, about 4” long, hollow but filled with water, & on top the water makes a curve, like indentation—like this sign not standing but horizontal:  (

 The place El is in becomes a hospital of sorts, with the cops being the attendants or medical staff.  The whole thing perplexes me.  I am frustrated with the police, thinking they are supposed to be doing something else.  They seem to be acting like he’s in a hospital & they must periodically give him meals, that’s about it.

          *(HOSPITAL:  Place of healing.  The angels are healing Henry of despair & wanting to die                          .

          MEALS:  Would be NOURISHMENT or positive energy.)*

One of the meals is regular, but under & in front of the meal closer to me, are pieces of pork, half of it fat, half meat, many pieces & it’s agreed that this is too much for him—this was one of several meals.

*(TOO MUCH PORK, MEAT:  There are things that Henry cannot DIGEST – Meat represents grownup food spiritually.  Milk & sweets represent baby food that makes you grow when you are young, consolation. But MEAT could be hardship, the food for adults, which says here that THE PAIN HE IS NOW EXPERIENCING IS TOO MUCH FOR HENRY TO BEAR.)*

He seems to be ‘moving ahead’ with the service given him by these police/medics, like going from this room to this then that, in a sense, coming closer to me, but I’m moving with him.

*(MOVING ROOM TO ROOM CLOSER TO ME BUT WITH ME:  He is becoming more intimate & open toward me by the ministration of the angels.)*

The entire time we are chatting.  I asked him why he wanted to kill himself & he gave me an answer I’m having trouble recalling.  Can Mother God or any saint or angel help me bring it back?

It was something like life was not worth living any more, but I don’t recall why.  {The dream explains why, my absence.}

He does say,

“I should have given you a large sum of money but I didn’t, now it’s too late” {he’s going to die.}

In the dream he’s the real Elvis, wealthy as can be, while I am just a poor girl.  And indeed, this implies we were close & he gave me nothing.

          *(MONEY:  Can represent anything of VALUE – resources.  In Shakespeare’s play Othello:

“Good name in man and woman, dear my lord, Is the immediate jewel of their souls: Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands: But he that filches from me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches him And makes me poor indeed.”

          In this scene, rich Elvis/Henry had the POWER to honor me publicly, to tell the world it was me whom he loved.  But he gave me NOTHING, he left me in emotional poverty.

          Now that he has LOST ME he regrets not giving me RECOGNITION—a GOOD NAME before society—honoring me would be the most valuable thing he could have given me.)*

In the last scene somehow he’s been liberated from this hospital & walking with me – he seems smaller.  We go to a small variety store; it sells food, other things.  He then sees in the corner a counter for a BANK & seizes the opportunity to make up for the past.  He’s going to write me a check for a large sum of money.  I guess he did not have his checkbook so he needs to get a blank check from them with his account number.  He HURRIES because he wants to do this, in his mind, BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE.

*(GOES TO BANK TO WRITE ME A CHECK:  This is his intention, in his mind, to give me the recognition he denied me – as the woman he loves.  The

SMALL VARIETY STORE:  Could be social media like face book that has all sorts of items on it.

WALKING WITH ME, OUT OF THE HOSPITAL:  Says the angels have cured his despair & convinced him we are still together.  He now intends to present me, give me the recognition he denied me, give me the relationship & show it publicly.

Nothing has happened, but this says it’s in his mind.  He wants to do this before its too late, he fears he might lose me.

BANK IN THE CORNER:  This area in the store reminds me of the spot on the left corner of FB where is the ‘in a relationship’ spot.  This says he intends to put me there, acknowledge we’re together.)*


          I have been away a couple days & anxious about my dogs, are they OK, do they have food, are they free to run in the kennel or outside?  {Sometimes in dreams my dogs, especially Gagee Boy {a Rottie}, are closed up in the cellar, & that would be bad for too long.}

          I see Gagee Boy there in a sort of ‘loft’ area in my place, looking at his plate full of dry dog food & for some strange reason, digging for sugar.

          *(GAGEE BOY:  I  found out in my recent dreams is me, my inner sense & digging for

          SUGAR:  is looking for love, affection.  In the South when Mamma wants a kiss she says to her child, ‘Gimme some sugar.’  I’m in need of physical love.)*

          I look for Fruitcake {A German Shepherd} & find him outside, quite miserable.  He had been FREE, running the streets in this pleasant suburban area – I see trees all around.  But someone did not like his gadding about & put him on a HEAVY CHAIN, it’s long – maybe 15’, but heavy enough to hold a large bull.  He’s lying on the sidewalk crying, with the chain all crumpled around him.  I go to him & unclip the chain from his neck.

           *(FRUITCAKE:  I found out in the last dreams also that this is my lover Henry.  Gagee Boy vs Henry is Gagee boy, the Rotty, was strong, dominant & aggressive.  That represents me in this relationship.

          Fruitcake, the Shepherd, was sweet, had been hurt badly by a previous owner {who left him on the street near my house on Easter Sunday, so the first name that came to my mind for him was Fruitcake}, was timid & insecure, handsome, with a heart of gold. This is lover Henry.

           Although the Rotty dominated Fruitcake  & even pushed him around, once another dog was grabbing his food & he heard Fruitcake crying terribly.  Gagee came around the house running & beat this other dog – a Coon Hound, so badly, the hound had to have 70 stitches.

          These two dogs now exemplify lover Henry & myself.  What I like about this it’s saying Henry has a heart of gold, in spite of his failures - & that’s what counts.

           THE HEAVY CHAIN, FRUITCAKE IS CRYING:  Lover Henry got himself into a mess, naively, thinking he was taking the right road.  He got himself into a relationship which is here portrayed as A HEAVY CHAIN which makes him miserable.

          This portrays me unhooking the chain.  But what this means in time & space reality I have no idea, as physically, nothing has happened.  It must be in his mind.)*

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