Monday 17 January 2022

My Purgatory Prayers Work!

 Note prior to the article:  Let me praise our American Saint, Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr.  With his love, zeal, commitment & courage, he CHANGED THE WORLD.  No one was like him, no one could take his place.  Bravo brave hero, you knew they might kill you but you fought anyway, & you won.  You are another Jesus or Buddha, a great spiritual leader speaking Truth......Friends I am proud to say that St Martin is my personal friend in Heaven, always with me, constantly answering prayers in big & small ways.  I recommend praying TO HIM & ask anything on your heart.   He is a GREAT SAINT capable of great things; miracles in fact.  Hold him as a best friend, he's there for you.  Hasn't he proved himself by the good he did? He suffered greatly & he has great love.  Believe in him, pray to him, thank him for all his blessings & spread the word!  From Guru Rasa.

1-13-22 - Hawaii Adventure – Explains That the Prayers I say every day along with the Holy Communion are received by Jesus & He sends the Grace for which I ask 

          I’m in Hawaii.  First, I watch an interesting TV show & they’re advertising a food place, which is also like a TV station – like one & the same, where they are making a SALAD WITH 1K ingredients!  There’s a few people making food, but one male in particular is making this salad.


          After watching the show, I left in my car, which the old Cadillac DeVille I used to have, a black one, & it’s really big.  I don’t like driving big cars & when I leave at night I stop on the edge of this road for some reason, to rest I guess.


          When early morning comes I see more clearly where I am & I want to move, - because I’m right on the edge of a slope veering down to the left – a nice clipped lawn, & at the bottom of it is another paved road, & beyond that a woods also going downhill I think – all neat like a park.


          But I’m on the edge & feel uncomfortable so I want to get into my driver seat & pull out of that spot onto the road more centered.


          But before I take off I look down to the left & see a young man walking from the front to what to me would be left.  He stops by the wood to the side of his road to read a sign.  I want to speak to him & am wondering if he works for that restaurant-TV station & I see by his T-shirt, which is medium grey, short sleeves it has 4 designs evenly spaced on the front, & one of the designs says ‘taco’ & is round like a small disk, so that means yes, he works for that place.  They make tacos & salads.


          Anyway, I call out to him & tell him I’m on my way to that place to get that salad with 1k ingredients – is he the one who fixes it?  And I believe he says yes.


          The feeling is friendly & happy.  There is something notable about this being way early in the morning, I am up & see the young man who makes that special salad.



                     This is a meaningful dream about Purgatory.  The clue was the designs on the T shirt of the young man.  And it also answered a question as to prays I make, which sometimes I forget, that they are extremely effective.

          On his T shirt there were 4 things.  One of them - that said ‘taco’ showed a round taco the size of a host that is turned into the Eucharist.  That was my point of departure by which I figured out the whole dream, I call it the KEY which unlocks the dream – it’s about the Holy Mass & I was wondering about the prayers I saw every day for the souls – when I remember – which lately I had forgotten.  This is saying maybe I didn’t see the souls or they don’t ascend as often, if I forget these prayers.  They go like this:


          “Dear God, please take all the Masses from every altar being said today & every day, with Jesus & Mary in company with the Holy Angels, & send the Grace to the Souls in Purgatory.”

          “Dear God, please take all the sufferings that are being endured today & every day by the friends of God, which suffering are born righteously, no rage or revenge, all types of sufferings, & send the grace thereof to the Souls in Purgatory.  Include the mental, emotional & physical sufferings; the disappointments, the pains & injuries, the sicknesses, the depressions & anxieties, the grief, the yearnings, everything that hurts in any way & send that Grace to the Souls.”

          “Also please take the charity, kindness, goodness, good deeds, prayers, forgiveness, everything good that is experienced by every friend of God on earth, unite that with Jesus & Mary & all the saints, in company with the Holy Angels, & send the Grace of it to the Holy Souls.”

          I then ask my 3 Guardian Angels to repeat these prayers for me if I ever forget or neglect to say them, every day, until the end of my life, even to the end of the world.


          The young man is a symbol of Jesus - & He is the one who prepares the SALAD with the THOUSAND INGREDIENTS.  The salad is VICTORY.  Green leaves are victory – dead leaves including those in cigarettes, represent FAILURE.  So this is saying someone prepares a victorious DISH or FEAST - & I am going to PARTAKE OF IT – I tell him I’m going to his restaurant shortly.  Now the THOUSAND INGREDIENTS are the items in my prayers – it is saying that the prayers result in a THOUSAND ANSWERS or a thousand ingredients of nourishment {the Grace}.  It’s almost like saying a thousand Souls get reached by these prayers – which would be wonderful. 

          The other clue that puzzled me was my car.  But finally I got it – it’s a hearse.  A hearse is a big black car & my Cadillace DeVille was a big black car.  It’s saying I was STUCK on a spot I didn’t like, & it was NIGHT which in this dream means lack of VISION or understanding about what did or didn’t work with the Masses.  So now the day breaks, or the LIGHT APPEARS & I see that young man who is Jesus, who I’m praying to.  First I see him on the TV which is symbolic of reaching out to him in prayer & beginning to see.

          Then, with this HEARSE or VEHICLE for the souls, I want to get off the edge or a BAD SPOT & want to get ON TRACK or be properly on the road.  So in other words, I want to know what I’m doing right with the Mass, the right prayers, the right road, that will get to the Souls, that will work, & this answers that those prayers I outlined are excellent & they work & they are being received by Our Lord as it shows like HIM adding the INGREDIENTS or the GRACE.



1 comment:

  1. This one came out excellent overall, Rasa. The artwork and fuzzies of course complement it nicely. I will be sure to share it as well.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work,

