Monday 31 January 2022


 Dreams of Purgatory, Success of my Life Story & the Lover



          Not sure if this is about Souls or the success of my book or success of myself & Lover, but whatever it is, it’s good.

          In this dream there was much going on but I forgot a lot of it – there were dozens of scenes.  Let’s start with this lady has set me a table for a Holiday, like Xmas.  It’s laden with about 30 dishes of everything you can imagine, she’s sitting to my right.  There are even DESSERTS which I tell her I don’t eat EXCEPT ON HOLIDAYS LIKE THIS {& birthdays I add.}


          *** {FEASTING:  Is fulfillment of some sort.  It’s the fruits or result of things from before – like trees grow, bear flowers, then buds, then fruits which mature & become edible or ready to be enjoyed.

          How can you figure what are you enjoying?  There is but one hint – the porn lady to our right, that is you, as being in the adult trade, “I Strip for God.”

          So that rules out this is about Lover as porn lady doesn’t apply, & it probably rules out a Soul ready to ascend as that’s not symbolized by ‘porn lady.’  ‘Porn lady’ is your career as it has to do WITH SEX & NUDITY.

          Yesterday you looked up Marty Shapiro, your literary/theatrical agent & for the first time found out he’s DEAD.  You were going to contact him again – too late – he departed in 2017 {& you’ve been talking to him about your movie since 1981! – in a moment that will explain the VEIL that’s been around for such a long time it’s no longer perfectly white, looks antique, ‘like yellow with age’ paper only it isn’t yet yellow, just looks from ‘back then.’}

          What are all the dishes?  Chapters in your books, Part 1 to 5 already published, 6 to 8 coming up – many dishes or ‘fruits’ of your life & labor of recall & writing it.

          You channeled him & he said,

          “Hang in there.  In a couple years they’ll come to you & it’ll get done.

          Don’t go after them, let them come on bended knee, you’ll have the advantage.”

          I am not able to figure how they’ll come to me with it just sitting there on the internet, not promoted anywhere except some websites, etc.  But trust it shall be revealed.} *** 

          She gives me the feeling of a porn star I’ve known.

          After eating some dishes I decide to try this sumptuous layer cake which has several layers with frosting – but it doesn’t taste good to me.  I then decide I will try the other sumptuous dessert, which is more like pastry with a rich filling, but haven’t got to that yet. 

          *** {LAYER CAKE DOESN’T TASTE GOOD:  In this feast as well as the beginning, you want something with ‘no sugar.’ What does that mean?  First you want rolls or pastries with no sugar, then you declare you don’t like the way the ‘layer cake’ tastes & will try the other dessert – a pastry with filling.

           Sugar is LOVE & AFFECTION.  Consider the song, 

Oh, honey, honey
You are my candy girl
And you got me wanting you

Oh, sugar, sugar
You are my candy girl
And you got me wanting you…………………….

                               There’s another song that says:


Now sugartime (sugartime)
Is anytime that you're near (that you're near)
'Cause you're so dear
So don't you roam (don't roam)
Just be my honeycomb (honeycomb, honeycomb)
And live in a heaven of love ……………………
             Now yesterday you had a dream that JAMES BROWN would be in your movie.  You suspect that they will make him the main love interest in it - & it seems YOU DON’T LIKE IT.  Why?  He was not the most important thing in your life, just an interlude.  Your preference is if they made the man Jesus Christ & the Virgin Mary the center of your life – they’ve been your heartthrobs since age 5 & still are – they are the most relevant!  So in this dream you’re saying, 
     “No sugar!  No man should be my main love interest….don’t cheapen my life by making infatuation seem a central part of it!”  However, when you think about it, if that’s the only way they can make the movie seem relevant or dynamic to the audience of today, artistic license could be used.  After all, he did happen, he just wasn’t the center of my life, but I do admit, he was uppermost in my mind for some years but that was because of my PTSD.} ***


          Then the helpers of the lady are organizing, gifts I guess, & are carrying a veil that goes to the knees in back, which is white & covered with white butterfly style ornaments. 

          Since they seem to be putting it in storage I cry out,

          “I’ll take that if you don’t want it, I can use it for photography!”

          But the porn lady tells me,

          “You gave that to me.”

          {She refers to like last Xmas or something}

          The veil looks like it’s been hanging for a while & has just a tiny hint of off-white from being around so long, it’s almost like an ‘antique’ but something sweet & nostalgic.


          *** {the VEIL, ANTIQUE with BUTTERFLIES:  Antique is obvious.  I’ve been talking to the late agent Marty Shapiro, since 1981 – 36 years.  He contacted me by telegram to do a movie called “I Strip for God” – the writer would be Steve Kandell.  But then Lynda Carter refused to play me, Steve Kandell disappeared & there was an actor’s strike.  It went dormant but you kept on, writing ‘I Strip for God’ & published it in 2009, to make sure you owned the title & story.  You resumed writing it in 2021, by the Grace of God, & are making an Encyclopedia out of it.


          This is a project that began 36 years ago, the ‘veil,’ which represents a marriage or UNION, is OLD!

          The porn lady that is your flesh is telling the God-Self who is dreaming that you, God, gave her this GIFT, you CANNOT TAKE IT BACK!  {God never repents a gift, that is sacrosanct!}

          What are the BUTTERFLIES? 

It could be a symbol of FLIGHT these are WINGS all over this veil – taking off.  ‘This project – your life story – has now TAKEN OFF’ which means it begins.  ‘My relationship with Mike has taken off – My business venture has taken off.’} ***


          Then I go back to the front of this establishment, sort of like a small front room before you go through a door to enter the main restaurant – it has a cash register to the left & a high-up table to the right with boxes of rolls of different kinds.  I’m looking for rolls without sugar & ask the person behind the counter if they have any.  I open the lid of one box high up – it’s cornbread {lots of sugar}.  I close it; the box is medium light grey.

          I look at other boxes filled with various rolls, then realize my elbow is resting on one flat roll & quickly move it.  This pastry has a name – the attendant keeps saying the name telling me to get this, but I keep looking.

          After my being persistent he comes over & tells me he’ll give me the entire box which will last me for a while – as a gift no less - & as he picks them up & starts putting them into a box some of them are sticking to the bottom, he has to scrape them up, & they seem to have some chocolate on top here & there, like those nice circular rolls.  So they were being generous to me indeed. 

          *** {NO SUGAR!  But attendant gives me an entire box of rolls with chocolate on top here & there:  The chocolate might refer to the chocolate or brown-skinned men I describe throughout the book along with the whites – I’m given this, it’s now a generous GIFT as it will be spice or dessert or something good for my life story!  After all, many were world-class celebrities, - white & black.

          ME:  Explain, Mother God, my elbow inadvertedly resting on one of the rolls where I flattened it, so it was twice as big as the others – before even realizing my elbow was on it.  And he keeps saying this type of pastry by name – again & again, like it’s the right item for me – finally he gives me an entire box of them, scraping some off the bottom of the box.  What is scraping the bottom of the box & all this?

          MG:  It seems there were so many men it’s kind of now scraping the ‘bottom of the barrel’ or ‘box’ – like when you just remembered all the Mr. Universe—Mr. America winners – that would be something you weren’t even going to broach but then you recalled them.

          Your elbow on one roll – is you are RESTING on one issue or person without even realizing it – flattening it or making it BIGGER than the rest.  What is that issue or person?  It’s not explained so I have to think further.} ***


          There’s a scene with my Dad being on a high-up shelf, sitting, I don’t know why.


          *** {DAD on high up shelf:  Marty Shapiro is high up in Heaven, on the shelf, no longer ACTIVE.  Shelf is like not being read, not accessed, like ‘bench warming.} ***


          Then there’s scenes like I’m looking into doors where people are dancing merrily, all dressed in colorful clothing like villagers, cheerful, joyous, bucolic, sweet dancing – nothing lurid or lustful.  And I see a couple scenes of this, dozens of people in like red caps, long stockings, sort of European village type clothes.


          Then again I see feasting but the details are gone.


          *** {DANCING & FEASTING are CELEBRATION.  Must be the books & movie will be a success.  But why are the villagers dressed in quaint folk costumes?  And why am I looking through two doors, not one – two scenes?

          The two scenes could be because the books will be successful & then the movie.

          And villagers?  Because it’s the COMMON FOLK will be made happy by your stories – people of the streets, poor people, downtrodden, misunderstood & marginalized people because they will relate to you -  Those who are abused & outcasts of society because they aren’t ‘respectable’ & ‘mainstream’.



          1-29-22-James Brown-Marvin Gaye


          This is a happy dream.  I was somewhere where the next thing I know, I’m standing in front of James Brown, & he’s all decked out in a suit that has red & silver, like the silver sparkles off the suit in what seems like trinkets or tiny decorations on a Xmas tree or some kind of show biz glam.  The rest of the suit is sparkly like sequins.


          *** {Here you have several clues in James’ jacket – red, silver, decorations/glitter & sparkles.  Red can be passion or pain, passion is blood – red like blood – or pain is fresh pain like fresh blood, not purple pain like old blood or a black & blue wound.  Silver probably means love – both silver & gold are love.

          I think this means the love affair you had with James –passionate & painful love, it sparkles like sequins & shines like the glitz of show business, it works for a story, a movie.

          This is a revelation – because they can’t squeeze every black star you made it with into the movie, they might just pick him.  It’s logical as this was more of a real affair than any of the other interludes, which were basically hook-ups.} *** 

          He seems bewildered or amazed at what I’m saying & says,

          “You say they’re making a movie about you & me?” 

          *** {Me to Mother God:  I need help on this, it says I said something I didn’t say.  Why?

          MG:  Nothing unusual meant here, he’s just saying the two of you will be in a movie together.  It’s a way of expressing the subject.  And it answers another question.  You have been bogged down about writing the Marvin Gaye anecdote; this confirms you should do it.  His episode seems trivial, but it’ll work for the movie & it connects him & James Brown – the way you were with Marvin when James Brown entered the hotel down in the theater/club to watch his show, & you were alerted ‘your boyfriend is here.’} ***


          I answer,

          “No, they are making a MOVIE ON MY LIFE & you will be in it - & he will be too.”


          I’m referring to a man standing behind James, as if he’s hiding – he’s taller than James, wearing black, & this man is MARVIN GAYE.


          *** {Marvin Gaye wearing black:  This poses a question & once again, I need help from Mother God.  Black is usually funeral or the end of something, or else, a mystery like St. John of the Cross said God is blackness to us as we don’t understand Her – she is hidden in blackness.  So why is Marvin gay ‘hiding’ behind James in black?


          MG:  I think this refers to ‘mystery’ more than anything, as you have been so uncertain what to do about him.  But this is saying he will be a good ‘background’ to James or somehow a ‘supporting player’ in the story or an intro into your tale of James, like the guy saying, through the door, while you’re with Marvin – “Your boyfriend is here.”} *** 

I was extremely happy while saying this, like making an announcement & the presence of JB felt real.  He found it hard to believe or amazing that there will be a movie like this, with him in it……………………………………..


          MEANING:   This confirms several things:  One, the movie of your life will be made, 2 & 3, James Brown & Marvin Gaye will be portrayed in it.

          Me to Mother God:  Did I have any contact with James Brown in this dream or is it just symbols?  Is my soul informing James of what is to be?


          MG:  Since his presence is so strong, it could be you’ve made contact. Here you see the silver lining to the affair; he becomes a character in your movie.  So now you’re happy.  So many people in your life hurt you, but they make an interesting story.  If life had been a bed of roses, a normal, ordinary life, there would be no drama & no interest for a movie. 


1-19-22-ARNOLD total success with Lover dream


          I was so close to Arnold – which always, in dreams, means success.  He was my Lover Bob.  He was huge like a foot taller than me at least & well built, very strong.

          Wish I could remember details but I can’t.  We were making love on a bedspread with the most beautiful deep color, like a kind of royal blue mixed with turquoise, & thick like deep velvet & there’s a sense there’s some embellishment like maybe on the border – a sense of ‘jewels’ or ornaments.

          After that he got a thin inexpensive spread next to it & laid on it, but on the wrong side, the side which is dull, the opposite side was brighter.  I was taking photos of him & asked him to turn the spread around.

          The spread reminds me of the cheap spread we had at my house in Middletown which cost in those days like 3.98 & I took it to the beach with me - Mom raised a riot saying I was a thief & had stolen a blanket.  I deserved more than that for all the years of servitude I had put in, also damages for mental/emotional/physical cruelty.


          MEANING:  This is the success of the love making you did with Bob vs. the lack of it now that he is having sex with other women.  However, sex is but a symbol of more than just the act – sex is intimacy, emotion, the heart.  This is deeper than anything, deeper than mental connections, deeper than physical.

          The thick, velvety royal blue/turquoise cover or foundation is like the color & Presence of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  It signifies the Highest, Best, most superlative realm – the color turquoise in the Aztec world meant ‘royalty’ & this also feels royal.  Velvet was also used by Kings & Queens for their clothing in ancient days, the poor were not even permitted to wear these colors {or embellishments} in the Aztec culture & some other cultures as well.

          The ‘cheap’ bedspread he’s on now, even on the ‘dull’ side of it, is the lack of quality in his love making – because he is not in love with these women.   I would like Mother God in her words to explain to me the difference.


          MG:  When the two of you were together you felt an ecstasy because your hearts & minds were so open to each other.  There’s none of that now, it’s just routine sex with no sensations of a higher nature, nothing superlative, just dull.   The ‘little balls’ could mean ‘small’ rather than ‘great.’


1-19-22 Why constipation dream


          I poop out a turd the size of a large penis, I hold it in my hands & it seems to turn from turd to penis.  I have washed it off & can see the head & veins on it, & I hold it like a weapon like it was a gun or something.

          Then I look inside the penis like it was some kind of a package & amazingly there are many things in it.  I was showing someone & as I see the things there is no way they could actually fit in there, but in the dream, they came out of there.  Wish I could remember the first thing but I can’t, but it had to do with Mom & family.  Then after that there was a sort of like a teapot, white but marred with many medium grey type streaks.  It reminds me of the devise I had to clean my nose, which is smaller, but you pour water into a nostril, one at a time, then it comes out to clean it.  It also reminds of a ‘genie lamp’ as it has that kind of construction.

You assumed the condition came from lack of sex.  Yes, lack of sex is a factor.  When people have sex regularly they get relaxed, if seldom or never, they might not relax as much.  But there are other causes.



  1. This one came out excellent as usual, Rasa. These dreams are indeed amazing. The artwork and fuzzies complement it nicely as well of course.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work,

  2. thanks so much Ajax, you are truly Great
