Monday 6 March 2023

Female God Matriarchy Convos



Why God is Female

by William Bond   Conversation with William, Pete & Rasa


For about the last two thousand years most people have taken it for granted God is a male. So why do we think this?  The reason for this, is that it says so in two books, the Bible and the Koran. Both books claim it was a male god that created the world. But it wasn’t always like this, before we had religions like Christianity and Islam there were religions that had both Gods and Goddesses. And before that at the beginning of recorded history there was the religion of ancient Great Mother who gave birth to the world. So it seems that in the distant past people believed that God was a woman. 


Mystics, claim we are all, “One Mind, One spirit”. Mediums and people who have had near death experiences tell us, it that the spirit world is a world of Oneness and unconditional love. Concepts like Oneness and unconditional love are feminine attributes. The masculine is all about competition and aggressiveness and so it would be very unlikely for male god to create a world of harmony and Oneness through universal love. 


The nature of God is pure love and Jesus tried to tell us this when he taught that God is a loving Father God. He couldn’t tell us that God is a loving Mother because that would have been totally unacceptable to the Jewish religion of the time. So his message was only partly successful, because people do not see think of men as loving and found it difficult to imagine a loving male god . So it was easy for Christian priests who preferred the Old Testament God, to ignore the teachings of Jesus and tell us that God judges, condemn and punishes us. As the result Christians once called themselves, “God-fearing people”. The reason priests promoted this idea, was that they could use people’s fear of God to gain power over them. Telling people if they disobey God, which in reality means disobeying the priests, they will burn in hellfire when they die. 


Love is more feminine than masculine. Back in pagan times they didn’t have gods of love it was always a Goddess of love. Like Aphrodite, Venus, Freya, Hathor, Parvati and Ishtar who were all goddesses of love. We are living in a world of conflict and chaos because we believe in a false male God who is separate from us and doesn’t sound he is very approachable or understanding. As the result, we do not try to communicate with the Real God that is feminine and loves us all unconditionally, because we are unaware of Her. Also she is on the frequency of unconditional love and we have to also be loving to be on the same frequency. 


God not only loves us all unconditionally but she has given us the gift of freewill and will not interfere with our choices. So if we choose to believe in a fictional male God we have to pay the consequences of this even though we have made this choice out of ignorance. The reason we have chosen to believe the lies of priests is that we were not on the frequency of love and so God could not communicate with us. 


 This is why the world needs religions dominated by loving women who will not use religion to gain wealth and power for themselves. Who will clearly state that God is feminine and loves us all unconditionally. This means we can all use meditation and prayer to contact Her and receive Her help and guidance. She is MotherGod and She loves us all unconditionally because we are all her children but she has also given us freewill so we are free to believe whatever we like. But we can all return to the loving arms of God our Mother by knowing Her true nature and believing in Her. 



From William:   Hi Rasa

Patriarchy has given God a bad name. Too many people think God is a "Old man in the sky" who judges, condemns and punish us. That's why people have problems with talking about God. The idea of a loving Father God, that Jesus promoted never really caught on. 


This is why it is so important for people to know that God is female. A Mother who gives us all unconditional love. But because we believe in a male God it is hard to communicate with Her because we are trying to contact a God that doesn't exist. MotherGod has given us the gift of freewill and if we lose contact with MotherGod then without her guidance, we do stupid things like letting men rule the world.


From Pete:   I just put another new (recycled and updated) article on the blog as well:


From William:   Hi Pete

I was also writing about the power of female sexuality in dominating men in my new book, "Femdom Witchcraft" and in my research I came across the story of how two women took control of the Vatican in the 10th century. 


Saeculum obscurum - Wikipedia


From Pete:   Indeed, William.  Thank you.  I remember reading about the Seculum Obscurum a while back on Wikipedia and elsewhere.  While it is usually selectively remembered as a time of corrupt male popes, including one pope who literally turned the Vatican into his own personal brothel (!), the highly underrated but more remarkable part about the two Women taking control of the Vatican is often forgotten, but no less important. Mainstream male historians really "bury the lede" there, it seems.  When it is remembered, the term "Pornocracy" (literally "rule by harlots") is sometimes used in a derogatory way to describe it.  And of course "Seculum Obscurum" literally translates to "Dark Age", also a negative term.  Never mind that Vatican corruption was rife long before and after that period, and apparently continues today to some extent.


The power of female sexuality should not be underestimated.  No wonder patriarchy fears it so much.  Related to this, I was thinking recently about Brave New World vs 1984, and whether controlling people through pleasure is more effective than controlling people through pain.  Behaviorist B.F. Skinner observed that positive reinforcement (that is, pleasure), works best, which inspired Aldous Huxley.  I would argue more specifically that for Women to control men, pleasure is more effective than pain, and when the genders are reversed, the reverse is true.  No wonder patriarchy historically has broadly viewed pain as a virtue and pleasure as a vice, as the ever-insightful Dr. James W. Prescott has observed.


From William:  Hi Rasa and Pete

I have finished writing my book Femdom Christianity and sent to my publisher he wrote back and said.-  “Thanks William, will take a look asap.  Best, Steve.”


So hopefully he will publish it. What comes to my mind now is, “Trust in God She will provide”. So if women you meet are interested in your ideas Rasa then to me that is a sign you getting help from God. 


Now that I’m not spending so much time writing and researching my book I have had time to look at things of the internet and looked at Naomi Wolf videos and according to her these covid jabs will finish off men in a few generations. 


Naomi Wolf: Some Men Are Going To Have Horrible Problems As The Result Of COVID-19 Injections



From Pete:   As for the Naomi Wolf videos, I didn't watch them yet, but I will.  That is truly disturbing stuff indeed!   Hopefully the worst case scenario will not play out, God willing.


On a side note, there has been some talk on Substack lately about Naomi Wolf being possibly controlled opposition, much like Robert Malone, so who knows really.  There was one article she wrote recently on Substack that I found a bit out of character for her and that I commented on.  I would say, don't read it unless you want to get angry, lol.


There was a lot to unpack in this article, and she really misses the mark in some parts, especially her negative view of pagan Goddesses like Asherah, but long story short, I had put something in the comments about how the real root of the problem is on the "ancient gods" returning all of a sudden, but rather the demonic patriarchy and its evil paradigm, and has been going on for thousands of years since men took over and displaced Women from power.  Some readers seemed to agree with me, while Wolf herself had replied that Women can be just as evil and sadistic as men.  So I am really wondering just how much of a feminist she really is anymore.  She replied: 


"Respectfully I’ve given this point a lot of thought and history shows women are as sadistic as men given the chance."


I had also made sure to mention the two of you in one of my comments, along with other authors that inspired me, in order to give credit where it is due, and she says she "read them, but thank you".  So I think she is a mixed bag overall.


From William:   Hi Pete

I know Naomi Wolf is a practicing Jew and goes to her synagogue regularly so I suppose she would have patriarchal views about religion. So personally I wouldn’t bother to listen to her about her religious opinions. 


But if she and Robert Malone are, controlled opposition then I think they are doing far too good a job at opposing the vaccine and I think Bill Gates would have sacked them by now. I think the problem is that Naomi Wolf and Robert Malone both were left-wing but got shunned by the left when they spoke out about the vaccines. So the only people who would listen to them was the MAGA crowd. I find myself in a similar position, I’m left-wing but left-wing  politicians in both the USA and UK have sold the working-class down the river. So it is now hard to know whom you can trust nowadays. 


From Pete:   Very true, William.  She may or may not be controlled opposition, who knows?


And yes, it is true that the so-called "left" utterly sold the working class down the river.  First with their capitulation to neoliberalism in the 1980s and ever since, and again more recently with their support for lockdowns, closures, masks, and jab mandates (except for Sweden and Nicaragua, of course.)  And the self-proclaimed "socialists" like the World Socialist Web Site (an offshoot of the Fourth International) today are the absolute worst of all, aside from the mainstream center left gatekeepers.  There are of course some genuine leftist groups on our side here and there such as "Left Lockdown Sceptics", but they are few and far between.


From Rasa:   Wow.  The bit about Naomi Wolf.  She is definitely, from what you explain, NOT ON OUR SIDE, the side of MATRIARCHY, FEMALE SUPREMACY, women taking over the family & the world.  She has done terrific research in the past, like with 'The Beauty Myth' which I read bits & pieces of, & heard her speeches.  Is she WORKING BOTH SIDES?  Playing safe?  I will not look to her as an ally.  And she has read William & me, she says?  And no thanks?  Who does she think she is?  Long ago I contacted her literary agent to get an interview from her.  He asked me HOW MUCH WOULD I PAY HER?  I am not making this up.  Some day she will approach me, hat in hand, for an interview - when my life becomes a big movie - & I will say, 'How much will you pay me' or just 'No, thanks.'


You mention so many sources & who do I trust?  I've not seen most of these sites Pete, been too busy with my own agenda.  I just do what God tells me & look at Brighteon sound bytes, sometimes whole videos {rarely} & used to read Sons of Liberty {but they are too religious in the Patriarchal way & OBSESSED with reporting the evils of police - while I like police a lot - they SAVED MY LIFE many times!} & used to check up on Alex Jones {he doesn't like feminists, or didn't in the past - also is extreme Patriarchal religious lol but I still respect him a lot & admire him.}  Should I check up on any of the sites you mention?  In this lifetime?  Lol, how much times does one need to do all these things?  I will ask God.


I trust Mike Adams of Brigtheon more than anyone on the internet.  Why?  He would NEVER take money from con men, - big money - to promote a product that turned out to be a FRAUD. Some time ago I saw a 'detox water' - incredibly expensive, which I purchased from a 'health food' site - & the reason I believed it to be authentic is it was advertised on Alex Jones.  I drank it for a couple months, having spent about $400 or so on it.  Then MIKE ADAMS, who used to be called 'the Health Ranger' tested it & it was DANGEROUS - filled with large doses of ALUMINUM & other bad chemicals.  Wow.  Were we deceived!  So many people had believed in it.  The health food site told us they would give us back our money if we returned the unused portions, which I did, & I assume they put my credit card $$$ back - but didn't check. 


Mike Adams must be making use of his health skills because he looks as young as he did ten years ago.  Poor Alex Jones has gained a lot of weight.  Possibly from stress as he takes great risks against the Shadow Govt.  He went to Bohemian Grove once & spoke to them as they came out - lot of scary things he does against the system.


I need to know what the MAGA crowd is, who Robert Malone is & what has he done?  And what does it mean to sell the working class down the river?  And exactly what do you mean by 'controlled opposition?'


I am appalled so far by what you said Wolf said - against Goddesses & are the Gods coming back?  I have to check up on this & will view her latest video.  Do you recall a couple years ago I said that the men would be more affected by the jab than women - which might b a good result of it?  I was not being MEAN or hating men, but to destroy Patriarchy & its agenda, Mother God is removing men off the planet, as Dr. Bryan Sykes said.  I don't hate men as you know, hate what they do - the one third that 'fell from Heaven.'  The two thirds, unfortunately, as we three know, mostly obey the evil ones on top.

From Wolf:   "Respectfully I’ve given this point a lot of thought and history shows women are as sadistic as men given the chance."

Hardy har har.  Here Naomi shows either her ignorance or is bowing & scraping to Patriarchy.  I thought she was smart.  Not in this field.  This is EXACTLY what each UNEDUCATED MORON says to me on the internet & in bars when I discuss the issues {the men} & it goes along with 'not all men are bad'  & 'if men go extinct, humanity will' & dumb shyt like that.


Sheesh.  She is OUT like a light.


William, if you can, put parts of your new book on our blog.

It will help humanity.  We must keep pushing.


I still have the tinnitus 24/7 but not terribly loud.  When I'm outside doing things I scarcely notice it.  Am taking mega vitamins for it & trust it will vanish.


Listened to 3.5 hours of the life & revelations of St. Gertrude the Great again & channeled her.  


She agrees with my entire life, all that I've done, including the sex.  She knows, she understands. She says I'm living a new era, I was sent to do what I do.  She says they were FORCED to act, to speak, to write as they did or else they would have been removed from the good will of society.  I'm one of the few people who clings to her as Guru, as she's all mysticism & out of the depths of most people, as they haven't the slightest idea what mysticism is & have no talent for it.  But I am 100% mystical like her, I am her spiritual daughter.


I skimmed through her article on substack, it's as long as a book.  It seems she is saying Satan is here.  What else is new?  She should take lessons from me to find out how Satan lives here instead of what she is doing, which is so convoluted & boringly complicated.  I speak directly & to the point, she is CONFUSED.  She seems to settle at the end that Satan is here.  And like you said, he's been here thousands of years in Patriarchy.  She doesn't get it.










  1. This came out excellent overall. Very well said overall. If I have anything further to add, I will add it later. Thank you very much.

    Best wishes,

  2. By the way, MAGA means "Make America Great Again", which has been Trump's slogan. The MAGA movement refers to Trump's followers.
