Friday 10 March 2023

Women must be alone

 Women must be alone to find themselves

    I prayed on this.  Women need to be LEFT ALONE to find themselves.  They need to GET AWAY from men, step into their own zone where there are NO MEN.  No men's voices, needs, opinions, no nothing from men.  This is extremely important.

This is what I'm trying to do especially in the beginning of this movement.  Consider that this  Patriarchy-men have robbed women of:  their IDENTITY, their pride or self esteem, the meaning of who they are, their inner dignity & self worth.  Their Oneness with God.

It's similar to the anchorites & hermits who go away from the world to find themselves, they also find God, because God & the Soul are One.  The final experience I had with God, when I saw her Face to Face, was that She was me, I was her, & we were Infinite Love.

Men have interfered with women's identity & their communion with God, their Divine Nature.  They have given their twisted opinions, their faulty views, of who & what women are.  Women have ingested this from birth, they are born into this evil world of male domination, & it injures their psyche, their emotions & minds.  Women do horrible things to please men:  foot binding, removing ribs for an hourglass figure, breast implants & all kinds of surgeries that boggle the mind on their faces including tattooing on their makeup.  All to please men.  Men have caused women to become SICK in their hearts & minds & women need to be HEALED.

Women also need to, as they regain their own Infinite worth, take a look at her sister & show MERCY upon her, realizing she has been victimized the same.  They need to stretch out their hand to their sister in support & love. Instead of being enemies - which they are - they must be friends.  And so they also need TIME to be ALONE with their sisters - like Girl Scouts - WITHOUT male interference, intrusion or opinions.

The New Religion & Order provides the arena for both these scenarios.  Indeed, it is not yet built, but an organization begins with the Idea of it - that is what I'm composing.

After it takes hold we can incorporate the men's part - but women must find their own identity first.  We include men but they will be HELPMATES not leaders of us.  They can lead themselves, such as having a Chief among their group, but they cannot lead the women.  And their Chief is under the authority of a woman.

We can have activities with the men, as I said, - dances, parties, shindigs, as we want those women in our Membership who want children to have them. This expands our order.  Some of them might want to live with their man - they are free to do so.  But this is all in the future, after the women discover a firm foundation which I stated in the beginning - achieving their own self worth.

What I find annoying is when a man pushes his own agenda, William.  You represent the submissive men.  You seem to care about them & miss what I'm trying to do.  You must interject the men's needs - what happens to the men?  is your cry.  I do not want to be fully immersed in that now, I want to concentrate on the healing of the women.

This healing is a serious matter.  Women have been dreadfully injured in their psyches.  You want to interpolate the men with their needs to be dominated right from the beginning like we do not dare leave them out, but leave them out for a time we must.  Otherwise it's the same'ole' same ole'.  I see it all around me.  They always end up in the same place - Patriarchy.

I speak of that which must be done now.  Does no one else see it?  William, you are so focused on submissive men & their needs you don't seem to 'get it' - what I am trying to do.   And you are blind to my message.

1 comment:

  1. This one came out great, Rasa. I don't think I have anything to add right now, but if I do I will later.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work,

