Saturday 1 April 2023



        Comment on this lesson re the Crusades by Fr. Chris Alar


To Fr. Chris Alar:

            Ok got to the part about twirling people's intestines around the pole. I can see where this is going - all the atrocities they did. And if I heard the Muslim side they would list all the atrocities the Christians did. Of course the entire Western world is on the side of the Christians, anti Muslims, so this will he an easy sell here. But war, as one listens to each side, the other side is the culprit, the savage, like the cowboys & Indians. At base, it's a man thing, isn't it? Men make war. They made war against women thousands of years ago & subdued them & made us their slaves. What did we ever do to men? We created them, & that was our thanks. Then they wrote the history, both secular & religious, & said that men gave birth to women, by their rib no less. Hardy har har..........


I don't know where the Catholic Church is going to end up but I know it no longer has the power it used to have. Humanity has moved forward in many ways & the things people believed coming out of the Church are no longer believable {the bad things} - the tyrannical sexual repression of all acts but marital, forbidding married women to use condoms during sex, thereby making them subject to AIDS, which is FATAL & then condemning them for unwanted pregnancies, which are inevitable, puts women between a rock & a hard place. They can't win. The Catholic Church made war against women in the Inquisition, what did women do to them? You did not even mention the witch thing in your excuses for the Inquisition. What do I see as an answer to the Catholic wrongs? It's like this. There's good & bad in it - from my point of view. Take the good out, leave the bad behind. The wonderful Holy Mass of Jesus will stay, but to me, Jesus & Mary are equals. All the Saints stay. The Catechism is great except for misogyny & lack of respect & dignity for animals & always the sex thingy. That's why I'm working on a New Religion - it's all the good Catholic stuff minus the bad, & I think that eventually many others will do likewise. The good Catholic stuff doesn't have to die, it will continue forever. But all men Priests, & in the past, 99% of them were homosexual, & just now for damage control somehow the Church is recruiting hetero-athletic, masculine men, is too little too late. They will never live down what the Priests did to children - the Church represented by these Priests has lost its credibility.


 I know how it feels to have no credibility because I am a woman of God, but most of my life was spent in the adult trade, & so, people condemn me out of hand, no matter what I do. And this because of what Patriarchs have done to destroy the reputation of women who are involved with nudity or sex. I can't live it down. OK, back to the Priests being men only. In the New Religion, we have only women Priests, women leaders, women compose the theology, the doctrine & write the scriptures, or appropriate the scriptures we believe in as our own. Men are not allowed in our Temple or convent, nor any leadership positions in the Church. But men can be Members of the Church in the way of 'third order' & relate to the women Members because our females are sexually liberated & there are no restrictions to sex for consenting adults. Our religion will grow because we will keep our children within our Order/Church. I'm writing it all up now in a novel & also separate books, the novel is called "Church of Women." If you want it I'll send you a free copy, lol. You can laugh if you wish.


1 comment:

  1. Very well-said, Rasa. This came out excellent as usual. Keep up the great work!

    Best wishes,
