Thursday 6 April 2023

Priest Denounces Yoga


Priest Denounces Yoga – Fr. Chris Alar


          OK friends, the battle is on.  See my book:


          Of all religions, Fr. Chris, you have to pick on Yoga?  And your synopsis of it is all wrong.

          It’s the Catholic Church, once again, wanting to control everyone & everything.

          Yes, there are things wrong with the world, crimes, drugs, bad religions, the Patriarchy, corrupt men running institutions, corrupt laws created by men, Satanic worship, hatred, violence, lots of bad things – but not Yoga.

          Yoga & Hinduism came out of ancient scriptures called the Vedas – which are a large body of religious texts originating in ancient India. Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism.  They go back 1500 years before Jesus!

          Your assessment of what is taught in Yoga is wrong.  I have studied many yoga greats & had them as my gurus.  Ramakrishna, Baba Muktananda, Swami Nityananda & my last one Ramana Maharshi.

          They teach various styles of Union with God.  It’s nothing like what you describe, none of them teaches that.  And the lady who posted saying she was 26 years a yoga instructor I suspect of being a charlatan.

          The Catholic Church is claiming to be the one & only Church that represents God rightfully.

          But this cannot be said of any one Church.  Yes there are whackadoodle religions all over the world – I could name Mormons on top of that & Jehovah’s Witnesses.  There are some to stay away from.  The Catholic Church is great in many ways, not so great in others.

          The Christian Churches act like all of religion started after Jesus Christ.  I am a follower of Our Lord, but God happened before He did.  I mean, God is Infinite.  God – who is God?  What is God?  God created the entire Cosmos, it did not all start with Jesus Christ.

And as long as humans existed, even when they were still halfway monkeys, they wanted to worship something as a Creator or Source.  Religion is created to try to understand & relate to God.

But none of us knows all the answers or secrets of God, even if we see Her ‘face to face.’  We’re still tiny little creatures of Her & we look through a glass darkly on earth.  In Heaven we know this, that God is Love, & so are we.

Yoga is a terrific science or religion, choose what you want to call it.  It has many forms, we who seek God are all yogis.  There’s one I picked up from Muktananda, who said worship the Self, not the human self, but the God Self within.  Yes, Jesus said we are Gods.  Not the flesh, the Divine Nature, created in the image & likeness of God, & when we reach that consciousness or understanding or Union it is called Enlightenment.  This is not some sinister form of activity, it is the Highest Calling of our spiritual selves, to find Union with God.

          Now Christians have a special bond with Jesus.  It’s all about Him, & Him alone.  Not so with yoga.  We see all our great Gurus as God – we say, ‘The Guru is God.”  So yes, we see Jesus as God, but also other Gurus.  If they are really evolved, we call them Incarnations.

To us, Jesus was a reincarnated Hindu/yogic Guru.  The three wise men came from India, maybe Tibet, to see their Guru born again.  After Jesus survived the Cross He traveled to Tibet where He became an itinerant preacher – there are accounts of him as Issa in the monasteries.  I have the book, “The Life of Saint Issa” – The lost years of Jesus Christ in India & the East – by Nicholas Notovitch.

And there is the BBC documentary on You tube, “Jesus in Kashmir”.  He lived to age 81 & is buried there, there’s a Muslim saint on top of him & a small wooden building – yes it is known where Jesus’ remains are.

The message Jesus Christ taught to humanity was the same as Buddhism – he was a reincarnated Buddhist Guru, You have a problem with Buddhism also?

You also mentioned ‘Witchcraft.’  I thought the Inquisition was over.  The Catholics turned Wicca into a dirty word, associated with the demonic & evil spells – all lies against the Women of God who were the Healers, Shamans & Counselors of their day.  The Catholic Church put women out of business so they could control everything.  And you’re still picking on them?  The Pagans are a harmless agricultural, worship of God through Nature religion.  They are down to earth, Marija Gimbutas says even Lithuanians in her day would kiss the earth & thank Mother God in the Spring & during harvest. 

From Pete Jackson:

As for Fr. Chris Alar and the Catholic Church in general, they have a MAJOR blind spot in that regard, and they are very close-minded.  They really put the "dog" in "dogmatic", lol.  Tyrannical indeed, as though the evil Inquisition had never fully ended in their minds. In fact, it wasn't until very recently that the Vatican's "Office of the Inquisition" finally changed their name officially due to the obvious negative connotations.  Indeed, you should write a comment to set him straight. He probably won't listen, of course, but others who read the comment might nonetheless.


Rasa adds re the ‘new age’ realms: 

Some of these practices are nothing more than delving into one's unconscious mind: Like Tarot Cards. That's all it is. It is not sinister or evil. As far as 'opening portals' when innocent people inquire about things it does NOT automatically invite the demonic....We all have an unconscious, we all have inner senses, we all have some psychic abilities. These are not demonic. Unless the person has a bad heart & is evil, these are just natural things. Don't get hysterical about it. 

I might add, psychic things are to the male-dominated religions, evil & sinister because men have less of these abilities. It's more so women than men who are psychic. So of course, if it's a woman thing, it has to be bad, doesn't it - To the men as they can't do it. Since men denigrate, degrade & push down women, anything associated more with women becomes a 'bad thing.'


  1. Excellent work as usual, Rasa! This one came out excellent, and you have clearly won the debate IMHO. People often fear what they don't understand. He will probably be speechless reading this. Keep up the great work!

    Best wishes,

  2. Also, I read the most likely charlatan's comment, and I would like to add that while it is technically true that in the past century or two, many newer poses (asanas) borrowed from calisthenics and gymnastics and Indian wrestling and stuff like that were indeed incorporated into the current versions of Yoga, and especially since the 1960s, she is also quite wrong since none of that has anything to do with demons or the "occult". She really seems to be projecting, I think.
