10-12-23 Evil vs Good Priest-Nick Visit-the New Car-the Slave Bible
I was under the influence of an evil Priest, who I took seriously when he said
I should not receive Holy Communion. I
believed in him.
one day, I rebelled. There is a Mass
going on on a stage, there’s a Priest to the left handing out Holy Communion to
a line of people through a window.
Suddenly, I think,
am going to receive Holy Communion, I don’t care what that other Priest says,”
I just make it as the Priest is finished & about to close the window when I
present myself before him. As he administers the Eucharist to me, the other
Priest is outraged & THROWS something to him, which goes through the window
& lands on the floor of his Church – the rectory or Church being inside the
window. I do receive Communion in spite
of his interference.
thing he threw was an attempt to discredit my propriety to receive the Holy
Eucharist. It is an oval deeply engraved
glass case, about 6” long & 4” deep, & inside it are a couple mangled
dirtied Eucharists, as if they were trod under foot. He’s presenting this as EVIDENCE as if I did
this to Our Lord’s Sacrament. But the
other priest doesn’t buy it. He glances
at it & pays no attention. He looks
at the floor of his church & sees HUNDREDS of Holy Eucharists which people
did not receive worthily, but are on the floor.
They are not sullied, they are clean, but they are on the floor to be
trod upon.
Mother God, need help.
The old or former Priest is the old way of thinking – Patriarchal. You once believed in the Commands & rules
of the Catholic/Christian Church. They
told you in so many words, you are an unworthy sinner because of sex & the
adult trade – they think sex is dirty, women that are involved in it are dirty
& unworthy of God – they are outside the Grace of God.
day you realized you ARE fit to receive Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, that
you are NOT outside the Grace of God.
You even became a Priest because Jesus appeared to you & ordained
you. You then felt right with God.
ME: The engraved glass case?
MG: Glass is something you can see through. But this is deeply engraved, like glass you
saw long ago. The engraving creates
PRISMS or ways of refracting the light, so things appear a certain way. And so, the old way of Christianity was to
present sex & the sexual behavior of women through a PRISM of PATRIARCHY,
their way of interpreting reality. But
it is THEIR WAY, not the way God sees it!
the new Priest UNDERSTANDS & sees so many regular people not worthy of the
Eucharist – that those involved with sex are not to be looked upon as FALLEN
from the Grace of God – look at all these other sinners in the Church.
is my spiritual husband, united to me forever, but we don’t have romantic or
loving contact often. I wish we
did. I am right now in his arms, he
behind me, relaxing. And he has to leave
momentarily, to go to work. I tell him
I’d like to go with him but for some reason I can’t. I ask him what kind of work is it he does?
He says,
job is to find old roses from old bouquets, spruce them up, find more roses
& make new bouquets.”
doesn’t explain what happens to the new ones but I imagine they’re given to people
out of love – maybe Souls in Purgatory. {I see large red roses, fully bloomed
from before; new ones might be less open blossoms included.}
ME: Help, Mother God. This can’t be pursuing love with living women, can it? Is it for Souls in Purgatory?
Indeed, Souls in Purgatory it is.
Nick has happily achieved a ministry like yours!
previous roses is love of the past – when a soul was alive. Now Nick must retrieve or connect the old
love with the new, which is Spiritual Love, & present this as bouquets or
Gifts for Souls. It hints that it could
have been old relationships of Nick, but it could be anyone he was connected
to, such as knowing about someone– the way you helped celebrities in Purgatory
like Anthony Quinn, Frank Sinatra, just because you knew about them. So he might have been connected to some of these
Souls, now he takes that link & uses it to reach these Souls in Purgatory
with God’s Love.
can’t go with him to work because it is his own private, personal Ministry of
Love. Indeed he’s your ‘apprentice’ or
‘Jr’ but it’s his work alone, not yours, - the way a lover loves alone, not
with the cooperation or help of anyone else.
He is not involved, for instance, when you share deep spiritual love
with your great Saints who married you – such as recently Sri Kaleshwar, Shirdi
Sai Baba & Saint Charbel. Nick was
not involved in these transactions, they are private & personal.
driving around in my old car but for some reason it isn’t working & I have
to borrow a car from a lady friend – It’s brand new. As my recompense for using it, I tell her I
will fill the gas tank.
So I
drive it for whatever I had to do then pull into a gas station & fill it
up. The price for the gas comes to
$79. That’s a hefty sum, more than twice
what I have ever paid to fill a tank!
The car
is sort of like a ‘Thunderbird’, sleek, late 60’s, & has 2 or 3
colors. I tell my friends,
“It was the smoothest ride I ever felt – probably because it’s brand new.”
ME: Mother God, calling you for help. Is this Lady you, the Holy Virgin, or some
other great Saint?
car is the vehicle of Grace, it’s a ‘ride’ or a sense, or a consciousness. Smooth is a feeling you get from it. ‘Thunderbird’ - it comes ‘from the sky’ &
denotes a bird of Great Power, or Grace thereof. Thunderbirds were spoken of by the American
Indians, which were so huge & powerful they could sweep down & capture
an infant!
HUGE TANK, your contribution, sounds like you put in some MIGHTY PRAYERS which
were accepted by God with an exchange of Terrific Grace. Gasoline usually depicts ENERGY as it’s the
fuel to make machines run. So we have
the energy of prayer you contributed, you have the Energy of God She gave you! {end}
“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do
not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1)
What is the Slave Bible?
The earliest copy of the Slave Bible was
published in 1807, an “astoundingly reduced” Bible which “contains only parts
of 14 books,” Brigit Katz reported for SmithsonianMag.com. Sections that were removed included
the Exodus story, which showed God instructing Moses to lead the Israelites out
of slavery in
The account of Joseph’s enslavement, however, remains because his
story exemplifies how well-behaved submission is rewarded by God. “The Lord was
with Joseph, and he was a successful man; and he was in the house of his master
the Egyptian” (Genesis 39:2).
Editors of the Slave Bible were
“highlighting themes of being submissive; the same thing goes on with the New
Testament as well,” Anthony Schmidt, PhD, Associate Curator of Bible and Religion in
Sources do not offer a table of contents for the Slave Bible, but a copy is available for public
viewing at the Museum of the Bible in
Who made the Slave Bible and why?
The Slave Bible was published in
1807, commissioned “on behalf of the Society for the Conversion of Negro
Slaves” for use by missionaries who wanted “to teach enslaved Africans to read,
with the ultimate goal of introducing them to Christianity,” according to Katz.
Names of the editors or authors of the Slave Bible are not mentioned. Although their
intentions were to evangelize slaves, missionaries had to appease slave owners
in the British West-Indies who feared an uprising. This fear was heightened
because Haitian slaves overcame their masters only three years earlier during
“the only slave revolt in history” in which slaves “successfully drove out
their European oppressors to form a new nation,” according to History.com.
Missionaries had to simultaneously respond to the growing
abolitionist movement by proving that they had the slaves’ best interests at
heart. As they prepared to compile a special Bible for slaves in the
But it is difficult to completely remove the thread of freedom in
Christ woven throughout the Bible.
Slavery in Biblical Context
When Paul was writing much of the New Testament, about “80 percent
to 90 percent of the inhabitants of
Most people, hearing or reading his letters when they were first
written, were slaves. Yet, Paul’s letters speak to slaves and masters alike:
“he expects them to fellowship together in the same church as brothers and
sisters in Christ,” Ortlund said.
Peter encourages the Church to “live as free people, but do not
use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves” (1 Peter 2:16). The Church’s greatest allegiance is to
God, and they can glorify Him by “submit[ing] [them]selves for the Lord’s sake
to every human authority,” (1 Peter 2:13), including emperors, governors, and even earthly masters.
While many in Paul’s audience were literal slaves, the message of
Christ was applicable to all who recognized their bondage to sin and wanted a
way out of it. According to God’s Word, not just 80 or 90 percent, but all believers were once slaves to sin (Romans 3:23). And those who are saved by Christ are now
slaves to Christ (Romans 1:1, Romans 6:22, 1 Corinthians 7:22)
Everyone is a slave to something. As Justin Buzzard said at Crossway.org:
“If God is not the center of your life, if he does not hold your
ultimate allegiance, then you have been enslaved,” but “every slave master
except God will fail you.” Worse still, “when you fail, that master can offer
no forgiveness, only misery and shame.” Idols become our slave masters, but
“that idol that you love [] doesn’t love you back” and “anything you worship
and build your life on other than God will suck the life out of you and destroy
In contrast, the Apostles of Jesus taught that Christ “shared in
their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds
the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were
held in slavery by their fear of death” (Hebrews 2:14-15). Jesus came to serve and save the
world (Matthew 20:28). He freed believers from the chains of
sin and death, satisfying the requirements of God’s law through His own death
and resurrection.
This message was explosive and unsuitable for an excerpted Bible
designed to promote submission to one’s earthly master, but it was well-suited
to the abolitionist movement which opposed slavery. God’s complete, undistorted
message nurtured abolition in the West and would help make the Slave Bible obsolete.
Oppression of one person by another for personal gain was never
part of God’s original plan. When viewing the Bible in its entirety, one
understands the true meaning of slavery and servanthood as God portrays it, not
as demonstrated in the Slave Bible.
The Author:
Candice Lucey lives with her husband and daughters in (mostly) tranquil
Salmon Arm, BC,
Photo Credit: WikiMedia/PublicDomain/SlaveBible
This one came out excellent as usual, with great artwork and plenty of fuzzies of course. The dream was quite interesting indeed.
ReplyDeleteI seem to remember first hearing about The Slave Bible a while ago, and sadly I am not surprised. The difference between that, and what the patriarchy has always done to shamelessly edit, redact, and pervert the Bible and other sacred texts for their own nefarious ends, is really a difference of degree, not kind.
I will be sure to share this far and wide.
Best wishes and keep up the great work,