Wednesday 31 July 2024

Thatching an Irish Cottage

She Lives Alone on Top of the World! THE INCREDIBLE SECRET OF MOUNTAIN C...

She Lives Alone on Top of the World! THE INCREDIBLE SECRET OF MOUNTAIN C...

Vintage Potato Farming in Ireland Documentary

Traditional Farming Documentary -- Farm life in Ireland during the 1930s...

He, wandering in utter misery, was painfully thin, reduced to skin and b...

Dumped in the woods with a decrepit body... cold, alone and sadness wait...

I take the onion and the lid. A friend from China taught me. Simple deli...

The Giant Bear Lived With The Couple For 23 Years, But At A Family Dinne...

The miraculous transformation of a kitten that looks like an alien - you...

Arctic Daughter: A Lifetime of Wilderness

Happy People: A Year in the Taiga

Stray Puppies can’t Hold Emotions when Realise They are Being Rescued

First She Tried To Bite Me, Then She Sobbed When I Hugged Her Now We Be...

Stray Puppy In the Dark Gets Adopted And Can't Stop Jumping For Joy

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Pregnant with 6 children, she with a body full of wounds tried to run af...


She collapsed in a backyard to rest forever, unaware that her life just ...

She collapsed on the riverbank with 6 bullets, tape on her mouth and wai...

A skinny fox gave birth to her babies in my orchard. The baby foxes are ...

Chained and humiliated his whole life, he burst into tears when he got a...

Will They Accept Her? - Our New Clydesdale Meets The Herd

He lowered his head and cried desperately, "Hold me tight, it's so cold."

An abandoned forest cabin Far from Civilization. Bushcraft survival in t...

She Gathered All The Courage To Enter A Kind Girl's House Crying For Hel...

Thriving in Isolation: Family Survival and Happiness in a Remote Mountai...

Traditional Farming Documentary -- Farm life in Ireland during the 1930s...

How to make Irish Potato Bread

The Irish Meal I Can't Stop Eating

Haluski - Cabbage And Noodles - Great Depression Cooking - $1 Meal - Poo...

Traditional Irish Cooking - Making Champ

How did the Irish families live in the 1930's, 40's and 50's

A CHARMING SHEPHERDS HUT styled to perfection with English fabrics & wal...

Couple's self-built home grows food indoors ($30K): Earthship meets Sail...

Monday 29 July 2024

What did I see when I saw God Face to Face? The SHOCKING answer: Guru Ra...

Bought rocky lot, created megalith home amid boulders

At 61 She Built A Rock House By Hand

Poor on Earth, Rich in Heaven-Guru Rasa Von Werder speaks in person

100 Year Old Abandoned HUT in the Mountains — Campfire Cooking

Early Morning Walk in a 12th Century English Village - Bishopstone, ENGLAND

Inside Alexandra Tolstoy’s 18th-Century Oxfordshire Cottage | Design Notes

Woman Brought Home A Baby Beaver. Now They're Best Friends | Cuddle Buddies

Beaver Who Loves the Bathtub Gets His Very Own Pond | The Dodo

Rescue beaver makes Christmas dam in house

Doing good makes YOU good! All you do is FOR YOURSELF! Guru Rasa Von Werder

Friday 26 July 2024

Inside a Luxury Cotswolds Cottage | Meet the Owners | Unique Homestays

Touring Miranda Brooks & Bastien Halard’s Charming Cotswolds Farmhouse |...

KELMSCOTT MANOR: The Summer Home of Designer William Morris

Our Fairytale Cottage in Dorset England

Forest village abandoned due to heavy rains, no one has lived here for 2...

Staying on a rainy and foggy day in the log cabin I abandoned 10 years ago



Hard life of a grandmother in a high mountain village in winter. Life in...

Rewind Timelapse: Building Barns For Livestock. Alone Village Girl Farm ...

Weasel or Stoat? How to Tell the Difference | Discover Wildlife | Robert...

Russian Old Bakery in Old Believers Village. Altai. Russia

How Russian Old Believers live today? Russian Remote village in Altay

Happy life of a girl with her 91-year-old grandmother in a remote village

Thursday 25 July 2024

Wednesday 24 July 2024

A magical Getaway: Our Stay in a CONVERTED ENGLISH CHAPEL

I am very satisfied with the quiet and simple country life.

An Old English Cottage in Dorset


A wholesome day: Embracing the COSINESS & COMFORTS OF HOME

This Windmill Is the Next Best Thing to an English Cottage (full tour)

Baby fox cubs arrive at Wildlife Aid!

An Open Letter To Women In Politics (Updated for 2024)

(Updated for 2024 America)

By Ajax the Great (Pete Jackson)

To any Women who are running for office, in office, or considering running for office in the near future:

You have probably noticed that the world is on fire, and has been for quite some time now.  We stand on the verge of World War III as we speak, and our overburdened planet is in grave danger.  We continue to flirt with the prospect of mass extinction (including humans, by the way) in the not-too-distant future, as we continue to cook the planet with reckless abandon.  We know what is causing all of these problems, and we already have the technology and wherewithal to solve them if we really wanted to, yet our current Big Wetiko "leaders" refuse to solve such problems because they are sycophantic lackeys to the parasitic elites, if not the very same elites themselves.  And these plutocrats are hopelesly addicted to "business as usual".

So how did we get here in the first place, exactly?  The answer lies in ancient history, about 7000 years ago or so, when men apparently got the bright idea to take over the (known) world piece by piece, by deposing you from power.  That's right, it was originally Women who were in charge for most of humanity's existence, and us fellas apparently thought we could do a better job as leaders than you ladies did.  Well, history shows us that we were wrong--dead wrong in fact.  Indeed, the best advice that us men can give to Women is "don't be like us", because we f**ked the world up royally. We paved paradise and put up a parking lot, we created a desert and called it "peace".  We have devoured and suffocated our own empire, and now we are all paying a heavy price for it.  That's right--WE did it.  And we're sorry about that--though we can clearly stuff our "sorrys" in a sack! 

Oh, and to top it off, us fellas decided to hit America's self-destruct button and vote overwhelmingly for Donald Trump for President in 2016.  Yes, really.  Because apparently we couldn't screw things up enough already.  Fortunately, thank Goddess, the damage was limited.  But if he wins again in 2024, we may not be so lucky this time.

And now it is time for you to reclaim your rightful position as the new leaders of the free world once again, starting with the USA and eventually spreading from there.  In fact, it is LONG overdue for you to do so.  We cannot apologize enough for handing you such a monumental clusterf**k of a world for you to fix, of course, but we fellas have plenty of faith that you will be able to do so. We know that Women, not men, are the real natural-born leaders, and you can clearly handle power a lot better without it going to your heads than us.  We know that your preferred paradigm of society, what Riane Eisler calls the "partnership" model, is far better than the "dominator" model that we have been practicing for the past 7000 years.  As the saying goes, never send a boy to do a man's job--send a Woman instead.  Truer words were never spoken, and we need you now more than ever before.

The highest and tallest "glass ceiling" in the world--President of the United States--is still waiting to be smashed in 2024, as are plenty of other important political offices as well.  Even though Hillary already did that with the popular vote in 2016, the Rube Goldberg machine known as the Electoral College was systematically rigged against her.  But Goddess willing, Kamala Harris will win in 2024.  We wish all of you the very best of luck.  Now, go forth and make old Buckminster Fuller proud!  Vive la femme!


Ajax the Great (Pete Jackson)

Must show myself in podcasts 4 success


7-23-24 Arnold-He usually means SUCCESS-Is this about my podcasts?

A few days ago I prayed thus: ‘God, give me the ability to present myself in person for the podcasts’…my Inner Voice said, ‘before this time next week, you will do it.’ This was Sunday the 21st so this Sunday the 28 is the deadline.  What’s relevant is I accidentally popped into the ‘analytics’ of my podcasts & was dismayed to see the average view was 3.5 minutes. I then knew I should cut it way down, like an hour an a half is what I’m doing & if I stop it after each SUBJECT, chop it into segments of 10-20 mins each, the 3.5 mins would be more relevant…Also so many more videos on You tube, more chances of people SEEING the presentation…In addition God is showing me through these dreams, they want to see me & if I present myself, the show will be ‘packed.’ My friends have warned me, told me, to do it this way but I didn’t listen until my own inner sense showed me the way.  I had a bone to pick with myself, lol. 

         I was somewhere in a public place with a hundred or so people sitting in a group facing away from me.  One person stood out – Arnold.  He was sitting from the left corner about 2 spaces from the left & 2 spaces away from me.

        *{Arnold represents SUCCESS. Success is here but will leave.  It is the people checking in but then leaving - not watching my podcasts, not returning, in fact, my analytics show them unsubscribing – 23 in one month.}*

         But in the exact corner, closest to me, is a smaller person who looks mixed race – part Asian- biracial & also sexual orientation might be bisexual, {but this is vague.}  He seems kind of sad & is not the Arnold I want to be with.

         *{What is NICK doing here?  Lol, he represents FAILURE.  He could not CHANGE or improve & died of a drug overdose.}*

         Arnold is good looking – young, full bodied, calm & serene, & wearing a medium light blue soft top.

         Then all the people disappear except the one in the corner - & I se Arnold walking off but toward me, to the left, like walking very close but going behind me – still with that super calm demeanor.

         This is not what I hoped for.

         In a cheerful way I declare something that slightly embarrasses me – I wished all the people in that group of 100 would disappear & only that ONE {I don’t speak his name} person would remain, & I with him.  I did NOT want Arnold to hear this as I didn’t want him to know I loved him, wanted this kept mum.

         *{I’m embarrassed to admit I want success, as the religion of Jesus teaches poverty & I have renounced recognition.  But my inner voice reminds me that Jesus himself SOUGHT SUCCESS in the Salvation of mankind!}*

         But the ‘little guy’ left with me knows & maybe that’s why he’s SAD.

         *{Nick is sad re his failure & so am I re mine.}*

         Another scene.  Arnold is doing something innovative, like he’s an inventor & we’re going back in time & space when he invented a unique system, like say, the wi-fi system – something technical.

         I want to be there with him, his friend, associate, back in time, not sure why.  He takes a 50’ long pipe, covers it all the way around with cloth, & his eyes wide open in anticipation, does something with it, hooking it up to something unique.

         *{ME:  Mother God help.  What is this?

         MG:  TUBE – you heard of the ‘boob tube?’ lol. It’s a DOUBLE MEANING. One, the internet is like TV, so you appeared, & 2, you appeared showing your BOOBS a lot & it was VERY POPULAR & this is saying it’s a winning ticket to show your well-developed body. Arnold here is seen in his prime—you are seen that way- the body well developed.  So it’s 3 meanings.}*

         Next scene something to do with movies, but what?

         There were several other scenes but forgotten.

         *{Last scene says you will succeed again when you appear – you‘re planning to wear the glamorous clothes, should be good.}*

         Last scene after several more things with Arnold – the streets are JAM PACKED with people shopping, hundreds & more hundreds of people looking to buy stuff, as it was not convenient before, now it is – maybe there was torrential rain – now the streets are packed.  {end}


7-24-24 Re PODCAST-Chesty Show Big Success


         There is a Broadway Show that I visit with a male friend.  The friend has something to do with the production of the show, but he is at odds with the regular staff of producers – 3or 4 of them – maybe wants to make changes.  He’s youngish, has curly black hair, thin - I see him walking up to the other guys confronting them.

         I take a look at the show.  It stars CHESTY BIG. The show is successful – not an empty seat in the house!  All kinds people, men & women.

         It’s her LOOKS that make her a star.  She SINGS, I hear her.  Her singing is acceptable, but they are here to SEE her. 

         I look at the other females who dance in the show by comparison.  They suddenly appear before my eyes to the left, behind the stage - One more to the front, one behind her.  They are both THIN but stringy, not shapely, small breasts – like A or B cup at most.  And both are wearing black waist cinchers – not sure why as they’re thin.  Both have medium short dark hair & are looking straight toward me.  But they are NOTHING TO LOOK AT.  They are supporting players, not stars.

         The staff is arguing about Chesty, but she’s calm.  I see her standing between shows talking or being interviewed, from the back.  She’s wearing a conservative suit – light beige, with long sleeves, loose not tight, attractive.  And her hair is longish & bouffant, not flat.  I never see her clearly to her face.  What is most relevant is her calm demeanor.  {end}      

                         The most important message here is her show is a SUCCESS.  {end}



                 *{This says the same thing as the other dream – if you appear in person you will succeed.  You are a celebrity – your body, looks, are the main thing they want to see.  Yes, you will speak, but it’s you they want to SEE most of all.

         ME:  Jeesh, is it that important?  I guess so.  I’m also reminded of how Aimee Semple McPherson looked so beautiful in nice dresses, & she presented very striking shows to her religious audience – like a broadway Show. Kathryn Kuhlman wore striking dresses.  Then there’s Liberace.  Without his getup, his TV show got canceled.  Then Elton John, Boy George, all the rock stars with fancy getup.  It’s show biz, isn’t it.  And myself, when I look at presentations, I do take note of how people look, what they wear & if they’re not presentable, I feel disappointed - Or analyze how they could improve.

         So according to Mother God, I will make an in person podcast – several I trust – before this Sunday.  Maybe Saturday as I’ll be busy prior to that.

What is the thing about her in the beige suit, wig, covered up, calm? – Being interviewed.  And the conflict between 2 parts of staff.

MG:  It’s the conflict between you covered up, unseen – don’t see the face - & you seen.  Look at the views on the greatest book ever written besides the gospel – Mystical City of God.  So few hits! This bothers you, but there are VERY FEW people who are on the level you are really focused on TRUTH, truth, & nothing but the truth.  Yes, you come down now & then but you jump back up there after a while, most other people don’t.  They stay at the physical level.}* {end}


Monday 22 July 2024

A Mini-Castle, Saved From Ruins, Now Fit for a New King | WSJ Mansion

Our Fairytale Cottage in Devon


Hard life in a mountain forest hut far from civilization. The life of my...

What my French mom eats in a day: typical French meals from Provence + F...

Peacock House by Jane Lees Property



Exploring the Cotswolds Episode 1 | Oxford, Woodstock, Adderbury to Bloxham



Sunday 21 July 2024

1920s Charleston

1920s music compilation Nr. 9

Khusugtun - Mongolian music in London - BBC Proms 2011 Human Planet

Japanese Breakfast | Mackarel Saba Teishoku サバの定食

The Gobi Breakfast! How Camel Herder Nomads Live in Mongolia! | Views

Harvesting wild Vegetables from the Mountains | Shepherd Mother Cooking ...

Family fixes home in ghost-town lab & tells others to follow

Friends build real castle from scratch with simple tools only

Alone built a stone house in the forest. Start to finish

Owned by the Same Family for 1000 Years. Tour of a Real French Chateau w...

Savour the Serenity of an Early Morning Walk in the Cotswold Village of ...

Early Morning Walk in a 12th Century English Village - Bishopstone, ENGLAND

Old schoolhouse sat abandoned. Couple turns it into dream home

Birding in Qinghai China 2024 Part 1

The life of the forest. Richness of undergrowth and understorey

Saturday 20 July 2024

The life of the forest. Birds

Fairytale Villages in Cotswolds England You won't Believe Real Until....

Rustic Bread with Cheese and Watermelon by the River.An Incredibly Delic...

50 years off-grid: architect-maker paradise amid NorCal redwoods

Chinese disciple update

 Xiang Ling


To:Rasa Von Werder

Sat, Jul 20 at 7:45 AM
Hello Mother Rasa sorry for the long time not writting,I recently lost a relative and my working hours have increased but I have had time to practico severa. Steps to connect to the espiritual realm,even tho i cannot see you in person during a sesión where my spirit traveled around the World encounter ING the one soul I noticed is quite familiar that being your Mother Rasa I saw you are feeling overwored I hope you May rest enough to recover, one of the visions I had was of a woman with a long coat, a crowd and hands praying, I seen it as a glowing light present around the entire world, that's about it blessings from yixian, liaoning Province, china

Dear Son Xiang,

the woman you see with praying hands, crowds, all over the world sounds like Our Holy Mother - the Virgin Mary
   Please listen to my podcasts to learn how I am.  I am OK & been through hard times but God has cleansed me & I am closer to Her.            Rasa