Saturday 5 February 2022

Purgatory or Heaven?


The Story of O.C. Smith continued 

2-5-22          Addendum Oh See Sadist


‘Little Green Apples’ keeps playing in my head.  I hate the song so finally realize O.C. Smith is trying to tell me something, so I ask him what does he want.


OC:  I want you to know I am not in Hell, I wasn’t as evil as you think.  God gave me the Grace of Repentance.


ME:  OK, good.


The song keeps playing.  So I say now what? 

OC:  I want you to know I’m sorry for how I treated you. It was partly because of you I came to God.  Your Anointing touched me, the way it touched Cat Stevens.


At this point I wonder about his state, if he made it to Heaven or if it’s still Purgatory.  Although I loathe thinking about him I pray that during the night, it will be revealed in a dream.  I have two dreams, both of which tell the story.  The first one was confusing but the second said for sure it was Purgatory, not Heaven.  For some reason he wanted me to believe he was in Heaven – probably because he was Protestant & they don’t believe in Purgatory, when they go there they might be confused. 

There’s this mountainous area, he’s in a tall pine tree on a branch on the edge of one mountain plateau, before him it dips into a chasm or valley which I don’t see the bottom to – across is another mountain, then a mountain range beyond that.


*** {Tall pine tree he’s resting on, also his friend:  This tree is Jesus Christ, his redemptive Cross, by which O.C. & the other man are saved, you might say ‘resting in Christ’ is synonymous with being saved – saved by his Cross – which is this pine tree.  Pine trees represent eternal life – as they are green through winter.} ***


The tree he’s on is one of those not Xmas tree types, but a tall one with sparse branches, the branches don’t even start for at least 15’.  Up there he’s on a large branch, reclining with his back on the trunk, I wonder if he sleeps in it, & not at first, but later I see another guy in a branch beneath him.

He then somehow communicates with me – I suspect the guy in the first branch is O.C. Smith & he says to me,

“No, we don’t sleep in the tree; back there we have a cabin where we sleep.”

{In my imagination I see a log cabin, one story, grey – not tiny, middle size, large enough for 2 or more people.}

He further informs me that they stay alive by shooting animals, such as a rabbit, a woodchuck & a deer, & they eat herbs which they find growing wild.  So they are eating well, he’s telling me, surviving nicely.

I wondered what kind of apparatus they shot these animals with & he shows me a bar within a bar, like 2’ or so long, a hollow bar, with a solid medium dark grey bar inside.  They use this like a gun.

I sense he was trying to tell me he’s living in an ideal place like his dreams come true – it’s Heavenly, so that’s what confused me, is this his Heaven or Purgatory?  Yes, the idea of shooting innocent creatures disturbed me & I didn’t think it was Heavenly – but then again, when we go to Heaven it’s a fulfillment of our deepest wishes, hopes & dreams.  Maybe a wilderness like this, living off the land in a rugged manner was his idea of Heaven, & it was fulfilled. 

After all, the saintly Nelson Mandela spent 40 years in prison & he said his fondest wish on getting out was to go HUNTING.  Myself & others were dismayed by this, but he said he was sorry who it might offend, but that was his wish, what would make him happy.  And so I thought if this man could picture hunting as happiness, maybe O.C. did also?  That was what confused me.


But the next dream I believe is a parallel dream & it tells another story.  {A parallel dream is a second or third dream one has which states the same message but in a different way, to confirm the message.}

Someone has given me a message.  The message was for myself or a friend of mine, but an evil man, black, who is the ex-husband of my friend, sabotaged it & got the message from the messenger & kept it.  But somehow I got it away from him & am holding the paper in my hand.

I’m then in very large building – vast – huge floors, many floors, it’s all white & it’s like a school.

I go through room after room but whenever I try to find the way out, I can’t.  Each doorway I think will take me outside has all kinds of things going on, but no exit.  One door has rusty large wheels behind it; another has stores or offices, with no exit. 

Finally somehow I am outside with friends, but none of us can figure out how to get away from this building although I must admit, we are standing outside in front of it.

I tell my friends,

“I have an advantage, I can fly, & I will see what is going on by lighting high into the air & sizing up this building to see how the exits work.

I then took off into the air, high up above the building, & behind it & on both sides, is solid rock, part of a mounting chain, with mountains behind it, you cannot get out any way except in front, so I go back down & tell my friends.

          MEANING:  Both dreams are Purgatory, {but it’s confusing, it might be a low place in Heaven!} whatever O.C. imagines or wants you to think.  The evil one sabotaging the message is some negative force trying to confuse the issue, it could be because of his belief system, - a false concept of people either go to Hell or straight to Heaven.  But you got the message straight, took it away from him & have the correct message in your hands – the correct one being Purgatory, not Heaven.

Both dreams feature tall mountain ranges.  This is not a bad sign, a good one, meaning ‘The rock of Christ’ or the eternal steadfast Power of God.  There’s a saying in the Song of Songs where an innocent Dove hides in the cleft of the rock, representing the innocent Soul hiding In Christ’s Power.  {Mountains can also refer to huge problems or challenges but it’s a different application here.  Elvis has a song:  ‘Lord, this time you gave me a mountain.’}

In both dreams, the mountains represent that he is saved.  In the second, the rock of the mountains wraps completely around the building, which is a symbol of being encompassed by Christ or held within his Power.  {When I went to see my Dad in Purgatory he was in a small cave, resting on his right side on a stone slab.}

Why are my friends & I outside in front?  What is that?  Well, we are not in Purgatory – he is – my friends would be saints & angels.  I am assessing the situation & saying indeed, he is in Purgatory within Christ’s Power, & he cannot get out, to just fly up to Heaven yet – but I can see the situation objectively – the big picture.

The dreams are, I must admit, still somewhat confusing.  If this is his Heaven, then it doesn’t seem to be ecstatic or totally blissful.  It could be Heaven but in his state, compared to what I know, a limited place, not the highest Heaven of greater beings.

After all, my Mom I saw after her Ascension, gained a small house, the size of an apt., with one room a step up where she had a desk with a pic of my brother on it – waiting for him.  The house is the plainest most ordinary dwelling, not a mansion or castle as Christ promised the Just ‘in my Father’s house there are many mansions.’  In fact, Errol Flynn has a whole tropical island in the sky!

And so, my conclusion, could this be the dwelling place of O.C. Smith in eternity, symbolically speaking?  If my Mom has but a plain little house, could he not have a dwelling in the mountains where he can sit in a tall pine tree, hunt, & enjoy nature, while also having a comfortable log cabin?  To me being in nature would be a happy place.  So I’m still up in the air.  Purgatory or Heaven?  Will need further revelations.  {end Addendum}


1 comment:

  1. This article came out great as well, with great artwork and of course plenty of cute fuzzies. I will be sure to share it as well.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work,

