Thursday, 22 December 2022

Leader & Mediums


The Boss Using Mediums or Channelers Within our Order   written  12-22-22


          This is a tricky situation re our Order & I thank God I’ve already had good experience on it so I can write accounts of how to deal with it – what to be careful of.  I know obviously I will leave this Order behind to our “Popes” as it were, whatever they are called, “Commander in Chief” is one title.

          Let me first state that here’s where I envision channeling will be required or helpful.  We will have Commanding officers, tried & True female Members who have been members a few years, gone through it all & can now direct, lead, reward & punish the neophytes.  Occasionally these Officers might be accused of wrong doing or injustice.  Where do we go from there?  If the accusation has substance, not just a disgruntled weakling who can’t take the gaff, we have an in house TRIAL.  And who stands in judgment or jury?  The ELDERS.

          Now pay attention people that the Elders of a nation or society are the most experienced persons who’ve been there, done that, moreso than the youth, & if anyone might give advice, it’s more likely they will.

          I was on a jury once, & when we gathered to discuss the facts, the youth were the dumbest & us oldsters the wisest.  The youth were ready to convict this innocent woman but oldies knew better & we ruled in her favor, she won.

          OK so if a serious case of such kind comes up & we hear it out on both sides, witnesses, all that.  And then the Elders can think, pray, sleep on it, channel privately who is telling the Truth or what is the Truth, draw their conclusions & vote.

          Another thing the Elders can channel or do their mediumship on is when we consider new intimate Members, those who are going to live on our property.  This needs the Holy Spirit.  Facts alone will not be sufficient, like, a person can have a clean record & good references but be rotten inside or hard to get along with so they make life miserable for others. So each such aspirant comes before not only the Commander but the Elders, & in the end, they do their mediumship & vote.

          This screening pertains to males who want to fraternize with us as well.  Physical facts alone cannot suffice to tell what is in the Heart of a person – the Holy Spirit will speak to the Elders psychically through mediumship & they will vote.

          Now as far as their PERSONAL LIVES all our members will be encouraged to stay close to God & gain access to the still, small voice inside, which guides them intimately & personally, which should be the gage to their conscience.

          I’ve also had experience with that, where I lost contact with my still small voice for a while because a benighted Guru, Rev. Verna Talbot, told me not to listen to It but to HER.  That was a mistake & I learned eventually that NO ONE should ever give up their STILL, SMALL VOICE.  It is your pathway to God that no one should block, Guru or not.

          Suppose a Member has a sincerely good relationship with the still, small voice & it tells her to leave our order.  But we tell the Member we’d like her to stay.  What should she do?  Leave the Order.  There might be something her Interior God knows that we don’t know.  She may be wrong but she may be right.  For example, she might be swayed wrongly by a male who wants her for himself & wants no intrusion from the Order & persuades her it’s the right thing to do.  And in her confused emotional state she might think she hears the voice of God, but it isn’t.  That would be a problem.  People’s ability to hear this voice can be tainted, confused & in some cases, even interfered with by Satan.  But when I was the age I was with my Guru, my hearing of the voice was accurate & I should have stayed with It.  Eventually my Guru put two DEATH CURSES on me when I tried to leave.  Discernment is necessary!


          Now in some rare cases, I mean rare, the Boss or Commander might call out for mediumship like so:  Pharaoh had a dream he couldn’t discern, & he called out for help – they found Joseph in prison who had proven himself a great dream interpreter.  After all, Joe had seen the sheaths of wheat all bowing to his sheath of wheat – his brothers bowing to him.  And then the brothers said we will kill this dreamer, lol, & put him in a pit, but seeing a caraven, sold him to slavery, told his Dad Joe was killed.

          So Joe told Pharaoh the meaning of his dream of six fat cows, followed by six skinny cows, Pharaoh made Joseph the head of the grain-gathering business & the rest is history.  So it isn’t wrong to seek mediumship from the lower echelon at times.

          But - & this is a big but – when you are the leader, the followers see you as that, & if you seek too much advice from them, it can run afoul.  Because then, if you give up your authority by asking them to discern or decide or figure out, your authority is diminished & you might turn the tables with them leading you!

          Now a leader is this:  One who leads, decides, determines, figures out.  You’re the leader because you can lead.  They follow because they can trust you, believe in you, have confidence you know what’s what & take them to Safety, the Promised Land.

          Like let’s take Alexander the Great or Napoléon Bonaparte.  The men trusted these guys completely, these leaders asked for scant advise I am sure, they rode like ramrods & thunderbolts through Nations to get where they wanted to go.  I’m sure they didn’t stop long to hedge, to quibble this or that or ask twenty mediums what they thought.  Yes, they had Generals, but these mostly took orders, the strategy was the leader.  Only in the absence of the leader did the Generals decide what to do.  And it is noted that if you strike down the leader all the troops run wild & you’ve won the war.  This happened to the Philistines when Judith cut off the head of Holofernes.       

OK, that being said -

Again, let me explain.  You are the leader.  Lead.  If you are a Spiritual Leader, that means you have contact with God & you hear the voice of God, & that gives you the direction to lead others.  But if the Pope, for instance, has to ask his Cardinals where to go, what to do, the Cardinals will wonder if he’s a good Pope, if he knows what he’s doing.  And it’s important to note the idea of “Ex Cathedra.”  When the Pope rules from “Ex Cathedra” it supposedly means he’s INFALLIBLE.  My opinion, none of us is except the Almighty, but within the framework of the organization, he or she is the best we’ve got, & we take their word for whatever they are saying, it is sacrosanct.  Other things are suggestions, these are rules.

The Pope cannot hedge or show confusion on spiritual matters.

So with our Pope or Commander.  She will have to stand firm on what she believes is right & not show herself as a pussyfoot or a wilting flower.  Be firm with her commands & hold her head up even if she isn’t sure, she has to have that kind of confidence in her God leading her. 


Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Why We Still Need A Universal Basic Income Guarantee Yesterday (Updated)

By Ajax the Great (Pete Jackson)

(Originally posted on The Chalice and the Flame blog)

I have repeatedly noted before why any serious proposal for a pragmatic utopia would require some sort of unconditional Universal Basic Income (UBI) Guarantee for all.  (Note that the "U" itself also stands for "Unconditional", which is VERY important.)  At least as long as we still have a monetary system, of course, and it will be quite some time before money can be phased out completely.  And in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the lockdowns, and their grisly social and economic aftermath, it is more crucial now than ever before, and will be for quite some time as well.  

To wit:

  1. First and foremost, "It's payback time for Women".  Recently, a Woman named Judith Shulevitz wrote an op-ed titled thusly, arguing in favor of a Universal Basic Income Guarantee for all.  Her feminist argument for a UBI, which I agree 100% with, was that such a thing would provide long-overdue compensation for Women's unpaid work (i.e. housework and caregiving) that society currently takes for granted and considers a "free resource" for the taking.  As the saying goes, there are two kinds of work that Women do:  underpaid, and unpaid.  While that is true for some men as well, it is overwhelmingly true for Women.  Thus, her argument makes a great deal of sense overall, and I agree.  It is indeed LONG overdue.  And it applies a fortiori now in light of the fact that Women got the worst deal of all from the lockdown-induced job losses, the often triple burden for Mothers at home, the gnawing forced isolation from the support system of other Women, and the increased exposure to domestic violence during lockdown.  And they are still continuing (and will continue) to suffer from the aftermath long after the lockdowns are behind us.  Lockdown is patriarchy on crack, basically.
  2. Men are becoming increasingly redundant in the long run due to technology, globalization, and the overall ascendancy of Women.  When men are no longer artificially propped up, they will fall--and the bigger they are, the harder they fall.  And this will only increase in the near future.  This is a potential ticking time-bomb that must be defused sooner rather than later.  Men become extremely dangerous creatures under either of two conditions:  1) when they have too much power relative to Women, and/or 2) when they are desperate for money.  Ever see the 1996 film Fargo? Indeed, a Universal Basic Income is one of the best ways to tackle the second one.  Again, it only applies a fortiori now.
  3. A UBI is far more efficient in theory and practice than much of what currently passes for a social safety net these days, and would have far less bureaucracy.  No means tests, no discrimination, no playing God.  It's simply a basic human right, period.  And it would be far less costly in the long run.
  4. As Buckminster Fuller famously noted, there are more than enough resources for everyone to live like a millionaire with today's technology.  And he said this back in the 1970s, mind you.  And the specious notion that everybody and their mother must "work for a living" is not only outdated, but is also seriously classist, ableist, and ageist, and by extension indirectly sexist and racist as well.  The fact that human beings, unlike literally every other species on Earth, somehow must PAY to merely LIVE on the planet on which they were born is now totally contrived and socially constructed, and is in fact an egregious Crime Against Nature.
  5. Poverty is a razor-sharp, double-edged sword, spiritually speaking. Being attached to riches is clearly counter to spirituality, but then again, so is being attached to poverty. Either way, it's the *attachment* that is the problem.  And poverty today is largely if not entirely man-made via artificial scarcity.
  6. We would all be better off on balance, spiritually and otherwise, if material poverty were eradicated--and a UBI is the most efficient way to do so. As William Bond (and others) noted, with today's technology that is certainly doable, but for the greed of the oligarchs at the top who control the system. And that in turn is a result of patriarchy, given how men tend to see war and scarcity as inevitable, so they create a self-fulfilling prophecy as a result.
  7. With an unconditional UBI instead of means testing or other conditions, gone will be the perverse incentives that exist under the current system that trap too many people in poverty today.
  8. Negative liberty and positive liberty are NOT opposites, but rather two sides of the same coin.  Indeed, one cannot be truly free if one is systematically denied the basic necessities of life.  And truly no one is free when others are oppressed in any way. 
  9. Inequality, at least when it is as extreme as it is today, is profoundly toxic to society and makes the looming problems/crises of climate change and ecological overshoot that much more difficult to solve.  This is over and above the effects of poverty alone.  And a UBI can dramatically reduce both socio-economic inequality as well as absolute material poverty.  (And when funded by an Alaska-style tax on fossil fuels, it can also double as a Steve Stoft or James Hansen-style carbon tax-and-dividend as well.)
  10. We consume and waste a ludicrous amount of (mostly fossil-fuel) energy in the so-called "developed" world, and much of that wasteful consumption can be curtailed simply by making it so no one has to "work for a living" unless one really wants to.  Just think of all the energy spent (and commuting to and from) unnecessary work at a job you hate, to buy stuff you don't need, to impress people you don't even like.  A UBI could thus greatly reduce our carbon and overall ecological footprint in the long run.
  11. And finally, one should keep in mind that, as Carol Brouillet has noted, the literal and original meaning of the word "community" is "free sharing of gifts".  What we currently have now under patriarchy/kyriarchy is more of a pseudo-community in that regard.   And that needs to change. Yesterday.  The exchange economy of capitialist patriarchy has failed us, and we need to rediscover and re-create the gift economy in its place.  A UBI will make the transition much smoother and more peaceful that it would otherwise be.  (Some ultra-purist radfems may disagree of course, but they are in the minority even among the radical feminist community.)
Perhaps Bucky's other prediction, that Women would take over the world, is a prerequisite for his vision to be fulfilled?   Honestly, it can't happen soon enough!

In other words, it would be a win-win-win situation for literally everyone but the 0.01% oligarchs at the top.  So why aren't we doing this yesterday?  Because that would make far too much sense.  To quote Buckminster Fuller:
We should do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian Darwinian theory he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living.
In fact, one could argue that two of the most toxic, outdated, and specious ideas ever conceived by the patriarchy (aside from the central doctrine of male supremacy itself and the entire "dominator" model, of course) are that "everybody and their mother must work for a living" and that "everybody must procreate."  And both are now literally KILLING this very planet that gives us life.  Thus, on balance, a Universal Basic Income Guarantee for all is a good idea regardless.  Again, it's a win-win-win situation for everyone but the oligarchs.  And the only real arguments against it are paternalistic and/or sadistic ones, which really means there are no good arguments against it in a free and civilized society.  

(See also the TSAP's Q&A page, "Why UBI".)

Of course, for UBI to work properly, it would have to be totally unconditional with NO strings attached, period.  The Davos gang's (per)version of same, in contrast, will have plenty of strings attached, and will likely utilize Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) instead of cash, and tied to CCP-style "social credit scoring", and a critical mass of people will fall for it absent any alternative, so we need to beat them to it with a genuine cash UBI with no strings attached BEFORE they do it.  They will NOT own us, and they will NOT be happy!

So what are we waiting for? Let the planetary healing begin!

Latest Articles by Ajax the Great

By Ajax the Great (Pete Jackson)

(Originally posted on the True Spirit of America Party blog)


After two an a half years, we can now see more clearly just how effective, or, not, the various pandemic strategies were.  We are please to note that the country we were rooting for the hardest, Sweden, has come out the winner with their light touch, no-lockdown approach.  That was according to their ranking in terms of all-cause percent excess deaths over the whole pandemic from 2020 through mid-2022, and they came out the best of all countries examined in the study, and yes, even better than their vaunted Nordic neighbors (even Iceland).  Really.

As for Belarus, Nicaragua, Tanzania, Uruguay, and Brazil, who also eschewed lockdowns (Nicaragua even encouraged mass gatherings), those countries were not listed, but a cursory look at their excess all-cause mortality shows that their numbers varied but were similar to or lower than their stricter neighbors.  And as we noted previously, while the USA did abysmally overall in terms of excess deaths, the 12 US states that never locked down at all generally did better overall than their stricter neighbors and the national average.  And Florida, when adjusted for age, outperformed New York, New Jersey, Michigan, and even California, and was ultimately an average state overall.

DECEMBER UPDATE:  Looks like now even China's ultimate lockdown failure is yet another way Sweden (and Belarus, Nicaragua, Tanzania, South Dakota, Florida, etc.) has been vindicated.

It has been said, "you either do China, or you do Sweden (etc.), as anything in between will do more harm than good in the long run".  Now, it seems that the first five words of that are no longer true, if they ever really were.



The "public health authorities" sure have some 'splaining to do.  Like, yesterday.  Seriously.

From the ever-insightful Dr. Steve Kirsch's recent Substack article, in a nutshell:

"Special mention for the fact that the entire pandemic was completely unnecessary. 3 supplements work better than vaccines and are safe and cheap. All the lockdowns, masking, vaccines, mandates, social distancing, etc. were all unnecessary. And even though this is now known, nobody will pay attention since it will make them look bad.

"Uptake of vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc were significantly associated with the reduced risk of infection and severity of COVID-19 (OR: 0.006 (95% CI: 0.03–0.11) (p = 0.004)) and (OR: 0.03 (95% CI: 0.01–0.22) (p = 0.005))... this study was conducted before the start of mass vaccination against COVID-19 in Bangladesh."

That's over 150x decreased risk just from taking these 3 dirt-cheap supplements that everyone has known to be safe + effective for decades! And it was all pre-vax, it was for the original Wuhan strain that was most dangerous!"

Read that again, and again, and again and let it sink in.  Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc.  Those three things alone would have largely defanged and declawed this overall already relatively humdrum virus to begin with, which was basically a classic super-flu at worst, and never an existential threat.

How long did they sweep this under the rug?

But wait, there's more....

And let's not forget Quercetin either, per the late Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko.  (And the rest of the Zelenko Protocol as well, as needed, which includes HCQ and later IVM as well, also routinely censored.)

In a world of Lysenkos, be a Zelenko.

And of course Niacin (Vitamin B3), NAC (N-acetylcysteine), and Melatonin per Dr. Dmitry Kats.  He probably got the very most censorship of all.

And thiamine (Vitamin B1), per the late Bill Sardi.  And Resveratrol, Fisetin and Turmeric as well.

And nasal irrigation (such as Xlear nasal spray) and mouthwash too.

And aspirin instead of acetaminophen or ibuprofen. 

And perhaps even COFFEE!  Yes, really

Lockdowns, masks, closures, antisocial distancing, event cancellations, gathering bans and restrictions, NPIs, panic, hospital denials, ventilators, "run death is near", the magic rebound pill, and of course the jabs, were thus all completely unnecessary from the get-go, and all did far more harm than good on balance.

And last but not least, the reprehensible (and wholly unnecessary) way that nursing homes were mishandled has left an utterly indelible stain on the honor of so many "leaders", from certain big shot state governors to various presidents and prime ministers to healthcare bureaucrats to anyone else who crafted or carried out these evil protocols.

If that doesn't make you feel RIPPED OFF, check your pulse 'cause you might be dead!  That is, you might have been one of the millions of victims of this medical malpractice (at best) writ very, very large.  Scratch that, it's more like GENOCIDE or DEMOCIDE.

If it weren't so tragic, this would be the very most satisfying "I told you so!" in all of recorded history.


UPDATE:  It gets even worse still for the powers that be, apparently, when one also notes that the standard of care for patients with post-viral pneumonia was abruptly changed worldwide, at or before the beginning of the pandemic.  And not for the better, either. The change was to no longer give antibiotics for pneumonia if Covid was thought to be the cause, even though it was very likely that many if not most of such deaths were from secondary bacterial infections.  And antibiotics would have been given had they not been inexplicably removed from the protocols, and thus deliberately withheld from patients for political reasons.  A good chunk of excess deaths could thus easily be attributed to that alone.

And don't forget to read the eye-opening Spartacus Letter if you haven't already.