The Boss Using Mediums or Channelers Within our Order written
This is a tricky situation re our Order & I thank God
I’ve already had good experience on it so I can write accounts of how to deal
with it – what to be careful of. I know
obviously I will leave this Order behind to our “Popes” as it were, whatever
they are called, “Commander in Chief” is one title.
Let me first state that here’s where I envision channeling
will be required or helpful. We will
have Commanding officers, tried & True female Members who have been members
a few years, gone through it all & can now direct, lead, reward &
punish the neophytes. Occasionally these
Officers might be accused of wrong doing or injustice. Where do we go from there? If the accusation has substance, not just a
disgruntled weakling who can’t take the gaff, we have an in house TRIAL. And who stands in judgment or jury? The ELDERS.
Now pay attention people that the Elders of a nation or
society are the most experienced persons who’ve been there, done that, moreso
than the youth, & if anyone might give advice, it’s more likely they will.
I was on a jury once, & when we gathered to discuss the
facts, the youth were the dumbest & us oldsters the wisest. The youth were ready to convict this innocent
woman but oldies knew better & we ruled in her favor, she won.
OK so if a serious case of such kind comes up & we hear
it out on both sides, witnesses, all that.
And then the Elders can think, pray, sleep on it, channel privately who
is telling the Truth or what is the Truth, draw their conclusions & vote.
Another thing the Elders can channel or do their mediumship
on is when we consider new intimate Members, those who are going to live on our
property. This needs the Holy
Spirit. Facts alone will not be
sufficient, like, a person can have a clean record & good references but be
rotten inside or hard to get along with so they make life miserable for others.
So each such aspirant comes before not only the Commander but the Elders, &
in the end, they do their mediumship & vote.
This screening pertains to males who want to fraternize
with us as well. Physical facts alone
cannot suffice to tell what is in the Heart of a person – the Holy Spirit will
speak to the Elders psychically through mediumship & they will vote.
Now as far as their PERSONAL LIVES all our members will be
encouraged to stay close to God & gain access to the still, small voice
inside, which guides them intimately & personally, which should be the gage
to their conscience.
I’ve also had experience with that, where I lost contact
with my still small voice for a while because a benighted Guru, Rev. Verna
Talbot, told me not to listen to It but to HER.
That was a mistake & I learned eventually that NO ONE should ever
give up their STILL, SMALL VOICE. It is
your pathway to God that no one should block, Guru or not.
Suppose a Member has a sincerely good relationship with the
still, small voice & it tells her to leave our order. But we tell the Member we’d like her to
stay. What should she do? Leave the Order. There might be something her Interior God
knows that we don’t know. She may be
wrong but she may be right. For example,
she might be swayed wrongly by a male who wants her for himself & wants no
intrusion from the Order & persuades her it’s the right thing to do. And in her confused emotional state she might
think she hears the voice of God, but it isn’t.
That would be a problem. People’s
ability to hear this voice can be tainted, confused & in some cases, even
interfered with by Satan. But when I was
the age I was with my Guru, my hearing of the voice was accurate & I should
have stayed with It. Eventually my Guru
put two DEATH CURSES on me when I tried to leave. Discernment is necessary!
Now in some rare cases, I mean rare, the Boss or Commander
might call out for mediumship like so:
Pharaoh had a dream he couldn’t discern, & he called out for help –
they found Joseph in prison who had proven himself a great dream interpreter. After all, Joe had seen the sheaths of wheat
all bowing to his sheath of wheat – his brothers bowing to him. And then the brothers said we will kill this
dreamer, lol, & put him in a pit, but seeing a caraven, sold him to
slavery, told his Dad Joe was killed.
So Joe told Pharaoh the meaning of his dream of six fat
cows, followed by six skinny cows, Pharaoh made Joseph the head of the
grain-gathering business & the rest is history. So it isn’t wrong to seek mediumship from the
lower echelon at times.
But - & this is a big but – when you are the leader,
the followers see you as that, & if you seek too much advice from them, it
can run afoul. Because then, if you give
up your authority by asking them to discern or decide or figure out, your
authority is diminished & you might turn the tables with them leading you!
Now a leader is this:
One who leads, decides, determines, figures out. You’re the leader because you can lead. They follow because they can trust you,
believe in you, have confidence you know what’s what & take them to Safety,
the Promised Land.
Like let’s take Alexander the Great or Napoléon Bonaparte. The men trusted these guys
completely, these leaders asked for scant advise I am sure, they rode like
ramrods & thunderbolts through Nations to get where they wanted to go. I’m sure they didn’t stop long to hedge, to
quibble this or that or ask twenty mediums what they thought. Yes, they had Generals, but these mostly took
orders, the strategy was the leader.
Only in the absence of the leader did the Generals decide what to
do. And it is noted that if you strike
down the leader all the troops run wild & you’ve won the war. This happened to the Philistines when Judith
cut off the head of Holofernes.
that being said -
let me explain. You are the leader. Lead.
If you are a Spiritual Leader, that means you have contact with God
& you hear the voice of God, & that gives you the direction to lead
others. But if the Pope, for instance,
has to ask his Cardinals where to go, what to do, the Cardinals will wonder if
he’s a good Pope, if he knows what he’s doing.
And it’s important to note the idea of “Ex Cathedra.” When the Pope rules from “Ex Cathedra” it
supposedly means he’s INFALLIBLE. My
opinion, none of us is except the Almighty, but within the framework of the
organization, he or she is the best we’ve got, & we take their word for
whatever they are saying, it is sacrosanct.
Other things are suggestions, these are rules.
Pope cannot hedge or show confusion on spiritual matters.
with our Pope or Commander. She will
have to stand firm on what she believes is right & not show herself as a
pussyfoot or a wilting flower. Be firm
with her commands & hold her head up even if she isn’t sure, she has to
have that kind of confidence in her God leading her.