Friday 2 December 2022

New Women's Order


 New Women's Order

The Sisterhood   written 12-2-22

Name of our members is MATRIARCHS 

The NAME of the religion as far as Christians, Jews, Hebrews, Muslims, Wiccans, Pagans, Hindus, etc. is MATRIARCHS.  We can issue cards to those who profess our faith & get BAPTISED.  Both men & women get baptized; they cannot get a card or accreditation unless they are.

This card will be a ticket for entrance to various programs or events within our Community.

If a woman chooses to marry a man who will not do as required, he cannot enter our events.  If we suspect he is doing the baptism insincerely, only to get the card so he can spy on his wife & us, we will – finding this fact – either not issue him one or if finding out later, revoke his card.  Each card will have a number.

I can see how in the future the resentment of males, especially the ones who are lusting for our women, & those the women permit to get close to them – will be our greatest point of contention.

It’s always been that way – one woman during the Suffrage movement got killed by a husband point blank with a gun simply for running an office his wife attended.  The demonic Patriarchal ones will not go down without a fight – they will be dangerous enemies.  We will have to be super-aware, super alert concerning our members affiliations with men.  Some of them will be beguiled by evil men – even ‘fall in love’ & lose their heads, & these men could do harm to the women & any children, & try to harm our Community.  And so, we MUST have strict rules 

for the men who want to get involved with us – but we can’t FORCE women to accept only the men we approve, some will rebel.  If they rebel & get a bad egg, & live in one of our affiliate places like a mobile home park {if they live in our own house they MUST obey—the rules become more strict. If they disobey they are evicted—danger to the Community.} – we’ll have to decide then what to do about it.  There could even be danger of gross physical harm or murder - men are famous for that.  The prisons house 98% males. We all know about male violence. 


I might add that seemingly good natured men can turn demonic when they are rejected, resisted or ostracized.  They are impulsive, aggressive, & the primitive parts of their brains are more active than the frontal lobes.  We cannot lose sight of these facts & be ready, willing & able to deal with it. Again, I cite not all men but according to the myth, 33% of the angels followed Satan into Hell.  So let’s not get lulled into sleep by the good guys & be vigilant not to let our guard down.


An example I can envision is this:  Say a man has become violent to his wife, one of our members.  He has a card & now he wants to enter a performance we’re putting on & presents his card.  We already revoked his card & the person doing the checking sees that.  She has to tell him he can’t be admitted.  But that means she might have to face his wrath alone, a scene at the very least, getting yelled at or threatened.  How do we prepare for that?

Waiting in the wings we have security.  What that security would be I imagine.  We hire at least one man, a professional body guard, to be close by at all events by the door.  He should have some sort of weapon like a nightstick – not a gun – or he could have a large guard dog like a Shepherd or Rottweiller {Rotties are the scariest, Shepherds the most dependable, I’ve had both} or other intimidating, loyal dog.  He doesn’t have to be obvious as people walk in, he could be by the sidelines or even behind a screen or behind a 2-way window, but when the ticket checker gives the nod or rings a bell or indicates by some means she might have trouble, he approaches.  Another idea might be we have the male & the dog is on a leash by one of our females.  She holds back unless the intruder gets threatening with the body guard, then she might step closer.

He simply asks the man what is the problem, & whatever is said, asks him to leave.  Doesn’t start a racket, does this as unobtrusively as possible.  That should solve 99% of such cases.

When males our members are affiliated with continue to be violent with them that has to be addressed one case at a time.  Some cases we might have a safe house for such women, other cases, help her to leave him & live elsewhere, maybe with relatives, maybe not.  Notice that human males are the biggest problem on our planet.  {We will also underscore how women who do not do as we say – comply with our screening methods, will get themselves & all of us into trouble, at the very least, causing the Order inconvenience, waste of time & derailment from other work.}  Dr. Bryan Sykes said this, 

“Human males are a genetic experiment that did not work.  Nature is taking them out.”


Our Doctrine, Theology, Leadership & Magisterium


Magisterium:  the authority and power of the church to teach religious truth


          The Theological leaders of our Church or Order are William Bond & myself.

          I am to Matriarchs what Jesus is to Christians, William is like the Holy Virgin next to my side.  Jesus & Mary are equals in our Doctrine, as far as our Order is concerned, William & I are equals.

As far as the University or College, William & I are both Professors Emeritus, & as far as the Church Militant, we are Doctors of the Church.

Working by our side is an Associate Professor of the University, Ajax the Great aka Pete Jackson.  In a few years of work he will be considered for full professor status. 

I might just add here that even though William Bond is a founding member & Pete Jackson is an important participant, they still have to abide by the rules of our Church which does not allow men on our premises.  This can be reversed on special occasions with permission.  Males will be allowed on occasions not into our ‘Convent’ but into the Temple or Performance quarters.  There might be a ‘day of male appreciation’ once a year or in the Spirit of Christmas, men might be invited to a Celebration.  We could have two Christmas fetes, one only for women & children, the other includes men.


I will be composing the Catechism of our Church, it will be an amended Catholic Catechism, changing everything from Father to Mother God giving Jesus & Mary equal status, fixing the baptism to Mother God, God the Creation & God the Holy Spirit, making only women Priests & capable of conferring all the Sacraments.


{Sacraments of the Catholic Church:  Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation *confession*, Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders.}


Our Catechism will NOT approve of using animals for experiments, we do not condemn homosexuality or lesbianism as sin, we do not make masturbation or sex between consenting adults as sins. We encourage the practice of birth control & women’s reproductive rights.


We are amenable to Buddhism, Wicca & Pagans as well as any religions which love God, but where there is a conflict or disagreement, we stick to our own belief.  Where there is any anti-woman practice, we are for the women.  Where Buddhism has recognized only males as Dalai Lamas, priests & leaders, we recognize women as such. 

Rasa will introduce into our Church Anointed preaching with Pentecostal Powers – faith Healing & Miracles.  Our members will pray for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, practice preaching & administering It’s Gifts. These Gifts are many.  Some are preachers, some teachers, some evangelists, some faith healers, some exorcists.  We will not neglect or ignore any of these great Movements of God.

We will have daily prayers sessions & frequent Pentecostal activities.  We will not be a materialistic or sleeping church, we are a Living, Breathing Church filled with the Spirit of God & we will call on this Spirit every day – together & alone. 


  1. This one came out excellent as usual, Rasa. Thank you very much.
    I will share and comment later.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work,

  2. Thanks for giving me the honor of Associate Professor, by the way :)

    I will add more comments as I think of and develop them later. Again, most of my ideas are by default more about the social and political world outside, largely from a social democratic and/or secular humanist perspective. Thus they may not always apply to the Sisterhood very much if at all. Caveat lector.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work,
