Thursday 1 December 2022

Women's New Order

 Women's New Order

The Sisterhood  written 12-1-22 

This sisterhood is everything I have done, learned, first of all, about Matriarchy.  William's writing & your writings {Ajax the Great, aka Pete Jackson} will be part of the curriculum.  It will be good to put it all in books. 

Looking at the structure of like subjects in the colleges did give me some ideas. 

We will be MORE than a College.  We will be an Order that INCLUDES education,- all types education, academic, physical, performing arts, scouting - you name it.  It will be a full spectrum experience Order.  And sex will be a part of it but no USING WOMEN.  The men {& most women} who want to socialize  will have to SIGN UP & maybe we have some sort of shindig once every 2 weeks, men invited.  But standards, manners, everything must be FIRST CLASS, no Patriarchal treatment of women.  Full RESPECT or they lose their ticket.


We will also have a BROTHERHOOD but they are separate, they do not enter our premises.  Like St. Benedict had his order, his sister St. Scholastica had hers.  St. Francis of Assisi had his order, St. Clare had hers.  Like that.


And we can fraternize but it is not a free-for-all.  Good conduct, manners, behavior.  Not repression but polish.  We all take DANCING LESSONS like social dancing which we practice at the shindigs perhaps.  And different orders could have different activities or somewhat different lifestyles.  Like maybe one order likes to have square dancing, another order social dancing like waltz, fox trot, tango, jive & all that, another order rock & roll.  Another order all of the above.  Some things go according to what that group likes or doesn't like.


We all practice performing arts {when I say all I mean open to all who want it} like acting, music, singing, dancing - recitation.  We put on SHOWS for our own group, mixed group or sometimes the pubic.


We also encourage the members to learn to speak & PREACH.  All the things I did, they can also do, I mean everything meaningful & important.  So many ideas, I have hundreds.     Rasa


William Bond:

In my opinion if we want a matriarchy then we have to go the whole way.  Religions are stronger than political parties so I think a matriarchal religion will be better. But it has to be a religion that worships a female God and has only female priests or priestesses. It has to be based on the idea that the true nature of God is female. 


Patriarchal religions tend to exclude females from their priesthood, so there is no reason why a matriarchal religion cannot exclude men from it's priesthood. Yes, men can help but only as helpers in the way women are helpers in patriarchal religions. 


In this religion women have to learn how to communicate with God and it will be easier for them once they know that God is female.      William


From William Bond:

I think a sisterhood women’s community is a great idea but what do you do about the men? The only way it could work world-wide is to get rid of men completely and how do you do that? 


Feminist claim that men and women should live together as equals but this would only be possible if all men were sane, sensible and reasonable. But too many men are mad, bad and dangerous and it is this type of man that makes equality impossible.


The third solution is to have some sort of femdom world where all women are the aristocratic class and men are their servants or slaves. This might be possible as there has been many slave societies in the past. Patriarchy knows how to turn men into slaves or serfs and the military also know how to brainwash men into total obedience so they will sacrifice their lives when ordered to do so. 


So women can use similar methods to turn men into slaves. This will not only benefit women but men as well, as matriarchal rulers will be far more caring rulers over men than patriarchal rulers.         William


From Rasa,  Hi William:

                 I mentioned in my last letter, that we will have a Brotherhood for the men who want to be part of our religion & 'Sisterhood.'  This does not mean they gain access to our community or temple but they are bona fide members of our Order, separately.  Like St. Benedict with his sister St. Scholastica, St. Francis of Assisi with his best lady friend St. Clare, & St. Teresa of Avila had a friend named St. John of the Cross who was also a Carmelite monk - both doctors of the Church.


    There has to be interplay & relationships between male & female but there will be an admission system for men to socialize with us.  There's a LOT to be worked out here.  First we have to figure the following:


    1  How we give our females sexual freedom, under what conditions this applies.  We don't want them to get HURT physically or emotionally.  


    2  We want the females to have children if & when they want to & we would like those who wish to remain in the community to do so, we, with them, managing upbringing of the kids.  The kids de facto belong to the community.


    3  We will work out a system where some women want to leave the premises, live with their husband & have children under their own roof.  This should be worked out but they still belong to our community.  Decide what privileges they have & don't have.  Those under our roof have one set of finances, those not under it, another set. 

     We might have a community of married couples living in a trailer park, for instance.  Nothing trashy or tacky, the best there is in mobile homes.  We have to determine if & what privileges or benefits the man married to our member has - maybe some, maybe none.  Maybe he believes in our religion, maybe he doesn't.  So the ones who believe might have one set of privileges while those that don't aren't welcome on our premises like for services open to most people, or other events - they would not be invited to.  Not hated, just non-invited.


    4  The idea that some of our women will get pregnant but want nothing more to do with the man who did it will be an issue.  We need to protect the female from interference.  Some males might be violent or revengeful or want to abuse the child/children.  Because of this they might use the govt system to take the female to court, demand that it is his child/children, demand a DNA test, etc, & then demand privileges like visitation or whatever.  We must work around this - prevent it - for the protection of the member & the children.  This has to be worked out.


     5  We will have to create a COURT SYSTEM for our community as cases come up we've not dealt with before with the Commanding Officer of the Sisterhood as Head Judge, the Officers of the Sisterhood as jury.  Each case is TRIED & a VERDICT pronounced by the official females & this can be used in future to apply to like-cases. 


    6  The relationships & contributions of the male members:  When you speak of femdom, women & their slaves, it brings to my mind all the male 'slaves' I have known, who ALWAYS top from the bottom & ALWAYS want their pound of flesh.  This is NOT a traditional femdom community, any more than what Freyja created, her Female Superiority group, where she insists again & again, this is NOT femdom.  We are FED UP with femdom & men wanting their sex gratification through us dominating them.

    If a person - male or female - want an disordinate amount of ATTENTION - be it male or female - from those higher up - this DRAINS the individual.  We will avoid having female members like that in our community; we look upon them as VAMPIRES.  The slaves are the same way. I tried to have 'slaves' or subordinates on the internet & they DRAINED me so badly, I was better off WITHOUT THEM.  What little they gave I had to give an equal amount of time, attention & energy to them.  They distracted me from my work.  You notice how much work I get done when I am LEFT ALONE.

    To have anything like a femdom community would really be counter productive, a total waste of time & DERAILMENT from our cause.

    The only kind of males I want in our community are guys who can CONTRIBUTE without asking for undue attention.  Respect will be given.  The examples of this type are you & Pete - that's it.  Anything where they demand more than what you guys do is verboten.


    I am in the middle of a NEW VISION & understanding of how to build this Order.  But there are hundreds of things to work out.  What you are saying about we need to destroy all males or turn them into slaves is NOT HELPFUL.         Rasa


To continue:  We need to SCREEN the men who want to socialize with our females & possibly have relationships, be it friendship or romance.  We will act as PARENTS to the female, making sure these men are of good repute, not criminals, not drug dealers or users, of good character, sincere in their intentions.


          There is another facet to this.  What if the female wants to have FUN with various males & doesn’t want to ‘fall in love’ or have a relationship with any of them, but gets pregnant by choice or by accident?  Then we want her to KEEP her child for herself & the community. 

          Then again, males as they grow up – males are forbidden to be part of our sorority in an intimate, live-together way.  And so, about the age of 10, something has to be done with the males living off premises.  Possibly they could live with our married members outside the convent.  All this must be worked out.


          Women who want to join our Community who already have children, again,- we turn away no one who meets the requirements, but where they live, how they live, what their privileges are or are not has to be worked out.  Which ones can live within our precincts?  Which ones to be housed elsewhere?




1        Must be devoted to God, whom we call Mother God  {devotion to be explained elsewhere, how it is proved or evidence of it}


2        Must believe in the New Religion as espoused by Guru Rasa.  Cannot be an unbeliever or dissenter or suspicious of it.  Must be re-baptised if already baptized, in the name of Mother God, Her Creation & the Holy Spirit


3        Must be of sound mind & body, not fatally ill, capable of functioning without help.  No mental illness, no psychopaths or sociopaths, no liars, cheaters or thieves.  Character will be tested.  Must have a good personality which shows RESPECT to the Order & all the sisters, whether she likes them or not.


4        All new members who are to live within the community are to be judged by the other sisters & they can be ‘black balled’ or declined admittance if even one sister dissents.  This can be overruled by the Chief Commander if there is only one dissent.  There is reason for this – We must live in PERFECT HARMONY, there can be no hate, repulsion or disgust from Sister to Sister in any way, all must respect each other no matter how they feel, even if they are not fond of the other. 


5        The Chief Commander {‘Mother Superior’ to the Catholics} determines if the candidate fulfills the first two rules.  She decides what tests if any to perform.


6        There is no age discrimination to admittance as long as the member is not terminally ill or needs any type of living assistance.  If she is of that nature she can still be a member off premises, like the Third Order in the Catholics.  Anyone also can be a member in good standing to our religion if they believe & have certain privileges such as attending the Temple {if they are female}, participating in certain Order events or celebrations.  Off premises members will be able to join the Mother God Scouts & do outdoor activities with them including camping.


7        One of our courses, with certificates awarded, will be Chef de Cuisine.  The kitchen will be a special place – not a free-for-all where any Sister can enter any time, do whatever she likes.  {There will be a place where anyone can enter – a smaller area with a fridge & hot plate for drinks & quickie snacks & non perishable content for unscheduled meals.  NO microwaves, a grille such as those in Subway shops will make do.  Everyone who uses the area is responsible for cleaning up.  Each Sister who does anything here must SIGN IN, what time she was there, so that no one can leave a mess or unclean area for the others.}

 The kitchen will be strictly supervised by the Chef of the Month.  This will be a Sister that is working toward her Chef de Cuisine certificate.  Each Sister taking this course will be given one month authority, where she is responsible for all the cooking for the community as far as planned meals & celebrations {Sisters will assist} & she is responsible for the purchase of supplies as well as spotless condition of the kitchen & cleanup.  No one is permitted to interfere or tamper with the meals, as there has to be security.  The kitchen will be locked when the Chef & her assistants are not present, only the Commander & Officers will have keys.

At the end of each meal, there will be a score card of everyone who partakes to give the Chef a score of 1 to 10.  At the end of the year all the tallies will be added up to see who passes.  Five would be the average meal – 7-8 a great meal & 10 a perfect score.

Say there are 3 Sisters in the group who want to be Chef de Cuisine.  Each one gets a month service, which is scored.  This is hard work & nothing more will be expected of them as far as work unless they want to do it {note they will be preparing 3 meals a day for the community}.  It will be decided at the end of the year if they have passed, which would be a 6 minimum.  And they must pass for 3 years to be a Head Chef.

Each of the participants is Chef for a month at a time, then the next sister gets her turn.  Each one must serve a minimum of 3 months per year to get a graduation by end of year.

If she gets a passing grade the first year she gets a certificate for ‘graduate to Assistant Chef’ grade one, then next year, grade two, & only after 3 years can she be called the Head Chef.  This requires not only cooking but management as described.

There will also be citations for those who receive the highest marks, like the top Chef of the year, some sort of special distinction given such as ‘summa cum laude’ & ‘magna cum laude’ for good marks, & then the Valedictorian of the Chefs can on some occasion give her philosophy of Cuisine.  We can create our own recipe book as well as open up a restaurant to the general public!  Sisters can make money as cooks & waitresses.

How will they learn? Some will be experienced; all can learn more through trial & error, from recipes in books & internet & volunteer women who will contribute their time & recipes to us, teaching the Sisters all they know about cooking their favorite dishes.


8        We will solicit women in the community to teach one-day or extended courses in areas of their expertise.  One could be gardening, another canning & preserving of foods, another could be how to manage a riding mower, how to do animal husbandry, horse riding, driving a car, computer skills.  We can put ads in the paper to ask random community members to teach what they know to our students.


9        My plan at this time is to be wary of being an accredited School or Facility.  We will look into this but we want no strings or interference from the Patriarchy.  We will not solicit or accept funding from any Patriarchal organization, as we do not want our principles compromised.  We will endeavor to support ourselves, live as nicely as we can, be wise with our money, frugal at times, generous at others.  We will not entertain poverty; neither will we throw away money on luxuries or unnecessary expenses.  All will be managed judiciously, wisely & well by the Commander.


10     Our children will be home schooled


11     Pets will be permitted but no chaos. The easiest pets in an Order will be cats.  We will think about guard dogs if it is decided they are necessary, but this has to be carefully managed as to where they stay, their lifestyle, their maintenance & happiness, & they cannot run around the Order chasing the cats, lol.


Letters re this from Pete Jackson & William Bond: 

Good morning, William.  To this, I have a few points:


1) Not every Woman in the future would live in such a sisterhood community, of course.  Some Women would, in fact many would, but there will always be some Women who still live in mixed communities with men as well, whether by choice or by chance or both.  So it is unlikely that a large number of men would be left completely to their own devices living in exile or gender apartheid.  Which is good, because that would make men even more dangerous when there are no Women around nearby to supervise them.  Even passive, low-key supervision is better than none.  And there would of course need to be plenty of "bread and circuses" to keep the masses of increasingly redundant men and boys occupied and less likely to rebel.


2) There have been several examples of integrated, mixed-gender communities of Matriarchy or quasi-equality.  From indigenous societies like the Mosuo and Minagkabau to intentional communities like the Tamera ecovillage (in Portugal) and the PachaMama ecovillage (in Costa Rica), and several others. 


Women living in mixed communities would thus play a vital role as "Community Ambassadors", in part to keep the menfolk from getting out of control.  It's a fine line of course.  I often think about the model we used for the graduate student housing community at Penn State where I lived for five years, which is where I got that particular term from.  It was a sort of de-facto Matriarchy or Gynarchy that formed via spontaneous order.


3) While I don't believe anyone should be dehumanized as literal slaves, lol, you do have a very good point about how Women could brainwash and indoctrinate males to obey them (within reason).  I prefer to call it assimilation and integration, but the mental processes are basically the same.  The first generation of males would be a challenge of course, but subsequent generations would be much easier if started young enough.  


Thank you for your insights, William.  I am admitting pretty light on the details though.  Rasa, what do you think?  You now have the floor.   Have a great day,   Pete


The letter of William he responded to is above, where William talks about men being slaves to women

Rasa’s response to William’s letter re men being ‘slaves’

No one can change the whole world at one time.  We create seeds.  This is a SEED.  If it is viable, if it is sanctioned, empowered by God, it will grow.  If it's a bad seed or not meant to be, it will die, or grow into something we don't want.


And so, it is up to us to make the seed as viable, intelligent, wise, logical, beneficial & God-oriented as possible.  Anything else will not do.


Pete, I find your ideas more helpful so far than those of William.  I don't know why you keep talking about slaves William.  Possibly you haven't the experience I've had as a woman.  My late husband Richard was the most helpful human I ever had.  He was NO SLAVE.  You & Ajax are the most helpful to our cause & you are no slaves.  Slaves are, to me, needy men & women who crave attention & most of them take more than they give.  There are exceptions.  But we got PAID by slaves as we gave them a SERVICE & the service was WORK.  I can't stand the thought of slaves!  It brings feelings of repulsion & sexual service to them.  They are not SINCERE.  There are exceptions.  I would like to find DEVOTED DISCIPLES but so far, there haven't been any!  When I was a disciple to my living Gurus, I actually SERVED them.  I gave them MONEY, RESPECT, RECOGNITION, every kind of service.  If you read my accounts of Rev. Verna Talbot aka Rev. Judy Swaggart, you'll see what a devoted 'slave' would do for someone.


But I have NEVER found one person remotely dedicated or giving to me what I gave when I was a disciple.


Ditto my SERVICE TO GOD.  I have given ALL I HAVE.  I cannot find others like myself.


I want men like Richard Von Werder, my friend I call Saint Esquire, William Bond & Ajax, not these phony self seeking, horny sub missives who demand great attention, ugh, exhausting.

One more thought:

It may be a problem of definition of words here, William. If by ‘slave’ you mean subordinate, fine, that has to be.  In a world ruled by women, indeed, men are subordinates.

        Right now, even today, females are generally subordinate to males, so turn that around & we have Matriarchy.  In this way we do not disagree.

        It’s just that word ‘slave’ rubs me the wrong way as I had to serve submissive men for ten years for money.  It’s not an activity I want to repeat.






  1. Very well-said, Rasa. I will digest this a bit more and will add more and answer your questions as best I can in the comments below later.

    First comment:

    And the word "slave", a very loaded word, also tends to rub any serious student of history the wrong way as well due to its historical baggage and connotations. For example, slaves have historically been treated as subhuman and thus denied even the most basic human rights. We are not looking merely to re-create patriarchy with the genders reversed, after all.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work,


  2. Thank you, Rasa. I will note that I was speaking primarily in generalities for society and political world in general, not specifically about your Sisterhood and its members. The details for what the rules of your Sisterhood should be are admittedly out of my depth, so please take anything I say with a grain of salt.

    I will add more later as I think of it.

  3. To answer some more of your questions:

    Tamera Ecovillage:

  4. PachaMama Ecovillage:

  5. James W. Prescott's website for the "several others" in terms of societies of peace, offer Matriarchal to one degree or another, I mentioned in my generalities above:

  6. As for the answer to your question about my graduate student housing (which also had returning adult students and was later opened up to upperclassmen undergrads too), I admittedly exaggerated a bit about it being a Matriarchy. But it was a sort of "transitional form" in the evolutionary progress towards one, and it happened spontaneously. The Community Ambassadors (CAs), as they were called instead, were nearly all Women. as were many of the Directors above them as well, even though men were not officially barred from those positions. And it seemed to work well.

  7. I will add more comments as I think of and develop them later. Again, most of my ideas are by default more about the social and political world outside, largely from a social democratic and/or secular humanist perspective. Thus they may not always apply to the Sisterhood very much if at all. Caveat lector.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work,
