Wednesday 22 May 2024

Gifts from Saint


Saint gives me Gifts 5-22-24 

I’m some place public – maybe a restaurant - & a man comes up to me & gives me one of those large 33 rpm music albums.  I’m on a stool, he’s to my right – I don’t know him.  The front cover is beautiful different pink shades & the music is classical & he & his associates produced it.

         He’s a stocky guy, big head, early middle age.  He goes away.

I continue to sit & I’m facing the right where a male friend is sitting & we are taking.  I then show him my album gift & show him the various pieces of music in it.

         Unknown to me, the man who gave me the album was sitting watching me; he’s behind me at the L shaped crook in the bar.

         The time of this is uncertain about when he gave me this other gift – before or after the album.  But it’s a pair of summer shorts.  How did he guess what would fit me & what I’d like but he did.  They are loose, not too loose, they will fit.  The color is khaki, & on the front are written messages in black, in a rustic way.  I tell him how much I like this.

         Then after he sees me show the album to my friend he comes back & has an arm full of clothing items for me.  Some will suit me to wear, others will not.  There are so many it’s a bit overwhelming.  Sense image material must be me trying on many packages of clothing yesterday from Temu & most of them were unsuitable & I put them in the thrift store bag.  I learned much from this, what type of clothing look right on me, what looks weird.  Learned a lot, now I will no longer order certain type things.

         And so I look through these items & that’s it.



Pics:  St. Charbel of Lebanon

    *{A Saint is helping me with Graces.  First he gives me a Gift seen as music.  I apparently do well with the Gift as I am promoting or passing on the Gift to someone & so he gives me more Grace.  This is seen as a pair of shorts.  In real life I received a casual t-shirt with writing on it concerning Jesus – that’s the sense image material, that’s a Gift I did receive, I really love the t- shirt.

And then, he gives me more Gifts as I seem to be co-operating.  Some Gifts are for me, but many are for others they don’t ‘suit’ me but they will be good for others.  And the clothing I put into the thrift box bag represents the Graces & Gifts not for me personally but for Souls in Purgatory.

Who this Saint is, I don’t know.  But I did meet a new man at the car repair shop who is fixing my car & he is a man of God.  He is either a symbol of a Saint or he is the Saint.}*


         Other Dream


         About a week or so ago dreamed of Gordon Ramsay, who appeared as Tom Selleck, which I know means the pure, perfect love of Jesus, & an Asian man.  They were both in a room with you & both were going to make love to me.  How lucky can one get?

         The Asian man was blown up like someone who lifts weights, like smooth sausages of his arms, legs, his whole body like attractive smooth sausages, not tall, his skin a nice khaki color.  He was very close to my bed, he’s sitting on the floor next to my bed, his body facing me but looking at Tom.

He’s naked.

         Tom’s in the middle of the room, tall a big person.  He’s smiling the entire time.  He has on two colorful stretch body hugging tops.  I ask him something & then I say,

         “Take off your clothes,”

         And he does so.

         Although they’re supposed to be making love to me, the dream ends there, lol.


         *{This is definitely concerning Gordon Ramsay’s dealing with this poor Asian man, who he helped restore his restaurant from failure to success.

         Gordon appearing as Tom represents the highest spiritual, sacrificial love.  This tells me where his heart it.

         The Asian man likewise is a Saint.

         Both are going to ‘make love’ to me is a symbol of Love – they will transmit love to me.

         Me asking Gordon to take his clothes off & he doing it is I wanted to know what he is really like at base & he revealed himself to me – the purest most perfect love  That’s what he shoes to these people who he straightens out, even though his methods seem brutal at times.}*


Want to work 4 Souls 4-11-24


                 Have been so preoccupied with struggles around the house have not been able to concentrate on dreams, even though some of them were about Souls.  When the mind is on the OUTSIDE & the dreams unfold interiorly, the dreams suffer.  But after many days finally one comes through I recall pretty well.

         I’m on a long highway to town & on my way to work.  But there are cars behind me I want to lose & do so by turning off the road, then left again back onto it & I come to a place that is not highway but I must remember the way.

         Am having trouble with the way & asking directions of some people around me – I must get to a club to dance.  Worried about how I look.  I know I’ve lost a huge amount of weight & have wrinkles on my thighs, & the idea comes to me to wear stockings that come up to the top of the thighs & they have thick rubber bands on top, like an inch or so thick.  That might hide the wrinkles.  I completely forgot about that, & this will serve me in real life {for pictures.}

         As I look in the mirror I am surprised by how THICK my hair is.  It’s dark, beautiful, shiny, & wavy.  As I look at it it almost grows in front of me, I touch it & think how great it’ll look on stage – why was I wanting to get a hair cut?  This is the most striking part of the dream.

         A couple days ago dreamed of wanting to work, & a contest like a fitness or beauty contest where I was disappointed they only gave me second place.  I see a line of women getting u to a stage or platform & being judged – they are all TERRIBLE in looks & whatever they do.  They need me – this show whatever it is.  I hurry.  I have costumes made of net with beautiful silver beads all over them.  I get them out but they are all tangled up. I struggle to untangle them.  In the end I cannot take out all the kinks but I can adjust somehow to put some hooks from the outfit to my back buns & it’ll hold it that way.  Now I will get on the stage & do what has to be done – an audience is waiting for a good performer & I have what it takes.


         *{This concerns my struggles to assist Souls in Purgatory,  Myself performing & all that goes to prepare for it is always that.}*



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