Friday 31 May 2024

Help Male in Purgatory


5-31-24 Meaningful Descent into Purgatory

I Assist a Male Soul Improve his State

 I have had many visitations to Purgatory via dreams & visions during the last couple months, but been totally preoccupied with other spiritual work as well as huge problems, have not recorded them.  But now that my latest book is published was published the 29th I feel more free so here goes last night’s vision.

         I went to a place that was dangerous as there were hundreds of hoodlums here & much violence.  Police were all over the place trying to manage them.

         It’s a sort of vast street scene & the persons minglig outside are all DIRTY like wearing dirty cothes & their bodies & faces are covered with dirt.  They are ruffians, criminals, violent toward each other & anyone they might.

         I’m behind a long wall {inside a long building} with all windows along it but for some reason I decide to go out there & face one of their leaders on behalf of a young {below the age of 30, maybe even a teen, but her age is vague} female I call my daughter.

         So I go out there, oblivious to any bullets that might fly & walk toward the right where this man, his head covered with dirty white rags as if it’s injured, & the dirty clothes as all the others are wearing & dirt on his face & body, & say to him, presenting the female on my left,

         “This is my daughter.”

         I say her name, which sounds Spanish, like this might be a Mexican neighborhood.  By presenting this female as my daughter I am somehow preventing her from being hurt – like everyone is in danger here unless they have special protection, & in doing this I prevent both him & any of his associates from hurting this female.  I see something blue about her, not sure what.

         Now later I cannot find my daughter & I go looking for this leader.

         He is no longer in the dirty neighborhood, nor is he dirty.  I find him in a room in a decent hotel, a small but clean, comfortable room.  He’s sitting.  His hair is totally different.  He’s clean; no more dirt anywhere, clean clothes, clean face & body & now I see he’s young & attractive, maybe 25, also thin.

         His hair is interesting.  His scalp surrounding his forhead & around the head is bound up & his hair is big & wide in an Afro going several inches away from his head around it & also on top.  He is totally different than what he was, & when I ask him does he know where my daughter is, he agrees with me that

         “She might have gone off with someone.”

         Then an unpleasant scene.

         I have decided to make love with one of these lowlifes – why I have no idea.  We’re lying on a bed where we are about to do it, & he is ugly.  He’s very short, no shape to him, just up & down  - like he’s only 5’ tall & his penis is about 2”!  I am thinking,

         “Wow, how do I get out of this?  I sure don’t want to suck his penis!”

         Not only is he repulsive but all his friends are around they they can see us, which adds to the unpleasantness & even danger as some of them might think it’s their turn to make love to me!

I was perturbed about my daughter going off & being perhaps nt under my protection. Could be in danger here. {End} 


         *{Purgatory to be sure.  The scene is souls who were sinners in life, perhaps in the way portrayed here; gang bangers.

Who are you & your daughter?  It’s the Mother God within you who has entered this sphere but this is saying that it’s the work of your FLESH that is significant in getting souls released or improved.  That makes sense.  Only in our flesh do WE GAIN MERIT, not with our “soul” or “God Self.” So you are presenting your daughter/flesh to this man, she is the MINISTER or agent of Grace to him! But where does the Grace come from?  The God Self, in Union with Infinity! This is interesting, as it portrays how we are but vessels, not the ones with the Power, but we are used to help others in the transmission of Grace, on earth & in Purgatory.

  We must have bodies to gain merit – that is why the souls in Purgatory cannot pray for themselves, do good deeds or anything to gain merit.

Then it says you can’t find your daughter & you are anticipating making love to someone who repulses you {but he’s real excited about this intercourse, which is imminent but does not actually occur-we are both naked because he sees me as I am, I see him as he is—he says whoopee, I say ‘ugh’} & you see other ugly souls who might want like wise—all men, the gang bangers.

Why are you now separated from your flesh & why are you repulsed by this soul you are planning to transmit Grace to? According the teaching of this dream, you need her to do something to become the minister of Grace, & by yourself you cannot transmit Grace to this soul or other ones who might be in need of it—It’s a JOINT EFFORT of soul with body – that is why the Saints in Heaven cannot directly help the Purgatorial souls – they must use us as Portals!  The ugliness of these souls is the filth of their sins.

And so, apparently, your flesh did no more after that one act where the ‘leader’ was cleansed –you quit for the day. {You were tired.}

The completely improved state of the ‘leader,’ his new residence, is what happened after the three Masses you said last night.  His sins were cleansed.  He’s not yet ascended, but greatly improved..

His appearance – clean skin is his being is clean, clean clothes are the vibrations or lights surrounding him--the mantle of energy.  His hair, no more bandages around his head which indicate injury or woundedness. His hair is now positive thoughts, his mind was disturbed before.

When you presented your daughter to him it was like this,

Look, sinner, here is my flesh.  You cannot wound her {by your sinfulness} because I am the God Power & I will use her l to transmit Grace to you.  Honor her.

This dream underscores the importance of a Celestial being taking us to Purgatory – flesh cannot enter there by itself.  It has to be a Saint, an Angel or one’s God Self.

The improved room the ‘leader’ is in is his consciousness. }*  {end} 








  1. This one came out excellent as usual and I will be sure to share it.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work ,

  2. Grateful for all you do Ajax - from Rasa

    1. Thank you, and you're very welcome, Rasa 😊
