Sunday 19 May 2024

I went to Hell's Worst Chamber but first I came Face to Face with Jesus ...

You MUST hear this if you want to know about God.  After explaining the worst torments in Hell he comes to the coup'de'gras.......what is even worse, & he tells the TRUTH.  Beyond all the bizarre & horrendous torture one absolute pain remains that made him CRY in despair - that he would never see or experience the Love of Our Lord again! Yes, this is true.  All the Saints say it.  St. Alphons Liguori explains the worst pain both in Purgatory & Hell is the absence of God.  Of course, in Purgatory its partial.  But in Hell complete.  And they SUFFER for it amazing as it may seem as they WANTED to shut God out!  It isn't sins per se, it's the REJECTION of God that puts us there!  And once it happens, it's TOO LATE!

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