Saturday 15 June 2024

Chinese Disciple New Visions

 New Visions from Xiang

6-13-24 from Xiang Ling-China 

Hello Mother Rasa, I Just wanted to inform about that during a prayer I got more visions of the astral side, saw many light figures of praying female figures, a stork and other animals too, the young man figures dancing along side the female figures, well I believe dancing, some of them seem to be doing other things, one looks like holding hands, other riding on one, I May presume they are having sex, but the most important thing is the approving eyes of Mother God, the sin and the moon over things, I’m aware hippos where considered symbols of fertility I assume the large animal there May be one, the main lightened figure is seem to be posing, while the eyes staré at her as an important figure of authority giving all the collective energy to the cosmos, during the vision I was able to hear music of flutes and feel the sunlight on me, even though it was nighttime, the delicate touching of a hand soft as silk, that's all about the vision Mother, you understand better than I’ll ever do, that's all about that, about the work on my farm/residence the Spaniard lady left today and has written a 20 Page dairy on the tópic of the truth of Mother God's religion and I described all the essentials written in the website, the word will spread further, I have earned enough money for printing, and learned básic spanish during our time spent together, I will resume my labor here, I May have to make a long trip this week but  I will keep you informed Mother blessings from yixian, liaoning Province, china here the paintings of the figures, and the visions of a female Angel type of figure


Hello Xiang, Beloved Son of Mother God,

    Wow, this is remarkable!  I will share it when time permits.  Like you, I have lots of outdoor work, & it is taking much of my energy. 

     I have time but I get EXHAUSTED because I have had 5 heart attacks & pains all over my body!  So work is hard - I can't WALK without PAIN but I can work as long as I don't have to  WALK too much.  Yesterday I worked knocking down 'bamboos' {a huge weed that grows to 15' or more! for TWO HOURS to open the paths in my yard below - some of these plants are blocking the sun for my tree I planted long ago, a Meta Sequoia Glyptostroboides {see in Google images} that was discovered in China - {they thought it was extinct} the year of my birth - 1945 - so I have great love for these trees.  I planted 5, already fairly large, but I planted 3 of them in the wrong places, when I stopped watering them by hand they died.  But one is HUGE - 75' tall, very bushy, beautiful, but this one I planted where it is not getting enough SUN so it is SPARSE.  I made so many mistakes in agriculture.  I bought 300 rose bushes; they all died because it's TOO COLD HERE!  They sell them in nurseries near me but don't tell us it's too cold!  I have been so ignorant about so many things on my land; I mourn & grieve over my mistakes.

    You will find this amazing, but for a week before I heard from you as I sat meditating, I was imagining putting an ad in the paper, saying,

    "Need Asian family who wants land to grow gardens - free. I only ask for vegetables for one person's use.  I have lots of land."

    The reason I say Asian is because they are so smart with everything - including agriculture. I used to have an apartment in the city; one Asian family there grew vegetables on the side of our building! Beautiful garden!


    I now imagine if you were here half my problems with my yard & land would be solved, I know you would think of answers & have the ability, skill & energy  to solve all these various problems or opportunities, - there are great opportunities here.  My bottom yard has a CREEK with two tunnels, the creek goes all through my land & I dug a POND right in the middle of my wilderness, which a BEAVER dammed in. And there are other creeks streaming into my land, all going to the river & my island.

    So you see before you wrote me I was having thoughts & dreams abut you.  We are united in Spirit.  We are both ONE with Mother God.

    I shall study your letter more later, right now there are urgent things I MUST DO ......Rasa

   Xiang writes:

Thanks you Mother rasa for answering my letter, yes Indeed out door works can be hard I imagine, I will be praying for your health as the body is a temporary part of all of us, your spirit will live on forever, as one of my visions revealed to me that your spirit has walked the earth many times in the past, one of them was a chinese woman, that's where some of your physical traits come from, I am also aware of previous incarnations, Buddhism taught me that people and animals are equal so I am aware some cases of people I knew who where reincarnated, my previous body was of a young man who lives during the qing dynasty who was married to an older woman and worked as a map writer, it is rather amazing things one can see by meditation, you in one of your previous incarnations, a woman traveled part  Mongolia and settled in Russia, she was an enlightened woman who knew the truth of Mother God but was aware it was not yet the time to talk about it, and yes I also had a vision dream / revelation where we both where connecting to the same spiritual channel and our souls crossed over like if the spirit left the avatar body and 2 souls saw each other, as I a Young my visions May not Last more than 20 minutes, but I have been able to see and felt things before, one time a large feminine light figure appeared and interacted with my reflection of my soul in a Motherly manner, sorry for talking too much about that topic, for your physical pain I recommend bathing  with Hot water mixed with boiled herbs as, eucalyptus leaves that relieve the body and rose that heals sore muscles and inner wounds, the herbs must be dried first in the sun, you do that by until your body absorbs the fumes of the roses and your bones May feel better, make sure the water is not too Hot or you May have some scald, another thing for heart issues is raw garlic, smash a garlic piece until gets squashed then swallow it and drink water quickly to digest it easily and not get it stuck in the throat, and also beautiful photos Mother rasa, sincerely you are pretty in all your life stages, personally I do prefer the way you look currently I thing mature women are very pretty, sorry for that Last thing I do not know a more suitable way to convey thoughts in written form, do not forget about the garlic pieces, smash those well with a hammer because they need to be soft enough to swallow blessings from yixian, liaoning Province, china 

Hello Xiang,

                I've been busy all day & too tired to put up our last letters.  But will do so soon.  I hope you are well & happy.               Rasa

below, his new vision of my exhaustion/exasperation at not having any help & the work at hand is impossible to finish.  All for Mother God waiting at the top of the stairs.


From Xiang:

There's no problem Mother Rasa, take your time needed, also don't push your self too much try to take breaks, make sure to also take the Hot bath of rose and lavender to heal pains, love and blessings from Xiang, liaoning Province, china  

1 comment:

  1. So far, so good, Rasa. He sure sounds like a keeper! Be sure to remember to get some rest as well.

    Best wishes,
