Saturday 29 June 2024

I Want to See God Face to Face Pt 3 Guru Rasa Von Werder

So far this is the most enlightening I have done on seeing God Face to Face, most informative. It underscores how we CANNOT lift ourselves or rise up to the Vision of God by our human efforts - we are limited in what we can do but when we do what is required, our Merciful God does certain things which take us there.  These Graces are explained by St. Mary of Agreda, which I read from - her book "Mystical City of God" - 7 pages of it.  Then I move on from there what WE can do to prepare for this.  If you are serious about the subject this will help you tremendously, no matter what religion you are in.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent, Rasa! This came out great, and I wish you the best of luck once again 😊
