Friday 21 June 2024

Xiang Spreading the News to China


It’s Xiang again-letters 6-17-24 Working for the New Religion to Chinese People  

Hello once more Mother Rasa today I went to the city and shared the good news, Young men my age mocked the preaching but Young women were all interested so I gifted a lot of the paper copies about the explanation of the matriarchal religion, I was asked by the Police to stop later, as they thought it was Christian propaganda, and as you know foreign religions are very persecuted here, big lack of liberty of cult, but it was a good campaign, the paper where translated and all, I went back home and I remembered an experience with the law coming to silence people, about in 2007 some foreign people with help of locals found What seemed as a giant human skeleton buried along a smaller one, both had rings in each finger, bronze pieces over them and some told, the bronze was Green because was old, there was jars, a bronze tablet similar to the symbols I shown you before 

The giant skeleton was concluded to be a Eurasian female and an Asian male, apparently engaged as the ring and symbols of another metal piece suggested, the giant female was buried while the male was hugging her, likely both were royalty, they where from around the start of the bronze age, probably the  ancestors of a lost race, there was indicatives there was a castle there, the investigation went on for months, then the government agents showed up, they told all not come to the area of the excavation, next day all Was buried again, people realized, they took the skeletons and objects, then leave ruining the work, the foreigners  tried again, but eventually, they disappeared, likely the trigger for that was the female God imagery, they probably knew people would get interested on knowing more of the hidden past, there was so much symbols similar to the astral visions of the women chanting and dancing to praise the female God and a chosen one, the skeleton of the giantess is something I seen in dreams too, I saw her face and drew it years later if I could intuit by our spiritual connection, I can think she was another ancient incarnation of Mother God's avatar on earth


Dear Mother Rasa, 6-20-24 

This week has been very tiresome due to my Jobs but also very blessed I now earned enough to afford things I need, I learned my visions are actually my soul being moved to the cosmos, I met in those spiritual travels a soul that looked Just like mine, your soul I have seen it too, like mine has a particular color, purple lavender and white, my soul in the astral planes goes from purple to white sometimes, I believe to be under this state is necessary being alone, solitude brings peace, and I watched the recent podcast, hope your project goes well Mother, here's more paintings

                           From Rasa:  I’m too exhausted to add to this right now 






1 comment:

  1. Excellent! Very good and auspicious overall. And lots of cute and fuzzy kitties too!

    Best wishes 😊
