Tuesday 2 July 2024

Get a Female out of Purgatory!


7-1-24 the Pillars a Man Helper constructed front of my house – Purgatory place vs Happy one

Meaning:  A female soul is lifted into Heaven!

        First I recall a marvelous construction a man made at the entrance to my house. It’s the house at the old farm, the ‘front’ facing the back – the entrance we always used.

         He’s constructed 2 sets of pillars, both made of white marble.  One is bigger, more wide-set like to the side of the house, & the marble posts come together at about 10’ up with maybe golden rings or some sort of metal rings, one dark, the other might be gold,  & then more marble going up about 5’ or so.  At one pillar, me facing it, to the left, there’s a slight ‘crack’ so to speak where the two pieces do not stand together perfectly straight.  But in spite of it, it holds up well.

         The second set of pillars is to the right & left of the door, taller than it, look the same as the huge pillars only smaller & thinner.  Now the house itself, the façade of it is not elegant as the pillars, the windows show a lot of clutter like it’s a store & there’s all kinds of things like showing this or that, {will see below, the meaning of this. It's because of Purgatory-where I enter will be Purgatory, very cluttered, & this is a PORTAL to it-the pain in my legs & arms facilitates it} although I don’t see any lettering or images, just sense it’s there.  But the pillars are impressive.  I say to the man, standing to my left,

         “You’ve made my house look like a hotel!”

         And I think of the facades of great hotels & some posh restaurants that have ornaments like this, that forebode a place of high quality.

         *{the PILLARS are my sets of legs & arms, the big ones legs the smaller arms.  They all hurt.  One of the legs has an injury.  But this is showing me that God intended me to suffer this way & it foretells a PORTAL to Purgatory! {Not sure if it’s for all time or this time} My small suffering is not in vain, recently I did specifically offer it for the Purgatorial Souls, & this shows me through this portal of suffering, I am helping them & specifically, it will portray one female soul delivered!}*        

         Now I go on a journey.  It’s a place of many ‘levels’ as the inhabitants have been afflicted by a great sickness & the whole population is divided into sections where the sickest have their quarters, while others have different ones.

         I visit the worst one & these people have on garments in sections & these sections tell you which parts of them you cannot touch as they have a contagious disease – like some bad virus or bacteria touched them & it’s contagious, that’s why they are cordoned off like this.  I visit for a while – get friendly with one lady - then go elsewhere.

         The next section I visit I have put on my favorite dress, extremely beautiful – have never worn it before.  It’s see-through festooned with rhinestones & you can see my breasts with a pushup bra, very glamorous – been planning to wear it for a podcast.

         As soon as I enter a tall black man grabs me with glee, astonishment at my beauty, & carries me through the crowd.  I wonder how he has the strength, as he carries me with no effort.

         This exchange goes on for a while.  Then I’m here & there.

I see a strange game.  A female is on top of this layer of pink solid balls like balloons but they’re solid.  She’s standing at the top of this incline covered with these – like a 90 degree structure.  At the bottom is a man, & the game they’re playing is tossing something back& forth to show strength, & she is ready to hit him a whopper somehow like hitting a baseball.  She’s about to demonstrate she can win this game.

After a while I must leave, but the lady I visited moved out of that bad level she was on & I had placed a large box with my clothes on it, including that gorgeous dress, & I would like to have it back.  If I can’t have the whole box, the dress will do.  I make inquiries but they tell me she has moved.  Then someone says,

“Usually when they move, they take whatever clothing was there with them.”

I seem to be not overly upset or excited about this ‘loss’ like it’s OK.

Now I leave this entire area, which is crowded – it’s tropical, damp, wet, and cluttered.  Overall it’s like a huge mall where they have brought in all that is necessary to sustain life – very jumbled, with things, things & more things.  So you walk into this mall & you’re OK as the sickest with the contagious illness are sectioned off & you don’t have to go there & catch what they have.

Finally I leave & not soon enough, it’s time for a break, a rest.  I’m standing in the reception of a hotel.  It’s like I’m now a tourist, not one of the ‘inmates’ at that tropical place, I foresee some rest & comfort – but I am concerned if it’s expensive.

The air here is like the warm, moist, air of a morning after a cool night – clean, fresh air pushing away the cold & damp.

A receptionist is sitting in front of me inside a walled in space, the walls are low, only abut 3-4’, - everything in this room is painted light colors; the walls are all windows looking into the place I came from.  I tell the lady about where I was – but a fear comes over me that she doesn’t approve of the place & looks down at the people so I stifle myself.  She is talking but I have trouble hearing her & keep asking her to repeat & bend toward her.

Finally she gives me a slip of paper which is ike a key & on it is written ‘12’ which I think is the price – not bad – I thought it was going to be like $97 or $98.  She says,

“I’ve given her the room by the dock – with the water right in front.

This makes me feel promise – it should be pleasant.  But we are higher up; I walk through the halls & wonder if I have to take a stairs or elevator down which I see before me.  I imagine how nice this room will be, but something awakens me.


*{The miserable, uncomfortable, cluttered place is Purgatory, where I visit the Souls to their benefit & ONE LADY GETS RELEASED! The SYMBOL is the DRESS which is my MANTLE OF LIGHT THAT SHE ASCENDS WITH. The second spot, where I go to REST – the hotel – is the place of God with Angels in attendance.  When I describe the state of the Purgatorial Souls the Angel disapproves as it’s all about their sins. 

There are different levels of Purgatory – the one cordoned off is especially bad & that is where I got the lady out of.  Me wearing the wonderful dress is the Light or mantle of Light I have on as I enter, & one of the members who is not too low is ecstatic to see me, so happy, as I am the Light entering their darkness.

Then me leaving the box of clothing with this dress, & the lady MOVED & took my clothing with her & I’m not upset – is I GAVE her my Mantle or Light, & she ascended into Heaven with it - that’s why she moved!

And that’s why God rewards me with a vacation, entering a serene, clean & lovely place, & an Angel gives me a good room in front of the Sea – the harbor of Heaven – Water means Grace, & the Sea is a Sea of Grace or lots of it.

The clutter in the main part of Purgatory is probably the Broad Highway these people were on, having their minds to much on the world & things.

Don’t have time & energy to handle all the symbols today.}* 

Below:  Look how THIN I was in 1972 - & I have gotten just as thin right now & my body looks just like that!

Dream yesterday - Was too tired to type it out.

The bad ride, the fear about being accused regarding two young girls.  6-30-24

I was taken on a trip somewhere with two girls, one being abut 7, the other not sure how od but a few years older.

We get to a cub where the girls want to perform.  The 7 year od gets on the stage & I’m suddenly filled with fear she’s going to show udity & I quickly get her off the stage & ask the man who drove us to take her home.

We do need to get home but for some reason we must go through this experience.  Now the older girl wants to get on stage & perform & I’m also uncertain of her showing nudity & she’s too young for that.  It is I who am supposed to perform to make our monye to get back home – we need a good chunk for cab fare.

I do have a costume, a light green velvet long dress, maybe a boa of some sort.  And although I don’t show nudity, I do somersaults & that seems to impress the crowd – so maybe they’ll pay me & we can get a cab home.

Then I hold the young lady in my arms as if she were an infant – she’s shrunk to that size.  I’m protecting her.  I ask a man outside if he can drive us home – a cab driver, but I don’t see his car, just the man standing there wearing a shiny dark blue/grey suit & he seems to turn into someone unusual & handsome.

He looks at me & sees something.  There’s an image like a vision on my chest of a lady’s foot from above the ankle down, bathed in gold light.  This is above the child I hold.  At the lower part of the ankle is a jewelry chain & I see another chain, in vision, below my waist, grey metal, as if to show I am forced to do something or be in this position, & the man sees it, - & because of this he will drive us home.

My fear of being accused of leading these two girls astray is so strong, that as I’m waking up I feel it - so real.  I will be accused.  But once I wake up, there’s nothing to fear, it was all in my mind.


*{This is me fearing the world will think I’m leading young, innocent girls astray by inspiring or encouraging them to be in the adult trade – strippers – show their nude bodies -  because I’m setting an example being in it & also saying sex is not a sin.  But I am very cautious abut protecting the innocent.

One who is innocent & young I have sent home – home is safety & comfort – saying certain women should not enter the adult trade just because I was in it – I HAD to be in it, as symbols will indicate.

The second female also wants to be like me but I tell her I am the one who had to do all this – not they.  No other female could have been the ‘Stripper for God,’ – I was the only one in history & I could do things other women could not.

In the end I am seeking a ‘ride home’ which is as I said a place of comfort & safety – home is where the heart is - home is our Vahalla or Heaven.  And this man turns out to be a Celestial – Saint or Angel, who understands I want to protect innocent women, not see them hurt.  He sees my HEART & the Golden Light is LOVE, while the chain off my ankle is what I had to do for Love – which I did for loving God. He understands & will help.  And the other chain was my doing the hard thing, like Jesus did, but it was the Will of God.}*


About a week ago I dreamed this – could not write things down due to exhaustion which I think was from dehydration.


Dreamed of a man being a terrible driver & he drove over a child.  But upon closer inspection, it’s an animal & he was using a handheld lawn mower.  This animal is golden, he ran over it & it’s all mangled & in horrible pain.  I approach it & at first there is nothing but pain & anguish, but it turns into a wonderful love -  something happens to cure this animal of its pain & he is enveloped in love & I think ascends into Heaven this way.


*{Prayed a lot for animals last night & this seems t be the result.  Apparently I reached a small animal in its agony of being chewed up by a lawn mower, & it was joined to God & entered into the Light of God peacefully.}*



From memory dream of 6-23-24

I was with friends on a very straight highway with open vistas all around & occasional low buildings here & there – businesses.  We’ve been moving this way for a while & there’s a feeling of getting somewhere.

Suddenly the highway changes & it’s disaster.  The road turns into round lumps, some of which converge into each other – looking back it’s like molars in your mouth but not even ones, the round parts – some bigger, some smaller.  They are abut 10’ or so in length, most of them, & it’s like several of these come up, & some have holes in them & labyrinths, in fact, my 2 companions, could be a lady & her child, are lost inside one of these huge ‘molars’ & trying to get out & it’s difficult.  I call to them,

“Look to your left, the sea is there, go in that direction to get out.”

This ‘road’ is IMPOSSIBLE to get anywhere on.  {end}


*{the mystery was solved when I realized this ‘road’ was made of bad molars.  Teeth, especially the molars {“wisdom teeth}, represent wisdom & the day before - this a person I’ve worked with for years told me for the first time that he is an ATHEIST {in so many words.}  He told me his belief that when we die, there is nothing.

This represents us going on a good road to God but then I find out he is on a BAD ROAD of faulty thinking & I know he will get NOWHERE with this.  It will be impossible for him to succeed spiritually this way.}*


7-2-24 Nightmare re Someone I chatted with

There’s a lady I speak to regularly – it’s supposed to be on religion but it’s deteriorated to too much chat before the religious part.  She really wants to talk & sucks me in - I have a problem in this area as I’m a big talker & last convo I broke the rules & spoke way too much – it seemed compulsive.  {I have entered the hermit state – supposed to – isolation, no secular stuff – no reminder of the world & the flesh & as much as possible – silence.}

This nightmare explains why & because of it I have ended our chats & told her so.

Dream:  I’m in a room with this lady & her husband & we’re all sitting close, she to my left & he to hers, they’re facing me at an angle.  He’s speaking of being upset because he was not present when his Mom died.  I then give a long talk about how God compensates us for our losses, like when people cheated me out of money when I was young, God made up for it in my later years, enriching me.  I am giving other examples when the lady stands up right in the middle & is leaving with him. {She is dressed in ordinary clothes, a skirt, top & maybe vest or over sweater & glasses, looks very ordinary, not thin, not fat, full bodied.}  I tell her,

“That’s rude of you to do that, leaving right in the middle of my speaking.”

Suddenly I’m in a room lying on a bed on my back & she’s standing to my left at the side of the bed & doing an experiment which it seems I agreed to, at the beginning.  She’s injected me with some sort of drug.  But after the injection I tell her,

“I don’t want to do this. – changed my mind.”

But since I am slightly under the effect of the drug {a bit groggy or disoriented} she injects me a second time, on purpose.  As she wants control over me, wants me this way, AGAINST MY WILL!

Now I am really concerned as I feel the effect on my mind & it’s bad.  There’s a child on the bed to my right, I look at her to see if she can help but she can’t.  She’s powerless.

I see the lady poised, with the needle in her left hand, but it isn’t a sharp needle.  It’s a metal very thin rod like inside a pen or something, it has no point, but it contains that drug, & my fear is if she stabs me with it again I’m a goner.  And it’s then I notice there’s a rope around my ankles!  She did this somehow ahead of time so I could not run away!

I call out ‘Jesus!  Jesus!’ & it comes out slurry the way a drunk would talk – almost incoherent & unable to pronounce his name right.

This was terrifying as I felt so helpless. And she wanted me helpless.


*{Without a doubt it was my last conversation with this lady  which was against the rules but somehow I got pulled in.  This explains that she injects or possesses me with some kind of BAD SPIRIT – which I don’t want but she wants me to keep talking to her & if I have this spirit – let’s give it a name – GOSSIP – then she’s satisfied.

Originally I agreed to speak to her regarding religious matters on a regular basis, but it deteriorated as I said.  But she wants this – I don’t & I’m telling her I want out.  When she sees that I don’t want this type convo she injects me with more of this bad spirit somehow – against my will – I don’t know how she does it but she’s good at it – a master of gab -  Many years of practice by being in the server trade.

The only way I can safely end this & remain a hermit is NO convos on anything – I told her so.  That should be that.

I did pray to St. Patrick who originally suggested we start taking on religion & asked him what to do, & he said,

“The nightmare tells you all.”}*  {end} 








  1. This one came out excellent and I will be sure to share it. Very interesting overall. Keep up the great work 😊

    Best wishes,

  2. (And lots of cute fuzzies as well, of course 😊)

  3. thanks for being here Pete!!!
