Thursday 4 July 2024

Lady is Possessed


Dream Reveals someone is POSSESSED by a demon {2nd dream explains} & has been for a long time!  I MUST distance myself from her!


7-2-24 Nightmare re Someone I chatted with

There’s a lady I speak to regularly – it’s supposed to be on religion but it’s deteriorated to too much chat before the religious part.  She really wants to talk & sucks me in - I have a problem in this area as I’m a big talker & last convo I broke the rules & spoke way too much – it seemed compulsive.  {I have entered the hermit state – supposed to – isolation, no secular stuff – no reminder of the world & the flesh & as much as possible – silence.}

This nightmare explains why & because of it I have ended our chats & told her so.

Dream:  I’m in a room with this lady & her husband & we’re all sitting close, she to my left & he to hers, they’re facing me at an angle.  He’s speaking of being upset because he was not present when his Mom died.  I then give a long talk about how God compensates us for our losses, like when people cheated me out of money when I was young, God made up for it in my later years, enriching me.  I am giving other examples when the lady stands up right in the middle & is leaving with him. {She is dressed in ordinary clothes, a skirt, top & maybe vest or over sweater & glasses, looks very ordinary, not thin, not fat, full bodied.}  I tell her,

“That’s rude of you to do that, leaving right in the middle of my speaking.”

Suddenly I’m in a room lying on a bed on my back & she’s standing to my left at the side of the bed & doing an experiment which it seems I agreed to, at the beginning.  She’s injected me with some sort of drug.  But after the injection I tell her,

“I don’t want to do this. – changed my mind.”

But since I am slightly under the effect of the drug {a bit groggy or disoriented} she injects me a second time, on purpose.  As she wants control over me, wants me this way, AGAINST MY WILL!

Now I am really concerned as I feel the effect on my mind & it’s bad.  There’s a child on the bed to my right, I look at her to see if she can help but she can’t.  She’s powerless.

I see the lady poised, with the needle in her left hand, but it isn’t a sharp needle.  It’s a metal very thin rod like inside a pen or something, it has no point, but it contains that drug, & my fear is if she stabs me with it again I’m a goner.  And it’s then I notice there’s a rope around my ankles!  She did this somehow ahead of time so I could not run away!

I call out ‘Jesus!  Jesus!’ & it comes out slurry the way a drunk would talk – almost incoherent & unable to pronounce his name right.

This was terrifying as I felt so helpless. And she wanted me helpless.


*{Without a doubt it was my last conversation with this lady  which was against the rules but somehow I got pulled in.  This explains that she injects or possesses me with some kind of BAD SPIRIT – which I don’t want but she wants me to keep talking to her & if I have this spirit – let’s give it a name – GOSSIP – then she’s satisfied.

Originally I agreed to speak to her regarding religious matters on a regular basis, but it deteriorated as I said.  But she wants this – I don’t & I’m telling her I want out.  When she sees that I don’t want this type convo she injects me with more of this bad spirit somehow – against my will – I don’t know how she does it but she’s good at it – a master of gab -  Many years of practice.

The only way I can safely end this & remain a hermit is NO convos on anything – I told her so.  That should be that.

I did pray to St. Patrick who originally suggested we start taking on religion & asked him what to do, & he said,

“The nightmare tells you all.”}*  {end}


7-3-24 Important dream: Explains the lady mentioned in yesterday’s dream & shows that she is SATAN disguised as GOD!

I’m in my house with a friend – which house? Kind of like this one.  But I have been with a man who turned out to be EVIL.  I want to ESCAPE him but also FEAR him & must get away while he isn’t here, as he’ll try to stop me.  {Reminds me of the case of the guy called “Prince NutOn” in my bio – absolute symbol of Satan in every dream he appears in. Yes, I escaped the apt we shared while he was away with a lady friend helping.}

Everything seems to be black & white – no colors.  The friend & I SCRAMBLE to get together my belongings – only what I need - & get the F out of the house before he returns.

An issue re my 2 dogs, one the Rottweiller.  The Rotty needs a STRONG cord to tie him up - he & the smaller dog stay here.  I look for cords, & present to the friend one who he or she says isn’t strong enough.  I ask even if we double it?  The friend says no. {At first friend seemed female, now male.}

  Then I find some very thick twice, braided, & believe it will do the trick.  I guess we tie him with that.  It’s almost like a beautiful twine belt I purchased recently.  I also recall the clothesline cord – if all else fails, we’ll use that.

We’re almost done & around the corner I see half the body of the evil man, approaching in his black suit & a smaller man with black suit near him. 

“He’s back!”

I yell to my friend & quickly lock the front door.

But he went ‘round to the back, the door there fully open!  Yes, he knows the house!

I run over there, tell him we’re through or something like that.  He seems pleasant but the little man scowls & sort of walks off a bit, maybe snarling.  I wonder – is he a lawyer trying to plead this man’s case, as if he was my ex?  He’s skinny, ugly & dwarfish, the ‘Prince’ is stout.

What struck me when I saw him round the corner, seeing his feet first, is that his shoes were a medium brown leather with strings.  It bothered me because the actor who played Jesus in ‘The Chosen’ wore shoes like that in an interview.  But I will discover this is the KEY to the dream!


*{Wow!  What a revelation.  And I need no more instruction re this lady from now on.  I know the score, it is revealed like ‘black & white’ & there is uncertainty – Satan is in her, working through her!

In yesterday’s dream I see her ‘drugging’ me – causing me to be groggy & disoriented.  This is how she affects me, including my spiritual life.  She imbues somehow a SPIRIT into me – it is an EVIL SPIRIT as we speak!  And I become helpless, as each time she imbues it more & more, I deteriorate.  And this happened during our convos – which were supposed to be ABOUT GOD. except they became more & more chatty under her influence, with things NOT OF GOD.

I could feel myself falling off the path I must stay on ,helplessly.

And the key is THE SHOES.  She beguiles me IN THE NAME OF GOD & UNDER THE GUISE OF GOD to continue relating to her – she’s holding me in her grasp relationship wise, I can’t get away, because she uses FAVORS & WILES to hold me ‘IN RELATIONSHIP.”

The shoes are OF GOD, representing Her.  But the body, the real self, is Satan.  And the dwarf, ugly, thin & snarling, is HER DEMON & this demon is ANGRY when I’m breaking off – leaving her – while she continues the CHARADE of pleasantness, niceness, charm, but her DEMONIC SELF is mad! The demon moves away from her as he snarls because if I leave her for good – he CAN’T POSSESS HER to hurt me!  I did EXORCISMS yesterday as I felt her curse – Been there before last time I tried to break away.  Had 3 stove accidents & this time one stove accident & almost tripped but caught myself – her demon curse upon me.  After the exorcisms no more curse. This time I knew it was a demon – last time I wasn’t sure & did not protect myself by exorcism.  But now I saw the pattern.  Try to break off from her, accidents {little ones but they could turn serious like a fire on the stove spreading or injury from tripping or falling.}

The shoes are the disguise – here’s GOD – but it isn’t. I have never had such a definitive dream re this lady, but here it is, she’s possessed by a demon against me!  I shall channel.

ME:  Mother God, explain this to me.  I always have an unpleasant feeing from her, especially when I talk about God, even though we’re supposed to be discussing God & she sends me God material daily {which I don’t need – I know all she sends, it’s annoying, irritating & she doesn’t study the links herself, just uses them to hook me in & respond to her daily!  I told her NO MORE!}

Whenever I speak about my personal experiences of God is when I get the worst feelings, but I didn’t attribute it to Satan.  I just felt as she was so close to me she had trouble believing I experienced these things.  She has CONTEMPT for me & TURNS PEOPLE AGAINST ME!  But at the same time, she refuses to let me go, leave me alone!  Once she did a tirade against me that was the most vitriolic I ever heard in my ife.  I remained silent.  It was what she really felt.  But I did not associate this with the demonic!

When I moved FAR AWAY long ago she visited me, followed me as did other people I knew who I did not invite – My evil Mom, for instance!  And she paid their way!

Mother God, what is she trying to do?  Why doesn’t she leave me alone? 

MG: She is the last vestige of the family that tried to destroy you – demoralize you – through your Mom.  She was the best galpal of your Mom & your Aunt & this lady continued the fight.  It was them against you, like the legions of Hell against our Holy Lady who wanted to stop Her from Her Sacred work - & through these people Satan tried to stop you from yours.

What you feel from her is demoralization, although much of it is hidden & she remains SILENT & doesn’t scoff at you to your face, but in her mind, Satan is laughing at you when you make claims concerning work of God, visions of God, seeing God Face to Face, Divine Stigmata, preaching in front of the White House stopping WWIII – Satan is mad about all these things & wants to stop you even now, as you said, he works most easily THROUGH PEOPLE.  And if you remove her from your life {which you have} by remitting from her the last favor she does for you periodically, Satan CANNOT REACH YOU through her & this foils him, so he snarls!

The ‘front door’ was the regular ‘God chats’ which you told her ‘no more’.  The ‘back door’ is the religious links & periodic favor she does you which you also told her ‘thanks, no thanks, I’ll take care of it myself.’  This favor she does you to stay in touch, keeping her foot in the door, at a time when you no longer spoke to her.  On the pretext of this she could call you periodically about it, then chat.  And the motive?  Satan, always Satan, from the beginning Satan, now, possessed by Satan.  It is easy for the devil to hold her as she inherited the SPIRIT your Mom had re you – she ACCEPTED IT {as did your brother in a namby-pay sort of way.}  She harbored this evil spirit then, still holds it NOW as the devil works on her to keep it there & she is spiritually weak.

ME:  So many years have passed since my Mom, & this lady has grown in intelligence & experience.  She once hated my Dad under provocation from Mom, but let it go – she changed.  Or was she pretending on that too?  And with me, she did so many favors, but always that CONTEMPT so that I was never ratified or honored by her for the SPIRITUL VICTORIES although she followed me around when I was constantly in the news.

How does Satan possess her mind not to recognize I am of God & Anointed by Her, while at the same time she sends me God links which I don’t need – that I don’t think she studies herself, aLl a charade.  How does the devil hold her?

MG:  It’s easy.  She’s of the world, not of God.  Not completely gone in mortal sin, but weak & susceptible as she’s one of those people who looks at God as a means to an end:  I pray or especially if Rasa prays I get goodies from God; protection, healing, strength.  She USES God rather than submitting to God – she said she doesn’t want to suffer.  She will never suffer to be a saint, saint she does not want to be, just a successful woman of the world with all its goodies, & God is a means to an end for that.  That is her story, easy to possess her.

I continued channeling God within me through the day today.  She told e this evil spirit is a continuation of my Mom – Mo transmitted it to this lady & so the demon could continue to TRY to destroy/demoralize me.  His idea is if he cant destroy me at least make me depressed or feel bad – which happens when this lady speaks to me, when I try & tell her anything to do with God that I have experienced – although she says nothing I get a bad feeings from her ike she’s thinking,

“Oh, Rasa’s deluded – Rasa is an ego maniac who’s making things up – Yes, she’s had good luck with publicity & winning contests, but she worked on this as she’s obsessed with fame.  But the spiritual experiences, they can’t be as God would not choose her as a representative.  There is no way she could have these graces so I’ll just keep quiet when she talks about them…& also she isn’t doing any important work, it’s all irrelevant to our world.”

She doesn’t understand that she’s possessed by a demon, here represented by the ugly dwarf.  Dwarf to say he’s misshapen or not a healthy specimen.  Demons are ugly & snarling is apropos for them.

But she is not exactly a ‘victim’ because in her body, the persona she carries is a man who always represents Satan.  She did not RESIST this demon when he wanted to enter her – she accepted him & gave him permission, she allowed him to influence her mind even though she is not stupid when it comes to the words of God & teachings of Jesus.

The demon possesses her with ideas & thereafter, feelings.  With you, it’s al negative stuff, so the demon uses her,  like he used your Mom, to try & destroy you but that being not possible, to pull you down.  And so the suffering you endured with Mom is continued through this person, as long as you let her relate to you.

Now you have closed both doors to her, the front & back, on the pretext of your turning hermit.  But you intend to keep it that way even if the hermit status ends.

The demon then cannot reach you & so he’s snarling.

I am shocked because I never knew this lady was possessed, & I have known her all my life.  Why is it revealed now?  Because I am getting closer to God, therefore my mind is more open to Vision. And her having a demon explains everything. How I feel after we speak – a sense of being ‘worthless’ which my Mom put on me daily.

The dogs are my SENSES who apparently SENSED what I’m explaining. The Rotty especially, a strong sense. My inner senses revealed something to me & therefore protected me, as the dogs would do. {end}










1 comment:

  1. This one came out excellent, Rasa, very interesting, with great artwork and plenty of fuzzies of course. Good that you found this out, better late than never. And indeed, she is NOT a victim, she is a volunteer. Good riddance to her and the demonic!

    Best wishes,
