Friday 23 August 2024

Ramana Maharshi's Consciousness


Rid of Female—Ramana’s Gift  8-23-24


I take a good look at Ramana Maharshi’s Inner State – He permits me to enter his consciousness – Seems imp. that I got rid of a lady holding onto me as a ‘friend.’  [Consider Ramana getting rid of his family!  When they found out where he was, his Uncle came to persuade him to return, then his Mom, but he would not.  Then why did he later say one could enter this state while living a ‘householder’ or normal life?  I think he was placating his disciples, because let me assure you – I’ve been there, done that & YOU CAN’T.  That is in fact, what enables you to enter this exalted state – leaving behind everything else—You can’t be in the world & in the sublime God consciousness at one & the same time – it’s 2 different states.] 

        I’m with a couple people; one of them is a tall, thin female.  She’s addressing a person to my right front, & suddenly, I kick her in the lower abdomen, she being thrown back all the way to the wall nearby, exclaiming,

        “I don’t like you any more!”

        *{I cut off relations with a female that has abused, hurt & annoyed me all my life & was still doing so.  It was the last straw that broke the camel’s back.  And I finally, for the first time in my life felt I’d had enough of her for forever & never want to communicate with her again.  She was startled as she has never admitted her abuse of me & pretends to love me, which is a LIE.

 Who is she talking to to my right front?  Could be a symbol of my God Self.  Not sure about this, but she hounds me for prayer & yet her requests are like seeking Santa Clause or Black Magic, she sees God as someone to  USE, not obey.}*

        She is startled & we are on some kind of project, so I say,

        “I’ll stick this through {the quest we’re on} but after that, no more.”

        *{The quest could be the healing of her spouse which made me give her permission to interrupt my sadhana—he had a serious problem. Although I got rid of her I continue to pray for him daily….The other quest I am on is to SEE GOD FACE TO FACE which all this relates to, it is my life.}*

        So she, myself & another female go on with our journey/quest & we walk through the city looking for a dwelling where we temporarily stay – a place given us by a male, his own apt, while he’s away, we can stay here for a while – is it a weekend?

        *{I suspect the MALE to be Ramana Maharshi, who I studied for hours yesterday again & prayed to him a long time. His DWELLING or apt is a state of consciousness that I am receiving from him – ditto whoever is with me.  Who is the other lady? - Could be a Guardian Angel.  It’s significant that Georgia is not here, yet later, it will say it’s her connection to him that got us this spot.  This might be saying ‘her connection is that you removed her from your life, this liberated you, you came closer to God….as she was invading & polluting your consciousness.}*

        The lady I kicked – let’s call her Georgia – is walking ahead of me.  She has on super high black patent heels, so high they go straight up – I don’t know how she can walk – but they’re the same heels I walked in recently & had no trouble.

        Her clothing is a slim beige knitted dress; she seems to be ‘holding herself in’ bodily, like arms glued to her ribs type look.

*{Georgia’s high heels, that I recently wore, are great suffering – the higher the heels the worse the suffering, this is the highest. {Heels are the Cross—Wood is the Cross-Many items that hold us UP are Jesus’ Cross ‘If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me.’}  Recently it was I who suffered this much, now it’s her turn.  The beige knitted dress? Holding her arms tight?  Beige is light brown, brown is degrees of suffering.  Holding arms to body could mean limitation, like one cannot loose up their arms to do things.  That would be the imitations I put on her:  “Don’t call or annoy me with your e mails.”} 

        I am concerned how I look.  I have on some sort of bra that holds my breasts up & out & a full skirt, & my hair has got loosed & something is holding it together.  Not a bad look, but not my ideal but I keep going as there is no opportunity to fix myself.

        *{How I look that I am concerned about is my state of mind/heart/consciousness.  I’m not satisfied but it’s the best I could do for now so I just keep going.  Hair loose, but held together at bottom is THOUGHTS.  Breasts held up & high is LOVE.  Loose skirt could be celibacy? }*

        We get to this man’s apt, a break in our sojourn, a respite, a welcome harbor.

        *{We get to the CONSCIOUSNESS of Ramana Maharshi. – Where he dwells, which he permits us to partake in for a while.}*

        The first room is so neat & clean I’m amazed that a man lives here.  Not a thing out of place.  It’s kind of like the room you use I suppose for cooking & dining & everything, but I can’t recall too many details, except I touched one thing that looked like a place where you put laundry, with decorative soft cloth on the top & bottom, I touched it & got it somewhat awry & struggled to put it back neatly.

        I don’t see the lady I kicked but the other one remains in this front room – only the thought of Georgia is here but she isn’t.  I go behind this room & there is another, very large, & it doesn’t have a WALL between it & the first room but a bureau between the two separate them.  It serves its purpose well, it gives the feeling of 2 separate rooms.

        This room is also incredibly neat & clean.  The first was about 28’ X 18’ & this is much larger, maybe 40’ X 20’.  And the end of the room is facing the street, & it has a corner, where the solid glass walls go around & there’s like 20’ to the front & another 15’ or so to the side of complete glass.  Here we see a sidewalk – not a bustling business district but a quieter place but not completely quiet, within the view are at least 20 people walking to & fro, male & female, wearing all sorts of colors including soft red.  And tall trees shading the walk plus grass between the cement walk & the street for cars.  As with the first room where I only assumed it’s purpose as kitchen/dining but saw no implements or furniture like that, this room also I only sense a grand piano but don’t actually see it, nor do I see a bed, where I assume this would be a bedroom.

        What amazes me is that in this day & age a place like this would cost a FORTUNE – how he afforded this I don’t know & what is most striking is the convenient location; neatness, cleanliness, order, & although he is not IN the world he can see it walking by.  How LUCKY we are to have this man’s permission to settle here for some days.  I sense it might be Georgia’s connection with him that got us this perk.

*{Without a doubt, this is the state Ramana Maharshi was in after he got a large clientele who believed in him. [He did nothing to gain them, they merely gathered because they believed he was One with God].  He remained in his PRISTINE, calm, God-Centered [he calls it Self] state, while the world & people swarmed or lived around him, but he was SEPARATED from them by his [glass walls] or INVISIBLE blocks.  He was here, they were there – he could see them but he was not in the street [in the world consciousness-which is where we suffer-the red clothing-which Buddha & he agree on] with them, his own world. The clean, neat state presented is the God-centered state of NONDUALITY/ADVAITA where the world disappears, being DEAD TO SELF- the self being EGO – ego/connection to the world & people:  Being one of them, the Broad Highway to Hell, the multiplicity of things, the minutiae of this life – dozens, hundreds & thousands of connections to time & space [NO TIME & SPACE in the God-Self state].  When this is left behind, what is left is peace, calm, pristine or clean heart that wants only God [desires cause suffering Buddha said-desires of the world & flesh] & sees ony God – God being one’s Source, the immutable Essence of Being, the Primordial Spirit we come from & will return to.  People who die & come back speak of this, but it is possible to go here while physically alive.  Ramana – it is important to note – went through a QUASI-DEATH EXPERIENCE at the age of 16.  His Dad had died when he was 12, it must have had a profound effect on his life as everything changed, he went to live with an Uncle, other children went with other relatives.  At 16 he suddenly harbored a terrible fear of death & instead of running from it he accepted it, & went through the imagination of dying, having rigor mortis set in & all that death means.  And in an instant there was a switch, a change from this mortal consciousness to the Eternal & this stayed him his entire life! Here you have a man who had an NDE without physical death!

I am delighted that he let me enter into his state & see it, understand it, be in it.  I have my own inner state – it has been similar to his, & all of us have an Inner Life if we treasure it.  It is called Self Realization.  Ramana rightly said that when we remove the layers of illusion re reality – that this world is REAL – we uncover the deeper true reality, & that is Self Realization. That’s the goal I’ve been following almost 2 months [been there, done that long ago-1981-82], am getting closer & closer – distractions harm the way.  Getting rid of Georgia was a connection that helped clear the path – her presence was an annoying intrusion into my consciousness.  I cannot have anyone privy to intrude on me whenever they like, even if it’s their emergency. My [emergency] or priority is to be left alone so I can be with my God!  ‘God is a jealous God’-‘Love God with all the heart, mind & strength’ ‘Put no strange Gods before Her.’}*     {End}


  1. Excellent work, Rasa! This one came out great, with great artwork and plenty of cute fuzzies as well. Looks like things are really looking up for you now, especially since you no longer have that parasitic-demonic "Georgia" weighing you down. Best of luck with your sadhana 😊


  2. P.S. To make a pun, Georgia is no longer on your mind, lol.

  3. Also, I found this excellent guided meditation video that would be quite apropos IMHO:
