Thursday 22 August 2024

Ramana uses me to help Souls in Purgatory


8-22-24      Devotion 2 Ramana Maharshi turns into sex 

The Great Ramana Maharshi transmits God-love to me & uses my port to reach 2 Females in Purgatory! 

Note: the image above looks much like the real Buck - body & face!

When I awoke I was surprised & disappointed.  Yesterday I listened to 2 hours of life story & teachings of Ramana Maharshi & then prayed to him for hours like so:

“Help me get dead to self”

“Help me find the path you found”

“Help me see God Face to Face”


And instead of what I thought went with that, I had SEX dreams!  Only after a while thinking I realized,

“Hey, don’t you recall saying that sex dreams can be the most spiritual?  Remember the time when for ages you dreamt of being a prostitute, so sexy you feared getting arrested on the street – you picked guys up, took them to private places & made ecstatic love?  After some time – not right away – you fund out these were SOULS IN PURGATORY & you were seeking them & transmitting God’s Love!

In light of that, let me proceed to tell you the dream.

Dream:  I’m lying on my back & “Buck” – a sexy, beautiful young male with a 10” penis, 19 years old, has been making wonderful love to me.

His hardon then diminishes & he seems concerned that he has to go somewhere, do something – see 2 ladies I guess.

I find out later I gave him a small bottle of aspirins to somehow help him – he was worried abut his performance.  In my ‘human mind’ later I gathered maybe they were clients, he was getting paid for sex & wanted to make sure he had enough get’up & go.

So he leaves & a young Latino male comes by & at first I thought we were going to make love, {didn’t want to hurt Buck’s feelings though} but we didn’t.  He starts to dance elaborate Latin moves on a longish stage against the wall.  Hey, I exclaim, I know Latin moves!  And I dance with him, both of us are good.  I look into his face & his face is pretty with long lashes top & bottom.  He reminds me of someone I used to know, but who?

Now I see Buck again, he’s changed – middle aged now, abut 45, handsome & heavier – not fat – just the way one adds pounds as one ages. 

He has a look on his face of mischievous satisfaction, a sly smile like the cat that swallowed the canary.  I think he’s wearing a black jacket. {Hint: funeral, dead, souls in Purgatory}  And I know he made love to those 2 females & he says to me,

“Thanks for that aspirin you gave me, it did me a lot of good!”

I’m really tender toward him & caress him, happy for his success.  There’s also a feeling, hard to explain.  Like I love him but he is so vulnerable & in some ways pitiable, my love is true & it also has a bit of pity in it.  {End}


*{This is absolutely Ramana Maharshi.  The allusion to Buck is they showed an image of him when he was Venkataraman, a boy of about 19 – his first official portrait - which thick, curly black hair – cute.  And so you imagined him to be like ‘Buck’ - he transmitted God’s love to you.

At the same time, he was concerned abut 2 female clients – fans or disciples of him no doubt - & he wanted to give love to them.  You enabled him - You are a port & he used you to reach these souls who are in Purgatory. {If they were on Earth, he could reach them directly but with Purgatory, Saints need to use humans as gateways.}

He’s thanking you for your help, you’re glad to do so & when you saw what Ramana went through in his life - when he was young & gangs of boys threw stones at him while he was in a trance, he hid in a sort of Temple cellar, where the boys continued to throw stones in there.  He survived when people here & there felt sorry for him & believed in his Samadhi – gave him shelter, protection & food. In the cellar he was so bit up by scorpions & other creatures so badly he had wounds all over & still had the scars into old age. In the end he got cancer on his arm & the cancer ate up much of his left arm. He never complained about any of this & you felt pity.

Who’s the Latino guy & you 2 dancing?

This is while ‘Buck’ is gone, transmitting love to those 2 clients, so could be a symbol of rejoicing.  Why Latin moves, why his being pretty with long lashes top & bottom?

This might be a Guardian Angel of someone.  The lashes seem like ‘wings’ or feathers maybe.  Not Ramana, as he no longer has one - maybe one of the clients. It could also be MY Guardian Angel. Celebrating joy at Ramana giving me love & helping the souls.  And Latin?  It’s another culture so could hint at ‘another world.’

And aspirins? Some kind of small help you contributed, not sure why seen as aspirins.   {End}


1 comment:

  1. Excellent work, Rasa! This one came out great as usual, with great artwork and plenty of extra cute fuzzies as well.

    Best wishes 😊🐱
