Hallelujah-Lady Diana-Princess Margaret ASCEND
Diana: died Aug 31, 1997, ascended Sept 20, 2024 – 27 years + 20 days in Purgatory
Margaret: died
Feb 9 – 2002 – ascended Sept 20, 2024, 22 years + 7 months & 11 days in Purgatory
Dream: I’m
some place where there is a graduation type celebration & I’m
one of them who graduated, along with what adds up to about a dozen persons.
*{This is the CELEBRATION of the ASCENSION of Margaret
& Diana! The dozen or so others mentioned, including myself, who also
graduated, are those persons who HELPED them ascend, & it seems that we
RISE UP with them in the world of God. But we are not seen – only they are seen
or ‘on stage.’ Us of the ‘background’ are probably my Saints who I called upon
to help – Great Saints in Heaven, known, & those I previously helped
ascend, anybody willing to help. But I must add they were NOT those friends or
relatives known to these women because I interviewed them on the 19th
& they said NO ONE had reached them outside of myself .}*
This event will be not only on stage but recorded so I’m
backstage on tenderhooks because I feel I might need to go to the bathroom
soon, & hope it does not happen after they call me & I’m on stage!
*{This might be feared of being called ‘to the other side’
or ‘on stage’ meaning permanently sent to heaven – I’d be dead. Not ready for
that. The bathroom might refer to REST as in ‘rest room.’ Or ‘rest in peace.’}*
Below: Margaret's love nest & joy boy on the island of Mustique. She was 8 years with him. It started 1973 - he was 25, she 43. I approve her behavior.
I am close to this stack of something, which, when it comes
up, they are called. The next one up I see is like a flat black plastic tray
with a rim – like one I just bought made of carved of solid wood, thick, with a
flat rim all around it, both are rectangular. The one here is about 10” long.
So they call the next person – I sigh relief it isn’t me. Each tray is a symbol
of the person called, like a list of names.
*{This tray represents a COFFIN. Here it’s black – funeral
– the one I have in the house is wood, like a real casket. Why is this one
plastic? Must think.}*
I then go to the area looking up on the stage. Out of all the
graduates, only two are there, females dressed in white, & one of them has
a large bouquet of white roses similar to what my Mom had on her wedding {old
fashioned, loose bouquet}. This female is closer to me, she’s short, a puffy
dress where past her is another female very tall, thin, with a sort of 1930’s
chemise soft straight dress with a slight blue edge around the wide open neck. There’s
a man near her in front of her, slightly left, she’s so tall! I exclaim but on
closer inspection she’s about an inch taller than he, & I know she’s
wearing a white dress – I don’t see the flowers, - the other lady is like 5’ to
her 6’ height.
*{The white dresses are as bridal gowns or Holy Communion
dresses, symbolizing purity of heart & soul, the white roses a bouquet for
nuptials – they are both Christians so Christians call those ascended ‘Brides
of Christ.’ Many symbols here: short or tall. Could mean HEIGHT IN HEAVEN or
could be shown this way to me to IDENTIFY who these females are. Margaret was
5’1” & Diana 5’10”! She tells me it’s Charles, & she notably finally
broke her attachment to him in favor of God. The light blue around her neck –
blue is typical of those that ascend.
Why on her, not on Margaret? I don’t know. And I did see blue lights
sparking here & there on & off two days before their ascension, very
brief, I thought little of it, but since I have not seen Lights like that –
supernatural – in years – I realize now it was from them getting ‘lit up’ toward
the ascensions.}*
When they appear, we applaud – but the thing is, ALL OF US
are graduates! As I said, about a dozen of us graduated,
first thought was these were Saints who assisted me but on second thought were
these SOULS IN PURGATORY who ascended with them, but they are anonymous as I
have no idea who they are?}*
only these two are on stage, & when we applaud, it’s only myself & my
friend to the right applauding, but we do it as loud & long as possible
& strangely, we are also applauding for ourselves. Where’s the rest of the
audience? I wonder.
*{Who is the man to my right applauding with me? How could
I possibly know – there are no clues – I can only guess. Nick who is united to
me most intimately as my Twin Flame? Jesus because of His Holy Mass?
is no one else applauding as no one knows about this but myself & my
spiritual associates.}*
another scene, we were backstage. The shorter lady was to my right at the front
of a line, I was to the left talking to her about my fear I would be called
& my rest room problem, but she ignored me {like she snubbed me} & she
asked about a stipend we must give before graduation. It was only $3 & she
have to pay for this?”
said that instead of responding to my statement shared, & I said
course, you think they give this to us for free?”
was uncertain if the Church of England believed in Purgatory so I looked it up
& they DO NOT. But Anglicans are part of thie Church & some of them DO.
So I was left wondering yes or no, did these Royals believe or not believe in
Purgatory? Here Margaret tells me she DID NOT KNOW ABOUT IT.}*
lady was wearing kind of like two sweaters, each diagonally buttoned like two
diamond shaped cloths, one from the left, one from the right, one pale blue
& white checked on the right, & over it on the left, a beige/gray
color, reminding me of the sweater I throw on here.
This is the Pakistanian Muslim Diana was in love with today age 64. He was pudgy when they were together - I knew he'd get fat & here he is, about 50 lbs overweight. She would have been stuck with this - & they hate women, treat them like shyt. He said himself their culture would not have worked out....They need women who accept being looked down at & treated like slaves. The woman he married after Diana broke up after two years then {of course} he married a much younger female he's with now. All for him. He would have made Diana MISERABLE. No self respecting Westerner could be happy with one of these types. His family would have hated her too - she told me herself it would not have worked.

OK to be fair, let's put the more attractive images of him while he was with Diana. To me, he'd be no hottie, but you must remember, I photographed the 'most beautiful men in America' for 5 years. Here he is then:
What about Dodi Fayed? He was not a REAL PLAYER as they dated only TWO MONTHS while she & Haznat were friendly for TWO YEARS. Some say she was trying to send Haznat 'a message' with Dodi. To me, that makes sense. But oh, what a bad move.
uncertain but in the past I have given my garment to some to wear & they
ascended into Heaven. This gray/beige over the heart could be something she
received from me for ascension. In the Old Testament they call this a ‘mantle’
a garment which means Anointing or spiritual Power. Not sure what the
blue/white garment is, maybe Jesus & Mary, the Holy Mass?
Margaret's choice was more desirable
I saw the two ladies on stage heard Wagner’s “Bridal Chorus” from Lohengrin
–where they escort Elsa to the bridal chamber. As I said, reference is “Brides
of Christ.”}* {End}
seeing the two bridal ladies on stage, another party appears sitting on stage sitting
in a group, which consists of their best friends & relatives. I see more women than men. Two of the women
are dressed in black, the others have on pink & there is one Bishop as I
look at them from the floor, they on stage, the Bishop is to the extreme left.
And there’s a lady in black I really want to shake hands with.
is going on now is CONGRATULATIONS. But to whom? Me to them or they to me – as
I’m one of the graduates but also an observer.
meticulously go to each person in the group, shaking their hands warmly. Before
I could get to the lady that really interests me, another female in pink I tink
says to the Bishop, who’s also in pink,
hands with Rasa.”
wasn’t going to – had to be told.
It’s not a pleasant
experience. His fingers are like sausages, fat at the base & they dwindle
down to points & the fingers are pink & they are not in line, but one
sticks out from the others above, & he is SWEATING & you know how it
fees to hold a sweaty hand.
I get done shaking everyone’s hands, the lady I was keen on has appeared now on
the right instead of left so I don’t have to go back & we shake nicely.
the dream says, these are people close to Diana & Margaret & two of
them are dead – the ones in black. The one I’m eager to connect with must be Elizabeth,
who I’m ministering to in Purgatory. The other lady might not be a lady but
could be Philip, also my client in Purgatory.
Bishop being goaded to shake my hand is afraid of me – he’s sweating – he
thinks I will discern he’s a homosexual & maybe worse. His fingers are like
penises, I’ve seen them like that, they come to a point & the skin folds
over the end. The pink says he’s gay. I have no idea who he is, but some of the
Church of England don’t believe in Purgatory so he might be uncomfortable with
shaking my hand for helping get these Royals out of it. Who else is there is
nebulous, I have no clues. But the fact that one person tells the Bishop to
shake my hand is significant – like saying he must give me credit for helping
thme, if he wants to or not. Maybe he preached THERE IS NO PURGATORY & that
could be what he’s embarrassed about.}*
asked them how they felt now that they were up there.
both speak the same language, similar thoughts & words, this approximate:
word you said was true – about how we would feel when we saw God Face to Face,
that it would be so grand that we would think we could have suffered a lot more
for it.
things you said about attachment were true. Going through the rituals of “Who
am I” {from Ramana Maharshi} were helpful – contacting our true identity &
letting go of the past. {Right off the
bat we all agreed to let go of our titles & you treated us as ordinary souls
which was very helpful!}
upon the Grace of all the Holy Masses on earth, all the Grace of the sufferings
on earth, & all the Grace of the charity on earth, every day for us – was
very helpful.
also felt your love daily & that buoyed us a lot, gave us hope & joy.
Same goes for Elizabeth & Philip. We
were all conscious of one another, how we felt.
discussed what advise to leave their relatives, friends, & anyone
else. It goes like this. I suggested it,
they agreed:
you dedicate on hour of each day of your life to God & your spiritual welfare,
go to Church every day & receive the Holy Eucharist whenever you can, it
would cut down 90% of your Purgatory. Do great acts of charity according to
your means, if it must be private, so be it. Set up soup kitchens in every city
& give the poor a Christmas party with great food, all the trimmings, &
presents, every year. Yes you do good things, but it ISN’T ENOUGH. Do more, do
what we say here.”
All four of them {the others as I presented before, are Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip} basically say the sins they wee paying for were not attending to God & their eternal lives. They committed no crimes, it was the relationship with God that was deficient. {End}
PS: There will be much more channelling on this subject coming up & keep in mind, I am still ministering to Queen Elizabth & Prince Philip!
Below, one of my models in 2014, which to me spells 'hottie' - yes, I am spoiled. But of course Diana was looking for 'status' & you can't find both in the same man - usually
Anthorp House,
one of Diana's family dwellings