Friday 13 September 2024

Royals in Purgatory!



Our Holy Mother awards me Royals in Purgatory - whom I must help!  Yowza!

Find Lady Diane-Queen Elizabeth II-Prince Philip-Princess Margaret in Purgatory 9-12-24


        There’s a male I like who I would like to get closer to, be with him alone, & for that I thought maybe I could go camping with him. But I don’t want him to think I’m trying to seduce him as he might say no, say I ask would he like to go camping with me & also this small creature {like a caricature of a person or an animal, can’t figure what it is} & he says YES.


        *{Don’t know why the dream begins like this. It sounds like a long-lost friend GEORGE who last I spoke to him seemed to be dying – abut 7 years ago.

I will learn by the end that my desire to go camping with him is to see if he is in Purgatory, dead, & Wilderness would be Purgatory. Wanting to be close would be I care about him.}*


        I then know we need a WILDERNESS for the camping & we are in the city, so I go to the outskirts of the city & begin a trek to find wilderness. I’m walking on the edge of a hill & to my left I think is the forest but there’s a wall of trees, large, with thick trunks like 3” in diameter, & they are so close together you can’t get through.


*{TREES are CROSSES or hardships. These being so close together they for a barrier or WALL to get into the place. These would be hardships in my life that disable me from getting into PURTATORY which I am keen to visit.}*


   I walk & walk. After a while decide to climb up on a branch to see from higher up & as I do so I touch some kind of latch, & I hear a CLIC & looking down see this is a gate between the trees. What I touched connects with a latch lower down. All I need to open the gate is move this latch. The gate is about 6’ tall with a white painted frame & the body of it is a white metal netting & it has been put there conveniently for certain people to walk right through. 

        *{HIGHER BRANCH would be extra suffering or pain. When I experience this a PORTAL to Purgatory OPENS UP. There’s a CLIC for a LINK so to speak. The GATE shows WHITENESS or PURITY OF HEART & the METAL NET represents a sieve or a netting that does not permit bigger or less humble persons to enter. The sieve strains them out, leaves them behind. But something humbled me & I OPEN the gate or access to Purgatory.}*

        Opening the gate, I walk right in to an astounding sight. It’s a huge room, part indoor, part outdoor. The walls are about 20’ high. One wall has a waterfall cascading down from the top, gently – that’s to the left. Before me the wall is covered with a red Persian rug tapestry. The whole room is exquisite & magical & I hear someone say it belongs to “MARY – QUEEN OF SCOTS.”


*{This is PURGATORY & this particular room is the domain of Our Bl. Virgin Mary. {Mary Queen of Scots was Roman Catholic, we will see that this has to do with England, she was beheaded in England as a threat to the throne. The TAPESTRY gives it away besides the name, as recently I dreamed of Our Holy Mother inhabiting a room where a round bed & a square one were both covered with this red tapestry

Our Holy Mother regularly visits Purgatory & this represents her portal or domain, the waterfall being Her Grace flowing down from Heaven. This is not Heaven as it has a CEILING, & Purgatory is never open to the sky, it always shows a limit. If a sky is shown then there’s a sort of atmosphere or thick clouds that make a ceiling, in dreams I’ve had of long ago.

This is Her Power which is presenting me this Vision & Experience. She presents to me only the most SPECIAL clients & wow, what a gathering these are!}


        I walk to the right & there is a door that goes to another, smaller room, which I imagine to be a library.  The door is open; a tall, thin female that looks like Lady Diana is standing there talking to another female. I walk up to her & am so shocked that I drop my hat, held in my right hand, onto the floor. I’m in awe as I thought Lady Diana was dead, but here she is alive.  I exclaim,

        “You look exactly like Lady Diana!”

        She is TAKEN ABACK, abashed, & acts or seems to indicate, it isn’t her, & she retreats into that room behind her like it’s the room where she works, indicating to me she’s just going about her business.


        *(Lady Diana is abashed or embarrassed that you have found her here – that she is in Purgatory & not in Heaven – as everyone supposed she would either instantly go to Heaven or be there within days. But here we are, years later.  No one has probably accessed her secret, private space before you & she is pretending it’s not her – but it is!)*


        I’m then taken, with another female, to a room to the right where we sit down at a smallish maybe round table, she to my left – I don’t know who she is.

        As we sit there something remarkable happens. Queen Elizabeth II is brought over seated right across from us, & who to me is ‘the King,’ – Prince Philip – is seated to my right. He’s thin, tall & stately in his seat.


        *{This as well as the meeting with Lady Diana & the female on the left who will turn out to be princess Margaret {sister of the Queen} could ONLY happen through the intercession of Holy Mary! I mean what human could access these four people on their own accord? Certainly not I.}* 

        The lady to my left & I are both so astonished that the Queen & King would be seated at our table we remain silent for what seems a long time.  We don’t know what to say & are afraid to say the wrong thing.

        Someone brings the Queen a dish with several round biscuits, the color of corn bread & soft, about 3” in diameter—3 of them, I vaguely sense is she eating one & the others for after?


        *{The Queen AT MY TABLE {being escorted here by an Angel} – receiving this BREAD is no doubt being given three of the Holy Eucharists I have consecrated!  Wow!  “The King” being also present although he’s not getting the Eucharist is participating in the Grace being generated here, & so is Princess Margaret. What she does at the end is so I can IDENTIFY who she is, her action only for that reason.}*


        We’re here for a while & it comes to the end of our being here, the lady to my left does something inordinate.

She climbs over a chair or the table & speaks boldly into the face of the Queen, it shocks me & I want to tell her it’s wrong. At this point she is wearing brightly colored clothing. It’s like whole decorum of the occasion fell apart.


*{This is how I know it’s Margaret: She broke proper protocol when her lover came to visit & instead of allowing him to greet the Queen first, Margaret ran up to him & embraced & kissed him. She was bitter about Queen Elizabeth forbidding marriage to the love of her life - Peter Townsend.}*


Now I’m done here & I exit through a door from this place & outside I’m back in the city – not an ugly city but the buildings, some of them, seem grayish blue. However, I hate cities, I’m not happy being here.

As I walk up the street this little guy catches up to me. He looks exactly like the assistant chef – the one in the lowest pecking order at this restaurant ‘The Gondola’ which Gordon Ramsay assisted. When Gordon came back unexpectedly to check on them the indolent main chef & his arrogant assistant were gone, but this little guy was still there. Something about him I couldn’t forget – maybe his simplicity & humility.

So little guy speaks to me & I ask him about the wilderness & not sure what he says, but I describe my property, how wonderful it is – but it’s far from here – that it would make an incredible camping site. I tell him about the woods, the swamp & island. There it ends.    {End}


        *{Seeking George in Purgatory somehow triggered my going there & through the intercession of Holy Mary seeing these celestials & bringing them the Grace of God.

I DID NOT see him in Purgatory, but he was OUTSIDE {could represent in my mind, when I knew him} first before I went there, & last, after I exited. Does this say he’s still alive?  Being IN THE STREET is being OF THE WORLD.  And why do I continue speaking about the Wilderness or Purgatory or describe my Paradise?    {End} 

CHANNELING the ROYALS – Their time in Purgatory as of Sept. 12 2024

               First I spoke to Lady Diana, asking why she’s still there after such a long time.  {Died Aug. 31, 1997 – over 27 years in Purgatory – a long stretch. Errol Flynn was there about 24 years.  Elvis, what I term the ‘average decent person’ was there a bit over 5 years.}

        Lady Diana said something like this:

        “I was not the faultless Saint many believed me to be, honorable, self sacrificing, a victim of Charles {with his Camilla.}

        My downfall was this:  I was born in privilege & luxury, & I felt I was SUPERIOR to others & not only did I DESERVE all this, but even more.  I played the victim with Charles, but that was beause I was SO PROUD I felt he & all other men should fall at my feet – as I was so beautiful, rich & aristocratic, all the honors in the world weren’t enough for me.

        I did good deeds, but some of them were calculated to beget love & popularity, not self sacrificing love.  I had a great personality & appearance, & people are so fooled by the exterior it was easy for me to win them over.  Consider how I flaunted my affair with Dodi Fayed – this was an outrage to the Royal family. This type thing isn’t done but I did it out of revenge – not that it got me anywhere but dead.

        Now I am dead & been in Purgatory a long time – I could not fool God!  She knows the heart & mine was not pure, so here I am.

        I hoped to stay here in privacy & secret, allowing the people to think I’m a Saint in Heaven. You see in the dream how private my room is, no one enters, you saw me outside the room.

        When I saw you {& I was speaking to my Guardian Angel} & you recognized me, I pretended it wasn’t me & went back to my private space. I hoped no one would find me there, but you did, with the assistance of the Virgin Mary.  Now you will tell the world & that shames & abashes me.  Oh well, too late for me.  I just have to suffer until I’m cleansed.  Ask them to pray for me & say Masses or have them said.”


I asked Queen Elizabeth {died Sept 8, 2022} what she was being cleansed of & she said,

“I didn’t care enough for my people. There was so much I could have done, but I didn’t do it. We Royals are all the same, as you questioned Philip also & he reminded you of when you channeled Queen Victoria & she said our minds are ony on ourselves, or privileges, our luxuries, & keeping our positions & wealth.  We do not think about the people too much, their poverty, their homelessness, their suffering – we act like it has not much to do with us.

We do struggle to keep good reputations in the eyes of the people so they don’t lynch us – lol. We want to keep our heads.”


Prince Philip said the same things {died April 9, 2021 3 ½ approx. years in Purgatory} – that they were engulfed in their own world, apart from the masses their own interests of privilege, power, what they have they don’t want to lose. They rarely think of those in need within their realm & how to alleviate suffering.  There’s so much they could do but they don’t care, but they do want to keep up appearances so the pubic won’t hate or assassinate them.


Princess Margaret {died Feb 9, 2002} – 22 years in Purgatory.  She said like so,

“We are all here a long time because we didn’t love enough. There are very few exceptions in Royalty, who actually love others to go out of their way to help.  It’s cleansing for selfishness, feeling we deserved to be rich, powerful & waited on – given all life has to give.  Our sufferings were usually not as great as the poor, so we did not have as much occasion to pay for our sins, so here we are.”    {End}


Other Dreams:

               Had so many other dreams the last 10 days I could not write down.

Two about Nick: He was getting over his drug delusions, putting them into a suitcase to put aside…. & after that, God had worked on him to improve him, giving him two prosthetic legs from the knees down.  He was fat, pus & blood oozing out of him, lying partly on my body with a terrible weight – I was oppressed. {This would be in real life he was a spiritual burden} He appeared as my good husband Rich, I was helping him walk with the new legs. {New legs, prosthetics are props or gifts given by God to help him walk a better road – better not by flesh, as he has none, but in his metaphysical being.}  This means he is changing strongly under the Grace of God.

Our Holy Mother appeared along with St. Joseph - I was on a project with Her & Her Holy Family. I could not type it out & what I saw of the room she was in is stated in the dream re the Royals.  Large room, two beds, one round, one square, maybe Queen or double size. Both beds covered with the Persion red & black print rugs/tapestries I had long ago. {Red is new blood/suffering, & black here might mean funeral or death. I had no inkling what it was about, could not take time to analyze it, but in view of the Royals of the 12th  She might have been preparing me for that!  If nothing else, to recognize Her by Her Presence – the tapestry/rugs.}

Also dreamed abut Arnold being with me, liking the new dress I chose for a podcast – white with red roses. It’s a portent that my podcast will be a success. Could be that outfit or the entire work.  {End}


9-13-24 More Questions

               ME: To Mother God, Sofija: Mother, this is an event. I am overwhelmed. I have been given four members of the English Royal family to tend to in their Purgatorial state. This is a great privilege & I am humbled. I know God is no respecter of persons & to God we are all equals, lol, but we in America are besotted by Royals, first, the English, & then the others. Why me? Why the HONOR?

        MG:  You were given this ‘honor’ because God – myself, the Holy Virgin – KNEW you could be trusted, would be loyal & capable & would say Masses, pray for them, & do what had to be done. You have proved yourself time & again, so those who have served God properly get more assignments.

        ME: Queen Elizabeth stands out. I will begin the Gregorian Masses for her today; I feel that is what God would want. Does the fact that I loved her in childhood when she was crowned Queen enter into this?

        MG:  Certainy, it’s a link. And it linked you with her affiliates. They’re all in a SIMILAR state so it’s convenient for you to minister to them as one unit – the way you helped Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin, who appeared 

 together, & Rudolf Nureyev & the gay body builder at the same time: “Birds of a feather flock together.”

        ME:  If as I minister, they continue to appear to me & let me know how they’re doing, this could make an entire book. Some people would be fascinated – this is knowledge given to few. How many people access those in Purgatory?

        MG:  So few & why?  Because they don’t care – they do not apply themselves to this quest, they do not daily pray for souls or get Masses for them in general. When they do think about Purgatory it’s usually when a loved one dies. They get some masses pray for a week or two or three, & then sayonara. They don’t realize their loved one maybe be in Purgatory for YEARS needing help. They just forget them, so these souls are forlorn, lonely, abandoned. But then again, while they were alive, what did they do to help souls? So what goes around comes around. They neglected so they are neglected.

        ME:  Did God choose me because there are so few to choose from?  I mean most people don’t give a damn. And also, Holy Mary appearing to me recently with St. Joseph – I had no idea why. This is so rare. Was this a portent of a major event?

        MG:  Lol. Sad but true. God looks upon the earth, & you would think She could find quite a few persons ready, willing & able to help the great Queen, & the marvelous Lady Diana at the very least if not the other two who were less celebrated – to help them in their Purgatorial need. But people are like friends on Face Book. You have thousands of ‘friends’ but when you left FB & tried to connect only two remained, Pete & William, lol. The others were not


TRUE friends, empty, shallow, not God’s love, just bodies making noise mostly. Some are good people but not meant to be your close friends forever, it’s shallow, fly by night, winds of change, fair weather buddies for the most part.

        ME:  What shocked me the most was the state of Lady Diana. I was fooled just as the others were. Here she gave the impression of being the victim of Chares, with his Camilla. But upon further inspection she had this Hindu doctor – Hasnat Khan – purported to be her ‘true love’ & then Dodi – Dodi was especially wrong being a Muslim, against all the protocols of the Royal family.  And she had others.  So how does that make Charles the bad guy when he had one woman he loved - Camilla, while she had many?  And yet, we all blamed Charles for cheating on her, not loving her.  What a farce.

        MG:  The proof of the pudding is in the eating. You know & I know, & she knows, that being in Purgatory for 27 years is a long stretch, proving a lot of sins to be cleansed. That’s the dead giveaway of the state of her heart – it was not clean. She was giving us the impression of goody two shoes only forced to have affairs outside of Charles because he didn’t want her. We were all fooled; her public persona was convincing, her beauty & personality were the mask she hid under. But now she is revealed, you found her out by the Grace of God, & people will know - & she wasn’t happy about this.

        ME:  Was there any dark karma, her being killed with Dodi in the accident?  That’s kind of like saying ‘dying in the middle of sin’ like the lovers in Dante’s inferno, sliding into Hell in each others arms. {I don’t believe that happened, it’s just an analogy, I don’t think the lovers went to Hell in real life.}

        MG:  It was kind of like God saying ‘Let’s end this charade. It’s over. Enough is enough.’

       ME:  I prayed much of the night for them & will continue. Be with me, Mother God & give me Light & Strength.  Thank you!}

PS I just found out Dr. Haznat Khan was also Muslim, Pakistani by birth. So Diana was really stepping out.    {End}       




1 comment:

  1. Wow, excellent work, Rasa! Very interesting dream, and quite an honor indeed! This came out wonderful as usual, with great artwork and plenty of cute fuzzies. I will be sure to share it.

    Best wishes,
