Saturday 14 September 2024

Lady Diana Life Shown Me


The Poor Little Waif who gets Kidnapped-9-14-24


        It’s Lady Diana in Purgatory showing me her pain!


  In this dream, clutching her to my heart as an invisible infant, she takes me on a tour of her life ending with death!


Born July 1, 1961, married 1981 – 20 yrs old – Explains her as an innocent, naive waif, kidnapped by a ‘big man’ –


        I wasn’t even going to type out this dream as I didn’t know who it was about & right now I’m bogged down with work. But upon meditating I realized it was Lady Diana responding to my prayers of yesterday, where I pleaded mercy for her & the other Royals Holy Mary gave me.

        It’s about a girl – 8 years old. A big scandal. She was kidnapped bya man, everyone is looking for her but can’t find her but somehow I connect.

        I see her standing in a place, humble & small, & explaining,

        “He said he would give me $8.”

        I know the child had no concept of money – she was poor - & this seemed like a fortune & she went somewhere with this man, who kidnapped her.  I see her small, alone, the man big, on the left, he’s nebulous. I will put a picture of her as the waif she looked like.

        *{MEANING:  What is a child? Someone vulnerable, innocent & naive. They can be conned or fooled easily. It seems someone sold her a bill of goods – why she should marry him, & she fell for it. To be kidnapped is to be taken against one’s will or reason& then at the mercy of the one that kidnapped you. This is saying Charles conned her to use her for his own purposes.}*

        This scene of the child seemed disconnected with other scenes but the main part f the deam is I have a little girl – is it her? – clasped before my heart & I am taking her on a long quest to find some place, but what that place is & why I don’t know.

        I am a great & powerful being who never touches the ground – I fly.  I hold a tiny girl before my heart – she’s become invisible but she is there. I go through this huge city, flying here, there & everywhere on my quest. I get into some dangerous spots - bad neighborhoods filled with derelicts, evil people; criminals, & I must not allow them to touch me & none of them does through the rest of the dream.

        *{This city is the place of her life & her journey through it, & she’s taking me to show me what she lived. The ‘bad areas’ are the bad spots in her life, where there was no love or support. She did not want to be affected by these which means the evil therof did not pollute her soul or cause her to sin. The good neighborhoods, which I’m trying to reach all the time, were the good spots in her ife & we look forward to a good place seen as a ‘Valhalla’ in the distance – the bluish-gray buildings.}*

        I want to get to a good neighborhood, but it isn’t just physical wealth, it’s something else.  I see this ‘good’ neighborhood in the distance, tall buildings, shining grey & bluish tint & is this the goal?  But as I strive to reach it as I said I hit all sorts of bad places, in particular one was scary.  I go into a bad place, like a block filled with evil persons, & I veer to the left, & another similar place, then another & it seems I’m trapped.  But somehow I find a way out, thank God, & flying to better areas again.

        *{This bad area where she seems trapped is the end of her life, where she does get out – to be explained.}*

        After a while I see another scene of this child, apart from me.

        She is standing {wearing a light green small dress} looking at a man, much bigger than her, wanting a meal. He says


        This is so evil I can hardly believe it, the child is to be starved!

        *{This is the KEY to the meaning of her life going ‘wrong.’ Charles married her under false pretenses, leading her to believe it was love when all the while he loved another woman – Camilla – as everyone soon discovered. She is asking for the NOURISHMENT of LOVE. Love is the main thing in life that gives us what we need – it is the meaning of life, but he COULD NOT give it to her as he did not love her!  And you can’ MAKE someone love you, they either do or they don’t - & from this point her life was heartbroken & disappointing.}*

        I cry out to someone, not sure who,

        “Give that child to me, I will give her a good meal!”

        *{Right now I am trying to figure out how to nourish her & the best way is the Holy Eucharist, which I started saying for her today, as I’m also saying it for Queen Elizabeth, & add to that, one Mass for Prince Philip & Princess Margaret: 3 Masses a day will cover all bases.}*

        This vision was seen in a house long ago, in my old room, where there is a brown bureau of clothes I left behind.  And yet this bureau is the one in my present-day upstairs guest room.  I haven’t been here in a long time – I left home permanently but somehow ‘sneak back’ without fam knowing it, to go through my old clothes there so I can go to a restaurant {is it with the child?} We are going to a class place & I must look presentable.

        *{I am with Di going back a long way – She is done with her family completely, as she is dead. But she wants to review & maybe show me something.  I feel a kind of fear coming back here as I left my fam – like I said - & I should not want to be back, but I have to. When I say “I” did this or that, I am in her, she in me, I am experiencing her life.  BROWN bureau is HER sufferings.}*

        I first see an expensive special embroidered lace top & bottom, long sleeved, with pants. It’s one of the most expensive outfits I ever purchased.  But here the colors have changed, lots of black in the design which wasn’t there before.

        *{This MOST EXPENSIVE outfit {as it was in my own real if} is her most expensive or bad experience, meaning, it COST a lot of pain. Here it’s filled with a shiny BLACK which means death – funeral. This could be death of a relationship, perhaps with Charles, which could be saying, was the most devastating thing to happen to her.}*

        I hold a printed garment next to me & compare with what I have on, but I see the print of my top clashes with the other print. What I have on is like a blue checkered vest. It’s frustrating & I’m in a hurry.

*{I sense this second try at an outfit is she has love, represented by the blue & white vest, which is over the heart – but when she holds the other garment to see if it fits, there is a CLASH. This sounds ike her trying out the relationship with Hasnat Khan – there was a clash between them. He said he could not marry her because if he did, his life would be a Hell! So that DID NOT WORK or fit.}*


  I find an orange pair of semi loose stretch pants & an orange stretch semi-loose top that match but don’t look classy but they don’t clash. Is this what I end up with? These go on top of my other clothes, which is messy.

*{Messy is right. This orange DANGER-DON’T GO HERE! Is the relationship with Dodi Fayed, which sounds like a replacement for Hasnat – they are both Muslims.  She is seeking love desperately – they say Haznat was the love of her life but it was he who broke it off.}*

        This sounds like a short dream but the flying went on & on for what seemed like a long time, with so many obstacles & wicked areas with dangerous people, it was nightmarish.


*{It all went downhill when she discovered Charles didn’t love her.  Notice this part:

“I hit all sorts of bad places, in particular one was scary.  I go into a bad place, like a block filled with evil persons, & I veer to the left, & another similar place, then another & it seems I’m trapped.  But somehow I find a way out, thank God, & flying to better areas again.”

        This is where she was TRAPPED at the end of her life. One bad place  - Charles – didn’t love her. Second bad place Hasnat – didn’t love her. Third last place, Dodi – a warning signal, serious, the most dangerous – orange says STOP.  No way out but death.}*

I continue praying for my Royals which the Holy Virgin gave me & speaking to them each day.

There’s much more to say later.    {End}



1 comment:

  1. Excellent work, Rasa. Very interesting. This one came out great as usual, with great artwork and plenty of cute fuzzies, and I will be sure to share it.

    Best wishes,
