Monday 20 April 2020



          I am some place in a public place – it’s like a restaurant but also a place to meet people & chat.

          *(PUBLIC PLACE, RESTAURANT & CHAT:  This is the internet upon which we find communication & mental / emotional nourishment.)*

           I go to my table or desk & find on the right side a stack of notebooks just like the stack next to my computer.  It contains my work I’m eager to resume.  There’s a female nearby, across from me, who seems like an intelligent good person & I say to her,


          I was serious about this—seeing a couple other women around who seemed likely to want women’s rights.

           *(WE WOMEN SHOULD JOIN UP:  This is my wish all my life, to get women to join & work for our empowerment – but rather than joining me, in the past they have taken cues from me, ideas, & moved forward in different ways.  {There were women who got into body building after me & all forms of female machismo, dominance, being strong, assertive & aggressive – there were people in the mainstream & in personal work, preaching female superiority & empowerment vs male incompetence & redundancy – there’s the FEMEN from the Ukraine who obviously got ideas from me but gave me no credit.}) 

          Later on – two years later, I see this road on the top of which, left, the Pope resides.  Women have climbed to the top, hundreds of them; they are shoulder to shoulder, about 4 women across, carrying placards for women’s rights, to have all the rights men have in the Catholic Church.

          *(WOMEN’S MARCH DOWN HILL WHERE POPE RESIDES, WITH PLACARDS FOR RIGHTS:  To show this as a hill is to show suffering of both the Pope – ‘uneasy lies the head that wears the crown’ - & what women have endured.  Women have suffered the same as men & now demand the same rights – {being Priests, officials in the Church including being Pope, females being altar girls—etc.}

          This does not tell me the time zone here, perhaps it’s saying that what I did has resulted in this mind set or it will bring this about.)*

          I look at this gathering from afar as if ‘in the air’ or on an opposite hill, & I tell someone, show them a vision of two years before, of myself on a TALL SHAGGY BLACK HORSE, the horse has legs that are 2-3 times as high as normal, his coat is shaggy, I’m riding him on this road, demonstrating something & I’m wearing a dull blue shaggy coat also.  I tell this person,


          I see other items here in this retrospective vision, where I was alone, see two small, black, shaggy horses {the size of donkeys} & two round beige carts behind them,  & a man has to hold the carts, at the back, making sure the carts don’t smash into the horses as they’re pulling downhill.

          *(I WAS ALONE ON A HORSE:  Horses mean work – I worked alone.  First it shows a horse I’m on with abnormally long legs – then two black horses like donkeys, shaggy, black, pulling two carts downhill.  It’s all about private, personal work.  One man ‘holding the carts’ is a man who helped me.

          The horse with the

 LONG LEGS:  Legs mean travel, getting somewhere, this implies going a LONG WAY as one can walk or run quickly with long legs.  I guess it refers to the 2.5 months when I WALKED THE STREETS OF A CITY  PREACHING & put up with a lot of shit from people, lots of stress & misunderstanding, people calling the police – police stopped me twice to ask what I was doing, shopkeepers glared at me, individuals threatened to push me into the street or strike me with their canes, people who hated religion yelled at me various accusations, people wasted my time talking endlessly about trivia—people promised to walk with me as I preached but couldn’t stand the stress.  

 In the end I comforted some, inspired a few, helped a soul or two, & learned more in that time than I could have in ten years in a pulpit – learned from the people on the street where they were spiritually—some were afraid of God—some were lost—many men admitted they worshipped ‘darkness.’  That was the ‘long legs.’

 SHAGGY BLACK COAT:  of the horse I am on is the COLD RECEPTION I got from the public - as horses which dwell in the coldest areas on earth have evolved thick, shaggy coats.  The

BLACKNESS of his coat & that of the other horses is probably the lack of reward, appreciation or gratitude for the preaching – it was DEPRESSING.

 MY BLUE SHAGGY COAT:  Just like the work, or horse, I faced coldness from the people & it was depressing.

TWO SMALL BLACK SHAGGY HORSES WITH TWO SMALL ROUND CARTS BEHIND, A MAN HOLDING THEM:  Part II of this project was I fulfilled my promise to God to preach privately, in a loud voice, one hour a day for one month.  Wow, it was harder than you can imagine.  I do recall that it took all my psychological, emotional strength to do this.  I missed only one day that month for simply this:  my friend George called me to chat & we did so for a while – this act alone drained so much energy I could not do it that day. I cannot at this time figure out how this goes with the solitary preaching.  How does it add up?  Or does it mean something else?

 These scenes of my solitary work say that I manifested the GOD ENERGY for two years later, the women gathering to protest the Catholic Church.  I was told by God that those 3.5 months of work, public & private, resulted in what they call the CRISIS of the Catholic Church, which was the revelation of their pedophilia, CHILD ABUSE so rampant for many years & covered up.  Suddenly it came to light, & that was a result of my work—I did nothing personally about the Catholic Church—God applied the grace of it to that issue.
 Somehow God is seeing the reaction to this crisis as women gathering & demanding their rights in the Church.  I’m not sure how this blends in.  The child abuse is no longer front pages, but when the time comes & women move forward, this criminal activity will give a strong argument for them to be admitted as Priests.)*
          I also see a beautiful young animal like a cross between a deer & a camel, beige, prancing behind horses somehow, & I exclaim how beautiful & graceful the animal is—I have sweet love for this animal.

           *(BEAUTIFUL YOUNG GRACEFUL ANIMAL LIKE A DEAR / CAMEL:  This I sense is my Beloved Bob – but what does he have to do with this dream I don’t know.  
          It could be that Bob was a victim of child abuse & he will be released from its effects by the same God Power—I’ve been to Hell & back by him & these other efforts – A priest once told me, “Every saint has to go through Hell to get to Heaven.”)*

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