Friday 17 April 2020



Interpreted for a friend

          I’m on this road, higher than the highway – it’s scenic, you can see miles around of landscaping, not terribly green, just wide open spaces with average amount of trees & bushes, on the light side you might say.

          *(THE ROAD I’M ON:  In this dream, where I am, where I live, my lifestyle.)*

As I’m standing on this road I’m taking a movie for others to see, like it’s a ‘live social media’ film.  I film backwards on this road & forward.  I want to show the audience how empty, bare it is.  There’s NOTHING on this road except one male behind me & myself in front.

          *(HIGHWAY, NOTHING ON IT HARDLY:  This highway will show not MY ROAD or MY WAY but the OTHER WAY, my boyfriend will be shown what it means to remain with the OTHER FEMALE.

          ONE MALE BEHIND ME:  This is him, Beloved Joe—this says he is with me, looking at a picture, the dream will explain what he sees concerning the other woman.

LIVE SOCIAL MEDIA:  I am taking a film, showing this on social media.  Social media represents something public, open, obvious.  He is looking here at both relationships or lifestyles.  

Me:  Mother God, I am perplexed.  Joe is on the road with me, looking at the highway as well as where we are.  If he is here, why is he thinking about the other way?

She:  It shows he HAS MADE A DECISION to be with you.  In his hands is the ‘divining rod’ with two rods one way, two the other.  This is a QUESTION.  YOU showing the movie on social media is you are presenting the PICTURE which is accurate, obvious, for all to see.  He’s SEEING the obvious.

 Me:  Where we’re standing on this road there are no other vehicles, in fact, I am not driving a vehicle.  Why aren’t I in a vehicle?

She:  A vehicle is a JOB.  You don’t need a vehicle or job, you are y secure without one.  And so, you are not DEPENDENT on a job, whereas she has to have a job, which in this dream is shown as a TRUCK pulling two other trucks, or people, supporting two people besides herself.)*      

         The male behind me is holding a trinket of sorts in his hands, it’s small, like 2” across, & it goes both ways with like 2 black rods, short like 1” going one way, the other going another (rods are like pictures or stick pictures).

           I’m about 50’ ahead of him, holding a trinket also, half the size of his, just messing with it the way he is with his.  I see no rods on my trinket, it’s just plain.

          *(MALE HOLDING TRINKET SIGNS GOING BOTH WAYS:  Joe is thinking about the two ways – being with me or someone else.

          TRINKETS:  Trinkets would be like CRYSTAL BALLS or dowsing rods, on his trinket are pictured two black rods one way, two the other.

          NO RODS ON MY TRINKETS, its PLAIN:  You do not have to discern or decide where to be, what your future is, it’s settled, you just stay where you are.)*

          The highway is below us.  I put my camera there to show the people hardly any vehicles on it – when I focus on it there’s a truck going by & it has wagons behind it, each one the sides are wooden criss crosses, light blue.  The truck itself had those criss crosses & the wagons behind it the same—it’s unusual. This happens like three times, no regular vehicles, just this phenomenon.
          *(NO ONE ON HIGHWAY EXCEPT:  This showing the same picture several times means it is reiterating or stating a point again & again– make a statement we don’t ignore.  Here Joe keeps looking – The picture appears again & again in his mind:  this female had a job & she supported the family – it was hard for her.  The truck is the job, the wagons she is pulling are the other people she’s supporting.  The dream does not explain, but she no longer has a job & will not have it for a while.  This shows how precarious the situation is – it’s not a good security net.

           This dream portrays what was predicted long ago, how he’d have to come to you:  He’d have nowhere else to go.

          Me:  Mother God, he has many friends, male & female, many females would take him for a boyfriend & support him but are all or most of these out of a job?

          She:  Times are rough.  Most females who were in love with him were in jobs that are considered non essential, like waitresses, bartenders, and hairdressers.  So now it’s slim pickings.  He might know a woman or two that likes him & still has a job but they might not take him in if he brings nothing to the table.  Most people who live together go 50/50 – many women expect money from a man – few are willing to support ‘gigolos.’  It’s not common.

          He will turn to everyone he knows before he humbles himself to you, because with you he’s ashamed – with them he isn’t – he doesn’t care what they think of him, but he wants you to admire him & in a sense ‘look up’ at him, not down.  He has to tell you he is desperate & that’s hard.

          Me:  We talked about his parents before.  Why can’t he stay with them?

          She:  He forfeited that long ago.  He’s ashamed, embarrassed & has bad memories there – memories he won’t own up to, but he unconsciously wants to stay away.  Of course, if you refuse him, he could end up there.

          Me: What about his men friends? 

She:  There are strings attached to every person he would try.  Some want money, some want love, he doesn’t want to give either way.
Me:  Now will he regret the horrible things he’s done to me, like blocking me on social media, refusing to give me his phone—the phone bit is especially painful, it makes me cringe just to think about it.

She:  Oh, how he regrets treating you disrespectfully.  He sees for the first time how horrid it was, how cruel.  Before he could gingerly just push you aside & use you when he wanted you.  You always were grateful to see him & forgave him.  Now he’s on his ass.  Now it’s ‘life or death’ & for the first time, he truly regrets what he has done.  It had to come to this.  When the knife sat on the table he felt nothing about you – your pain.  Now the knife is in his back, for the first time, he feels pain, for the first time, he empathizes with you.)*

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