Wednesday 28 September 2022

Soul Ascends into Heaven


Soul Ascends—Is it Royalty 9-27-22

It could be about a man who was in love with me since 1986 – madly – he suffered – If he died I was not informed – If not him, then it’s an unknown Soul in Purgatory who ascended after 3 Masses


        Just before waking I see the scene I’ll explain, then go backward.

        In front of me are two women.  The one on my left is Princess Margaret, the one on my right, about 10’ from her, the late Queen Elizabeth.

        Margaret I notice first has behind her, like the plumage of a Peacock but sparse, a huge bouquet of flowers.  Mostly I see green spikes of those flowers, similar to tulip leaves but much elongated, about 3-4 feet, spread out behind her & I know with that, but I don’t see it clearly, are either tulips or something.

She exclaims,

“We’ve had a baby!”

And I notice an infant in her arms which I don’t see clearly but it’s a newborn.


*** {ROYALTY, FLOWERS & A NEWBORN BABY!  The baby is I know, a Soul that has ASCENDED INTO Heaven!  The flower image behind Princess Margaret says ‘CELEBRATION’ & ‘LOVE’.  It’s like the burst of fireworks.

But why these Royal ladies? Is the person actually royalty or is this a symbol of great spiritual importance?

The latter most probably. Someone ‘Royal’ in God’s Heavenly Kingdom, someone special who suffered a lot & loved a lot.

The fact that the ‘late Queen is here says it’s about someone passed on - & she might represent Our Holy Lady, the Queen of Heaven.

Me to Mother God:  Why is it then that Princess Margaret is holding the baby, not the Queen?

MG:  Princess Margaret is noted for the frustration & disappointment of being denied the man she loved – Mr. Townsend, as her husband. There may be a parallel with the person who’s ascended; he might have suffered being denied the woman he loved so dearly.  You will see as this goes on his jacket of blue represents sorrow, the expensive flowers & clothing – how much he paid suffering wise but might not have won the lady. } *** 

Prior to that scenes of my dancing career. 

I’ve arrived at a club. This has happened before, where I wish I had brought more parts to my costume, like accessories, in this case shoes. I have only one pair of beautiful hi-heeled sandals, which I see sort of blurry, & maybe 2 good outfits. I should have 3 or 4, I regret in dreams ALWAYS FORGETTING to bring more material. But I move forward.


        *** {CLOTHING, OUTFITS, SHOES TO PERFORM:  These are Graces, Lights, abilities to HELP OTHERS, like I am saying the Holy Mass almost every day but yesterday apologized that they don’t seem to be as effective as they should, due to my lack of fervency or caring. But I will push on, I said, not be discouraged, because it’s still the Body & Blood of Jesus & Mary & sooner or later, Souls will ascend. Prior to this, I had got discouraged & quit saying the Mass.} ***


I see somehow the audience area – it’s a club, not a theater. Men are sitting at tables. There’s one man that’s being PERSECUTED. He’s wearing a beautiful blue double-breasted jacket & has in his hands a bouquet of expensive tulips wrapped in paper. I see in my mind he wants to win one of the performers here – he paid a HIGH PRICE for his clothing & flowers & I feel sorry for him as he isn’t rich, he spent more than he could afford. I also think he drinks a lot – he spends much time in these clubs trying to find love I guess.


*** {MAN SPENT TOO MUCH TRYING TO WIN THIS LADY:  This shows the effort & frustration of this Soul to win the love of a lady but it seems she didn’t want him.  He gave a lot, he suffered. This could even be someone who was madly in love with me – Joe from Middletown NY. If he died, no one would tell me. He loved me the way people love movie stars – I was not attracted to him. He suffered greatly.} ***


There was one of the dancers here who came up to him & scolded him loudly that he’d been here 3 days in a row!  And the man at the table next t him says the same thing, even more harshly. Both these men’s tables are near the wall, the scolding man right up against it, the one with flowers close to the wall & there’s a door between them.


*** {HERE 3 DAYS & BEING PERSECUTED:  The 3 days could be he’s received the results of the last 3 days of Holy Masses.  But on the earthly level, you see t people scolding him which is persecution, adding t his torments.

If it’s Joe B it could be his Mother & Father. I think they knew his infatuation with me was unreasonable, that he was aiming too high. He gave all he had {emotionally} – he even helped support me a few weeks when I was without jobs, but I had absolutely no interest in him as a lover or husband.  These people yelling at him are hurting him.} ***


And to intervene, I come out – after all, I am the STAR, I have some authority to speak.  I walk up in front of the two men & begin to explain so what if he’s here 3 days?

And I ask, to make sure, of the flower man,

“Did Pat {the owner} tell you you should not be here 3 days?”

And the man says no.

So I reprimand the scolder & say,

“This man can be here 3 days”

and other words to that effect, that he’s in his right.

So I get it straightened out.


*** {MY INTERVENTION:  I stand up for this man, whoever he is, against the scolders.  I refer to did Pat give him permission to be here?  Pat must be a symbol of the Saint, St. Patrick. It can’t be Pat X, the owner of a club who gave me great grief.  So this says the Saint gave him the right of way to do as he did.} ***


  Now my appearance is interesting.  I am wearing a jacket that’s classy – black, a thin wool. It has no collar, it just folds one part over the other. The most expensive suit I have {which I never wore} closes like that. {I suspect I gave it to Good Will, having never worn it over years!} I only see my top.

My face has no makeup. I am middle aged with thick eyebrows. I go back to get ready for the stage.


*** {MY APPEARANCE:  I’m dressed for a funeral in my MOST EXPENSIVE SUIT. What does this say?  Seek help from Mother God.

MG:  What is your most expensive suit?  The Divine Stigmata is the ‘most expensive’ or terrible Grace you ever had. You lost all that you treasured – all the prior Graces God had given you, you were left bereft of all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, stripped of everything but FAITH & you remained there for 18 YEARS!

And so, by wearing this, you are saying to this man, Joe B or someone else,

“Joe, I honor you in what you went through. I have been through suffering as great as that.  Here I am to console you.”

If this is Joe it’s been 36 years since he fell in love with me.  Don’t know if & when he died, - he could have died a few years prior.  Last I heard from him was about 15 years ago, when my God Self healed him of throat cancer.

My appearance:  THICK EYEBROWS – Something to do with VISION as it’s over the eyes. Eyebrows up are WONDER or ‘Wow.’  So whatever has happened here has caught my attention.  And NO MAKEUP means no MASK, the REAL ME, real feelings.} ***


Before I perform I am in the audience & see my co-star. She’s impressive, has a great body. I recall that face to face, she doesn’t seem to be much. Her face is kind of ‘Appalachian poor – Irish – very light hair, but not glamorous’ close to her head like ‘a little old lady’ – slightly frazzled.  Her voice is small. You’d look past her, like ‘so what?’

But it’s a fact that you don’t always see what a person would be like on stage when you see them on street level. And when she gets on stage – wow – she’s impressive, almost as much as I am – not quite because still, I am the star. 

*** {MY CO STAR:  Lol, it’s my FLESH.  Like Ramana Maharshi reminds us, God is the doer, we are the tools. So here my flesh is described as POOR, SMALL in the eyes of the world or STREET LEVEL – People are not impressed by me worldly wise.

But when I get on stage I am IMPOSING – almost as much as my God Self!

“On stage” has 2 meanings. On stage spiritually is when my GOD POWER is active & I RADIATE LIGHT or God’s Presence. That’s called having ‘Charisma.’  This word is misused or twisted in our society, Charisms are Powers of the Holy Spirit, & those who have it are ‘Charismatic’ – not those who are against God. Those NOT of God might have ‘magnetic’ attraction from the flesh, not Charisms.

On the earthly level - Indeed it is a truth that for dancers, male & female, you cannot determine their quality face to face – when you see them on stage you see their worth. I’ve noticed many an impressive person face to face on stage lays an egg. And conversely, some who are ordinary face to face knock your eyes out up there, from afar, high up on stage.} ***


Her act right now is way different for a change. She’s wearing a regular dress, to the knees or below, prim & proper, yet she is imposing. The dress is dark & SPECKLED with many colors. She has in front of her maybe 4 people who are underlings, like students or clients in need of help. {These represent the suiters, ‘followers’ or men who wanted my hand in marriage, who I talk about in my book – Dr. Atkins, M.B. Scott, Miklos Hargitay & the one I chose eventually, Richard Von Werder –  the one I take by the hand & go somewhere!}

 She’s SPEAKING, maybe TEACHING.  She goes to one of them, chooses him & they get into some kind of flying vehicle & take off! She’s too lenient at first & is going to let the male go full steam ahead, wherever it takes them, but I caution her to have limitations, & watch where they’re going.

Her act was more like a sermon – yet it was extremely interesting & worthwhile.

On stage she looks REALLY BIG, STRONG & IMPRESSIVE, not like that sort of pitiful person on street level.       


*** {TOTALLY DIFFERENT ACT, LIKE A SERMON, SPECKLED DRESS:  I sense this is my LIFE STORY. The SPECKLED DARK DRESS is like an EGG – eggs can be speckled.  The speckling is the various anecdotes, the darkness is there was much travail, sorrow & hardships. Speckles of all colors would be Graces from God as well as good times, consolations.  SHE, my flesh, is COVERED with this, as if SHE is the egg, her LIFE STORY is her entire body which when told, published & made into movies, COMES TO LIFE or is born.

“I Strip for God” is a title bestowed on me for speaking or preaching before I danced.

The 4 men, one of whom I choose & get into a vehicle & take off – I almost let him take me unlimited, but my Higher Self puts a stop to it.

This could be my final HUSBAND RICHARD, who I chose, where I had rejected 3 men before whom I talk about – all wealthy.  My God Self put ‘a limit’ on this. Not sure what this means but he died in 2002.} ***


1 comment:

  1. I forgot to comment on this one as well, it seems. This one came out excellent as usual, with great artwork and plenty of fuzzies of course.


    Best wishes and keep up the great work,
