Wednesday 26 October 2022

Letters About Neoliberalism

Letters by Pete Jackson (Ajax the Great), Rasa Von Werder, and William Bond:


By the way, I found a great article today about neoliberalism, that topic that I have written about in the past:

Neoliberalism is the modern version of the religion of the world, the flesh, and the devil, basically.  And it inevitably creates a dystopian hell on earth.  It basically began with Milton Friedman in the early 1970s, was first exported to the Global South (starting with Pinochet in Chile), and then was adopted by both Reagan and Thatcher, and almost every politician ever since.  Left and right have become two wings of the same bird, basically.   And the rest is history....

Noam Chomsky calls it "late capitalism", the terminal stage of this cancerous system as it slowly self-destructs and  devours all it can before it finally dies.  One could also call it "late patriarchy" all the same, for the same toxic reasons.



Good God, Pete.  This Neoliberalism sounds spooky & the fact that it's being employed, was employed, I never even knew such a POV was in existence.  But it's ominous, evil.

If what you say is true then good, the last pangs & it dies.


Amen to that!

Good evening, Rasa.   Very true indeed.  I found another such article too today:


wow the way you describe neoliberalism, people should see it


Indeed, I had written articles about it in the past.  And I will likely write another one about it soon as well.

Best wishes and have a nice day,


Neoliberalism is simply a financial system where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.



Well-said, William.  It's a "reverse Robin Hood economics" system:  Rob from the poor, give to the rich, and torpedo what's left of the middle class, basically.  Rinse and repeat. Eventually there are only two classes left:  master, and serf.

Here is a good Glossary of Neoliberal Newspeak:

"Austerity" = HUNGER GAMES (for all but the rich, of course)

"Shared sacrifice" = see "Austerity"

"Trickle-down" = TINKLE-DOWN and VACUUM UP

"Supply-side Economics" = see "Trickle-down"

"Growth" = GREED


"Poverty" = a feature of neoliberalism, not a bug, to say the quiet part out loud

"Flexibility" = where only the employees, NOT the employers, are expected to be flexible.

"Public goods" = something to be avoided at all costs

"Deficit spending" = only bad when THEY say it is, otherwise it is good clean fun

"Balanced budget" = balanced on the backs of the working class, that is

"Efficiency" = whatever benefits the oligarchs, no matter how wasteful

"Waste" = anything that benefits the non-rich, no matter how useful

"Entitlement" = a pejorative for anything that benefits the non-rich, especially the poor 

"Welfare" = the ultimate snarl word, even worse than "public".  See "Entitlement".


"Freedom" = only for the elites

"Rules" = always for thee, NOT for me!


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