Friday 31 May 2024

Help Male in Purgatory


5-31-24 Meaningful Descent into Purgatory

I Assist a Male Soul Improve his State

 I have had many visitations to Purgatory via dreams & visions during the last couple months, but been totally preoccupied with other spiritual work as well as huge problems, have not recorded them.  But now that my latest book is published was published the 29th I feel more free so here goes last night’s vision.

         I went to a place that was dangerous as there were hundreds of hoodlums here & much violence.  Police were all over the place trying to manage them.

         It’s a sort of vast street scene & the persons minglig outside are all DIRTY like wearing dirty cothes & their bodies & faces are covered with dirt.  They are ruffians, criminals, violent toward each other & anyone they might.

         I’m behind a long wall {inside a long building} with all windows along it but for some reason I decide to go out there & face one of their leaders on behalf of a young {below the age of 30, maybe even a teen, but her age is vague} female I call my daughter.

         So I go out there, oblivious to any bullets that might fly & walk toward the right where this man, his head covered with dirty white rags as if it’s injured, & the dirty clothes as all the others are wearing & dirt on his face & body, & say to him, presenting the female on my left,

         “This is my daughter.”

         I say her name, which sounds Spanish, like this might be a Mexican neighborhood.  By presenting this female as my daughter I am somehow preventing her from being hurt – like everyone is in danger here unless they have special protection, & in doing this I prevent both him & any of his associates from hurting this female.  I see something blue about her, not sure what.

         Now later I cannot find my daughter & I go looking for this leader.

         He is no longer in the dirty neighborhood, nor is he dirty.  I find him in a room in a decent hotel, a small but clean, comfortable room.  He’s sitting.  His hair is totally different.  He’s clean; no more dirt anywhere, clean clothes, clean face & body & now I see he’s young & attractive, maybe 25, also thin.

         His hair is interesting.  His scalp surrounding his forhead & around the head is bound up & his hair is big & wide in an Afro going several inches away from his head around it & also on top.  He is totally different than what he was, & when I ask him does he know where my daughter is, he agrees with me that

         “She might have gone off with someone.”

         Then an unpleasant scene.

         I have decided to make love with one of these lowlifes – why I have no idea.  We’re lying on a bed where we are about to do it, & he is ugly.  He’s very short, no shape to him, just up & down  - like he’s only 5’ tall & his penis is about 2”!  I am thinking,

         “Wow, how do I get out of this?  I sure don’t want to suck his penis!”

         Not only is he repulsive but all his friends are around they they can see us, which adds to the unpleasantness & even danger as some of them might think it’s their turn to make love to me!

I was perturbed about my daughter going off & being perhaps nt under my protection. Could be in danger here. {End} 


         *{Purgatory to be sure.  The scene is souls who were sinners in life, perhaps in the way portrayed here; gang bangers.

Who are you & your daughter?  It’s the Mother God within you who has entered this sphere but this is saying that it’s the work of your FLESH that is significant in getting souls released or improved.  That makes sense.  Only in our flesh do WE GAIN MERIT, not with our “soul” or “God Self.” So you are presenting your daughter/flesh to this man, she is the MINISTER or agent of Grace to him! But where does the Grace come from?  The God Self, in Union with Infinity! This is interesting, as it portrays how we are but vessels, not the ones with the Power, but we are used to help others in the transmission of Grace, on earth & in Purgatory.

  We must have bodies to gain merit – that is why the souls in Purgatory cannot pray for themselves, do good deeds or anything to gain merit.

Then it says you can’t find your daughter & you are anticipating making love to someone who repulses you {but he’s real excited about this intercourse, which is imminent but does not actually occur-we are both naked because he sees me as I am, I see him as he is—he says whoopee, I say ‘ugh’} & you see other ugly souls who might want like wise—all men, the gang bangers.

Why are you now separated from your flesh & why are you repulsed by this soul you are planning to transmit Grace to? According the teaching of this dream, you need her to do something to become the minister of Grace, & by yourself you cannot transmit Grace to this soul or other ones who might be in need of it—It’s a JOINT EFFORT of soul with body – that is why the Saints in Heaven cannot directly help the Purgatorial souls – they must use us as Portals!  The ugliness of these souls is the filth of their sins.

And so, apparently, your flesh did no more after that one act where the ‘leader’ was cleansed –you quit for the day. {You were tired.}

The completely improved state of the ‘leader,’ his new residence, is what happened after the three Masses you said last night.  His sins were cleansed.  He’s not yet ascended, but greatly improved..

His appearance – clean skin is his being is clean, clean clothes are the vibrations or lights surrounding him--the mantle of energy.  His hair, no more bandages around his head which indicate injury or woundedness. His hair is now positive thoughts, his mind was disturbed before.

When you presented your daughter to him it was like this,

Look, sinner, here is my flesh.  You cannot wound her {by your sinfulness} because I am the God Power & I will use her l to transmit Grace to you.  Honor her.

This dream underscores the importance of a Celestial being taking us to Purgatory – flesh cannot enter there by itself.  It has to be a Saint, an Angel or one’s God Self.

The improved room the ‘leader’ is in is his consciousness. }*  {end} 







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Wednesday 22 May 2024

Gifts from Saint


Saint gives me Gifts 5-22-24 

I’m some place public – maybe a restaurant - & a man comes up to me & gives me one of those large 33 rpm music albums.  I’m on a stool, he’s to my right – I don’t know him.  The front cover is beautiful different pink shades & the music is classical & he & his associates produced it.

         He’s a stocky guy, big head, early middle age.  He goes away.

I continue to sit & I’m facing the right where a male friend is sitting & we are taking.  I then show him my album gift & show him the various pieces of music in it.

         Unknown to me, the man who gave me the album was sitting watching me; he’s behind me at the L shaped crook in the bar.

         The time of this is uncertain about when he gave me this other gift – before or after the album.  But it’s a pair of summer shorts.  How did he guess what would fit me & what I’d like but he did.  They are loose, not too loose, they will fit.  The color is khaki, & on the front are written messages in black, in a rustic way.  I tell him how much I like this.

         Then after he sees me show the album to my friend he comes back & has an arm full of clothing items for me.  Some will suit me to wear, others will not.  There are so many it’s a bit overwhelming.  Sense image material must be me trying on many packages of clothing yesterday from Temu & most of them were unsuitable & I put them in the thrift store bag.  I learned much from this, what type of clothing look right on me, what looks weird.  Learned a lot, now I will no longer order certain type things.

         And so I look through these items & that’s it.



Pics:  St. Charbel of Lebanon

    *{A Saint is helping me with Graces.  First he gives me a Gift seen as music.  I apparently do well with the Gift as I am promoting or passing on the Gift to someone & so he gives me more Grace.  This is seen as a pair of shorts.  In real life I received a casual t-shirt with writing on it concerning Jesus – that’s the sense image material, that’s a Gift I did receive, I really love the t- shirt.

And then, he gives me more Gifts as I seem to be co-operating.  Some Gifts are for me, but many are for others they don’t ‘suit’ me but they will be good for others.  And the clothing I put into the thrift box bag represents the Graces & Gifts not for me personally but for Souls in Purgatory.

Who this Saint is, I don’t know.  But I did meet a new man at the car repair shop who is fixing my car & he is a man of God.  He is either a symbol of a Saint or he is the Saint.}*


         Other Dream


         About a week or so ago dreamed of Gordon Ramsay, who appeared as Tom Selleck, which I know means the pure, perfect love of Jesus, & an Asian man.  They were both in a room with you & both were going to make love to me.  How lucky can one get?

         The Asian man was blown up like someone who lifts weights, like smooth sausages of his arms, legs, his whole body like attractive smooth sausages, not tall, his skin a nice khaki color.  He was very close to my bed, he’s sitting on the floor next to my bed, his body facing me but looking at Tom.

He’s naked.

         Tom’s in the middle of the room, tall a big person.  He’s smiling the entire time.  He has on two colorful stretch body hugging tops.  I ask him something & then I say,

         “Take off your clothes,”

         And he does so.

         Although they’re supposed to be making love to me, the dream ends there, lol.


         *{This is definitely concerning Gordon Ramsay’s dealing with this poor Asian man, who he helped restore his restaurant from failure to success.

         Gordon appearing as Tom represents the highest spiritual, sacrificial love.  This tells me where his heart it.

         The Asian man likewise is a Saint.

         Both are going to ‘make love’ to me is a symbol of Love – they will transmit love to me.

         Me asking Gordon to take his clothes off & he doing it is I wanted to know what he is really like at base & he revealed himself to me – the purest most perfect love  That’s what he shoes to these people who he straightens out, even though his methods seem brutal at times.}*


Want to work 4 Souls 4-11-24


                 Have been so preoccupied with struggles around the house have not been able to concentrate on dreams, even though some of them were about Souls.  When the mind is on the OUTSIDE & the dreams unfold interiorly, the dreams suffer.  But after many days finally one comes through I recall pretty well.

         I’m on a long highway to town & on my way to work.  But there are cars behind me I want to lose & do so by turning off the road, then left again back onto it & I come to a place that is not highway but I must remember the way.

         Am having trouble with the way & asking directions of some people around me – I must get to a club to dance.  Worried about how I look.  I know I’ve lost a huge amount of weight & have wrinkles on my thighs, & the idea comes to me to wear stockings that come up to the top of the thighs & they have thick rubber bands on top, like an inch or so thick.  That might hide the wrinkles.  I completely forgot about that, & this will serve me in real life {for pictures.}

         As I look in the mirror I am surprised by how THICK my hair is.  It’s dark, beautiful, shiny, & wavy.  As I look at it it almost grows in front of me, I touch it & think how great it’ll look on stage – why was I wanting to get a hair cut?  This is the most striking part of the dream.

         A couple days ago dreamed of wanting to work, & a contest like a fitness or beauty contest where I was disappointed they only gave me second place.  I see a line of women getting u to a stage or platform & being judged – they are all TERRIBLE in looks & whatever they do.  They need me – this show whatever it is.  I hurry.  I have costumes made of net with beautiful silver beads all over them.  I get them out but they are all tangled up. I struggle to untangle them.  In the end I cannot take out all the kinks but I can adjust somehow to put some hooks from the outfit to my back buns & it’ll hold it that way.  Now I will get on the stage & do what has to be done – an audience is waiting for a good performer & I have what it takes.


         *{This concerns my struggles to assist Souls in Purgatory,  Myself performing & all that goes to prepare for it is always that.}*



Sunday 19 May 2024

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You MUST hear this if you want to know about God.  After explaining the worst torments in Hell he comes to the coup'de'gras.......what is even worse, & he tells the TRUTH.  Beyond all the bizarre & horrendous torture one absolute pain remains that made him CRY in despair - that he would never see or experience the Love of Our Lord again! Yes, this is true.  All the Saints say it.  St. Alphons Liguori explains the worst pain both in Purgatory & Hell is the absence of God.  Of course, in Purgatory its partial.  But in Hell complete.  And they SUFFER for it amazing as it may seem as they WANTED to shut God out!  It isn't sins per se, it's the REJECTION of God that puts us there!  And once it happens, it's TOO LATE!

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Happy Mother's Day!

By Ajax the Great (Pete Jackson)

(Originally posted on the Vive La Difference! blog)

First, I would like to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful Mothers out there.  You are, after all, literally the reason why the human race even exists at all, despite the fact that the work you do is grossly undervalued in so many way by our twisted capitalistic and patriarchal society.  In other words, your beautiful feminine energy is essentially what keeps the rest of us alive.  

Thank you.

I would also like to note and lament how, for all the shallow platitudes America likes to throw around about "Mothers and apple pie", we are still a nation that perpetually continues to screw over Mothers and pregnant Women in so many ways.  Years ago, the legendary Guru Rasa Von Werder shared with us a poignant and in-depth article from Vox (see here) with us that illustrates the various ways in which that is true.  This article should truly be food for thought indeed.  Our patriarchal and capitalistic society clearly has a "cult of motherhood", in which the "ideal" of motherhood is so highly vaunted, worshipped even, but in practice actual Mothers themselves get about as much genuine respect as Rodney Dangerfield.  Both during and after pregnancy, so many Mothers are routinely discriminated against, overworked, underpaid, and even outright criminalized in many cases.  And meanwhile, there is to this day a powerful faction of mostly male politicians that is doing everything in their power to deny Women their right to choose whether or not to get (or stay) pregnant in the first place.  Indeed, the rank hypocrisy of our utterly misogynistic, hypocritical, and pharisaical system is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Meanwhile, old Buckminster Fuller (who, not coincidentally, believed that Women should rule the world) must be spinning in his grave right now.  With today's technology and innovation, there is literally no legitimate reason why we as a society need "everybody and their mother" (literally!) to "work for a living" unless they really wanted to.  There are more than enough resources in the world for everyone on this planet to live like a millionaire, but the greedy oligarchs who control such resources apparently don't want to share.  Combined with the outdated scarcity mentality that men tend to favor (as opposed to the abundance mentality that Women tend to favor), those same oligarchs have also done everything in their power to sabotage any alternatives (i.e. free and renewable energy) to their own evil system that they force upon the rest of us.  So why make them even richer?

Additionally, just as we should "dispense with the absolutely specious notion that everybody needs to earn a living" (in Bucky's words), so too should we jettison the equally specious and outdated idea that "everybody must procreate" as though it were a civic duty.  Not only does today's technology make much useful human labor redundant, but the world is grossly overpopulated and will only get more so in the coming decades, and despite the abundance of the world's resources we are chewing through them like there is no tomorrow while destroying the planet.  And the main cause of that overpopulation is--wait for it--MEN.  Because they are the ones who, both historically and today, force, coerce, deceive, and/or brainwash Women to have kids that they otherwise would not want or are not yet ready for.  Men like to "get 'em while they're young" and then use them as serial breeding slaves, essentially, and all the euphemisms in the world do not change that fact.  It is really no coincidence that the two most effective (and ethical) ways to reduce overpopulation and excessively high birthrates are 1) female empowerment and 2) poverty reduction, while everything else is a mere sideshow.  Because when Women actually have a free and genuine choice on when or whether or not to reproduce, they usually make the right choices overall.  After all, they are the ones who have the most "skin in the game".  So let the planetary healing begin!

(And ICYMI, all of this applies a fortiori in the wake of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, which is now fully in the rearview mirror and rapidly fading from view.  Mothers have clearly faced a whopping triple burden thanks to all the lockdowns, school closures, job losses and stuff like that, followed by persistent shortages in, and high prices for, childcare availability after reopening.  Don't ever let the powers that be try to gaslight anyone into thinking otherwise, or memory-hole it.)


Latest Article Roundup From Ajax The Great (Pete Jackson)

By Ajax the Great (Pete Jackson)

(Originally posted on the True Spirit of America Party blog and Vive La Difference! blog)


"Big Tech is the new Big Tobacco" is often bandied about these days.  And while that has a kernel of truth to it (a kernel the size of a cornfield, in fact), it is also used by authoritarian zealots with a very illiberal (and ageist) agenda.  Mandatory age verification, censorship, repealing Section 230, and other related illiberal restrictions would open up the door to many unintended consequences to privacy, cybersecurity, and civil rights and liberties in general.  Even those adults who don't support youth rights will eventually experience these consequences sooner or later.  Kafka, meet trap.  Pandora, meet box.  Albatross, meet neck.  And of course, baby, meet bathwater. 

And none of these things will actually solve the collective action problem of Big Tech and the "Social Dilemma".  But here are some things that will, in descending order of priority and effectiveness:

  1. First and foremost, take a "Privacy First" approach as recommended by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).  Pass comprehensive data privacy legislation for all ages that, at a minimum, would ban surveillance advertising, and ban data brokers too.
  2. Audit the algorithms and internal research of the Big Tech giants, and make the results publicly available for all to see.  Sunlight is truly the best disinfectant. 
  3. Require the strictest and safest privacy settings to be the default settings for all users of all ages, which can then be adjusted more liberally by the users themselves.  For example, "friends only" sharing and "no DMs enabled from people whom one does not follow" by default.  And allow the option to turn off all DMs completely as well.
  4. Require or incentivize the use of various "architectural" safety features on all social media, such as various nudges, #OneClickSafer ("stop at two hops") to reduce the pitfalls of frictionless sharing, and increase the use of CAPTCHAs to root out the pervasive toxic bots.
  5. If after doing that, We the People feel that we must still get stricter in terms of age, then don't make things any stricter than current California standards (i.e. CCPA and CAADCA).  That is, a "Kids Code" would be fine as long as it is properly written and doesn't result in censorship or mandatory age verification. 

The first two items on the list in particular would of course be vehemently opposed by Big Tech.  That's because their whole business model depends on creepy surveillance advertising and creepy algorithms, and thus incentivizing addiction for profit.  They would thus have to switch to the (gasp!) DuckDuckGo model if these items were done.  (Plays world's smallest violin) That would of course be tantamount to throwing the One Ring into the fires of Mount Doom, in J.R.R Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.

For another, related collective action problem, what about the emerging idea of phone-free schools?  Fine, but to be fair, how about phone-free workplaces for all ages as well?  In both cases, it should ONLY apply while "on the clock", which for school would be best defined as being from the opening bell to the final bell of the day, as well as during any after-school detention time.  And of course, in both cases, there would have to be medical exemptions for students and employees who need such devices for real-time medical monitoring (glucose for diabetes, for example).  Surely productivity would increase so much as a result that we could easily shorten the standard workweek to 30-32 hours per week (8 hours for 4 days, or 6 hours for 5 days) with no loss in profits?  But that would make too much sense.

Other good ideas we would endorse are a voluntary smartphone buyback program (similar to gun buybacks), and perhaps even paying people to voluntarily delete or deactivate their social media accounts for a time. That would accomplish far more than any realistic mandatory measures would.

Another possible idea is simply to slow down by design the pace of these social media platforms.  Much like #OneClickSafer mentioned above, adding a little bit of friction to an otherwise frictionless system can help tame the very real dark side of that system.  I mean, would you willingly drive on a frictionless surface (such as ice)?  Of course you wouldn't.

Note that internet connection speeds are more than ten times faster (!) today on average than in 2010.  That leaves a LOT of room for adding back friction!

And finally, the idea of banning certain questionable design features (infinite scroll, autoplay, etc.) may be controversial in terms of whether such features are protected by the First Amendment, but we believe that those features per se are not automatically protected, unless the ban is deliberately  abused to censor specific content.  If such bans are truly content-neutal, we are fine with that. 

We must remember that, at the end of the day, Big Tech is NOT our friend.  But neither are the illiberal control freak zealots.  These measures that we endorse will actually make both sides quite angry indeed.  But truly that's a feature, not a bug.

Big Tech can go EFF off!


At this moment in history, it is safe to say that we are currently living through a counterrevolution (both sexual and otherwise) of epic proportions.  Most of the "conservatives" of today are actually reactionaries, and it goes way beyond Trump.  The overturning of Roe v. Wade was just the beginning, alas.  In 2021, and perhaps even earlier, some pundits and commentators were already predicting this trend, but now it is becoming increasingly obvious.  And if left unchecked, it will very easily lead to Margaret Atwood's worst nightmare.  Slopes are MUCH slippery than they appear.

Read this piece of writing, for example.  It looks like it could easily have been written by any one of today's increasingly regressive reactionaries, but it was actually written by a famous pastor, theologian, and Confederate soldier and chaplain in 1871. The similarities are truly uncanny!

People often say that voting doesn't matter since all elections are rigged. While they are rigged to one degree or another, the fact remains that if enough people vote, it becomes that much HARDER to rig.  If nothing else, voting is one of many ways to put positive energy and vibrations out into the Universe.  Keep that in mind this (and every) November. 

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Monkey Bibi apologized to dad for breaking the egg while Bibi was hungry...

Saturday 4 May 2024

Handsome Boy WEARS HELMET To AVOID GIRLS, What Happens Is Shocking | Dha...

12 Times Animals Took Revenge On Humans

These 3 Chimp Attacks Are The Most SAVAGE of All Time!

Cop Saves Woman From Getting Eaten Alive

How Strong is a Gorilla Compared to a Human?

Koko The Talking Gorilla

Kinabuhi - Award Winning Documentary Short Film

An ancient way of life under threat from modernity | Gaucho | Full Film

Surviving Nathan Chasing Horse’s alleged ‘cult,’ The Circle - The Fifth ...

Andrew Cohen's Dark Secrets - How I Created A Cult - S01 EP02 - Cult Doc...

Unveiling Andrew Cohen - How I Created A Cult - S01 EP01 - Cult Documentary

Messiah Or Manipulator?: Escaping the Grip of Sun Myung Moon's Unificati...

Fred And Rose West: The Couple That Killed 12 Girls | World’s Most Evil ...

The Cunning And Murderous Landlady | World’s Most Evil Killers | Real Crime

When Loud Music Leads to Murder... | The Case of the Carr Family

11 YO Boy Disappears– 27 Years Later, They Find This | The Case of Jared...

The Watts' Babysitter Interview - What She Saw Hours Before It All Happened

Chris Watts wants out of prison! (He's got a new friend helping him!)

We Now Understand Why Chris Watts Confessed To Killing His Wife

RAW: Chris Watts confesses to killing pregnant wife, daughters after pol...

The Watts Family Tragedy *Includes Never-Before-Seen Footage* | Beyond T...

Before Chris Watts was Chris Coleman—Killed his family to be with his co...

Murdered His Family Because They Were Eating Ramen—Before Chris Watts Wa...

Why Holy Mary is Equal to Jesus - She created Him

What's wrong with the Catholic Church? Why is it declining?

Wednesday 1 May 2024

The LIES of The Jehovah's Witness Cult: Wolves in Sheep Clothing

The Best BAKING Tips & Recipes | Ultimate Cookery Course | Gordon Ramsay

Nikola Tesla: "The Spirit of God is Not What You Think" (full explanation)

Why My Parents Tried To Kill Me | Minutes With

Why Do Sheikh Mohammed's Wives Hate Their Rich Husband?

Sheikha (Princess) Latifa Al Maktoum - FULL VIDEO - Escape from Dubai - ...


Kicked Out Chef Refuses To Leave Parisian Restaurant | Kitchen Nightmare...

Bishop's Eyewitness Account: Mother Mary Brings NEW HEAD to Car Crash Vi...